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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] let us pray Walter mighty God we serve Alleluia water mighty God we serve Alleluia ever known a third or even tinges well before him water mighty God we serve what a mighty God what a mighty God we serve [Music] Alleluia what a mighty God we serve [Music] Alleluia heaven and earth I don't even in just bow before him water mighty God we serve we are serving him water mighty God we serve [Music] hallelujah water mighty God we serve Alleluia I don't even change as well before he was a mighty good we all mighty God we worship you the one who can do all things we bow before you the resurrection and the life we'll give your glory please accept our worship in Jesus name today in your miraculous way visit all your children let all nice be met and please lord have mercy on all nations of the world and let all beware Lord in Jesus mighty name who have played him let someone shout a little ruia we will be looking at Acts of the Apostles chapter one reading from verse four to eight Acts chapter one from last fall trait and being assemble together with them them that issue not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the Father which said he ye have heard of me for John truly baptized with water but he shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence when the idea for were come together the ass of him saying Lord without at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel and he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father has put in his own power but you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth it's a big question that people always ask after I did a selection of the Lord Jesus Christ what next we've heard of the crucification we heard of the resurrection after the resurrection what next in the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 8 ecclesia see cellphone verse 8 a bible says better is the end of a thing than the beginning that is why did you dedicate a house your house and I believed as a prophecy for so long the joy will always be greater than the day you lay the foundation because it is one thing to set a goal that another thing to achieve it it is wanting to know your destiny it's another thing to fulfill it on the eve of his crucifixion when the Lord was praying probably the most crucial prey of his life in John chapter 17 verse 4 John 17 verse 4 it's recorded for us that Jesus said to his father I have finished the work that will give me to do I have completed my assignment on the cross the following day just before he died in joint abandoned in the study John 19 verse 30 he said it is finished in other words mission accomplished now some weeks earlier he had said something to his disciples in John chapter 16 verse 7 something very strange he said to the disciples he said it is expedient for you that I agree with because if I don't go away the comforter will come to you in other words he was saying to them people though they didn't fully understand at that time he was saying I will fulfill my own destiny and I need to help you fulfill yours I will soon be going but I will sense I want to you who help you fulfill your own destiny I believe the message of today is for someone in particular whoever that value is I pray for you in the name that's above every other name you will fulfill your destiny so after he rose from the dead just before it was taken up to heaven in the text we read he said unto the disciples you will receive power dentistry will come upon you and we give you power let me spend some few minutes discussing that word AHA what is power power in the layman's language is simply the ability to do work and do it easily efficiently and at times extra ordinarily let me give you a simple illustration suppose someone were to ride a bicycle from leg roastery bad if it's wrong and it gets off very early in the morning hopefully it were if anybody probably late in the evening any would have sweated quite a bit on the other hand if that man has a motorcycle it could get up in Lagos Island Emily and being a bad within two hours without sweat not tired at all because there is power helping him along the power that you need to fulfill your destiny easily without sweat I decree in the name of the resurrection Christ receive it today in Jesus name now there are categories of power there is political power added again and again when show us who was in Pahoa the classes each other it was for ecclesia chapter it was forces where the word of the king is there is power you put it in the modern language we are the world of the president is there is power if you don't believe that just check what's happening the President sees in his house makes a decree or a pronouncement everybody stay home and if you love yourself you better stay home and then there is financial power material power in Proverbs of the time was 15 proverbs chapter 10 verse 15 the Bible says the rich man's worth is a strong City we went further to say the disruption of the poor party chapter 7 verse 12 ecclesia 7 verse 12 says money is a defense the every glance of a proverb they said the richmond doors as he pleases and then they are the spiritual power in saqqaq in chapter 4 from verse 8 to 17 second Kings for from verse 8 to 17 the Bible tells us the story of a very wealthy woman the Bible calls are great she was rich this she was buried in she ate attained a man of God again and again and one day the man of God turn around I said to her nine months from now you have his son the spiritual power came into action and the woman got something that money could not buy then of course that is