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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] little spray water mighty God we serve alleluiah water mighty God we serve [Music] Alleluia ever Nana thought or even angels bow before him water mighty God we serve what a mighty God water mighty go heesu lelou or two mighty go Weezer Alleluia ever and a photo even angels bow before or even what a mighty God we serve we are serving him what a mighty good we certainly knew yeah water mighty go we Alleluia seven and a third or even angels bow before him what a mighty God we serve ancient of these will worship you the king of kings and the Lord of lords we bow before you the control of time we worship you we thank you for all you've done in our lives since the last time we had an opportunity to meet thank you for your children gathering together in the various locations all over the world particularly in Canada and America we pray Lord God Almighty that in this year's convention tis very very special convention you will manifest your glory in the lives of all your children father do something special do something new let all the knees be met Lord and let there be unbelievable testimonies coming out of this convention thank you Almighty God in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen well someone shout Alleluia today we will be looking at Galatians chapter 4 even as we discuss the fullness of time again I know we have shared yesterday during the Holy Communion service certain things but tonight is going to be a very special night in the lives of all of you who are connected to us right now yesterday is to be taken hostage today is especially itself we are reading from Galician chapter four from verse one to five Galician fall from one to five and I read from the old King James Version now I say that here as long as you see child differeth nothing from his servant though he be Lord of all that is under tutors and governors on to the time appointed of the Father even so we when we were children were in bondage under the elements of the world but when the fullness of the time was come God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons the fullness of time as we mentioned earlier on yesterday we prepared for the Oracle mininum service god has a timetable for everything he does our god is highly organized Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1 to eat just to remind you of what we shared briefly yesterday before we got to the message today the Bible made it clear that God has a time for everything leaders and therefore any particular event he has watched the Bible calls a set time for example in someone new to verse 13 someone who to verse 13 he said thou arise and have mercy on sale for the time to favor her ye the set time is come and in Acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4 Acts chapter 2 from verse 1 to 4 the Bible says when the day of Pentecost was fully come not partially come but fully as when the Holy Spirit came yesterday at the earlier communion service we discussed what happens when the fullness of time comes for ignition and when the fullness of time comes for a group of people like a denomination but today we want to discuss what happens when the fullness of time comes for an individual and I have the authority of my father in heaven to tell someone among you that every major statement tonight is a word of prophecy to you whose fullness of time has come so if you don't hear me say there is someone here this this this is going to happen to this because daddy says every major statement of tonight is a word of prophecy to someone in particular for whom the fullness of time Aska oh I pray that song will be everyone of you I'm going to take two examples from the Old Testament and two examples from the New Testament of people for whom the fullness of time came and what happened to them so that you can then see what is it God intends to do in your life from tonight almost we start with Abraham Abraham had heard god on several occasions but when the fullness of time came for Abraham certain things happened in a day number one he had a divine visitation Genesis chapter 18 from verse 1 to 14 Genesis 18 from verse 1 to 40 so I am confident that there is someone listed to me now who is going to have a divine visitation tonight second thing that happened when the fullness of time came for Abraham is the God did something in his tent that he had never done before which is why I believe that in the home of someone where you may be now God is going to do something he had never done before what is he god eat God at human food totally incredible because according to some 50 from verse 9 through 13 some 80 from verse main 230 God said am I going to eat deflect to a region that you know that God does not have to say thank you to anybody because whatever you have whatever you are you got it from him how can you expect God to say thank you for any food that might eat in your house when as a matter of fact is the provider of the food but when you read Luke chapter 5 from verse one tree-level Luke 5 from verse 1 to 11 you will find in the case of Peter that after the Lord borrow this boat and easy one who made the tree from which the boat was made after he preached in Peters boat is a thank you and you know what is single thank you from the Almighty God it's enough to enjoy your failure