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let us pray blessed be your name blessed be your name blessed be your name oh lord hallelujah blessed be your name [Music] blessed be your name blessed be your name oh lord holy is your name holy is your name holy is your name oh is your name oh lord hallelujah holy is your name oh is your name holy is your name oh lord jesus is your name jesus is your name [Music] jesus is your name jesus is your name oh lord hallelujah jesus is your name jesus is your name jesus is your name oh lord father almighty we want to give you all glory and honor for who you are the ancient of days the great i am that i am the unchangeable lord we want to thank you very very much for what you did during our last convention thank you for proving to the whole world that definitely you are wonderful please accept our worship in jesus name today we pray that even as your word will be going forth the power that is in your world will bring healings to your people and bring deliverance to your people we pray that as a result of this particular message there have been many many testimonies in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen amen praise the lord we want to take a look at jeremiah chapter 32 verse 27. jeremiah 32 verse 27 behold i am the lord the god of all flesh is there anything too hard for me during the past convention we try to look at the wonders of god a one whose name is wonderful we talked about the wonders of his love the wonders of his mercy etc etc but we couldn't exhaust all these wonders and so we will want to talk a little more about this wonderful god this sunday and for maybe a couple of sundays to follow in the text that we have read the almighty god himself is the one asking the question here he said behold i am the lord the god of all flesh is there anything too hard for me someone said that when a teacher asks a question it is not that he doesn't know the answer as a matter of fact he knows the answer and he's merely asking to find out if the student knows the answer so when god is asking is there anything too hard for me he knows the answer and the answer of course is nothing is too hard for him and today we want to talk about the wonders of his abilities when we talk about ability we are talking about what you have enough strength or power or influence to do so when we talk about your ability we we are asking or we are trying to find out what can you do what what do you have enough strength to do what do you have enough power to do or do you have enough resources to do what do you have enough influence to do now psalm 91 verse 1 psalm 91 verse 1 tells us that our god is the almighty and it's also the most sight psalm 91 verse 1 either dwelleth in the sacred place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty our god is the most sight most influential and almighty and someone who has almighty the bible says in isaiah chapter 40 verse 29 i said chapter 40 verse 29 that not only has he tremendous amount of strength he has more than enough and to spare is the one who gives strength to the weak and so we want to then look at this great god and just check a few of the things he can do one he has the ability to bring something out of nothing he has the ability to bring something out of nothing the bible tells us in hebrews chapter 11 verse 3 hebrews 11 verse 3 that the whole world that we see is framed out of nothing almighty god just said let there be a world and there's a world the bible says the things that we see are not made of things that do appear in other words whatever you can see the sun the moon desires etc etc god just said come be and they be now that he look for something to put together to achieve that purpose he can bring something out of nothing you'll find another example in exodus chapter 17 from verse 1 to 6 exodus 17 from verse 1 to 6 when the children of israel were tasty and they wanted water and he brought water out of the rock all he has to do is turn the rock produce water and water will come now the reason why this is a wonder to us and a beautiful wonder at that is that he can produce something for you out of nothing we've heard of tremendous testimonies of women that doctors said had no fallopian tubes and yet god gave them children we've heard of women that doctors say they have no ovaries and the lord gave them children we've had the testimony of a brother who had no testicles and yet god produced children through him we've had the testimony of a sister who had no womb and yet god gave her children god can produce something out of nothing and so when god says he's going to do something for you please don't begin to think of how is he going to do it what is he going to use what method what are the resources available to him to bring it to pass just remember he can bring something out of nothing second wonder about his ability is that he can resurrect to resurrect means to bring something that is already dead back to life he has the power to do that and we have several examples in genesis chapter 18 verse 9 through 14 genesis 18 from verse 9 to 14 you remember when he told abraham that within a year the wife would bring forth his son and sarah had and loved that day god said is anything too hard for me because he was addressing a woman whose womb was already dead according to romans chapter 4 verse 19 romans 4 verse 19 tells us that the womb of syria was already dead but once god spoke resurrection came he can raise the dead and we have several examples in the scriptures we have example in mark chapter 5 from verse 35 to 43 mark 5 35-43 we had the story of jairus daughter who was dead and the lord said no this is not dead is just sleeping and people laughed because