Pastor E.A Adeboye @ RCCG September 2017 HOLY GHOST SERVICE_ Abba Father 7

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[Music] go ahead lift your hands for the Most High God bless His Holy Name give Him glory give him wanna give him adoration bless the King of Kings and the Lord of lords bless the Ancient of Days pleasant changeable changer bless the fruitful vine bless His Holy Name give him glory give him wanna give him adoration bless His Holy Name is worthy to be praised its body to be adored is worthy to be magnified present crazy there's no one like named glorious in holiness fearful in places they wonder walking god bless His Holy Name and less time to him for the last convention let's give him glory and honor for the marvelous things he did here last month let's magnify his holy name for salvation of souls for healings for deliverance for miracles for science for wonders for security for provision for life for testimonies for join us bless His Holy Name for what he did run in the last convention it was it was marvelous it was generous let's give him glory let's give him Hana thank you Father we give you all glory we give you all hana we give y'all a duration let's bless His Holy Name for answered prayers this time with called on him he a dancer DOS let's give him glory let's give him honor because the one sorrows again today yes bless His Holy Name for all those who will soon be testifying all those who will soon be shouting for joy give Him glory give him wanna live in moderation he is worthy to be praised is worthy to be magnified [Music] thank you Father blessed be your Holy Name thank the Lord in Jesus mighty name we have prayed someone said the moment you begin to hear but at the end of every month you know des run into an angel we're in September next will be October day in November and then by December the Yahoo be over lift your voice with the Almighty God as a father before the year ends we'll fill all your promises in my life open your mouth and cried unto the almighty go where September oh lordy she is running to an end the game for that before the ends kindly fulfill all your promises in my life please fulfil all your promises in my life to fill all your promises in my life thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed I know yes I know we're serving of being I know yes I know what about you that's a big in yes I I hallelujah [Music] I know [Music] I [Music] yeah god of miracles God of science god of wonders the only one who can make dry bones live again will worship you with bless your Holy Name for your goodness we thank you for your mercy we thank you for January we thank you for February we thank you for March we thank you for April we thank you for me which I know for June we thank you for July we thank you for August we thank you for what you did last month and Lord we are now thanking you for September please accept our worship in Jesus name tonight is a very special night O Lord please open once tonight wipe away all tears tonight ople mighty dose of blessings tonight before this night is out my father and my god let certain wounds begin to jump for joy in Jesus mighty men we have prayed well that's somebody shout hallelujah [Applause] when the dim percentage of God's September's around New Year beginning so shaken with one or two prepares a Happy New Year brother and then me please be seated except those who are born in the month of September those who are born in September who are born in September stand on your feet and shout hallelujah [Applause] father we want to thank you for your children born in the month of September we are asking Lord Almighty that as we have set aside this month for fruitfulness everyone born in the month of September make them extra ordinarily fruitful as they enter into their new year father open new doors unto them Pleasant beyond measure promote them defend them [Applause] brought them loose to yourself [Applause] and let the new year be far far better than the previous year's in Jesus mighty name we have craved amen unless somebody shot another Alleluia god bless Wilbur please be seated next month is the month for our youth convention and like I've always told you anyone who's younger than I is a youth if older than I then you are old since I'm only 75 anybody who is younger than 75 is a youth so all the youth in the house let me hear you shout hallelujah [Applause] and the dates will be from October 4 to 6 October 4 to 6 and the team will be agents of transformation agents of transformation it's going to be very very powerful convention for the youth so make sure you are here and you invite all your friends to come and the beginning of this year God give us some words of prophecy concerning the world at large and I remember specifically he mentioned that there'll be fire outbreaks of tremendous magnitude and dimension floods of tremendous magnitude we've seen fire outbreaks in Europe in America in a manner that we've never seen it before I remember couple of months ago a whole city got bought now in niches where they have everything needed to fight fire if I just kept on going and then now flawed started coming I just want to ask you to please remember particularly the children of God in Houston because we have many many children there because flood is one thing what comes after the flood is another thing please pray for all of them we pray that the Almighty God we see them true but then one thing this happenings must bring to your mind is that there are also other prophecies concerning individuals if God is bringing to pass the prophecies concerning the International world and Missy has the ability to bring to pass his prophecy concerning you that's why I ask you to pray that prayer and you must keep rain it now until the end of the year because the promises that are the pleasant surprises this year some of us have got some we want more some are yet to have their own but in the mighty name of Jesus Christ because my daddy never fails and when his spirit is down you have your I wanna thank God for my daughter who who gave the first lecture I was fantastic I think in future and I would be careful who I ask to speak first because they make the walk difficult for those of us who are going to speak second that was wonderful let's give the Lord a big round of applause that was I was beautiful and he chose my text as one of the problem there Genesis 1 verse 26 to 28 which is where we will begin tonight Genesis 1:26 to 28 and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male a female attorney them and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing moveth upon the earth as usual tonight before we go into the main message we want to give an opportunity to those who are yet to be born again to give their life