Pastor E.A Adeboye Sermon_ HOPE For The HOPELESS

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our hands to the Most High God and bless his holy lineage give him glory even wanna give him adoration bless His Holy Name thank him for we thank him for what he has done for you thank him for what he will yet to do give him all glory all khana all adoration bless His Holy Name bless the King of Kings the Lord of lords bless the Ancient of Days pleasant changeable change' worshiping adore him give him glory give him Hana is worthy to be praised is worthy to be a dog is worthy to be magnified there's no one like him worship Him worship the Ancient of Days magnify his holy name today present again and again and again bless His Holy Name bless you Salina bless you Selena oh thank you Father glory be to your holiness thank you Father thank you all my tickle thank you fine in Jesus mighty name would have prayed I wanted to lift our voice to the Almighty God I say father every evil report concerning me change it right now go ahead talk to the Almighty God everybody fought against me change it right now father every fall apart from doctors from evil prophets from enemies known and alone from forces of darkness every good reports against me she eat right now father change it right now oh yes Lord everybody force against me changes right now right now right now right now any report that says I would I change it Lord every report that says I would I burn change it Lord every reporter says our weed I won't change it Lord every report that says I will never succeed change it Lord every report that says I will reach my goal change it Lord every will report against me everybody fought against my family every evil report against my children every report that is evil against my success in life Oh Lord God Almighty change it now every evil report against me against my family against my nation begins the Church of God but I change it right now change it right now thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have craved you're worthy to be placed you are worthy to be praised my redeemer you - hey is you we play you [Music] you you were there too you were you excellent God marvelous God one day walking God the unchangeable changin Laurey into your Holy Name thank you for January thank you for February thank you for much thank you for April and now thank you for me glory be to your holy name [Applause] further we know you on your throne and when you are in control anything that you cannot get out of control oh we know that our tomorrow we all right except for worship in Jesus name my father my god every evil report against any of your children those who are here those who listen to us all over the world every evil report we can sue right now then you report that says your children will die which is a way every for that since your children will not be fruitful we destroyed right now every for that since your children will die poor with destroyed right now father replace every evil report with your report bless your children lay your mighty hands on them please study all your children who have been faithful in the payment of their ties in the giving of their offerings this month and balancing with your blessings that the world may know that you are see on your throne father Emperor sir with your blessings that will be well with them as all the prayers and let your name be glorified in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen unless somebody shout hallelujah a [Applause] second with one or two people prophesy to them I say your tomorrow will be all right and then you may please be seated pollution one was 27 pollution one was 27 to whom God will make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is christ in you the hope of glory Christ in you the hope of glory how many of you believe that it doesn't matter what the enemy may say your tomorrow will be all right if you believe the Lamia you shout hallelujah [Applause] there are reasons why I am confident that there is hope for you [Music] reason number one USTR life easy as a reckless assist chapter 9 Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 says anyone who is connected to deliver ha spoke he says a living dog is better than a dead lion the lion is dead is dead if the dog is here life is better than a dead lion reason number 2 God created you for a purpose and you know what the purpose is to give God pleasure revelation chapter 4 verse 11 revelation 4 was a level God created you for his pleasure not for his soul not for his embarrassment not was disappointment for his pleasure God has no pleasure in the death of sinners evil sinners he has no pleasure in the death of sinners so how can we have pleasure in the death of a soldier yes a purpose for your life and that purpose is to give him pleasure and his purpose for your life will be fulfilled that's reason number three why I'm sure they're so for you his purpose for your life would be fulfilled regardless of what the enemy may say regardless of circumstances the Bible says in Psalm 33 verse 10 to 11 sometimes the first century level he said all the devices of human beasts he brings to lot that is all cancer shall stand so all those who have been