counterfeit power everywhere you have something genuine your bountiful I have something counterfeit in Acts chapter 8 from verse 9 to 24 at 8 from verse 9 to 24 the Bible talks of a man called Simon he was a sorcerer it he had use of Surrey to bewitch the people around him and the people thought oh this must be a powerful man let me continue by telling you something under that I'm sure you know and that is the power passes power in Exodus chapter 7 4 verse 8 to 12 Exeter 7 prophecy to 12 the Bible tells us that mostly stood before Pharaoh true down his road there became a serpent and the magician's of Pharaoh threw down the whole roster and the Rose also became serpents by then this happened that came from the rod of Moses swallowed all dissipates of the magician's and then became just world in the hand of Moses may I decree that the power of the Messiah will swallow all the country with powers that may be arrayed against you in Jesus name why because they march after Trent adversity but you 20 verse 18 it is reaching all power in heaven and on earth belongs to Jesus Christ now I've done this foundation to tell you or to explain to you why Jesus released power to the disciples after his resurrection why do you need to have the power of the Holy Spirit it is so that you can fulfill your destiny he looked up a five and I will just give you two examples very quickly in Luke chapter 5 from verse 1 to 11 Jesus Christ had spoken to Peter you know the story Peter fish tonight caught nothing Jesus borrowed his boat to preach after I finished preaching he asked him to cast his net to launch into the deep and classist 90d decor so many fish two bulls were full after he had fished all night and caught nothing and when it was frightened by the miracle and he said that a Lord I don't deserve this kind of miracle I tell you should leave me the Bible says Jesus Christ said no no from now you'll be touching me he he told him your destiny is to win souls but more than three years passed and Pete I did not win a single soul they there on the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 and you can read the whole chapter from verse 1 to 41 Acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 41 when the Holy Spirit came and power descended the power that is of promised came Peter preached a single salmon I want three thousand souls I give you just one more example Apostle Paul said in Galatians after one from verse fifteen to sixteen gallaecia one fifteen to sixteen he said he had been separated from his mother's woman to preach the gospel in other words his destiny was to preach the gospel oh he started by studying law God has no objection to you get in as many degrees as you want but so is original destiny the purpose of God for his life was to be a great preacher and when God finally said alright professor of law the time has come for you to fulfill your inner purpose the first thing God did in Acts chapter 9 from verse 10 to 20 acts 9 10 to 20 is that he sent someone to grandly Hansel him so he could be baptized in the Holy Spirit so he could receive power to do the work I thought that I will be dif youngest vice chancellor in Africa that was my goal but that's why we are along the line I gave my life to Jesus Christ 1973 before the end of that year I got baptized in the Holy Spirit and from 1974 till now this is the only Easter that I've spent at all because the moment the oldest reclaim something kept moving moving me in the direction that God originally planned for my life I prefer someone here today before these days out the power of the Almighty God will begin to propel you in the direction of your destiny in Jesus name now the greater the power the easier for you it would be to reach your goal the greater the power the easier it will be for you to reach your goal for example if you want to travel to shall we say Britain from legis I hope that by going through war route or the other by car you arrive there one day but if you get in an aircraft from Lagos to London within six and half hours you will have arrived in actual pottery from verse 1 to 11 Acts chapter 3 from verse 1 to 11 the power of God began to manifest itself in a great manner in the life of Peter when he laid hands on a man Alima born li but the beautiful gate and the lemon got up working the salmon that Peter preached after that one according to Acts chapter 4 verse 4 led to the conversion of five thousand men when the power came initially he preached the seven one three thousand men the power began to increase he preached another sermon this time with the demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit and one five thousand souls and by the time you read Acts chapter 5 from verse 1 to 16 acts 5 from verse 1 to 16 he performed more miracles since God residuary shadow began to heal the sick and not use began to come into the kingdom of God is his destiny was being fulfilled at an amazing pace at the beginning of the only ghost service when we come to the redemption camp for Holy Ghost nights in those days for ability people would be maybe 6,000 people 7,000 I would lay hands on everybody and I made practically everybody we had all night long lay hands on the sick lay hands on the barrel and a cetera cetera but then the crowd grew and it was becoming difficult for me alone to lay hands on everybody so I select a seven of the elders prayed for them specially give each one of them one of my ties that I'd used in ministry and say this time we'll cut a part of my anointing to you and they began to help me and things were happening but then the crowd kept growing so they say that but it's the grace of God today we can talk about multitudes you know what