Pastor David - Love.

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since then you have been raised with christ set your hearts on things above where christ is seated at the right hand of god set your minds on things above not on earthly things for you died and your life is now hidden with christ in god but now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these anger rage malice slander and filthy language from your lips do not lie to each other since you have taken up your own self with its practices and have put on the new self which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its creator here there is no greek or jew circumcised or uncircumcised barbarian scythian slave or free but christ is all and is in all therefore as god's chosen people holy and dearly loved clothe yourself with compassion kindness humility gentleness and patience bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another forgive as the lord forgave you and over all these virtues put on love which binds them all together in perfect unity colossians three one through three and 8-14 what is up and we are back church by the glades [Applause] whew we have missed each other and so uh we've kind of hit uh we're figuring this out as we go we've hit near capacity in this room there's an overflow room by the way give it up for our folks right now on overflow thank you guys for being with us coming to the sawgrass campus yes we are meeting physically why are we meeting physically in the context of a global pandemic the reason why we're meeting physically is this because we are the church of jesus christ we are the shining city set upon a hill we are a beacon of light in a dark and broken world we are a hospital for the hurting we are meeting because in my humble opinion the church is essential i mean the same way the grocery store is essential and the hospital is essential and the fire department is essential the church is essential so our doors at sawgrass are open you can come join with us next thursday night we are practicing uh the safety protocol social distancing we're spreading out in this room so i think there's about 600 people in this 2000 seat room right now uh and we got some fake people in our church churches have some fake people sometimes we're going to own it there's some fake people so in this section it helps spread out the roads because we're doing every other road we got some awesome fake people did you notice the fake people we got dwayne the rock johnson here in church ryan sit behind you i'm i'm honored to have kim and kanye give it up for kim and kanye here in the house i i see the royal family there's the queen mother back there next to james bond we got all kinds of fake we got brad and angelina now they're like five seats apart from each other they're in the house as well so uh they have a little fun as we space it out we got just like listen the nba ripped off our virtual amen corner where's my virtual a-man corner there's the nba gonna rip this off there so i thought we'd rip off major league baseball and we have some cut out fake people in the house but the other folks are not fake people they're real people like you and me so uh it's good to be back after 17 years it feels like it's good to be back so come join us if you want to if you're here in broward county next thursday we're going to kind of run this uh thursday night thing for a few weeks if it goes well we'll look at the weekends so pray that we're wise and please thank you for following the protocols i know they're cumbersome i know maybe you don't want to wear a mask thank you for doing that it means so much you're making a statement to other people so thank you so much for doing that all right all right so what do we talk about what do we talk about amy corner what what do we talk about amen corner how about how about well what is the main thing that the church is called to do that's kind of a loaded question there's many things that we value in his theme you know we're all about jesus and his work i know you've got masks going we're going to be louder than that be loud extraordinary jesus and his but the main thing you might say that we're about as the church is love l-o-v-e period the bible talks so much about our mandate that our king calls us to love jesus you know when he's explaining what is god looking for love he says love god will your heart your soul your mind your strength king jesus said love your neighbor as you love yourself said all these great things about love we're to be known by our love i think love is our superpower the church is all about love the word love shows up in your bible 551 different times okay let me show you a couple examples of the most famous verse in the bible i'd argue is what john 3 16 it is the gospel the good news of salvation right there in a simple statement and what's the motivation why did god do what god did send to his son he said for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life how about john 15 verse 13 greater love has no one in this that he laid down his life for his friends the love chapter a love uh a great chapter first corinthians chapter 13 final verse says this uh but faith hope and love abide these three but the greatest is love how about first peter 4 8 love covers a multitude of sins anybody need that one anybody that you know i came to christ as a nine year old kid in my preparation i was thinking gosh all my big blunders my major mistakes my big life said happened after my salvation aren't you glad the love of god covers all that your stupidity and your sin your mistakes past present and future that's how big his love is i like john 4 8 simply says god is love how about uh colossians 3. our readers did a good job a great job reading