to Jesus you see because there are certain blessings that are reserved for the children of God and I want to let you into a secret this month by the 8th of September by God's grace my wife and I will be married for 50 years [Applause] now that's not the secret some of you know that already but as usual my daddy asked me my son what would you like me to give you as a present for your 50th anniversary and you know me very well I was thinking of you so Alison for 50,000 new children [Applause] and then we will grant my request but I know name it doesn't give good gifts to those who are not ezel you see basically there are true overall fathers because the team tonight is above other part 7 - overall fathers God and Satan James chapter 1 verse 17 James 1:17 calls God the Father of lights the father of lights and he says every good and every perfect gift comes from above come down from the Father of lights thus the first overall father but in John chapter 8 verse 44 John chapter 8 verse 44 tells us that has yet another father and is called the devil Jesus was talking or the Bible sales of that there are some people who children of the day we say you are of your father the devil and it has all that this fellow's the devil or Satan he's also known as the father of lies is a liar and the father of lies so there are two basic fathers overall fathers God the Father of lights sit and the father of lies now if you are a child of God according to Jesus Christ in Matthew chapter 5 verse 14 to 16 Matthew 5:14 to 16 he say you are the light of the world if your father is the father of lights it is certain he will give back to lights and he says you will shine for your father's glory as a matter of fact the backwaters of the in terms of the one was five John 1 verse 5 if you are a child of God you are a light and no matter how hard that nurse will try it will become you he said the light shines in darkness and the darkness can not overcome as a matter of fact NASA 54 verse 16 to 18 NASA 54 verse 16 to 18 him the water boss is because your father the father of lights is the maker of all things he said has no weapon formed against you shall prosper in fact we say you have a right to rebuke all those people all those forces that are trying to condemn you you rebuke them in other words you have the authority to tell evil forces not only to leave you alone but you have a right to command them to be disgraced if you are a child of God and I can tell you stories upon stories let's we have a lot to do to manage so I just give one example we went to hold a crusade somewhere here in local state and because the people that didn't want us they brought out masquerades and they must spread began to weep the people and so instead of waiting to hear the gospel they began to rock that one little girl one of my little daughters had had me say that life does not run from darkness it should be the other way around for somebody here tonight from this momento darkness will run from you and the girl happens to be a little from that place she knew their tradition that if the master is come up like that and the drama of the drama shoe break that masquerade would not be around the following year so she moved aside and said in the mighty name of Jesus I command every drum to break almost before she finished drum started breaking and the mass graves scattered today the drums of all your enemies will break but that is if you are a child of God light shines and darkness darkness cannot overcome it on the other hand if you a child of the devil because I know if I say here how many children of God are here all hands will go how do we know those who are children of the devil John 8:44 John 8:44 says if you a child of the devil you will be doing what your father loves to do singing like teaching as a matter of fact not only will you be lying you will enjoy life you'll be boasting about it before I got born again when we have lied to somebody we have a we have seen it particularly here in Legos we will say hooble doop OH I sat him down you know the Minerva i deceived him and I do I've done it in such a manner he doesn't even know you have been deceived I mean if you know what I'm talking another and we boast about it when you a child of the devil you be doing things that you know is wrong and you will be enjoying it you will be posting about it [Music] the trouble with that is according to fall John chapter 3 verse 8 or John chapter 2 verse 8 if you a child of the devil you risk being destroyed with them because it says he that commits sin is of the devil that's how we know them for the devil is enough from the beginning and for this purpose the Son of God was made manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil destruction is coming for those who are children of the devil sooner or later destruction will come we are asked the by possessing the same father John Chatterton II must maintain for John Terry was maintained he said when I is born of God does not commit sin always in him that's why I can't it can't Commission because is born of God if by any mistake a child of God should fall into any form of sin it will whip his way out it's like when you see a little lamb falling into a pit of mud into a cry on the somebody came to help imagine that a pig if you take a peek and you wash it clean what's he going to do we'll look for a dirty pool two quantities of AD the son of the devil no matter how hard you try we want to go back into sin the child of God No so this how we know the difference it's not a question of me saying I'm the child of God the Bible says in second Timothy chapter 2 verse 19 second Timothy chapter two verse later God knows those who are his you can pretend to the pastor the true Bonnie gave way you know you assimilation you can preach a to your friends you can pretend in the church but you can't pretend before God he knows all things he knows all things you know this very so therefore if you know that was he leave anything you are seeing joy insane but you want to come out and become a true child of God so that instead of the devil be your father God the Father of lights can become your father so that you yourself will become a light in the world shining a light that no darkness can overcome then you can come forward tonight oh my God will save your soul so those of you who are here and those are in the new auditorium in the overflow there if you really want to give your life to Jesus Christ I'm going to come from 1 to 10 and if I say 10 comma stand before the altar and I will pray for you and those of you are watching at all viewing centers all the venetians you to move to the altar and there are men over there who attend to you even as I pray I'm counting now one June light is better than darkness before I tired of God