Pastor E.A Adeboye Sermon At RCCG September 2016 HOLY GHOST SERVICE

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let somebody shout hallelujah [Music] gets ready for the most anticipated event of the year garden of worshipers and saints from around the globe coming together with one heart and with one voice to seek the face of the Lord [Music] it's the 2016 festival of life communicate to the United Arab Emirates he is the right hand of power date is 28 October 2016 ministry pastor edy a degree general was here to redeem Christian Church of God and other unmounted ministers of the gospel there will also be a night of prison worship featuring Frank Edwards not Annelle bossy Gabriel is Yoshi hunger acumen and other unwanted gospel music ministers get ready for an unprecedented experience of worship praise and a deep exposition of the world there is about to be a shield [Music] for further inquiries can you send an email to middle-east festival of life at Jesus is Lord bless His Holy Name let's worship the Almighty God let's bless the King of Kings and blessed a lot of laws let's worship Him quiet please remain there give Him glory given wanna give in adoration praising his water to be praised is water to be adored magnify his holy name worship the King of Kings and the Lord of lords praising praising place our healer our provider our supporter our deliverer bless the fruitful vine give him glory giving wanna give him adoration this worthy is worthy to be praised is worthy to be adored we cannot bless him enough for what he did last month let us praise him less praise him let's give him glory let's give him honor does give him adoration bless His Holy Name bless His Holy Name bless a soul in heaven thank you Father Thank You Almighty glory be to your name Lord Saint your father in Jesus mighty name we have worshiped I want you to lift your hands your hearts to him I say father in all our lives glorify your name tonight go ahead talk to the Almighty God in all our lives lord please glorify your name tonight glorify your name tonight in all our lives father please glorify your name tonight thank you Father [Music] glorify your name that's all we're asking for Lord glorify your name tonight thank you Father thanks a lot 9005 in Jesus mighty name we have prayed Alpha and Omega we bless your name the issuance of days we adore you the beginning and the ending our help in ages past our hope for years to come thank you thank you for January thank you for February thank you for March thank you for April thank you for me thank you for you thank you for your life thank you for last month further thank you for last month further thank you for last month and now thank you for September accept our worship in Jesus name tonight in the life of all of us here and all those who are listening to us all over the world glorify your holy name all we are asking is that you glorify your holy name please father just glorify your holy name in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen all right let's somebody shout hallelujah now you wager she can withdraw to the paper and say happy new year [Music] and then you may be seated things are going to be different tonight [Applause] and so I want to call forward certain people to to share their testimonies before the message for mrs. sake Saburo passes over oh please come assistant pastor Ola Inca I did you mom please come Allah in Kedah human Paso mrs. piccolo male please come to Colombo player and then pastor to me or no Rihanna please come alright let's go take those testimonies before we are the message now so while they are coming we're going to take the chorus bam bam ba [Music] [Applause] and the reason we are taking that course is because very soon it is going to be sadly pressure in somebody's house [Applause] so let's I've told you tell your nipple relax because this is your night say it again say it again so just flow along twist this will be different tonight okay all right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Thank You fire please be seated what one of the one of these songs rend up at the buyer said God speak the word into my life a half a word from the Lord this is your night [Music] this is the night you have been waiting for [Applause] thank you Jesus let's be seated as we listen to the to the testimonies [Applause] [Music] God wipe away tears of 23 years we started coming to come regularly on monthly basis since 1999 for me learning when the Illawarra started we never miss any program unless we are outside the country that means that was directly but nothing opposed then we talked about if you give us a child or not you will continue to be our God we will see you included in 2014 we lot a letter to daddy we thought that is that will be coming regularly since 1999 and on monthly basis we will close on Saturday by Sunday we are my way to camp again for Chile's and daddy reply very soon you will share your testimony in February 2015 we were privileged to we add that exclude given to us by pastor by the walla WA as prophetic Manchu and that's him here all those 2015 my wife took in [Applause] we want to turn the lcct living spring Philadelphia led by past or missus from your banana what a lovely charge when my wife was there but we bless the church in Jesus name Yakima WA testimony Alleluia Golu WA Jedediah unlike you McKay shokudo let somebody shout hallelujah my name is Alana car adagiamo I'm from the god province 42 the province of a common fever I bless the name of the Lord of our Father in the Lord I wanna dream attaboy because God wipe away my reproach reproach of over 25 years that I'll be waiting when I clock 53 God remember me [Applause] it may May 18 2016 God give me testimony rail rail Aloha in general WA adage human praise the Lord [Applause] I thank God for my salvation and I thank God for our father and the lord that I do boil and I thank God for our daddies legal prophets 51st oh I oh I did my name is pastor mrs. piccolo mokulele hi Mary in 1983 and Frances years ago there is no menstruation so I thank God that last year we came for the Shalom and we came for the day to another program in this way is that a monster that will multi year and I came here when I came body and Holy Ghost night our friend alongside some people instead the god of honza they are prayer but they don't know for now best letter the ucumar gives testimony hi thank God that today God