they knew the girl was dead but when god said somebody is not dead it means the fellow is not dead so he brought her back to life and like i've shared with some of you before there were some people who said no no maybe the girl wasn't related after all he said that the girl was just sleeping so he gave us another example in luke chapter 7 from verse 11 to 15 luke 7 from verse 11 to 15 when he brought somebody who was already on the way to the very ground back to life this one was not just dead they were going to bury the boy but then there were see people who felt that maybe the boy was in a coma and on the way to the very ground some fresh air blew on him and so he came back to life jesus just came at the right time which is why in john chapter 11 if you read the old chapter when they told him that his friend lazarus was sick he waited he waited until he was dead and buried and had been degraded for four days before he showed up so this one is not your body who is sleeping this one is not somebody in a coma this is someone who is already stinking but he brought him back to life he can resurrect and that's good news for somebody it doesn't matter what the doctors might have said concerning you whatever they said is dead my god can bring it back to life dead eyes dead hands dead wombs whatever they say is dead there is a god we see doing the job of resurrection and we resurrect for you today in jesus name and then number three he can reverse the irreversible when we say something is irreversible it means there's nothing anybody can do to bring that thing back to what it used to be but when you read ezekiel 37 from verse 1 to 10 ezekiel 37 from verse 1 to 10 the bible tells us of a valley full of dry bones and to tell us how dry the bones were the bible repeated and lo they were very dry just to let you know that we're talking about somebody who is not just dead who's not just buried who's not just been there in degree for a while this fellow is completely dead has become bones dry bones but the almighty god spoke a word and dry bones came back to life and the dead bones became a mighty army and then in daniel chapter 3 from verse 14 to 30 daniel 3 from verse 14 to 30 we have the case of three boys shadrach meshach and abednego that were thrown into the fairy furnace the bible says the fullness was so hot that those who threw them in even just getting close to that furnace kill them now when you throw somebody into a furnace like that that fellow is gone but not with god because he brought them back and there was not even a smell of fire on them when we talk about something being irreversible when we talk about something that is being bumped we don't know any science yet that can change ashes back to what it used to be there's no science for that the only science for that is god these boys were supposed to be gone forever but they came back completely whole untouched by fire i've always told you the story of one of my sons who was a soap maker and one saturday evening when everybody had gone home he wanted to prepare some chemicals that he would use on monday morning because he wouldn't be coming to work on sunday in the process he had an accident he fell a bowl of acid fell on his face and he was there groaning in pain until somebody saw the factory door open came in and saw him and they took him to the doctor after the doctor gave him first aid the doctor asked him are you married he said yes i feel a child at least somebody who is fairly old he said yes why are you the asking said because you will never see again because the acid has eaten your eyes there's no way you can ever see again so you need somebody will be leading you by the hand wherever you go and he said to the doctor thank you for your report could you help me just one step further get me a taxi that will take me to redemption camp i've had your report let me go and hear the report of the lord and i'm telling you when they brought him when i saw his face even my own faith shook but like uh the man of god i had to put up a boat face and i had to tell him my son don't worry yourself with god all things are possible and i'm talking of almost 40 years now and he's still reading without glasses there is a god who can reverse the irreversible and every opportunity you have lost that is supposed to be gone forever my father will reverse and bring it back to you number four he can hear all and he can answer all can you imagine the ability of someone who can hear the cry of everybody in the whole world everybody crying to him for help he can hear all and not only can he hear all he can answer all psalm 65 verse 2 psalm 65 verse 2 says all thou that hear that prayers unto thee shall all flesh come so you can imagine someone who is at the same time hearing the cry of someone in africa the cry of someone in australia described someone in america all at the same time but not only can he hear he can answer jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3 the remark of the three verse 3 said you call on me i will answer you and according to genesis chapter 17 verse 1 genesis 17 verse 1 we find that the reason he can do that here all hands out is because his name is jehovah el shaddai the god who is more than enough years ago when i was a younger christian and i was asking god on this genesis 17 verse 1 how can you grant the request of everybody and if everybody really wanted unrepresent they can get 100 percent and he gave me a very simple illustration he said it doesn't matter how many students are in the class the teacher can award 100 to each one if they qualify for it the fact that joe had 100 does not mean that there's nothing more to give to elizabeth he said i'm the god who is more than enough but the greatest of all the wonders of his ability is found in ephesians chapter 3 verse 20. ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 that's the place where the almighty god tells us that he is able to do how much he is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think you know what that means anything you ask you can do that one might be easy to understand but it can do more than you ask in other words you ask for one you can do two three and then he can do exceeding your request in other words it doesn't matter how much you ask for it can go far far beyond that and then you can do it abundantly abundantly and not only that it can do what you do not even ask for but to just think about now that to me is wonderful you know in mathematics when they say a number x i'm not trying to teach you math but this one is simple if they say there's a number x and they say x is greater than 2 and they stop there it means x can be any number beginning from shall we say three to one billion or to one trillion once you say greater than two you opened a door to an infinite number of numbers so when he says he can do exceeding abundantly above all you ask or think it is time to sit down i say wow number one i should expand my asking i should stop asking for small things you know in john 16 verse 24 john chapter 16 verse 24 jesus christ said peter to have he asked me nothing ask to your joy be full in other words every prayer you are afraid up to this moment it's nothing and the lord and i say what's wrong with you ask for something substantial ask for something substantial till your joy be full in second king chapter four from verse one to seven second kings four from verse one to seven all that that we do ask for is god help me to pay my debt but the almighty god said we can do much more than that we can write off your debt we can still give you enough to for you and your children to live on for the rest of your life why are you asking for something so small is it not written in psalm 23 verse 5 psalm 23 verse 5 thou anointed my head with oil my cup runneth over run it over that means there's something wrong with your coffee is too small get a bigger cup and no matter how big the cup it will still run over after you about an uncle of mine and i don't mind mentioning his name is so you if you want to check to find out whether i'm speaking the truth or not it's the late chieftain friendly fajr morocco by the special grace of god one of the richest men of his time you go to ramco and say uncle please give me one thousand ira he will say i don't have okay you go back some other time uncle please give me ten thousand i will say i don't have don't bother me but when you go to uncle and say uncle please i need a hundred thousand now i say hey now you are talking don't you know where i am how can you be insulting me asking me for a thousand higher this uncle of mine i'm just using him as an example to let you know how much you have been missing was visiting our town and the the the corner them on the way we had the secondary school there then and we said sir please we want you to help us he said what do you want in this school we said we wanted uh a hall for the boys they say i see so what about the girls well we won't mind if we have one for the guests too he said what about a school hall and we are using the dining hall also as a place of assembly he said you principal a few a house all we asked for was room i mean accommodation for boys he gave us accommodation for boys for girls school hall house for the principal i've told you this story i'm encouraging somebody because often now you have been insulting god with your little little asking i told you the time when i needed 50 pounds in the united kingdom you've heard the story before so i won't waste your time on it i asked god for 50 pounds within minutes 50 pounds came i i said if i knew you are going to answer so quickly i would have asked for a hundred within minutes 100 it became hundred i said hello thank you very much if i know this is how generous you can be i would have asked for 150 within minutes he became one future and then i became afraid why are you afraid when you are approaching the all-sufficient god and i told you how he told me because when i became afraid i said lord i'm just joking you know fifteen she would have been enough years later he told me if you are the ass instead of fifty if you had asked for five thousand i would have given it to you i'm telling you i wish i could rewrite history why are you limiting the one who has no limit don't limit the holy one of israel this ability is wonderful so increase your asking number two expand your thinking he says he can do exceedingly abundantly above all you ask or think the bible says in isaiah chapter 40 verse 28 isaiah 40 verse 28 he said there's no such chain is understanding increase your thinking stop thinking of a small god and the one who spoke and the whole heavens and the earth came into being think of him more reasonably it's not a small god i mean in second chronicles chapter nine from verse one to six second chronicles chapter nine from verse one to six the bible tells us that the queen of sheba came to visit solomon and the queen was wealthy she came with all manners of goodies loaded camels with gold and spices and then he came and saw solomon she thought she was great and then she saw greatness she confessed she said what i heard about you i didn't believe but now i can see that they've not even told me half no matter how hard i try i can't tell you half of the power and the ability of god i don't have the words to describe him to you expand your thinking because even if you just think it will see supply i told you a story