colossians chapter 3 and the final verse they read was this beyond all these things put on love which is the perfect bond of unity so for the body of christ for the church to have the unity that god desires the god glue the galvanizing grace is love love when i say three shout out the word love ready one two three that's great messed up it's all good put that in the chat love let's talk about love we are called by our god to be the people known by our love now don't log off there's somebody watching right now going with david hey preacher guy it's my first time to watch i've watched a few times i'm not surprised the pastor's big on love you don't do life for the people i do life with i do life with some hard to love people i mean they're they're difficult they're dysfunctional they're disagreeable and it's not just the people i i have a close relationship there's people in the world people in the world that i i disagree with everything they stand for how do i love someone i don't even like well before you log off and absolve yourself in this love responsibility if you are a person of faith if you call yourself a christ follower a christian can i just show you a couple verses that need to get your attention give me 30 more seconds all right this is so vital man the great theologians uh george and ringo and john and paul said once upon a time all you need is what look what the bible says about our love responsibility let me go to first john chapter 4. it's on the screen right now it says this about our requirement of love it says beloved let us love one another for love is from god and everyone who loves is born of god and knows god but look at verse 8. the one who does not love does not know god for god is love david what's it what's this saying there is if if i don't love people and i claim to love god that maybe i'm not being authentic there's something wrong with my spiritual life i'm i'm disconnected yeah check out verse 20 verse 20 says if someone says i love god but hates his brother he's a liar wow how can one you know love someone they've seen or not loved someone they've seen and loved god who they have not seen so if you don't do this love thing the bible says there's a spiritual disconnect in your life so how how how do i love people who are hard to love how do i love people that i disagree with strongly how do i love people i don't even like does this resonate with anybody anybody have someone you have a hard time liking a hard time connecting with is there anybody out there you may strongly disagree with on some big issues don't lie in church you put it right there in the chat don't name their name all right so i love colossians it's a great book written by the apostle paul he wrote it from prison in fact think about the last series business as as unusual joshua chapter five when it seemed like the people of god were stuck sometimes they go through those slow times in life those stuck times life because god's to slow us down because we're so busy doing stuff we think is important to slow us down to something that's more important and paul was such a proactive kind of guy busy you know being a missionary playing churches god we have to throw the brother in prison once a while to slow him down to write the bible so in one of those contexts in prison he writes a letter to a church he loved the church in colossae and it's four chapters long read it sometime this week the first two chapters are theology and then in chapter three i'll take you to chapter three he he turns the corner he pivots if you will and he goes from theology to practicality because the bible's all about handles how do i do this thing that god's calling me to do how do i plug this into my everyday life how does this thing the bible says about god theology is god truth how do i take the god truth or god information the god truth let it transform my monday morning life because i stress out and i worry about money and i i argue with my wife my kids make me crazy can god help with that does it work all right so if you have a hard time loving unlovable people or people you disagree with all right three ideas three ideas in fact write them down in the chat or take some notes of you three ideas are wardrobe wardrobe words and where got it wardrobe words and where stay with me wardrobe words and where wardrobe let's still wardrobe when i say three shout out the word wardrobe one two three put it in the chat wardrobe wardrobe okay are you a fashion person you can own it on it you probably look really good right you get some attention to how how you dress you know you you focus on those things you enjoy shopping right that's kind of your thing you you enjoy that okay uh that's great god bless you that would not be me i hit age my primary fashion value is comforts i hope i look good that's fine but i won't be comfortable my age right i want to come that's my main thing and so maybe you have a different value on fashion than i do my kids growing up my kids our philosophy when they were little all three kids was we were kind of fashion flexible they could wear whatever they wanted to right as long as it's modest it always was and so my kids made a smile always chose costumes my kid too halloween no i'm talking every day of the year except for school where they had school uniforms my kids would always wear costumes so charlie's on the front row charlie you went through a pirate phase that was three-fold semi-remember charlotte he's really small remember the wiggles god bless parents who had to watch the wiggles back in the day they had captain feather swords their pirates so his first pirate he related to is captain featherstorm about the time you outgrew him you saw peter pan captain hook captain hook was your pirate and by