telling you there's no hope for you ignore them because they are not your God if the doctor says as to hope for you be very polite is talking within this limited knowledge it's not your maker God has a purpose for your life that purpose will be fulfilled and number four God has power to do anything in the remote data to verse 27 Jeremy 32 verse 27 he said I am the Lord God of all flesh insanity too hard for me it has the ability to reverse the irreversible Ezekiel 37 from was want to take his occator service want to take tells us that evil race tribals both that will not just dry but very dry God has a purpose for your life that purpose will be fulfilled it has the power to bring it to pass so I want you to with all confidence tell your neighbor my tomorrow will be all right it doesn't matter what the enemy may say he doesn't matter what your relative your friends matter concluded they are not your God so for the berry for those of you are trusting God for the fruit of the womb and it looks as if there is no hope consider Sarah in Genesis 18 verse 9 to 14 Genesis 18 was made 14 when God said Sarah who have a child at the age of 90 she loved listen to the question God as her is anything too hard for me I was a question in other words God says when I say you have a child at the age of 90 you are laughing who do you think is talking your husband is anything too hard for me you say oh that my womb had been dead for more than 40 years is anything too hard for me does the question if you are trusting God for the fruit of the womb by wanted to say loud and clear my own will not be too hard for God I mean one of these stories that have to do before was that of a woman in a church in Canada they told her she had Logan she had no fallopian tubes so humanly speaking who is she who have a child so we went for one of our conventions we finished and some people were going to my chair saying they go there to top annoyed she ignored them went to detail my wife met there I said to God this I have no no problem the woman who sat here those in need of anymore give me a they said I have no fallopian tubes the woman who such a does not need our anymore give them to me when she was giving a testimony she remember to to children he sanity too hard for God let me tell you answer for the one who is hopelessly sick that the doctor said there's no hope for you you are too far gone remember John chapter 9 verse 1 to 7 John Navis 1 to 7 tells the story of a man who was born without eyes didn't Joseph I proclaim he had two eyes he was born blind when the Almighty God mention when this day came God said I I brought this fellow into the wall so I can demonstrate my glory in his life that same day the beauty of God was revealed it was it a case of he was sick it was a case of is an impossibility humanly speaking did they have bad eyesight he was born without sight my father demonstrated that is nothing too hard for him he regained his sight in a reporter I was a loud man was quite all fancy and the doctor said well Papa cannot last three days so you wish to put his house in order so he sent for his pastor before I die I want to take just one more holy communion you know they call it last rites Papa to Holy Communion and a Paso Travel Pass of them back to the days later expecting to hear the Papa was gone this more than 20 years ago appearances are life I decree to somebody here today those who say you will die you retain the afonya [Applause] don't listen to anybody who says there's no hope for you is the fan of God is in your Creator no signal tomorrow for those who might be hopelessly bad the situation is as a result of demonic forces many of them consider much chapter 5 verse 1 to 15 mar 5 verse 1 to 15 I taste you the story which time we read the story pay attention to the details these powers in Jose Marti wasn't just crazy of the little time he had a missio of demons not one not true not 1000 a medium according to Bible scholars I'll be talking about some 6,000 demons in woman does any man who say these cases population this case was before himself as written himself off never thought he would become any anything useful again when we are talking about man that's different from when we are talking about God his name is your mighty almighty me somebody whose might is not limited there are mighty men in the world but they are limited by age they are limited by sleep they are limited by death the illimitable resources my God is unlimited it doesn't sleep he doesn't slobber he doesn't travel he never dies everything is can create one word from the Lord of Hosts and all the demon scattered defender who everybody had written love ended up being an evangelist that is God so he even if it looks as if mentalist between the snow for you even if spiritually speaking it looks as if you already lon a remember the Odyssey and unlimited gold be honest Road just never lost his power and appearances available today years ago I was preaching in one Church in in America a woman came and that night I spoke about the power of God to do the impossible she came to me as I said I want you to pray pray for my husband so was the problem with her husband Gracie and you bring her bring him to church tomorrow show