you will be light if you are tired of the devil you will be in darkness come let the Father of lights save your soul and turn you to a light that will shine a darkness a darkness will not be able to become anymore 3 for five one of the ways we know children of God is they know how to clap for their father six seven eight Thank You cancer nose you can begin to bomb now Audio Coraopolis of you on the way my he publicly publicly for me the Lord is waiting so doctor come be born again and become lights now those of us who are already in the front and those who I see on the way talked to the Almighty God as a father please save my soul deliver me from darkness our make me light who ahead top with the Almighty God save my soul forgive all my sins and I will serve you for the rest of my life I would genuine salvation I want to be a child of God I want to be a light of the world I don't want to have anything to do with the devil anymore please Lord save my soul and I will serve you for the rest of my life be my lord be my savior those of you as the only way please hurry up I want to pray for salvation and the Almighty God the one who saved my soul we save your own Souls also Oreo Oreo Joseph Lewis you on the way be sure you get up before I finish pray so that God can save your soul move out of darkness into light thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed for the mighty I just want to say thank you for your word I want to give you all glory and honor for this your children who have come forward to surrender their lives to you further you promise that you serve I will come to you you will no wise cast out they have come to you now father please receive them in Jesus man let your blood wash away their sins in Jesus name please save their souls write their names in the book of life let them become lights of the world and don't let them move up into darkness again let them serve you in holiness let them serve you to the end in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen now those of you have come over let me hear you shout hallelujah congratulations I rejoice with you because from now on by the grace of God I will be praying for you so I'm going to need your names you address and your prayer requests then I can say loss around you they will give row cards and to want to feel very quickly and then you can go back to assist us return the cards congratulations god bless you we wait for you before we continue [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh thank you Father [Music] now God has many titles and some 24 was seven to ten some 24 by seven to 10 the Bible causes the King of glory causing the Lord the Lord strong and mighty the Lord mighty in battle and a lot of us in Revelation chapter 19 verse 16 Revelation chapter 19 verse 16 the Bible calls him the king of kings and the Lord of lords in some 136 verse 2 some 136 was true the Bible calls the God of gods in Genesis 17 verse 1 Genesis 17 verse 1 he introduced himself as java el shaddai the god was more than enough and so on and so forth but of all these titles it prefers to be known as father father in Matthew chapter 6 verse 9 Matthew 6 verse man when the Lord was teaching the disciples to pray he said this is how you should pray our Father who art in heaven not our God but our Father in Matthew chapter 6 verse 26 Matthew 6 verse 26 he said behold the fowls of the air they're so large so the Dorrie they don't gather in too bad he said that your heavenly Father feeds them father again and again in John chapter 10 verse 29 John 10 verse 29 when Jesus was talking he said my father will give me these disciples is greater than all father it prefers to become father in John chapter 14 verse 1 John chapter 14 verse 1 again Jesus was speaking and he said let not your heart be troubled believe in your belief on swimming then he went on to say in verse truth a my father's house are many mansions how come God prefers and I can go on and on how come God prefers the title father to all of the titles because the father deserves the right to decree what the father says concerning is children about to happen which is why I want to appeal to all of you father's always speak well concerning your children say my child will prosper my child will succeed my child will be greater than I don't say your child is useless hopeless much what to say concerning your child is a decree in some 33 verse 8 to 9 santah sadaiva say to 9 it Babu said the reason why they all ask Allah before God is because he speak and it is done the father can decrease in as a 55 verse century level I say 55 percent to 11 God said my word that was out of my mouth shall not return to me for it why the father in fact the Bible tells us in numbers chapter 30 verse three to five numbers 30 verse 3 to 5 he said they find a hostile right to cancel a covenant entered into by his daughter he says if a woman should make a vow to God to God himself I said this what I would do if the father here the daughter speaking and keeps quiet then the vowel we stand but if the father said no I canceled that vow God says even the Almighty God in heaven we recognize the consolation that's how powerful the voice of the Father can be so when it comes to Bahrainis God can cancel causes that have been pronounced on anyone by anyone that can make the fellow of fruitful for example the second pillar of the children was 9222 second construe was 9222 the people Jericho came to Elijah and they said ah I was it is beautiful but we have a problem we have a problem with Bahrainis and this is as a result of the curse that Joshua had pronounced on the city several years before when it comes to dealing with Berenice God will respond positively to cancer occurs Elijah asked them to bring him salt in the new crews went to the source of the river for in the salt II didn't even pray and just say this is what God is saying no more death no more Bahrainis [Applause] it led you come to us several years ago came from a city in on those states somebody I knew very well what she was my student looking very Richard very sad what's your problem she said I made a mistake I lost my temper and I slapped my mother my mother beat our two breasts I said on Lesley this of this breast that's when you ever have an issue I said ah you will go back and apologize to your mom take the gift as a peace offering but right now I stand in my position as a priest of the Most High God and I can sue that cost today she has several children I want you to stand on your feet your first prayer tonight loud and clear to the Almighty God his father if there is any course give me my fruitfulness cancel tonight's dance we tonight of your boat on try to the Almighty God in the Celicas remains of me by whether that is causing Bahrainis in one area of my