gave me Mira foo-foo oh no yay so Manu people brother let's drop his 50 present somebody show my name is pastor Giuliano Viana from Provence for region 10 Abuja in 1995 on this glorious altar I made a bow and I'm here this evening to pay the bow in 1995 I was 11 years Berlin I came here as a barren woman I had gone to so many places they've taken me to have at least I there was a place that had to give me seven boiled eggs to eat within one minutes I had to swallow he talked I was taken to Silesia church where they beside me and in the middle of the night I was told to walk with my back I must not look back after all this nothing happened a time came my mother says you don't want to come home so that I can take you to that witch doctor he she brought the witch doctor to my house and when the man came he gave me something to insert into my vagina the other three days I'll become pregnant I inserted it in fact I went through hell after all nothing happened I went to all the hospitals I was told I had no fallopian tubes and so there was no way for me to ever have a baby of my own if I my provincial pastor happens to be one of those doctors who confirmed that I will never be able to have a child in my life and so 1995 convention pastor opened a path pastor banner ad C Adeem cg.o brought me to the camp for the first time and on one of these on the Friday the word of knowledge came through a daddy daddy G Oh he said there's a woman here you have been told you don't have fallopian tubes and you will never be able to have a child in your life where God said I should tell you that is giving me a news Pilate on tubes praise the Lord I received it and right there I told God I said God if you are not this your word truth at the Geo because I've been told that the god of the dgo is alive so if you give me a song and we name him somewhere and when he's 20 years old I will come and return him to the Lord brethren the child born out of Nepal opium tube was 20 years in June and I've come to return him to the Lord somebody pray Oh they were with all of you [Applause] I tell you to praise this god this god of miracles this god of science this god of wonders this all-mighty God this God who can do anything this Ancient of Days this unchangeable changer this God would lives forever give him glory give him wanna give him adoration blessing blessing blessing blessing blessing blessing this water he is worthy is worthy to be praised is worthy to be honored his body this wedding oh thank you my father thank you my lord thank you Jesus glory be to your holy name glory be to your holy name thank you Father hmm in Jesus mighty name we have worshiped water mighty God we serve hallelujah [Music] we [Music] we are sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] he's our fight [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] but we just want to bless your name we want to bless your name further we want to bless your name please accept our worship in Jesus name your was his faith comes by hearing and hearing by your word your what is devack him the devil by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimonies because of the testimonies we have heard tonight my father my god the faith to move mountains release on to your children and if there's anyone here who will be held captive by forces of darkness that word of testimony that we have heard Lord let it bring about deliverance tonight before we leave their Lord God Almighty let every one of our single new song thank you my father my god in Jesus mighty name we have prayed body shout hallelujah I know this is my night and there you may be seated please those of you who are born in September please stand on your feet and shout Alleluia to God my father my god I commit all your children born in the month of September into your hands September is the ninth month of the year and 9 is 3 times 3 a committed is your children into your hands let all the blessings be triple-triple joy triple bridge rules triple promotion triple glory triple anointing let me beware with them Oh Lord and let the a new year be far far better than the previous ones in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen praise the Lord next month by the grace of God will be used convention and so beginning from October the third to the seventh the youth will be having their convention here and the team is versus on trahana so you know that is one convention you don't want to miss at all [Music] on Monday there be no Sheila our because God would have taken care of all situations tonight in Jesus name [Applause] November God willing will be the last early go service of the year because in December we'll have Congress and I want to announce to you that by the grace of God the November oligo service with a place in the new arena and every day of the Congress which I place in the new arena every day oh the our review center here and the oblivion centers all over the nation beginning from maximum but by the grace of God come November we are moving to the new arena because the cloud has moved and when the cloud moves you better move with it Oh glory be to God I am excited tonight I'm sure you can you can guess why even if I don't pretend someone how many of you already believe God we do yo Bahrainis of 25 years marinus of 33 years even the woman without fallopian to you I already saw the boy the boys say young strong man almost as tall as myself the doctor said there's no way but thank God I have a God who says I am the way it will open the door for you tonight [Applause] I'm excited because the man who brought the first message has already preached my salmon when I had Luke chapter 5 verse 1 through 7 I said oh my god God doesn't want me to preach tonight because that's my text and then he began to explain what is fruitfulness food tunas in these fufu nice a hearty dish well to get my note so I'll defer the next to you whether you believe it or not tonight is my night Luke chapter 5 verse 1 to 7 and it came to pass that as the people praise upon him to hear the word of God he stood by the lake of Gennesaret and so two ships standing by the lake but the fishermen were gone out of them and we're washing their nets and he entered into one of the ship which was Simons and prayed him that he would trust out a little from the land and he sat down and taught the people out of the ship and when he had left speaking is that on to Simon launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught Simon as we said unto Him master we have toiled or denied and I've taken nothing nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net and when they had this done they include a great multitude of fishes and they are net break and they back on on to their partners which one in the other ship that the shakaama helped them and they came and filled both the ships so that they began to sink that kind of blessing that we need people to help you carry them we come your way today in Jesus name God loves fruitfulness his first commandment to man in Genesis chapter 1 from verse 27 to 28 Genesis 1:27 to 28 a time he blessed them he said be fruitful and multiply that was the first commandment of God to men [Music] God loves children somebody said that you I can see that you loved her and I said like father like son my father loves your that's why I love them the happiest moment drawn in any convention for me is when they bring forward those thousands of children brought forward by people who used to be barren I love children and God loves them he lost them because he said they are his own someone 27 verse 3 and 127 verse 3 says children high heritage of the Lord the fruit of the womb is his reward he loves them as a matter of fact lemak chapter 10 verse 32 15 Matt chapter 10 verse 13 to 15 he said let them come to me forbid them not for this is the kingdom of heaven you do not become like a child you're not going to heaven and the reason he loves children so much is illustrated in Matthew 21 verse 15 to 16 Matthew 21 15 to 16 he said out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou has perfected place children know how to praise God you don't have to beg them it is you elders they have problems praising God this you would think of your position when you come so praising God and you can dance you you you you hardly move children don't care I look forward to visiting the children during the convention and when I visited them last August and as almost half a million of them you could imagine the treadle that went through me and I'm sure through my father in heaven when we say let somebody shout hallelujah and you can hear the shout of those little children they don't care who is looking let somebody shout hallelujah [Applause] you see from up chapter 50 proverbs 15 verse 23 I was sorry did I say profit I said I think I want to say some is a new so afraid please glorifies me God says if you offer praise you give me glory God loves children because the glorified he hates fruitlessness he doesn't want to see parents in any form so if you till you hit marinas God is it more he hates fruitlessness even in a tree ordinary tree when is this a tree that is not bearing fruit is a cottage down cut it down Luke chapter 13 verse 16 I looked at in verses tonight so why is the tree growing and not producing fruit he said is just comparing the ground cottage down God hits abortion God hates miscarriage when they in human beings or even in animals Exodus 23 verse 26 Exodus 23 verse 26 he said not on who cast the eye on nobody womb is Carrie and I'm saying to somebody here today if you happy miscarry no more from tonight or what [Applause] Philippians chapter 1 verse 6 Philippians 1 verse 6 s war she begins a good walk it will complete it every one of you that I'd be considered barren you are taking in this month and there'd be no miscarriage there'd be no still path the only time God allows Bahrainis is as a punishment so I want you to get ready d-day someone tonight is going to be like the summons of the convention it will be in two parts I have am a quartic or even before we continue in second samuel chapter 6 verse 22 23 second summer 6 22 23 the only woman we hear about in the Bible who died Baron was Michael the wife of David why because David was praising God was dancing jumping up and down he forgot he was king he just was praising God some also his belly came out of from under his brother and then he got full and the wife looked at him and said what what kind of king with you what kind of majesty look at the way you were dancing like a common man [Laughter] hey and answer for the one who made me clean and dancing for the one who took the kingdom from your father and give it to me and say woman you ever seen anything yet I will press him more than ever before is there somebody who praise God let me hear you shout hallelujah [Music] and God hide in heaven he settled a bit later on he said David there will always be somebody to sit on your throne because of the way you have praised me as for that woman who said why were you praising me he said she would never have a child she died barren why because the Bible says like mother like daughter well if the mother won't praise God the children won't praise God either so Gaza there's no praise coming from this section so let me shut the door there remember the wizard I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth why don't you leave us with your magical done promising I will bless you at all times your pleasure continually be in my mouth that he allowed barriness as a punishment he said sorry you can read about in Genesis 29 verse 31 Genesis 29 verse 31 a woman a man ended up with two wives he wanted to marry richer they played him a trick and they give Amelia and it was disappointed it wasn't Leah's fault and so at the end of the day the man hid a clear and love richer Gaza no you can't do this so he said to the one that was hit Addison hey you just be pop producing children the one is a deal of I shot the dog but and God is a merciful God because he Bible tells me out of his great mercy in Genesis chapter 30 verse 22 to 24 Genesis 30 23 to 24 he remembered Richard God would remember somebody here today and the Bible says there will arise and have mercy of Zion for the time to favor her yes a time has someone who - verse 13 someone who - verse 13 that is why before we continue recorded this this is an unusual night is an extraordinary night the presence of God here tonight is different the best prayer that is scenic and pray is lord have mercy on me you chapter 18 verse 10 to 14 Luke 18 verse 10 to 14 two people went to the church to pray one was telling God only had done I pay my tithe I give my offering I pray I fast God said what is it that we have done for me that I didn't do for you what did you give me that you bring that