the time you outgrew him i thought he's done with the pirate captain jack those movies came along right pirates of the caribbean so he was a pirate and i'm glad once he heard about 15 he stopped dressing like a pirate but anyways victoria liked to create her own costumes own costumes great imagination she'd make up her own superheroes and then zayn went for the classics zane would go everywhere dressed up as spider-man or captain america and we just let them you know express by the way your kid wants to dress up as a fairy princess and come to church that's great they want to dress up as a ninja turtle let him do it make church fun so fashion so how do you like to dress do you need a fashion makeover spiritually i love the way this is worded in the word of god let's begin reading again the readers did a great job i want to pick back up verse 9 and 10 colossians 3 so vivid it says do not lie to one another you're done with that old life it's like a filthy set of ill-fitting clothes you've stripped off and put in the fire now you're dressed in a new there's the word a new wardrobe look how it's described every item of your new way of life is custom made by the creator you are designer clothes you wear a christian divinely designed clothes this this new life this new nature with his label on it the old fashions are now obsolete i love this language of clothing in colossians 3 9 and the easy translations you've taken off the old nature like an old coat so the bible has this unique juxtaposition between something called the old nature and the new nature throughout the new testament talks about this language for the christian person you had an old self and now you have a new you a new self or the flesh and the spirit the old nature the new nature now let me explain that because it's a vital concept if you want your life to get better if you want to grow if you want to succeed if you want to squeeze every drop of goodness out of this life if you want to fulfill the fullest of your god-given potential do i have anybody's attention okay so if you want that if you like six people do i have your attention you want all that all right so you got to change the last series about adapting innovate you had to change so here's the changing work to transform the work of god in your life the moment you are saved and if you're not saved give me like 15 minutes at the end of this talk pastor mike will come on the screen and if you don't know for certain you're saved that's the bible's word for all these great things being in a right relationship with god saved is having your sins forgiven guilt-free living walking in god's power and purpose qualified for heaven and one other thing that happens the holy spirit invades your life in a beautiful way and he starts to change you in fact this change is so wonderfully profound look at the vivid language of the bible describing this it happens whether you're saved in 15 minutes or you were saved 15 years ago this happened the nanosecond you said yes by faith to jesus uh second corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 is on the big screen behind me look at the vivid language here it says guys give me that verse second corinthians 5 17. on that screen is fine that's good my miss therefore if anyone is in christ sending him for being saved he is a new this is a new american standard translation i like the you're a new creature the old things passed away behold new things have come a new creature the change is so poor a little bible and say hey there's a new slightly improved version of you there's the try harder now that you're in jesus you could do a little bit better this is so rich you're a new spiritual species you have divinely mutated a new creature and this is so vital because i want a different life i want a different future i want to i want a different destiny it all goes back to this because every single creature has its own unique nature right okay everyone's confused except for heather let me explain that every unique creature has its own unique nature think about it as soon as i name out an animal you know it's nature if i describe a great white shark you know it's nature right if i describe a guppy they're both fish have scales different nature right a lizard versus a labrador versus a lion three different natures being slow okay i'll break it down you you live in a sketchy neighborhood sorry about that and there's been some break-ins your neighborhood you want to keep your family safe so i think i need a maybe an alarm system some cameras oh i need some animals to keep my my family safe so you go to shop for some kind of animal to help protect your family and you think about maybe a rottweiler would be great maybe a german shepherd at the pet store you go you know i've always liked hamsters hamsters are awesome and a lot less trouble than a rottweiler so you buy a protective hamster i don't care what you do with that hamster i don't care if you name that hamster diesel or rex or you take this hamster and put him in canine attack school you feed the hamster raw meat and dog child you you slap all over your house signs you know bad hamster beware bad person breaks in your house the hamster not helping why it's not in his nature it's not the hampshire's fault he's a creature with unique nature right he's he's not a predator he's he's prey he's not even a carnivore he's a herbivore he's a vegan basically he's what he is he's a vegan right and so when the bad guy breaks it it's not his nature to attack is his nature to run and hide but the change that jesus wrought in your life the spiritual nanosecond you said yes and by faith i do it today he gives you a new nature and this is why this is so profound because every creature every creature has