life or the other tonight my father my god canceled our coasts canceled the cost to enact if I am balanced physically because of occurs cancer difference if amber and financially further because of occurs can see because if imbalance spiritually if I'm barring ministerially if I'm buried in any way whatsoever as a result of leakers who knows for me by anyone please study tonight cancer occurs [Applause] that's ridiculous thank you my fun thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed and socially me in Jesus name please be seated I hope but my daughter who spoke before me had already explained to you that when we talk about Bahrainis we're not just talking about baby being born alone some people can be barren mentally no matter how hard they study the jaws can remember and there are some people as a result of old age who had become barren mentally I was the case of a woman who says she was she found herself sitting on her bed and can't remember do I want to sleep or have I just woken up as mental Bahrainis I was a Yama who spoke to me not too long ago answer for the past five years he had not been able to hand in IRA as financial Baroness every form of Baroness shall be destroyed here tonight now God loves the title father secondly he loves forcefulness he's a family man that's one of the disease chose the title father in Matthew chapter 3 verse 16 to 17 Matthew 3 verse 16 to 17 when it was referring to Jesus where he said this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased because only one begotten son according to John chapter 3 verse 16 John 3 verse 16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son only one begotten Son as the Lord Jesus Christ but in the house full fulness he loves children he wants many of them that's the reason he sold Jesus Christ because of the law of arrest he sold Jesus Christ so that it can have the happiest of sons Romans chapter 9 verse 29 rumours may 29 say he was the only begotten son to become the firstborn of many brethren he loves children he has it coolly a love for them for example in mark chapter 10 verse 13 to 16 Matthew 10 verse 13 to 16 when you read that passage it tells you about when they were bringing children to to him and some people were trying to drive them away don't do that let them come unto me he wants children around him he loves cura somebody said why do I love children so much is because that's my father he loves children I'm just being like my father he wants them near - he says his kingdom belongs to them the kingdom of God belongs to children and he says unless you become like one of them you will not even be able to enter his kingdom some how much children are precious to him a may be clear if you are truth being to be considered a child then he can carry you in his arms to bless you when I see some of you you come dran who can praise God because I'm not a child oh if you are not a child then you have no part in the kingdom of God it loves children it wasn't near this kingdom belongs today you must become like a child if you want to be in and then he says in Matthew chapter 10 verse 10 Matthew chapter 18 verse 10 he said if you despise any of these children you in trouble why he said because every child has an injured assigned to him and the angels of these children have direct sets to God direct access to God that's why you must be careful what you do to a child because the moment you enjoy a chai the angel of the type will go straight to heaven I'll report you be careful what to do to a child so he said in Genesis chapter 1 verse thank you Father oh thank you Father the law says as someone here tonight you say you we see your grandchildren before you die [Applause] or trying to find so so in citing Genesis to 128 Genesis 1:20 what he was I clearly said their ease when he said be fruitful multiply he say produce many children for me that's what they say I want many for help produce many increase and multiply and because he knows that you you cannot do listing unless he surprised the means he be mother will aim to help reproduce in John chapter 15 from verse 1 to Phil 2:5 John 15 verse 105 he said my father is the husbandman and divine and you are the branches we all know that the branches cannot produce food access it is supplied by a new trend by divine so if there's anything that is missing in your life that is not allowing you to produce God is going to do something about that tonight [Applause] some of you will remember this the testimony of one young man who was born with one testicle and appearance in an attempt to help him took him to a herbalist who said he was trying to let the one testicle become - in the process he destroyed the only one and the boy grew up with no testing at all and yet he went ahead and married of course you know the kind of marriage no fruit of the womb then we held a program at a row back I remember around 1985 or so [Music] suddenly were healthy summer was going on a miracle happened God gave the boy two brand new testicles d-day came to my office at Abuja meta to testify we could see the belly of the wife already bulging and he said that this is what God did for me and they wanted to show me as a you don't need to show me I can already see the action stand on your feet and cry to the Almighty God and say father whatever is missing in my life that is not allowed me to be very fruitful supply tonight open your mouth and try to the Almighty go whatever is missing in my life that is not allow me to be very fruitful for the police apply to night supply tonight supply to night what about not allow me to be fruit rule like other people are so true physically mentally materially spiritually ministerially whatever is missing in my life that is not allow me to be as fruitful as I should be please supply tonight so apply tonight what time is missing and my body my soul my spirit my life that is not allow me to be as fruitful as I shall be Lord God Almighty supply tonight supplies tonight so play tonight thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed and socially be in Jesus name and if you need any spare part recently right now in 10,000 police visited now because he loves food fulness that's why he specially appreciates the fruitful and at this stage I wanted to know I'm speaking a word to your warning I want your work want to hear the reason why it must become productive God specially appreciates the fruitful last week one of the days last week we were studying open heavens in my family from which we studied the story of the talents also we use your helpers who remember the days Matthew 25 from us 14 to 23 20 25 14 to 23 and as we normally do in my family we will read a passage as everybody to contribute and then one of my sons I think is a passer Dario made the contribution