from me they dia was in mind there who said God Joseph mercy of me miserable offender Gaza all right I will grant your request before I proceed any further because we are about to get into some serious situations now if you have not yet surrendered your life to Jesus Christ run forward now come on ask God for mercy let him save your soul out of his mercy so that you can hear all other prayers that you may want to pray I'm going to count from 1 to 12 because I can see some of you far away but before 12 come and stand before me if you want to surrender your life to Jesus so that you can save your soul out of his messy wipe away your sins and give you a brand new beginning I'm counting now 1 - sorry faul five six seven [Music] Thank You deserve you are clapping your hands will be caring beautiful children eight and nine [Applause] turn [Music] [Applause] eleven Thank You those of you are clapping now those of you I see on the way come on quickly those of you are ready in front up to the Almighty God telling I have come to surrender my life to you I wanted to save my soul I want you to forgive all my sins I will serve you for the rest of my life please let you upload wash away all my sins today and the rest of us please let's stretch our hands toward this people and it has seed for them that they all mighty Savior the one who saved our souls who saved their own Souls also tonight and give them a brand new beginning and please cancel us who you kindly come over and I tend to disappear in a moment so that we can finish on time counselors please come let's intercede for these people that the old mighty Savior will save their souls tonight pray for them that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sins we wipe away all their sins that they will have a brand new beginning from today the Almighty God will have mercy on each and every one of them pray for them brethren pray for them and those of you in front doctor Jesus Josie have mercy on me lord save my soul forgive all my sins Josip mercy have mercy on me Lord and I will serve you for the rest of my life of mercy of mushy lord have mercy lord have mercy on me o lord have mercy on me and I will serve you for the rest of my life please have mercy of mercy lord have mercy Lord thank you Father chanceless can remove a little faster god bless you thank you Savior - Thank You King of glory in Jesus mighty name we have prayed Savior I just want to bless your Holy Name I want to thank you because you are so full of mercy you said anyone who will come on to you you win always customers district will come to you now father please receive them in Jesus name let your blood wash away their sins in Jesus name this very moment those who are here and those who are standing all over the world surrendering to you receive them in Jesus name save their souls write their names in the book of life give them a brand new beginning and from now on anytime they call on you please answer them in Jesus name thank you my father my god in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen praise the Lord now those of you I in front I want to rejoice with you because by degrees of go from now I be praying for you so I need your names you address and your prayer requests the cancer loss will give you some cards which you will feel very quickly and those of you are listening all over the world and you have surrendered your life to Jesus please get in contact with us as soon as possible with your names your address and your prayer requests I will promise you by the grace of God we will continue to pray for you the rest of us why we are waiting for this new brothers and sisters to quickly finish their fill in their cards I want you to begin to thank God in advance for what is about to do in your life tonight because this is a night you are not going to forget for the rest of your life so let's spend just about three or four minutes praising God now on your own if you want you can sing to him if you want you can clap to him if you want you can even dance and if you like you can just keep on worshiping him your way just for about three to four minutes let's do that very quickly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you five [Music] st. your father [Music] in Jesus mighty name we worship and the mighty name of Jesus you have something to praise God about let's be seated if we were standing how do I know that from tonight onward there'd be no more food less efforts in your life I have several reasons why I am sure I will just mention a few number one I know that from tonight on world you will cooperate with God the fruitless efforts of Peter ended because he chose to cooperate with God when Jesus entered into his boat he welcomed him in while Jesus was preaching in his boat it didn't leave him than just go away he stayed with him some 23 verse 6 some 20 verse 6 is surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever I am confident that many of us here tonight have made up our minds we have nowhere else to go Jesus is our last Bostock I tell God for the testimony we heard the first one said we've been trusting God for the fruit of remove all these 33 years we never missed any legal service whenever means initially we got to a stage they took a decision God whether you did was a child or not you will be our good it was a dusty road and the Lord said did let me reply that they wasn't justified in the name that's above every other name by this time next year all of you are trusting God for the fruit of the womb you will testify [Applause] because when God is on your side it's impossible to fail that's why I said we should sing the hymn that we sang very gently very gently he said you had the fruit to buy one of the phases of the verse he said you had a fruitful vine and I'm depending on you I'm rely on you you also apply the strength from within that will make me fruitful as you abide with Jesus Christ he will supply whatever is missing so that you can become fruitful not only fruitful but logically they fruitful in every facet of life see because when we talk about Bahrainis we are not just talking about the fruit of the womb below anyone who keeps failing examination is mentally barren I used to be in the academic world when there is a lecturer who is not publishing papers in length journalist and without publication there be no promotion we always is academically barren somebody's considered