permanently and another thing that happened when the fullness of time came for Abraham is that God changed all the prophecies that Abraham had had to a single decree because when you go through the scriptures in Genesis 15 from verse 1 to 6 Genesis 15 from verse 1 to 6 God I said to Abraham look at this task you can do no also shall your seed be Genesis 17 from verse 1 to 9 Genesis 17 from verse 1 - my God made all manner of promises to Abraham also that Abraham fell on his face and loved that will know God never lies according to numbers 23 verse 19 number 23 was meeting God is not a man that issue life now that is an omen that is ripping warns he had made a promise you can be sure the promise who come to us but you see promises or prophecies have timeframe for them to come to us but a degree has no timeframe the DD degree goes out does it is going to come to pass for example Genesis chapter 1 verse 3 Genesis 1 verse 3 God didn't say and one day they will be like no he issued a decree let there be light and immediately there was light so on the day when the fullness of time came for Abraham in Genesis chapter 18 verse 10 Genesis 18 verse 8 God said in Amos time sarasu official I wasn't there but I can guarantee that Sarah became pregnant that night because God said at the time of life nine months your son will come when your fullness of time comes god we demonstrate his almightiness because when Sarah heard what God said and began to laugh closer to her do you know who is speaking he said it a true heart for me and according to Jeremiah 32 verse 27 Jeremiah 32 verse 27 he is a God of all flesh and there's nothing too hard for him so I'm rejoicing with someone today whose fullness of time has come the Almighty God will prove his almightiness in your life and what you consider had impossible will be possible before the Sun rises in Jesus name I'll take another example from the Old Testament there are so many of them better I just decided to choose Elijah in foreskin chapter 19 from verse 15 to 21 forth Kings 19 from verse 15 to 21 while Elijah was busy in his farm he didn't know that God was already discussing with Elijah about him he wasn't aware he woke one woke up one morning a farmer that before the evening was over it has become his son of the Prophet but then it was just the call that he got that day he had to wait for if we are to believe Bible scholars for some TV any of years before the fullness of his time came when the fullness of his time came such engine support number one his years of loyal service was rewarded for years he has been serving Elijah pouring water on the same you know what the Bible says in Matthew chapter 10 verse 41 Matthew 10 verse 41 you receive a prophet in the name of a prophet you will get a professed reward so I am confident that those of you who have been serving my god faithfully without a private agenda this very night your reward will come when your time is fully come as in the case of Elijah any prayer you pray no matter how hard no matter how difficult or impossible even for you to believe some prayer sir I mean that you find it more difficult to water but when your time is fully come any heart in you ask for you receive that same day because it's a cottage of the true from us NATO 15 second Kings to was NATO 15 the Bible made it clear that when Elijah as Elijah asked what I shall do for you before I be taken away from you sir your day of reward has come what do you want and the young man said I wanted double portion of your spirit Elijah says you have asked me haha teen the boy got the hard thing that day I want to appeal to you when it is time to pray tonight don't ask for something small as for something extremely great something so big that it will take only God to bring you to pass and you will get it when the fullness of time came for Elijah another thing that happened was that his ministry of miracles signs and wonders began the same day the same tea I mean for example in sakhanka chapter 2 from verse 19 to 24 second Kings chapter 2 from verse 19 to 22 alright brother second clean - from verse 19 to 22 who include 224 but let's leave that out of it for now this MJ that Elijah departed and Elijah God is request granted he destroyed the curse that are being on Jericho for generations just by speaking the world incidentally when you study Elijah and I'm sure you've heard me say I spent a year studying Elijah and Abba study Elijah's is day because every day I discover something new about this grateful if we study him very closely you discover that he performed 40 miracles compared to seven performed by Elijah and when he died he had only performed 13 so is dead bull completed the job you know when your time has really come even when you die miracles we see continue through you let me go on to New Testament because I have two examples that you if I swallow I want to consider is the man at the Pool of Bethesda that man who have been there for 38 years but when his age time came number one he was singled out for a miracle there was a multitude there that he was the only one who was healed the only one who was healed you read the story that's why I believe my daddy says that every statement coming today is for one particular person for whom the fullness of time has come he was singled out for a miracle why because in Romans chapter 9 from verse 14 to 16 Romans 9 from verse 14 to 16 God