that caused me to sit up a look at the statement of the father of the master to the servant who came back with five extra talents well done thou good and faithful servant you have been faithful in few I will make you lead of gratings enter you into the joy of your Lord and he said in that statement there are children said number one commendation God say well done I wrote that one day and I know the meaning of commendation relieve me thank you when God says thank you to somebody that value is bound to become greater because it says in John 15 verse 2 John 15 verse 2 he says there's a branch in me that bears fruit my father purchased it so he can be our more fruit in saqqaq in chapter 4 verse 8 Oh 17 second Kings for eight or 17 it is title that God said to the shunammite woman that Okinawa and he said number two is a there is a promise and we make you rulers when God makes a promise to the fruitful for the fellow he wants to remain is always a promise of greatness the promise of rapid progress a promise of promotion and according to second Corinthians chapter 1 verse 20 second Corinthians 1:20 his promises ie and he speaks and is done that's why we have a bus under him we'll dispatcher him that when you speak it is don't speak to me tonight in some 33 verse 11 some title in verse 11 the Bible says the Consul of Rajasthan if he says I will make you you are ready-made then he says the third part of that statement is anti into the joy of the Lord they said industry who statement there is a guarantee of access and to join I said my oh my when he says welcome or anti into the joy of the Lord is actually say come into the club of the joyful Exorcist attractive in verse 15 excellence to me was 15 since I am the God of Abraham the god of Isaac the God of Jacob if you take evil John the God of Abraham alone consider in Genesis 21 verse 1 to 7 Genesis 21 verse 1 to 7 you know that God is a God of those who love so when we see someone who is fruitful he commanded fellow so the fellow can be both thoughtful he will promise that fellow greatness I want you to know that the fifty thousand of children that have asked for every one of them will be great and then in grand access into the club of the joyful some years ago about seven or eight years ago a lady came to us I said daddy every three money come behind I have there's only one thing left in my life only one club I want to join is I want to join the club of mothers I have no children and I prayed a simple prayer and I thank the Almighty God less than one year later she had a set of twins I want you to stand on your feet tonight and cry to the Almighty go and say father I want to join the club of deuces joy our fool go ahead talk to the Almighty God fullness of joy in every area I want to be able to say I have everything that can give joy I want to enter into the flow of those whose joy for fullness of joy in every year of my life physically I want my joy to be food material I want my girl to be food spiritually I want my joy to before father please let me anti to the clone of the absolutely joyful psycho feh absolutely joyful oh thank you my father I'm a n-type the glove of the joyful absolutely joyful joyful in every facet of my life I've made Lord so I can enter into the club of the absolutely joy clubs mothers club or father's Club of the absolutely fruitful love of the absolutely joyful thankful father in Jesus mighty men we have prayed a socially be a source man please be seated thank you Father [Music] loseth as a woman here tonight or listening to me wherever you are in the world they said the snake that is eating your husband seed is dead [Applause] thank you Father hello des is there someone here he said a half a packet for you and there are two surprises within the party [Applause] all mine that is is there is someone there tonight they said the one who said you only have a child over her dead body wiii be buried this month [Applause] oh my gosh well I want to say Amen to this wonder fighter [Applause] because the law says a someone here tonight is a very soon there'd be an explosion in your home and it should be honest wish of joy [Applause] please visited I need to hurry because follow to do tonight then because he lost thoughtfulness it means a Berenice God Hicks Bahrainis the only one who who is it he hits because he wants many children balanus is an obstruction to his wish Perrin is an obstruction to divine desire Berenice is like the Monty blocking the way to the fulfillment of God's desire and you know very well God specializes in moving mountains in Exodus 40 from verse 1 to 28 Exodus 14 verse 1 to 28 when the Red Sea became a monkey before the children of Israel God moved it out of the way in Joshua chapter 6 from verse 1 to 20 Joshua 6 1 to 20 when the wall of Jericho became a Monti in the path of the children of Israel God moved it out of the way in for some a 70 verse 45 to 51 for some a 17 45 to 51 when bullet became a Monti trying to block the way of David to this road God moved him out of the way and if you read Mackey level from verse 12 to 40 Mackey level 12 to 14 and 22 2013 Matt 11 12 to 14 and 22 2013 you will see that the only time Jesus pronounced a curse openly was only fruitless tree a barren tree he placed a curse on the tree and you know what whatever God curses will cease to exist that's why I'm sure God is going to curse Berenice his own rooms tonight I've told the story before we went to local church Oh Oh only goes Riley as I drove into the town I saw in the center of the road a huge tree so the road had to bend around in three writer left so as the people came to receive me 40c3 in the middle of the road in the capital city oh that's it a sakura tree nobody must start the tree has been there for ages I said see quietly I caused the tree because of mrs. or kind of nonsense is this we went we had the holy ghost rally that night as soon as we finish the rally as soon as I go to a storm came and the wind began to blow by the following morning the tree was landing on his side stand on your feet and lift your voice to the Almighty God and say father every tree of barrenness in my life causes tonight for the pleasure cause on every tree of barrenness cozy tonight every tree of barrenness in my life my father oh my god cursey tonight pronounced a curse the differentials on every tree of barrenness in my life for massacres on it whether it be biological Bahrainis of physical barriness or financial fairness or mental balance or spiritual Balinese or Korea Baroness every tree of Baroness concert tonight Lord was whatever you caused will cease to exist [Applause] [Applause] thank your father every tree of Bahrainis in my life in my home in my place of walk in the church that you have put me in charge of every tree of Baroness cozy