Bahrain if he's walking and there's nothing to show for it some of you have been laboring now you've been at the same job for more than thirty years there's nothing to show for it that is going to change tonight in Jesus name [Applause] because you will cooperate with God financially you can become fruitful the moment you begin to cooperate with God cooperate with God after do the story before of a time a visitor kinetically camp meeting in Tulsa 1979 and it was every time and a man came forward and said please I want to talk to the people he called his wife that is true together and they gave them permission he said please brethren everything all of you contribute tonight is what me and my wife will contribute and there were 70,000 of us there he said whatever all of us give that's what year Lord will give and we will touch this man is in trouble because we wanted to get a little trouble we gave more than we wanted to give at the end aside as you count everything they counted to the point five million dollars with a half UN tribunal the my heart I said brethren is that all you can do I said this man knows something that I don't know as a mercy this man must find out what is the secret was he talking about a finished I went to him so what's your secret what's happening is I know what I'm doing is I used to be a failure then I started a business with five hundred dollars and I made a covenant with God I told God every prophet I make instead of giving you ten percent I will give you 90 percent and I will keep 10% they said within five years $500 had become fifty million as I see that changed my life because many a times we see the glory we don't know the story I am not at the level of 90 percent yet that I'm going I want you to stand on your feet we are going to pray a prayer with all your heart as a father I will cooperate with you make me very fruitful over your mouth and pray I will cooperate with you oh yes Lord I will cooperate with you make me very fruitful make me very social make me very fruitful make me very first I will cooperate with you nod I don't know about others that I will cooperate with you kindly make me very fruitful very very fruitful physically materially spiritually make me very very fruitful I will cooperate with you I will cooperate with you from now more than ever before I will cooperate with you just make me very very fruitful yes Lord that's what I will do I will cooperate with you I will cooperate with you fully Father make me very very fruitful make me very very fruitful make me very very fruitful thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have pretty socially be Jesus name please visitor number two you will be him to the letter Peter said I have fished all night I caught nothing incidentally I've given that waters some of you before there are some of us who think that fishing should only be done at night the Almighty God has nothing wrong with fishing during the day I am sure you understand the proverb nobody said that husband a wife shoo fish at night alone become fish early in the morning mighty God is ready to supply all your needs any time glory be to God repite say at thy word because we have spoken I will take your word many times when the word of God comes an occasion like this he doesn't make sense even to me who hear from him I mean when God said that there was someone in the crowd who had no fallopian tubes and the doctor said there's no way she will be very be pregnant but the girl said I will give you nude fallopian tubes listen Bradley I'm a scientist you don't get big in mathematics we don't know a little bit of science it doesn't make sense doesn't make scientific sense for a woman with a fallopian tubes who have a child between course Peaks what is science when God speaks who is the doctor and God had already spoken to somebody here tonight he said it doesn't matter what his situation will be like this is your night [Applause] see when girls when God speaks when God speaks many a times I almost tremble before I can't repeat what he had said it doesn't make sense is there's no science that can explain when he said to somebody there's someone there who said I wish I were Tala now you have already grown taller hey how do you grow drawing a service and recruit Allah that is God that is God that is God and that God that God that I serve you see to somebody here tonight very soon you share your testimony [Applause] so when God speaks thank you daddy I [Applause] [Music] will remind you did there's a word coming to somebody but maybe I need to remind you of the story of someone who were having a legal service in London call it fol and as this lady who came from America to attend she came to visit a younger ones and he said yes oligo servicer i will go with you she's be barren all her life she had already passed the age of type er no more menstruation just like you heard in the testimony tonight and the Word of God just came and said there's someone here past the age of childbearing go say oh I'm going to reduce your age by ten years and the woman saw that's me at all these siblings don't call me auntie anymore I'm younger than some of you now taking God at His Word shortly after that Gaza there's someone here they say you will never have attacked get ready for your babies and I know this meeting was caught because of me Nemus later she was showing us a baby the Lord asked me to tell somebody here tonight he said I will reduce your age and then make you fruitful this right one let me tell you sighs I live Lou yeah just let us land to take him at his word you see that's one of the reasons why God loves children they don't receive like you do they believe is easy for them to trust God as well my prayer for myself always God please don't let me get to that you created through advanced in knowledge that I can't behave like a baby when I'm with you how old are we Brett Rae the oldest fellow he is less than a hundred when you are a hundred years old you as a baby in the hand of God you had baby in the hand of the one who wasn't here before the mountains were brought forth you are you a baby in the hand of the one who has no beginning who has no end you had people in the end of the nations of this you are a baby in the hand of the Almighty God why don't you say father I'll believe you [Applause] if you just take him at his word ticking at this world and then obey Him obey Him and ask me to