God has made the job even easiest you I don't have to lay hands on anybody now I don't even have to touch a tank a chief before they become elated because the Almighty God showed me through the little science I know yeah that power can be transferred through conduction that is by touching the talk will be transferred through convention to put the power in a medium that will carry the power to where it is needed and then the power could be transmitted by radiation that's why today by the grace of God and I give God all the glory a concern that the altar and with my hands and hundreds of thousands of um caches will become a knighted and testimonies who follow what am I trying to tell you today because this is not going these are the kind of someone that will be long is that will be brief so that we will remember every detail and the someone is for somebody in particular I believe that the moment God wants you to begin to fulfill your destiny is now so what should I do if you already baptized in the Holy Spirit you already have the power and I'm talking about baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues although mind those who will mock you when you are speaking in tongues because of what will be speaking will be ridiculous language if our the Bible Medicare that's when you split Lee tongues nobody understands you evil you don't understand yourself beta stays when you especially tall you are speaking mysteries to the Almighty God you are going directly to God the one who has all powers in heaven and on earth so when you suddenly in the mists of those who don't understand begin to say O Rama keshiki reign dramatical to turn remote Oceania they look at us what's wrong with this fellow ignore what they may say keep all praying in the Holy Spirit the end were justified amiss if you have already got a power use it because if we don't use it you will lose it this is very crucial I give you an illustration there are all these batteries a battery a cetera when you buy them they were right there so where life time the military years in order many of that you don't use it within three years there'd be no power left there you received the power of the Holy Spirit and you fail to use it the battery will run down protons more than ever before let your spirit communicates with this only spray the one who is the originator of your destiny the Bible made it clear Romans chapter 8 verse 26 Roma's eternity that we don't even know how to pray as we ought the DiSpirito help our infirmities and it can pray for us with groanings that Marku not water witness more because they say you will receive power that you might begin to witness or to me talk about Jesus Christ everywhere you go lay hands on the sick and see the power flow oh you may say what if I lay hands on the sick and they don't recover who to do they won't recover what if you lay hands on them and they do recover use the power so that it can multiply more than ten years ago there was an anniversary of the modern-day holy ghost outpouring we call it Azusa Conference in America and great men came from all over the world there were two of us who were invited from Africa one great man of God from South Africa and my humble self from Nigeria thousands upon thousands of people who were there and those of us who were to be speakers the Capitals in a room the colleague Grier rule and there was all manner of food there and I mean of Manas food and drinks I was going to be the last speaker for that day and people who are this great man they were having for eating and joined absorb I hid myself in a corner because I know that this is a defining moment in my life and I kept on praying in the Holy Spirit I kept on praying the oldest but finally the time came the great man before me had spoken wonderfully and then it was my turn to speak and the oldest we took over and when I gave the altar call evil this mighty mail came to the altar last year I was in Uganda and the young man there were unfairly young man who was at that meeting as a matter of I was the one that the Sentry invited me came to see me I said sir you minister at Azusa more than two years ago enough yet I'm yet to recover from the impact of that ministration he said you may not know it because it was one of the member of the organization committee say you may not know it but your tapes the people were buying your tapes the number of chips that they bought from you is more than all the other tips combined what is it I said that those greater may have never had before it wasn't me speaking it was the only spirit propelling the world backing it up if you apply this simple principle you suddenly see the doors opening you will suddenly see also moving closer and closer to the fulfillment of your destiny what about those of you who have not received the power of the only spirit according to Acts chapter 2 from verse 37 to 39 acts 2:4 37 to 39 the Bible's stated it clearly what were to do number one repaint that's another world of saying surrender your life to Jesus Christ say bye-bye to a life of sin turn round I said no more dealing with the devil repent number two is happy baptized the baptism is talking about is baptism by immersion and those of you Alyssa to me now in your various forms as soon as you surrender your life to Jesus Christ contact one of the pastor nearest to you in the Redeem consent of God I have given them authority as many of us want to be baptized they will baptize you you run after way to the convention time you can be baptized any time the lockdown is over and then what is the total you should do begin now to use the power join the workforce and see the almighty God moving you on the daily basis closer and