made it clear we have mercy on whom I will have mercy I have compassion on whom I will have compassion God said us by choice by prerogative I can do it the energy we want to do it and reread this year's convention and Canada and America God wants to do something peculiar it was rough mercy on someone it was enough compassion on someone he wants to single out someone for miracles when this man's said time came 38 years of failure ended in one day because he had failed again and again and again trying to get into the pool for healing for 38 years all of a sudden I found that he could never succeed without even making an effort I mean the story so rich that this man didn't even pray he didn't cry out and say Jesus I'm here it was a massive God that located him Oh wherever you are to be made the master of the Almighty God locate you [Music] suddenly in your life from tonight on would Philippians 4:13 Philippians 4:13 will become your theme song I can do all things through Christ was reading me that I would never feel again it wasn't at 18 years of Lila alone that ended it was 38 years of defeat after defeat because he said well I'm going into the pool another got in there before me he didn't fail on his own he failed because someone made it impossible for him to succeed they then who can defeat the one that God has decided to favor because it Romans chapter 8 verse 37 Romans 8:37 the Bible says we are more than conquerors through him that loved us if you had the one for whom the fullness of time has come it's nobody who can ever defeat you again I took just one more point from him because you must remember this particular sermon for the rest of your life when the fullness of the time of this man came he was moved to a higher level he had been at the level of the sick he had been in the level of the failures because he was the only one who had been failing it was moved out of the level of the defeated wasn't the only one who have what suffer defeat it was moved out of the level of those who were always going forward and backward going forward them backward going around in circles suddenly it became someone who could go to church to go and share testimonies and a mighty name of Jesus Christ this coming Sunday you will testify and let me take just one more example from the New Testament and he say it is testimony of somebody that I'm sure you know very well but you wonder his choice quite an interesting choice a match after five from verse 1 to 20 mark 5 from 1 to 20 is the story of the madman of Gadara some of my children say you love the story so much as a yes there's a lot of to learn from this human you see the Bible does not tell us how long this man had been tormented by the devil we were not all we had was that he had Allegiant of demons oh this man was supposed to die in bondage died a failure die defeated but then the fullness of his time came and certain things happened number one if you really sorry very well God cross the sea to meet indeed may attain a crusade it was locked down in the graveyard he wasn't even expecting a miracle it wasn't expecting that all of a sudden light is going to shine into his darkness and there are some of us who might be listening to me now we know what it is to be tormented by forces of darkness but do you know what when your fullness of time comes god we walk on waters two commas give you your miracle because in Matthew chapter 14 if you read it from verse 23 to 34 Matthew 14 from verse 20 to 24 the Bible say go Jesus right dismiss the crowd send his disciples to go ahead and we join you I want to go and pray by time we finish pray there are no boats left but your mighty God said even if there be no boats I will suspend the law of gravity I will walk on water to go and give to my beloved one the miracle in it because there was a storm already a good news was over who is going through a storm right now because the fullness of your time has come what survey to take God to reach you it would return I take Jesus name in the end number two which is easy to see II got a deliverance that was practically reversing the irreversible anybody who has had the opportunity of casting out a demon out of one film will tell you that a demon is bad enough inhabitant human be and anyone who had been set free from a demon before will tell you it wasn't a joking matter but this man had a legion Bible scholars differ on what a demon or what a legion of demons means some say 2,000 demons some say 6,000 a belief is just 1000 that was to make sure that this fellow who remain bound forever but who can hold in bondage the person that the Lord of hosts had decided to fever because according to Psalm 24 from the 7th to 10th some 24 from verse 7 to 10 the Bible made it clear when the lord of Oz is coming through all gates all those must lift up their heads I want to agree with somebody today every door that I've been shot against you shall be opened tonight every force that had been responsible for you not succeeding will move out of the way tonight and they are not only was he set free which is the crucial point for the fellow whose fullness of time a scam is that his destiny was restored when you read the story by time you get to the end of the story this fellow was born to be an evangelist it was born to advertise God but the enemy took him over so he became an advertiser of the devil as a child of God you have to