do a lot of things that humanly speaking sound to me very foolish I can't obey you remember the time he asked me to dance around those who were having backache dancer and a what for I did my time I finished dancing foolishly before some people every one of them might be healed we don't do Joshua be him take him at his word take him at his word my father in the Lord said to one woman in a lorry some years ago he went to visit the church in eLearning and the woman claimed I said that please pray for me I'm barren Papa didn't bother to pray he just said to her what kind of baby do you want go and buy the dress she went to the market but will be dress brought it back Oh relatives DC has gone into her brain limas later somebody was wearing a dress [Applause] chapter about this world and I'm going to ask you to pray a prayer now you stand on your feet I say father I promise you I will be please make me fruit rue open your mouth and cry on to him make me fruitful make me fruitful make me for for long I will bill you in all things everything you asked me to do I will do it you asked me to witness I will witness you asked me to pray I will pray you asked me to sing I will sing you asked me to study your word I will study your word everything you asked me to do I will do I will be father make me full or make me fruitful I would I will beat you I will beat you to the letter I will be you Almighty God I will be I will be thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have pray amen please visit a number tell me why I am sure the food lessness is ending in your life tonight is that you are going to enter into a covenant with God in Luke chapter 5 verse 11 Luke 5 verse 11 Peter became a permanent partner of Jesus Christ permanent before you : followed him in for some a chapter 1 from verse 9 to 24 so much of the 1 verse 9 to 20 and entered into a covenant with God give me a son and you can have him God was looking for a prophet and I was looking for a son Gosei and I said let's become partners give me a son and you can have it we you make up your mind that you are going to be a covenant partner of the Most High God in every area of life you suddenly begin to become fruitful fruitful biologically fruitful mentally fruitful spiritually through - in all areas in all areas fruitful mentally and I can tell you stories upon stories of people who made up their mind I want to be a partner with God and God and say alright let's let's show you I told you the story of the fellow who came to me I said daddy I want to be one of the three people who will be sponsoring the convention just pray for me and I look at him very young man well if that is your company we go fine let's pray we prayed the following week he came running the idea is I want to be partnered with God and decide me my place of work as a congratulations how can you be congratulating me after you came to sponsor the convention on your salary salary that is less than $1,000 a month I said God had heard your prayer so he had to shut one door to open another I prefer somebody here tonight the trend of God that you don't even know are there may God open them all to you [Applause] within a year he came back you say I don't know if this is enough to form one thought but at least this is something I remember how I used to think I was clever before I give my life to Jesus and then I surrender my life to Jesus Christ and I was dream my master's degree then I am a supervisor so travel and give me some problems to solve while he was away by the time he came when he saw what I have done she wants you once you surrender everything to God he takes over your brain takes over everything my supervisor who went true he said no no no no he knock I know you a Christian now I say yes sir they say I know you will tell me the truth I say yes sir he said you are not the only one who did this walk I said no sir I said I know you will tell the truth he said who helped you because it is it was an Indian he doesn't believe in Christ if I said Jesus is going to laugh at me I said Professor Emmanuel [Applause] [Music] after his name shall be called my secret came out when he said of which department I pray for somebody here today because you are going to enter into a covenant with God everything you touch will prosper [Applause] let me go Estefan I just feel the unction of the only spirit here today in the mighty manner that kind of success that people ask you how do you do it shall be your portion [Applause] maybe you should pray a prayer straightaway and say father make me your partner so that I will never fail again go ahead open your mouth up to the Almighty God just make me your partner Lord so that I will never never feel again make me your partner Lord make me your partner so that I will never never fail again make me your partner Almighty God so that I will never never fail again with me make me your partner so that they'll be no more fruit lands that Bellomo fruitlessness in my life no more fruitless efforts just make me your partner make me your partner make me your partner make me your partner thank you Father a little bit real holiness in Jesus mighty name we are praying please be seated oh thank you my lord thank you daddy number one the law said there is someone here tonight they say right now when they want to describe you they call you the barren one they asked me to tell you very soon your middle name will be mama sow [Applause] I think this one must be my own because Gaza there's someone here tonight very soon you are going to get a new nickname and that nickname is going to be Bob Oulu [Music] [Applause] for those of you listening all over the world who don't know the mini Baba looey simply means the extra well demand I think that's going to be my own injuries Osman thank you Father [Music] if you are not writing if you are not in the habit of writing down prophecies please either you write this one down or you memorize it because it's going to happen so soon [Applause] the law says there's someone here tonight and I know it must be me he said that he saw one here tonight I'm going to give you one brick true that we can swallow your failures [Applause] so what why do I know the foot ness ness is going to end in your life be one or two more reasons because I know God is already walking is that God Himself will decrease your fruitfulness God decreed to Peter cast your nets for a big haul God had