tonight Lord whatever you cause you cease to exist because every tree of Baroness in my life cause it Lord oh that is of your future [Applause] thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed socially be a source name please be seated now God has not changed there's no change because they cannot change Malachi chapter 13 verse 6 Malachi TV verse 6 he said I am the Lord I changed not Hebrews 13 was 8 Hebrews 13 verse 8 he said Jesus Christ the same yesterday today no change not only that is no respecter of persons Acts chapter 10 verses 34 and 35 acts 10:34 35 Peter said now I know that God is no respecter of fossils and in every nation every language every time to sow fear he accepted of him many world whatever I have done for all this before he would do your own tonight [Applause] in Genesis 21 was one to server Genesis 21 + 1 / 7 he did it for Sarah thank you Father that he says if I can make dry bones me everyone considered too old to bear shall come back to life he did it for Sara in Genesis 25 plus 21 to 24 Genesis 25 21 to 24 he did it for a baker even open the womb with a set of twins Genesis 30 was 22 to 24 Genesis 30 20 to 24 they did it for each other in for summer chapter 1 verse 20 to 24 summer one hospital 20 he did it for Hanna thank you Father anytime I am preaching I suddenly I hear a song it means somebody's about to sing a new song that is from somebody will be singing I never knew a woman on me this way I never knew they warned on me this way I never knew they were on of me this way Hamid this way thank you Jesus Illya me it would I never knew [Applause] [Music] iiiiii no you want to sing more who is the one who be singling that's all from na VI you shout hallelujah [Music] he did the same thing for the Shulamite woman in second Kings chapter 4 verse 8 to 17 second case for a 270 he did it for additional might woman he did it for Elizabeth Luke chapter 1 from verse 5 to 25 Luke 1 5 to 25 we can go on and on [Laughter] tonight I just thank God for the testimony of my daughter who preached and I didn't know what she was going to say when I was preparing my notes occasionally we have somebody who I had a breakthrough before and then they they couldn't get another tonight you will get another breakthrough some people even had a breakthrough we find a lawsuit and people became barren and before I met Lee became pregnant and before delivery something happened or you have another one and another one and yet another one I mean in Luke chapter 5 verse 1 to 7 Luke 5 verse 1 to 7 Peter had a breakthrough was who was burying financially try diys then Jesus came and he threw one net and for several issues he had a major breakthrough but he lost it and then he jumped John chapter 21 verse 1 to 6 John 21 verse 1 to 6 we had another breakthrough and he never lost it again one of my daughter's is sitting here on the altar with me now several years ago she's been burying for for for some time 7 Osment came we prayed she became pregnant we were all rejoicing and ended he came to deliver and it was a stillbirth of course you are sad now aside to the husband tried to put up a good front but he too was sad I remember when I went to see see her in the hospital where she delivered she wasn't even willing to greet me what kind of father you what were you looking at when this will happen to me but I decreed that she will have orders today by the grace of God she has mainly I want you to stand on your feet and lift your voice to the Almighty God I say father I don't want just one brick true I want many hopefully about and cry to the Almighty go not just one brick to biologically not just one financially not just one Android device not just once I want many breakthroughs Lord mighty Britain's breakthroughs of my right witness of my left breakthrough in my front breakthrough wherever I go Lord I want many bridges not just one law and if I've lost any one father replace that one with many many many many breakthroughs Lord many breakthroughs Lord many Olaf many Britons monitor your father thank you Father many British Lord not one not able too many in every area of my life father a cry to you tonight give me many rituals many people choose any gratuity thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed socially be a source name a place visited now one other thing about God before I begin to wrangle is a God is a God of joy some 16 verse 11 some 16 verse 11 says in his presence there is the fullness of jehovah fullness of joy he hid sorrow God is not a God of soul oh he proved that to me long ago you know when I became general verse here in 1981 in those days one of the signs that you are holy you must move ahead all the time some of the old ones know what I'm talking about if you want to prove that you are really a man of God you must look as if you are coming from the graveyard I just couldn't repeat couldn't help laughing so when they dress and I squatted with a matter and how we go around each group we see child and decide who smile at me and I was my back I will see something that can cause me to smile smile I will get back to my office and I say Oh God a brunette again general Vassar most look so Baja in gospel common sense and I'm the god of joy is a check your Bible it is written he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh [Applause] J&M oh god we see a mutt with lobster [Applause] he's a god of joy he does not like sorrow Revelation chapter 7 verse 17 revelations of over 70 and Revelation 21 verse 4 Revelation 21 verse 4 he said God we wipe away all tears from the eyes he will wipe the tears from your eyes he looked after seven Oh time to father a lot asked me to tell someone 290 said there are maintained or my son will flow out to you [Applause] and you till you become joyful [Applause] thank your father and I said there's someone here tonight she said those who tried to put you out of business we shall come to you begging for contracts [Applause] in Luke chapter 7 verse 11 to 15 when Jesus saw a widow going to bury her son this what she said to rise with not it doesn't like people with it doesn't like people with it in some 126 verse one two three someone 26 was one two three a Bible say when God turns the captivity of Zion we were like them that dream there was a mouth filled with laughter they decided that will you usual laugh oh it sang to my father [Applause] oh thank you Father daddy asked me to tell somebody here tonight he said he said the fella we understand as we just to tell you you will become [Applause] I've told you this story before I'm saying it because of those of you never hiding I need to be good efficient producer of rough idle when we went in first auditorium the very first one by the expressway we were happening only was night like this and it was