of one day when we were going and fishing my children and i and we saw a notice talking for sale to a christmas period and i just said to my children jokingly i said that was several years ago i said you know i never had turkey for christmas and we just forgot about it i didn't pray for talking i just thought that maybe one day by time we came back home there were three talkies waiting for me for the first time in my life i went to church the following sunday and i told the people this is what happened i thought about talking and god provided three and then i told them i said this is not an invitation for you to come to today now before i came back home talking had increased to seven why don't you think something great concerning yourself but where are you where are you limiting how high the almighty god can take you why don't you think of yourself opening blind eyes making the lame to walk racing the dead let me begin to conclude number three maximize your potential you are connected to this god this almighty god is your dad why don't you make the best of the fact that you are related to him and we consider issa in genesis 27 from verse 38 to 40 genesis 27 from verse 38 to 40. his father had blessed his younger brother he came in after that was done and then said papa don't you have a blessing left and a father said i've already poured the whole thing out on your brother i said is there no remnant father said all right i give you a remnant he saw god the remnant of blessing maximize it by the time we go to genesis 33 from verse one to nine genesis 33 from verse one to nine by the time the one who got the real big blessing came and they met face to face and he was offering him all manners of things as she goes esau said i have enough keep your own and listen to me children you are the children of the most high god a little god bless you from him just a remnant god bless you from him can turn you to a word figure stop thinking of yourself as someone who would change a nation what's wrong with you being a world changer maximize your potential the only one among you those of you are listening to me who could die small is either the one who refused to surrender to jesus christ and make god his father or the one who hear what i have just said and do nothing about it the ability of your father is unlimited he can do absolutely absolutely anything absolutely anything if you do not find any examples in the scriptures to convince you may i with all humanity ask you to consider my life i was a muslim living in the room i asked for a house a promise it would give me a city that is evidence to you that we are serving a god with unlimited inability so if you are out there and you have not yet surrendered to him because see the moment you surrender your life to him you become one of his children he becomes your father and he can pronounce just a simple blessing on you and your life will change but if you refuse to surrender to him you're just cheating yourself shall we bow here in prayer so if you are listening to me and you want to surrender your life to jesus christ now so that he can save your soul so he can wash away your sins so he can receive you into the family of god cry unto him now and say lord have mercy on me please save my soul receiving to your family because the bible says for us to as many as received them to them give me power to become sons of god if you want him to be your father cry unto him today he will grant your request and let all the others who are already sure that god is our father let's intercede for all these other people and the almighty god will save their souls and receive them into the family of god let's pray for them for just few seconds more and then i will pray my father my god i want to thank you i want to thank you for your word i want to thank you for the power that is in your word i want to thank you because you are the almighty your might is unlimited the god of our flesh there's nothing too hard for you and i'm asking for all those who are crying to you for salvation now every one of them father save them let your blood wash away their sins write their names in the book of life receive them into the family of god and let them remain yours forever and father i'm committing all your children the new ones just coming and the old ones who have been your children all these years from now on the grace to ask you for great things the grace to think big to think worthy of children of the most high grant to us in jesus name and whatever prayer they pray today my father and my god answer by fire thank you almighty god in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen amen unless someone shout hallelujah well you know it's up to you now how about you pray what to pray for if you keep on asking for small things well it's up to you it's your fault it's nothing you can ask him for that he won't give unto you so drawing your prayer time make sure you really ask god for great things and he will not fail you praise the lord
Channel: RCCG
Views: 52,481
Rating: 4.8817735 out of 5
Keywords: rccg, rccg live, rccg video, rccg 2020 holy ghost service, rccg sermon, pastor e a adeboye sermon, pastor e.a adeboye, rccg august 2020 holy ghost service, rccg 2020 virtual convention, rccg convention 2020 sermon, wonderful, rccg 68th convention 2020, rccg convention holy ghost service, pastor adeboye august convention sermon, rccg bible study 2020, rccg august bible study, rccg sermons, rccg faith clinic, faith clinic sermons, pastor obayemi, rccg 13th august service
Id: 1tfsD20orFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 9sec (2529 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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