already decreed that two boats will be full of fish even before Peter castanets you know many a times when we preach on this passage we blame Peter because God asked him to cast nets and it has only one because one and two boats were full and were thinking what would have happened if he has all the nets he will probably have finished all the fish available there see but when God decrees when God speaks it is done the one who said let there be light and there was light is the one who said be fruitful is a decree in the mighty name of Jesus Christ i decree tonight be fruitful [Applause] the one who spoke who spoke to the waters in Genesis chapter 1 verse 22 22 Genesis 1 22 22 who said let the waters bring forth plenty of sleep the lava stirred a mighty fish wills a tree still Apia all manners of animals fill the oceans the same one is also the one who said multiply in other words is not asking you to have just one child he said morty fly don't let anybody deceive you the plan of God for your life is not to manage he said I have come that you may have life and happies how Dantley then I know that there are some people who are listening now is most likely in the newspaper by Sunday or some point somebody is going to criticize what I have just said just no problem they are doing what they are created to do but I decree in the name that's above every other name you will not die for no no you are not going to die poor [Applause] please visit this is why are you talking to people about prospering in life you should focus your attention on preparing them for heaven I'm doing that I never preached a sermon without talking about holiness I'm preparing you for heaven but if you're mighty go see there's a mansion waiting for me in heaven at least as you have a flat here as you have a flat here if isn't that is a mansion waitin for me heaven built with gold why should I die a tenant here why when the same God who is seated in heaven his legs is here on earth if he is going to prepare myself for me in heaven he will give me a house Liana in the name that is above every attorney you will not die it Anna and those who don't like it we attend your housewarming ceremony I like a friend of mine who said once way back in 1975 or something when some people were complaining there are too many castle egos that's why there's traffic jam Issei what're you see I've not bought my own yet on that junction of the only spirits that is here tonight you will never bother again [Applause] and this way or anybody in the name that's above a real time in God will help you pay off your debt now when God speaks it is done and when it decreases when it decrease your fruitfulness nobody can stop it [Music] in Genesis chapter 18 verse NATO 14 Genesis 18 verse NATO 14 when we said to Sarah or Ibrahim tell Sarah your wife is going to officer and so I say hey what are you talking about oh thank you Father that is a is and I like this that this is a love chakram begin as an individual laughter and then become a family laughter and then become a town laughter they asked me to tell someone your laughter will become a national laughter [Applause] all right now thank you Father I'm trying to be a gentleman but they are 19 or me tonight I can't I feel like jumping down there - come on oh thank you Almighty God thank you Father that is that is it for those of you who have already made up your mind that you will become his covenant partners he said I will give you fresh anointing for easy success [Applause] you know you know there are two ways of subsidy you walk hard and then you succeed you sweat and then you succeed but then there's an anointing that causes you to succeed effortlessly and annuity that you just do it with you and you get too much does the anointing God is releasing on you right now so like I was saying so when God said to Abraham tell Sarah is going to have she's going to have a son Sarah began to laugh when they laughed I didn't stop God because God had decreed but I decreed when God decrease your doubt will stop him the second train chapter 4 verse 8 to 17 second Kings 4 8 or 17 when Elisha said to the Shulamite woman woman you are going to have a baby she said man of God don't deceive me that's what she said then when God has decreed and I said it directly himself or he says it to his servant he said you'd forever O Lord I would is century you know the testimony of a husband a wife the two of them came to us they asked for prayers and I just felt led all right ah do you want your baby and the husband jumped I said a boy the wife said again and so it's okay but a set of twins less than a year later they all stood here on this alter the husband was carrying the boy and the wife was carrying the daughter because the decree has gone out I'm going to ask you to pray a prayer now I'm about rain and I want you to think very well before you pray because an opportunity like tonight comes only once in a lifetime but logically how do you want your children mentally how far do you want to go academically career-wise how high do you want to go spiritually how mighty do you want to become for God so you're going to tell God I'm going to give you two two minutes to tell God explain to me what you want and then I am going to use the authority has given me to issue a decree go ahead stand on your feet and tell God don't go tell God Roger tell god what you want tell him if you are trusting God for the fruit of the womb tell him do you want a boy you want a girl you want to set of twins you want triplets you want 40 go tell him you want to become the richest man in Africa go on tell me don't be afraid please God is not man you want to raise the dead for him as a man of God woo hey he's done it before you do it again don't limit him what hey tell him Serleena charleen it's only Charlie Oh tank through my father [Music] [Music] sighs oh sign through long in Jesus mighty name we have prayed now lift your hands to the Most High God as I pray my father my god I want to bless your holy name when you called me you assured me that we will not let your word fall to the ground in my mouth and I thank you for your faithfulness I thank you for your presence here tonight I thank you for the unction of the Holy Spirit upon me tonight so in your name I decree consigning everyone listening to me right now you will never fail again [Applause] in every area of life you'll be among the best in York we