time to pray and as everybody was praying I was praying too because I need their prayers and the way I was taught to pray when I was young he's sitting where I pray today I close my eyes and suddenly God spoke to me assess and open your eyes I almost told him Lord but I'm praying open your eyes son yes Lord and I pointed the lady tremaine degree in the cloud so DTS with him profusely he said go and tell her weep not Oh glory be to God every one of you who have been weeping every month from now with not [Applause] so I went to her choppa by disorder I said daddy says weep not oh she brightened up suddenly It was as his son coming out of a cloud you mean God had me at last I sing good me out immediately disorder disappeared and everything became brilliant almost a year later the lady came to see me I said do you remember how many people will I remember she was the one who was with me and God said that she won't stop weeping he said I was buried and I've been burning for years and the matter was tough relatives of my husband were regional - of war against me he said look at me now it was my turn - whit by this time for joy because she came carry her baby every one of you here tonight he had the word of the Lord stopped within in Jesus name so I want you to lift your voice to the Almighty God loud and clear and say father turn my captivity tonight and fill my mouth with laughter open your mouth and cry unto the Lord turn my captivity to night Lord fill my mouth with laughter wipe away all tears for my eyes although the weapon will tell from my eyes turn my captivity tonight fill my mouth with love time the captivity my marriage Tony tonight captivity my business Tony tonight the captivity my ministry Tony tonight fill my mouth with laughter please fill my mouth with laughter wiping with all tears from my eyes fill my mouth with laughter thank your father [Applause] thank you daddy the world thank you all nights ago [Applause] thank your father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed [Applause] socially be in Jesus name please be seated now what does he expect from you he says before I conclude should tell someone here tonight he said I will use your piece to prove my almighty Ness Oh daddy they are wonderful you know the last verse of this song that we we sang Oh tsunami mathematician not didn't study music and is found between we are all singing he gave it to me and he said in the last vice there was a prophecy for someone and asked me to tell whoever that is and I believe it was be me he said you will laugh loud you will of long and you will love last [Applause] if I do one shout hallelujah [Applause] so what does he expect from you in addition to what my daughter has told him he expects you to look to him alone not Rena mine not to any prophet no trainee evangelist not to any apostle whatever may be the title not even to any general Vasya look to God alone in Genesis chapter 30 verses 1 & 2 Genesis 30 verses 1 & 2 the Bible says when Rachel saw that she had no child she sat on the osmond give me children or as I died o the husband say oh my god only God can give you children nobody else God and God alone he wants you to look on to him alone you look on tremolo sooner or later he will remember you as a matter of fact it will remember you this month and the reason he wants you to look on to him alone is because he's the one who has the key that can open everyone Revelation chapter 3 verse 7 the volition to be my service I have the key of David when I open no man can short when I shot no man can open so because you have to look on to him alone that's why you must keep yourself pure only because he's a holy God 1st Peter chapter 1 15 to 16 first beta 1 15 to 16 be holy for a horny TV appear don't contaminate yourself with all kinds of charms or holy water or whatever keep yourself pure in Luke chapter 1 verse 5 to 61 5 to 6 the Bible second Sonny Lizbeth she wants blameless both I said and a husband they kept themselves here Osmund don't want tried another woman outside who tells you you are not even the one who needs help woman don't go enter not that man outside keep yourself pure some of you remember the story of a lady who came here when was in the face auditorium crossing over the foot of the one we prayed like we do this who a few so I laid hands on everybody and then came back the following year very angry they told me that if I come they will pray for me you will lay hands on me and if you lay hands for me I will fall and I fell and yet no no issue and the Lord told me ask her how many boyfriends I see beside a husband and this is a well-dressed woman highly educated I do I asked this question so as a policeman forgive me oh but is God who say - who asked you besides your husband how many oh man I was stammering I'm video their boyfriends he says six if we become pregnant are we're going to notify that you want to retire from my God my God is holy they will give his Shire to somebody wants to continue insane so before we laid hands on you tonight I want a commitment from all of you those of you trusting God for the fruit of the womb commitment to holiness those of you trusting God for bridge rules in business commitment to God the holiness [Music] one of my sons came for me not too long ago and told me how he used to be very wealthy but now everything is gone I asked him when everything was going well while you faithful to God and you faithful to limit your tithing the do partnering with your first roti said no a separate for me daddy I will be faithful from now I said ah as an easy thing so you're going to stand on your feet now and you're going to talk to the Almighty God and tell him from now on I'm yours I'm committed to you in holiness committed to you in purity we do your will hundred percent just help me Lord give me grace go ahead talk to the Almighty God I will be pure I will be holy lord I will do your will I will do your will I will do your way I would never annoy you again Lord just give me the grace Lord I will do your will and we do your will give me the grace and have the absolutely obedient he gave you one breakthrough and you forgotten how can you expect another father have mercy of me I will be faithful I will do your will I will keep myself here by your grace help me Lord have me to be faithful help me to be pure help me to be holy help me Lord to do your will and Lord God Almighty does have mercy on me forgive all my foolish ways thank you my father I'm committed to you from now on Lord complete consecration to your will I will follow you all the way and I will no longer contaminate myself in any way whatsoever Joseph massively Lord of Mercy Amin central father [Music] thank you all nights ago [Music] I'd be totally committed to You Lord totally committed to you