closer to your destiny Jesus Christ said to the disciple it is expedient for you that I go away it is in your best interest that I go away because if I don't go away he said I fulfilled my own destiny I need to help you fulfill yours and is the one we sending me to you today do everything you need to do to receive that power and you will fulfill your destiny don't forget what I said at the beginning the end of a thing is better than the beginning they are off in the name does above every other name I pray for all of you today that the power to fulfill your destiny be released onto you that will reach your goal and you will not leave this world regretting that you fail to read to reach that goal that God set for you let's bow our heads now if there's anyone there listening to me now and you want to repent of your sin you want to say to the Almighty God I don't want to spend my old life doing nothing other than just eating and drinking and buy clothes and buy cars and building houses I want to fulfill my destiny I want to fulfill the purpose of God for my life lord I repent today save my soul if you are there listening to me just bow your head and cry to the Almighty God for just one minute say Lord I repent of my sins I say bye-bye to a life of sin save my soul I want to fulfill my destiny I don't want to pass through this life without living a footprint behind and in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray for you now that is Savior himself the resurrect resurrected Christ we receive you now we forgive your sins we save your soul write your name in the book of life we receive you into the family of God and I pray that very soon you will receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit the power to fulfill your destiny will be listen to you so shall it be for those of you who have already received the power I pray that the Almighty God Himself we begin to star that power that is already you so that according to his world he will be able to do for you exceedingly abundantly above all you can even ask or think according to the power that is walking already you I pray that from now on you begin to use their power to witness you will begin to use that power to heal the sick you begin to use the power to raise the dead you begin to use the power to make the bearing fruit you begin to use the power to serve God and I pray when it's time for you to leave this world you'll be able to look back and say ah thank God I have fulfilled my destiny so shall it be in Jesus mighty name I have prayed ma first the Lord the pan she calls upon these clothes I seem to deliver you March I was this is the power the Pennsy khalsa power is just as him to do one more time ha ha ha ha the Pentecostal power is John's I seem today no watch out what this is the power the power the Pentecostal power he's gone [Music] Heavenly Father the king of glory the ever faithful ever sure daddy we just celebrate you we thank you for the power of Pentecost thank you because without your resurrection our faith could have been in vain now we come both of the resurrection power we come both of the power that's what we release you said it is not expedient for you if you have not sent the power we are shall we be we thank you that that power continues to walk and his healing today is making the limbs walk today and we thank you that the power is civil resin residue density we are so grateful we are so grateful with your brief father Lord that as many of us that have received the power as we have been advised the grass not to sit on the fence and begin to use it to the end of the day so that our destinies can be fulfilled father we pray you will give us more and overwhelming grief going from one degree of glory to another and for those who are just receiving the power today Lord Almighty we pray Jehovah that the devil will not cheat them you we please empower them strengthen them help them make them bold so that there can be like pizza and they will redeem the times of well study their lives in the name of Jesus we pray for the Church of God all over the world that has a me as we are really minded today about the power you have left for us we prayed you hovered at the church we begin to manifest more than ever before in this power and those who had thoughts that there are other power anywhere we bow down for the power of the Almighty father we thank you for your son you've used for us we pray Lord Almighty does more and more of your divine revelation that he himself Jehovah will not be weary or tired you we always empower him and you will help him to finish well Jehovah we bless you if you sorry by this time next year when we are celebrating user selection power Jehovah all of us that are testimonies and let our nation's Jehovah be shielded to the power of the Cross so that I'd be more evangelist more prophets more pasta more teachers in the mighty name of Jesus socialist me thank you for everything in Jesus mighty name we have prayed
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Keywords: rccg, rccg live, rccg video, rccg sermons, rccg 2020 holyghost service, rccg online service sermons, pastor e a adeboye, pastor adeboye april sermon, pastor e.a adeboye 2020, rccg april 2020 holyghost service, april special service, pastor e a adeboye service, pastor adeboye sermon 26th april, rccg april 2020 sermon, live stream, rccg April, pastor adeboye april 26th sermon, rccg april sermon, 26th april sunday service, RCCG april sunday service, rccg online, rccglive
Id: L5re5V4s0Kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 24sec (2844 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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