a different nature what happens nature drives what behavior the hamster behaves one way the rottweiler a different way the grizzly blair another way and when you multiply behaviors you get what habits so much of life is about the habits and the disciplines you develop why because habits develop something called character and i would argue nothing drives your destiny more than your character and christian you are someone you now have a divine destiny because you're a new creature in christ new creature that happened the moment you got saved whenever you got saved now if somebody's honestly okay david great that took place but i if i'm a new creature i've not changed that much my hang-ups are still my hang-ups my addictions are still my addictions my temper is still my temper so if i'm a new creature why would not change okay i love hearing colossians the first two chapters theology god truth here beginning in chapter three we pivot to practicality all right so part of this is the truth god sees you differently sees you as a new creature of the new nature but guess what god lets you to proactively partner with him you get to work with god so how do you work with god well i love the imagery of colossians 3 you take off like clothing the old nature and every day prayerfully you put on the new nature so every day you go to your spiritual closet and you pick out the new nature and you put that on and then you discard that old nature of your past because you are a new creature that's exactly the language here in the passage i want to change it's all about my spiritual fashion here's the hard thing if you're honest all of us have something in that spiritual cause that we know doesn't fit us anymore that dysfunctional dress that sinful suit right that fashion of failure that we know is there we need to let it linger in the closet want to break it out and wear it once in a while oh they're being a little quiet they got masks going quiet um i'll get on your stuff don't have any married people in the house see many people in the house marry people watch it online right now all right if you've been married longer than five ten years your spouse has something in his or her closet you wish was gone and don't name it in the chat but right am i preaching right he has that i don't know who he uh he he has okay like like three or four years ago he got in shape he started exercising he lost 15 pounds he felt good about himself so he went to dick's sporting good and he saw one of those dry fit shirts like on the mannequin the compression ones the compression was right the real clingy ones he felt good he bought that and even back then it was literally a stretch right squeezing him in places didn't look that good but he's now gained back that 15 pounds and 15 pounds more and he still wears that shirt in public in jesus name you're hoping that shirt gets raptured guys are terrible offenders but ladies you as well you got you got that robe you got that rope now not that robe he likes nothing for victoria's secret you got a different robe right you didn't wear this robe on your honeymoon but like a week after your honeymoon your mama sent you this robe this old housecoat bathrobe looking thing it's all faded you're laughing you got that robe don't you it's bulky it's ugly it's kind of stained at this point but it's comfortable and you wear it all the time every time you wear it you send a message it's the not tonight honey bathrobe [Music] [Applause] he's thinking oh i wish he'd burn that rope get rid of that robot right right everybody has it so there's some things in your life they're indicative of the old nature time to take them to goodwill right time to have a garage sale and here's the hard thing i get it we get attached to these addictions we get attached to these attitudes we get attached to these spirits of unforgiveness we we harbor it's hard to love people like we're talking it's hard to do that we get attached to well maybe you need outside help so so lisa and i um back in the great great recession uh in our house we were in a good position we our house is completely paid off because we were using the dave ramsey financial peace university kind of principles and and so we had very little mortgage left and uh i thought you know there's no good investments right now let's try to sell our house because we're not in in need to sell our house we'll put the price point kind of high if someone buys it we're in a good position we got cash cash was king back then and we'll just buy a house a lot of people desperate to sell their houses you're staying with me so it happened someone gave us our price and we sold our house but i didn't have another house lined up yet because i wasn't gonna i wasn't gonna own two houses at the same time two mortgages so we almost lived under a bridge for a few weeks it was tight we quickly started to shop for a new house and found it harder than we realized and so what did you do as a good pastor get a free load off other people we stayed with jim and donna for a few weeks we stayed lisa with your parents for like a month or so but the whole family like five of us in there and then finally friends of ours who had a house here in parkland who lived out of state at the time the house was fully furnished good friends said hey we heard you guys like without a house right now we've made an offer on a short sale those things don't unfold quickly right we're waiting to get the yes and would you like to live in our house for the weeks or months it takes we're like yes probably the nicest house we've ever lived in i freeload well anyway so it stayed in this house fully furnished and we were there a few months it was such a help for us so we got into our present home but fast forward a