reach the top [Music] if there's ever any miracle that God can do for any man if we do it for you they Almighty God we perform wonders through you this very night in all your families in will terminate Baroness he will give you wonderful children and your children will be greater than you you will never fail again very very soon your joy will begin to overflow so shall it be for so I have decreed it in Jesus mighty name amen if you received a Lamia you shot a big Alleluia [Music] a god bless you you may be seated oh thank you Father tonight because of the heavy presence of the Almighty God we're going to lay hands on everyone [Applause] and those who are coming to lay hands on you are going to tell you loud and clear just one sentence be fruitful in Jesus name now the lay hands on you and they made a pronouncement physically you become fruitful mentally you become fruitful financially you become fruitful spiritually you become fruitful and in the service of God you become fruitful so the ministers of God will come they will line up before you you come they lay hands on you thank you Father [Music] daddy asked me to turn did many sons who are going to lay hands to live both hands he said because he has decided he would lay both hands or you tonight so well defied me now they live both hands on you God will lay his two hands on their hands and they say the fruitful so you just go back rejoicing I told you this is your night the the new eight years who help me lay hands on the pyre don't live out the wire tonight Jesus it's a night for everybody and so please ministers shall we line up very quickly it's quite a crowd there but we are many - let's hurry up the sari of Leste position and when you finish ministers then the senior pastors from essays and above who lay hands on you passes yourself YouTube was peaceful for everybody myself isolate on them tonight this is very very special night indeed and glory be to God [Music] glory be to God and so let's have some singing some dancing boo songs called down the presence of the Messiah God yes please some ministers if you can go enter the congregation it will make the job faster glory be to God let's let's move let's move faster let's be fruitful even in our war in glory be to God thank you Jesus [Music] ahh-choo [Music] watch [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] if you believe that your case is already set to tonight let me hear you shout hallelujah what there's only one thing left for us to do that we just thank you to God and we'll be on our way I feel if we say thank you in a very big way tonight because we are going to have testimonies that will be very very big so Joe's just let's go ahead less let's prepare our turns giving offering and tonight as you dance to was daenerys basket make sure you danced like a child [Music] God loves children because they know how to praise Him praise Him like a child tonight and I will it will bless you like only our Heavenly Father can do so let's get our turns different offer already and let's keep on having some worship some music as you go ahead and bless the name of the Lord go ahead please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh No [Music] [Music] it's always I'm screwed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before we begin to go and we want to pray that prayer with our hands joined together I want us to lift our voices to the Almighty God and say father turn the tide in favor of Nigeria tonight go ahead talk to the Almighty God oh mighty go turn the tide in favor of Nigeria tonight ancient of days Sunday time in favor of Nigeria tonight oh please father turn the tide in favor of a beloved country Nigeria tonight thank you said and let your name be glorified in Jesus mighty name we have prayed and so father thank you what a glorious night what a powerful night in your presence what a good beginning of a new year for us except our tongues in Jesus name please Lord let it be a new beginning for Nigeria beginning from tonight my father oh my god give Nigeria a victory physically give us victory [Applause] economically give us victory spiritually give us victory everything we have lost my father may go restore fully put an end to sufferings in Nigeria put an end to terror in Nigeria put an end to hardship in Nigeria my Lord and my Savior even before we meet again let the abundant evidence that God had heard our prayers please bless the offerings of your children sanctify it Lord use it for your glory and as a children will be going please go with all of us father in all homes where they had been so low by the end of this month let there be source of joy [Applause] thank you my father my god glory be to your holy name in Jesus mighty name we have prayed a man who got the biggest miracle tonight shout a big-ass Alleluia [Applause] let somebody shout hallelujah [Music] gets ready for the most anticipated event of the year a garden of worshipers and saints from around the globe coming together with one heart and with one voice to seek the face of the Lord [Music] it's the 2016 festival of life communicate to the United Arab Emirates Feliz the right hand up our date is 28 October 2016 ministry pastor eBay a degree general was here to redeem Christian Church of God and other unwanted ministers of the gospel there will also be a night of prison washing featuring Frank Edwards Martin L bossy Gabriel is Yoshi hunger acumen and other unwanted gospel music ministers get ready for an unprecedented experience of worship praise and a deep exposition of the world there is about to be a shield for further inquiries can he stand on in you to Middle East festival of life at Jesus is Lord [Music]
Channel: RCCG Grace Assembly Dubai TV
Views: 30,291
Rating: 4.817143 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor E A Adeboye Messages 2016, pastor e a adeboye, pastor e a adeboye +, pastor e a adeboye messages, pastor e a adeboye sermons, sermon audio, sermon notebook, sermon online, sermon outlines, bible sermons, christian sermons, rccg, rccg sermons, rccg live, September 2016 Holy Ghost Service, pastor christian, pastor search, pastor sermon, pentecostal sermons, rccg church, redeemed church, sermon youtube, sermons that work, word of the lord
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 22sec (8602 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2016
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