and to your course I would leave myself here I will remain faithful I will do your will Lord just forgive my for my arrows and help me thank you five in Jesus mighty name we have prayed a man socially be Jesus name please be seated tonight we'll be laying hands on those of you who are here and there are men of God in the older tutorial two will be lay hands everyone there I want you to know that all these people are coming to lay hands on you as it were extensions of my hand a ghost grace because of laid hands on all of them so they'll be transferring the anointing to you but before we do that because I know some of you are not here during the convention we want to show you a little clip a video clip of what happened during the last convention when I asked those people who were burying before what we come through to bring forward their children and you will see the crowd this will encourage you to say that well since God is no respecter of persons if we are done it for others that we do my own truth so that by this time next year when we are calling forward to bringing for their children your children will be among so for the next few minutes let's watch as the television people will bring forth the clip enough some people came to the foundation ah signor Conte for jumping me [Music] by the time they did [Music] then last year some people came Marshall trusting that when they up they won't and the only piece of arrived as well so whether young baby came as a result of your all I wanted to bring those children power material Danny Kanata you take your children towards the altar you know what you know see what you prepare [Music] after years of waiting the eta1 patio machine or what Leggio dude reported Pedro bring them forward very quickly I cook with women wazza-wazoo miserable so we can pray for them Kalibak Petrovna and so the Bible say we should rejoice with those who rejoice let's sing and dance with them they take you boric acid [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] lights out [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] century and what I saw fit there [Applause] now you've seen what God can do is no respecter of persons let me say with all humility if we are looking for a ministry that has a very special anointing for making the bearing fruitful redeem percentage of God in the one [Applause] so the fastest will please line up now and then singing dancing you come forward the lay hands on you please brethren shall we begin to move and all they will do is just touch you as a sign of agreement to say that we agree with you the God will grant your request and it will be done by next year in Jesus name when we are showing another clip to those who are coming next year you will appear there with your children [Applause] so thank you brethren let's let's take position and please those in the auditorium and it's a position also Leslie hands are those who are trusting God for the fruit of the womb as we sing and dance rejoice in the Lord until everyone you do need to rush we will not go until we have laid hands on everyone who needs as little death so there's no need to rush even if you are modernity Lumet away we will see attend to all of you thank you Father well over to you mrs. Shay [Music] [Applause] all of my code ow excellent is your name oh my god ow excellent is not it you are good you out I do I want the food you are excellent don't love a rope by Sir how it's a light is yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hola my god how powerful is your name he not yet how excellent is your name Oh by [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh excellent cheese your name Oh Lord how excellent is your name my god Oh excellent [Music] [Music] [Music] pow pow pow pow [Music] yuppie how powerful is yoga [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] his name is Jesus his name is loved and adored and his name is Jesus he's there for these babies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] these babies love [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Luca Luca here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] someone will show me some mercy hi hi hi hi my [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh Nisha [Music] [Applause] some piece of my [Applause] see Jana we gotta say we are on this show we gonna yeah [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] only you can make doubly to be over tonight everyone Oh Raisa Oh ow [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] only one snowman [Music] I was beat mother Gloria I was show but your beauty he begged I see to me the people shouting subpoena I was be funded glory I was sure for to build a fancy to be loved even sister bring it on you are the Raylan wait so it'll be pretty ever speaks of your glory and II had occupied your Lobby still happy boarded and your faithfulness is ever show your glory your love is little heavy ball NASA's episodic weight and Monica it'll be pretty beautiful for all situation you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] I told me I Tokyo I told me I told [Music] [Music] it's all of you [Music] Oh [Music] Elano si Abuelita lo ha ha ha Falcao Ana Lucia holy cow gah ah ah no no see I believe we let your ma bear a Louisville tea a bully with a dog who are for [Applause] Oh we all know Oh [Music] ah Oh [Music] [Applause] you know Oh [Music] ah I know you know so I would say you are yes you are [Music] FileMaker what am i recovery sir they're ripping everything let's read the water body gotta say [Applause] now yes you are you will be [Music] thank you Jesus hallelujah father now I want to see I want to see this offer in the auditorium to be sure we are finished those of you in the auditorium if they have attended to all of you please with your hand so I can okay okay okay please let me see them all let me see them all let the camera cover the crowd I want to see that therefore be attended to keep the camera going to clip the camera go in please don't stop cover them off from our demo
Channel: RCCG Grace Assembly Dubai TV
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Keywords: pastor e a adeboye new sermon, pastor e a adeboye latest sermon, pastor e a adeboye new sermon 2017, rccg sermons 2017, pastor e a adeboye, pastor e a adeboye +, pastor e a adeboye messages, pastor e a adeboye messages 2017, pastor e a adeboye sermons, pastor e a adeboye sermons 2017, rccg holy ghost service 2017, sermon online 2017, online sermon 2017, sermon youtube, sermons that work, rccg, rccglive, rccg september 2017 holy ghost service
Id: O9s7xTtqIvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 3sec (9603 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2017
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