couple years this family they were in professional sports and that sounds all glamorous and stuff and it is but it's nomatic you know if you're in professional sports for a long career you kind of bounce from team to team and you get traded right and and so they never made it back to south florida it's four years they've had this house it's been empty it's furnished it has all kinds of stuff but no one's there and they finally recognize as much they love south florida they need to sell this house and and the wife is talking to lisa we're close friends saying i'm so stressed out because all these things i'm not sure how to deal with it and how did i have to come down they at least said look we owe you got favor we'd love to do it for you so lisa spent about two weeks going through the house you know on facetime do you want to keep this want me to donate this try to sell this and kind of went through cleaning out the garage getting rid of you know applying all those things and finally came down the last thing left was the closet not her closet but his closet and he had all these suits nice shirts good good good shoes all these things out he had warnings things for four years so lisa's on the phone like well he has all these great things in the closet what should i do she's like i'll get rid of them just donate them oh you know there's like a a set of golf clubs nice ones how about the golf clubs he's not used to golf clubs in four years he has golf clubs just give them to somebody right so lisa's giving this stuff away like she was told well about two-thirds of the way through this process she gets a call same family but from him this time hey lisa i'm in the area with the team i'm gonna drive the house i know i need to clean out my closet [Music] obviously he and she were on different pages about this they not communicated the closet had already been cleaned out at that point right stay with me your new nature and your old nature will not collaborate on your closet that new person's excited optimistic full of faith ambitions for god's future wants to make a change old nature says don't touch that don't don't i just in case i've not worn it in four years so i'm gonna bust that old ugly don't you need a third party you need to invite the holy spirit to come help clean out your closet to invite the holy spirit to be the moderator and help you need a spiritual makeover your your wardrobe your wardrobe say the word wardrobe one two three put it in the text wardrobe wardrobe okay you're like david i'm i think i'm in i'm curious i'm intrigued so when i do this this whole makeover thing clean out the spiritual claws of my my wardrobe what are some specifics we'll read colossians chapter 3 it talks about some behaviors but i love the fact it talks about words words it talks a lot about just the words we speak the the language i mentioned last week that words are a very big deal names and labels are a major issue in the bible it says in proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 that life and death is found in the power of the tongue somebody once said sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you that person had no followers on their instagram right they got no comments because you can have all these nice comments one negative thing you're like ah words can be very painful so here's one thing that we change we transition it is our words words are a very big deal in the scripture let me take you back to here's the words we've got to throw out we got to have a makeover and a void and then there's some new words the words we discard now verse 8 verse 8 i'll put on the screen behind me but now you must rid yourself as all such things as these uh quickly for note takers anger rage these are words you speak when you're emotional when you're worked up right saying things maybe too strongly because you're you're you're hot i'm probably the only person in church has ever wrestled with that probably the only person watching online or in this room anybody ever do that man you you just kind of lose your did you say things like i got people first weekend back lying in church all right everybody put your hand up right all right we've all done that bible says warn against that be careful when you're emotional take a breath take a step back if it's marriage honey i love you but we need to take a little time out not for marriage just this conversation all right uh anger rage malice over here malice where the angry rage is something you flap the handle and say and like like tim is lady like i shouldn't have said that what was i thinking i overstated malice is something you say that's hurtful but you intend the injury oh you thought it through a little bit it's a jab now most of wands are very low-key it's in the subtext little passive aggressive little shot and that's that's malice slander the next one is slander a unique word in the original greek language slander this this word is the same word but translated different ways based on who you're talking about if you're slandering a human being they use the word slander but the same greek word if you're talking about god is the word blasphemy that's a heavy word what's blasphemy mean blasphemy is saying something about god that's untrue about god and it's always making god less than he is is questioning god's love or question god's motives or question god's agenda for you is blasphemy it's slanderers wrong and then filthy language when i say three please put in the chat a dirty word ready one two three go don't no don't don't don't right we all know we're talking about there's profanity it's saying things you shouldn't say and look how strong this is don't even let this thing roll off your lips this is the wardrobe of your old language these