advertise God people are to look at you and see the goodness of God and because of you want to serve God but there might be one or two of us who find it more difficult to open our mouth to say I'm a Christian because people who ask where's your God because of the situations in your life maybe physical maybe marital maybe material may be emotional maybe your place of work good news for you now tonight your destiny we begin to find fulfillment [Music] in as such after forcefully was 13 I saw 43 verse 13 the Almighty God says it's the one who can deliver from my hand but I can't deliver from anybody sign he said when I want to walk who can hinder me nobody God is going to begin to walk on behalf of someone and there'd be no more hindrance in your way [Music] and according to George after true from verse 23 to 27 jul 2013 11 Restall all the years that they can come up warm and eating and he promised again and again the capital C and my people shall not be ashamed when your fullness of time comes restoration comes shape departs glory takes the place of shame let me begin to random I know some of us will be asking the question how do I know that I'm the one for whom the fullness of time has come Oh a simple answer will be you we know that from the moment I started preaching some to you is already saying no one at this convention is different because it is meant for me maybe this way I don't have to travel to be at the convention God has brought the convention to me in my home Oh also God the one who walked through deep waters walk on waters cross the sea to reach someone has crossed the waves and he said in a message all the way from Nigeria to me a message must be the one suppose you are not sure I see how good news for you because according to somewhere around 15 verse 3 so 150 verse 3 if Bible says our God is in the heavens he does as he pleases and then Danny chapter 2 from us 22:21 Daniel through 22 21 series it changes times and seasons I like that you can change Soumitra winter you can change winter to summer heat changes times and seasons and don't let anybody tell you that oh that only happens in the olden days he does it today you find out my testimonies I just decided I'm just going to give you the world straight so that you'll be able to remember this I'm a bit and you remember when I went to Denver Colorado in January you know what that means and I prayed God blue want me to go and say you go I know how cold that place will be in January it's a go have a go with you and I was recalled Denver Colorado for this and people were wearing a t-shirt in January in Denver Colorado because he changed this is it I left I took around 5 o clock in the evening by several more than 10 centimeters of snow at 40 and in case you do not believe that of Denver Colorado for your friend Pacific Radford I was with him this last January and he will tell you my god did it again before we arrived and the temperature was freezing we landed and got change the temperature again he changed his times and seasons so what are you saying sir I am saying that if you read John chapter true from verse 1 to 11 John chapter 2 from verse 1-3 level it can change not yet - now because when the mother of Jesus Christ came to him and said they have no wine he said to her woman what have I to do we true my time has not yet come is not yet time for me to begin to perform miracles the fullness of time is yet to come but that day for the bridegroom and he grew I mean the bridegroom and the bride not yet became now and you say there's something I can do to make sure that tonight will be the fullness of my time yes that's what I'm saying what is he about I can do sir or read Matthew 50 from verse 21 to 28 Matthew 15 from verse 21 to 28 a woman came to Jesus Christ and say have mercy on me I need a miracle my daughter is grievously vexed of the devil the Bible says or didn't say a word she kept on crying the apostle said Lord send his room I wish is true noisy disturb you knows Jesus Christ I am NOT saying better to the lost household of Istra lost sheep of the house of Israel the rumor kept on crying after a long time she said she kept on prayerful message she came worship at the feet of the Lord Jesus Prayer have mercy on me that's all I'm asking for the law so I can give the bread of children to dogs so I know I'm a dog but I'm not asking for the bread I'm asking for a crumb she got what she wanted you know what happened daddy the time for the Gentiles had that come the time for the Gentiles game later on in Acts chapter 10 when God sent Peter to the house of Colinas that's why Jesus Christ was saying no no no it's not time for miracles for you yet woman you are not of the house of Israel I mean you remember very well when God was sending pizza to the house of Colinas Pateros estate we can't take a breakage to them they don't belong to us and Gaza the time for the Gentiles had come what a clean don't currently anymore this woman brought the future to the present yes I know my time hasn't come yes I know I see I'm to be regarded as a dog but I'm not living and that they have fullness of time came [Music] may I encourage you tonight that you don't pray casually you don't pray for five minutes ten minutes and leave you know go anywhere you are locked down your home why don't you check the all-night and hold on to God and say Lord you control times and seasons the fullness of