his hahaha my husband doesn't leave home it's not just my Hajj is raving behind it was a comment at all the doctors have examined him and decide his brain has been fried like you fry an egg fried by excessive use of drugs I say we can come to trial she said yeah in that case let me come up reformed for him ha ha ha ha you want to die and if he sees you and you a black man come into his house he will shoot you even before topic I said that's my risk let's go we gotta replace a master who is that and from deal from the Aurora you know it's not the one talking they are not the God who sends me he never fails he never forsakes his soul he is not going to fail you it's not going to forsake you that is his promise I told him I'm a pastor from Africa what do you want in my house I have come to pray for you socata long story short that man became a driver in our church because that day I told my god what this man needs is a brand new brain that the original brain up and fried no argument give him a brand new one that day he got a brand new brain if any four pieces you are ready to fight God tell him you don't know my god I'm a conclusion because this program you know has been transmitted all of our churches and I have to keep the time see the Bible says cry see you the hope of that alone is enough totally you that is what for you and the hope is glory not shame not defeat not reveal not pretty much all day not very nice hope of once again tell your neighbor my future will be glorious if you believe that shout hallelujah the only fellow who is hopeless but the one who hasn't got Christ because the price is not to you you have you have no hope the only hope you can have will be help after do before you are no banach your future is going to be terrible I'm not the one who said so it is reaching sayi to the wicked I shall be healed with you are not a child of God your future cannot be bright why the Bible says God is angry with the wicked every day if God is angry with you I can you go for glory but if crisis in you is SAE to the righteous it shall be well with them so if you are here you have not given your life to Jesus Christ stop cheating yourself come now come and surrender your life to Jesus Christ let Christ call me to you let Christ come and dwell in you and everything will change it would change the repose of the doctor it would change the reports of anybody saying anything contrary to your future so if you want to give your life to Jesus come now and I'm going to come from 1 to 5 after which I will pray country now one [Applause] you [Applause] today [Applause] thank you the stuff you are Clapton your to model the glorious fall [Applause] Oh trying to do amen thank you those of you on the way keep coming those of you in front talk to the Almighty God please save my soul come and dwell in me and then I know my tomorrow will be all right forgive all my sins Lord and I will serve you for the rest of my life go ahead talk to God and the rest of us please let's stretch a hand so all these people and it has it for them that the one who saved our souls who saved their own source also pray for them for about two minutes and those of you who I see on the way audio this your day your day of salvation come and invite Jesus into your life come on invite him to dwell in you god bless you keep coming and once the only way just make sure you get there before I finish pray call on him I said Lord save my soul come and dwell in me you are the hope of the hopeless come on well in me now we serve you all the days of my life I will serve you thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed save you I want to thank you for your word I want to give you all glory and honor for this your people that are top power today please accept our tongues in Jesus name of mercy on them Lord save their souls let your blood wash away their sins write their names in the book of life from now anytime the Apollo you please answer them by fire let them serve you to the end in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen those of you have come forward congratulations I want to promise you from now on I'll be praying for you so I will want to know your names your address and your prayer request they will give you a car to feel you feel it very quickly but before you go to where cancellous will attend to you i want you to join us as we pray the rest of you are you ready to pray get up and shout a big Alleluia [Applause] lift opera voice with the Almighty God as a father led by future of the glorious go ahead talk to the Almighty God let my future of the glorious very very glorious in every area of my life let my future be glorious Lord [Music] you will suffer no loss TV are suitable TV channel
Channel: RCCG Grace Assembly Dubai TV
Views: 18,949
Rating: 4.6051502 out of 5
Keywords: rccg, rccg live, rccg sermon, rccg online sermons, rccg thanksgiving service sermon, rccg may 2018 thanksgiving service, sermon online 2018, pastor e a adeboye, pastor e a adeboye sermon, pastor e a adeboye new sermon 2018, rccg video, rccg sermon broadcast, rccg gap tv, rccg tv, rccg online tiv
Id: cXI5GCT-jZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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