are the words you stay away from so you need like a new wardrobe if you will what's your new wardrobe did you get that word drove that's right i didn't work in practice either anyways thank you thank you pity applause i'll take it it's been six months thank you all right so it begins in verse 12. but here's the new things we say the new language we use let me put verse 12 on the screen so here's the new clothing my new words therefore as god's chosen people holy and dearly loved clothe yourself look at this with compassion kindness stop right now do a little self-critique do a little diagnostic of you and just your words today and see if this description fits your words the nature of your language here we go are your words compassionate are they kind humility are they humble are they gentle are you patient that's our new style that's our new verbal vernacular uh that that's our new um that's our new couture these the way we speak in fact let me drop down to verse 14 verse 14 sums up this way and over all these virtues put on what love which binds them all together imperfect so the way the church will demonstrate its love is our language in our unity and that's not a not a small thing in the church at colossae why because well based on verse 11 this church was really diverse in a monolithic church i don't think it was at heart and there are churches in america and i'm not judging all but you know their church in america very much everybody kind of looks the same like either they're all senior adults or they're all 20-somethings and they're all the same race and they all drive the same minivans in the parking lot and they all vote for the same candidates a lot of churches very homogenous churches but the church at colossae was in an urban center in the ancient world and it was very very diverse in fact look at verse 11 it says in this church there's no greek or jew circumcised or uncircumcised barbarians sit the enslave or free now why does he mention that because they had all these different groups in that church they had you know greeks and they had romans and probably had egyptians and this church was in modern day turkey so they had people would call turks today they had people's religious background the the circumcised unreligious background the uncircumcised barbarians were illiterate people no education then they had highly educated people but look at the statement that trump's everything it says slave are free but christ is all and is in awe and what this verse i think is saying hey when when the church has people from different backgrounds different cultures different races man man being loving understanding using the right words can be tougher but here's here's what brings us together we got this god glue we're galvanized by grace we have this first thing we have the the commonality of christ the commonality of christ and what jesus has he's not diminishing our differences we celebrate our differences but we're more alike than we are difference that is what is so vital in this whole thing in fact i i i found a quote from 2018 that i thought was so important and so fitting for this kind of idea in the bible uh where's my quote you find right here oh more connects us than separates us in times of crisis wise men build bridges that quote was by chadwick boseman king t'challa aka black panther so it must be true more connexus than separates us but nothing will divide a church or people more than language using our words wrong not knowing how to talk to each other if i've known anything in our world right now because there's so many big issues and strong opinions i mean the way people with different points of view talk to each other and the church isn't much better so next time you post next time you want to argue with someone let me show you a verse proverbs 16 21 proverbs 16 21 stay with me proverbs 16 21. you start driving at age 16 your legal adult you can drink at 21. right robert 16 i remember things 16 21 here's what it says the wise in heart are called discerning and pleasant words promote instruction that verse has highly shaped my preaching over the years pleasant words promote instruction or teachability it says ephesians chapter 4 tell the truth but always do it in love in love you see this this commandment to love and regime it's big it's throughout the bible 551 times jesus said hey hey love love your neighbor and jesus said love god and it says in this passage that on the chapter love your wives husbands and and wives love your husbands and parents love your kids and kids love and respect your parents it talks about employers employees have loving relationships respect each other right this is the thing that marks us as believers john chapter 17 it is unity and love so how in the world do we have unity when we're so different from each other ever checked out church like this people walk off the campus you see all these different races and backgrounds and ages there's no way we're going to share the same ideology we're too different and i tend to love and do well people who have the same ideology so i focus on something else if i can't value you and honor you based on your ideology and value on your image and you may look very unlike me and think unlike me vote different than me but we're both made in the image of god and i may not agree with your position in fact i find your position so distasteful i can't even honor your position but i have to honor and love you because not to honor and love you i'm not honoring someone made in the image of my king you see in the moment we stop loving and honoring what we do is with other people is we label them and when you label someone you give yourself permission to dismiss them and demean them dismantle their arguments see in