my time must come tonight it will answer you you know your faith and so those of you who are not received the Bible stated clearly in 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 verse 2 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 was true he said this is the day of salvation you don't have to wait it tomorrow this is the day of salvation the next convention is going to be in a yes time that is it below doesn't return before then the today's IDEO salvation so if you have not yet given your life to Jesus do so right now I want you to bow your head where you are I can't see you but your mighty God can see you and cry to him and say Lord save my soul I know this message is for me let my salvation be now true that the fullness of time for me can be now bow your head and talk to the Almighty God and the rest of us who are already saved please intercede for all those who are crying to God for salvation now pray that the Almighty God will save their souls that you have mercy of them that is blood will wash away their sins and that you will give them a brand new beginning pray for just one minute and I will pray for their salvation too Thank You almighty in Jesus mighty name we have prayed my father my god I want to thank you once again for your word I want to thank you particularly for those people who are surrendering their life to you now father please receive them today save their souls today wash them clean with your blood today write their names in the book of life today receive them into the family of God today Lord God Almighty from this moment on would any time the crown to you answer them by fire thank you Lord God Almighty in Jesus mighty name who have prayed amen praise the Lord now I want to rejoice with those of you have given your life to Jesus please make sure that through your pastors or through your friends one way or the other you let me know that you have given your life to Jesus so that I can begin to pray for you now for the rest of force I could lease prayer points for you one by one Oh pray for this pray for that but I want you to feel only true prayer points to number one you should turn the Almighty God that he spared your life to this moment that he kept you alive to hear what you have just heard thank you for it it deserves your praise and then number three our number two you hold on to him I say Lord God Almighty I'm not going to let you go until you assure me that the fullness of my time has come at last that's all if you can just get that assurance from him that the fullness of your time has come everything that I've mentioned alio will become your portion and before the Sun rises you'll be singing a new song and I'm going to pray for you in advance before you have set you down and begin to talk to the Almighty God shall we pray please ancient of these the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the ending the one who is the one who was the one who is to come the one who is from everlasting to everlasting the one who controls times and seasons the one who can change not yet - now the one who can change no - yes the one who has the power to bring the future into the present I thank you I thank you for this very very peculiar for the good service in this very very special conventions of Canada and America I asked Lord God Almighty that you will please do what you told me that every major statement that I been made is a word of prophecy to solve one for whom the fullness of time has come I'm asking my father a mango that will prove your mightiness in the lives of all this your children that I see crying on to you today the fullness of time will come for each and every one of them and that very very soon I'll be hearing a catalogue of mighty testimonies happening in the life of this surgery please Lord let it be well with them grant your request and let this be a day we never forget for the rest of their lives damn pray Lord God Almighty that in your infinite mercy you have great mercy on Canada on America and put an end to the plague let this virus move out of the way and as it moves out of the way Lord God Almighty let your children begin to prosper like never before restore everything they have lost and just let it be well with them and I pray that it will remain faithful to you they will remain loyal so that every hard prayer that we pray tonight will be answered immediately please let it be well with them I pray that together your kingdom will be there to reign with you thank you Almighty God for in Jesus mighty name we have prayed Amen sisters we thank God for a successful convention of not-america Canada and the Caribbean islands we want to
Channel: RCCG
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Keywords: rccg, rccg live, rccg video, rccg holy ghost sermon, rccg 2020 holy ghost service, pastor e a adeboye, pastor e a adeboye sermon, pastor e.a adeboye 2020, rccg june 2020 holy ghost service, rccg june 2020 special service, pastor e a adeboye service, rccg june 19th, rccg 19th june sermon, adeboye 19th june sermon, rccg convention 2020, rccgna convention 2020, rccg north america operations, rccgna festival of life 2020, pastor adeboye sermon rccgna, rccg festival of life sermon
Id: Yu7hHNjdtAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 13sec (3373 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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