that whole like hey there's no no greek or jew no circumcised no uncircumcised no scythian no barbarian afraid noticing is it's the most barbarous of a barbarian it actually is a racial slur back in the in the first century and so paul throws it in there not not authorized in the use of but to show like guess what even sometimes in the church we'll use these terms about people that are so degrading and it's wrong a scythian was was a barbarian who was illiterate and they lived in the seventh century bc some of the years before jesus and and they did these evil things if he calls him a scythian it was a racial slur as i mentioned like bad language and jokes about putting bad words up on the screen if i did put profane language on the screen every every cuss word if you think about a cuss word they're about a body function or a body part or sexual activity but a racial slur is about someone made in the image of god and i think it breaks god's heart worse than anything else so here it is we're called to honor and love honor and love so how do i honor and love someone i disagree with when the issues are so big and by the way i'm not trying to change your mind on the issues i'm trying to change the way you talk to each other i'm trying to change the way you post and make your opinions public so stay with me stay with me and if you're pushing back and you're a little mad at me you're probably the very person who needs to hear this so here's the way i think you maybe should do it so someone i know very very well we're in conversation he works for the government he's in security he's actually charged with keeping the supreme court safe like the supreme court the united states same way the secret service you know is charged with keeping the president safe his responsibility is the supreme court and so he has a part of the u.s if any member of the supreme court is speaking at a university or on vacation he puts together the team to keep that person safe so finding that out i had a whole bunch of questions like like man who has the best personality who is the smartest who right he said smartest oh my gosh they're all smart they're some of those intelligent people man their brains just function at a different level i'm like okay who's the most approachable who's the most muted who do you like the best he said who i like the best easy justice scalia a couple years ago and i was one scalia fan that's fine um and i was surprised he said scalia because this person i was talking to you know politically uh is kind of more of a moderate or liberal and scalia was famously to the right he's like the most conservative justice we had he said scalia i'm like really what why scalia he said you know he's nice he's kind he values everybody doesn't matter if you're an important person or not he's never looking for the congregational the conversational upgrade he said one thing i love about him is his relationship with ruth bader ginsburg i thought oh what's it hot you know because because well you know uh scalia who's on the right ginsburg is about as far to left as they come right so politically they're very different he said the friendship and honor they have he says he respects her she honors him they don't agree on anything and it's fun to hear these very smart people kind of go into town these various issues he said but one thing i love about about him he's like he was a big old guy right then she's been frail for a number of years i know she's sick right now by the way she's like the terminator she just keeps coming man she won't stop she's a tenacious woman powerful woman anyways but being so frail he said that scalia would always protect her help her out the car help her up the stairs help her find the seat be kind be loving be respectful be honoring and they didn't agree on anything if we would do that we'd make some progress we'd find some solutions and even if we didn't the church would be unique showing that people with different backgrounds and different points of view can be won and still love each other the wardrobe the wardrobe and our words they matter and if you're resisting at all let me close this idea the where the where and this should be the thing this should be the filter for everything we say do and think and say is the where now i love the chapter three begins with the statement about the where where our focus should be i'll put on the big screen right now verse 1 verse 2 as paul again turns the corner from theology to practicality this is so powerful it says since you have been raised to new life with christ set your sights on the reality of heaven where christ sits in the place of honor at god's right hand verse two so simple think about things of heaven but in heaven in the chat and not things of the earth so as a person of faith as a christian person i need to kind of set my my focus my priorities based on heaven and the bible talks about heaven i don't have time to talk about heaven there's great details in the bible but heaven goes on like a long time you with me and when we get to heaven i think we'll have probably a different perspective on some of the choices we made in the earth and so next time you're having like a heated conversation with somebody you find hard to love or you disagree with strongly and you kind of want to fire away and be angry or be demeaning right or we're kind of hurtful think about this maybe it happens you know it won't happen here you guys wouldn't do this but it happens in the lobby as you're passing through at six feet distance here at the church and you have this conversation it's kind of strong and the moment you step off the property you get run over by a bus but it's okay you're christian so you go to heaven so you're in heaven like five minutes here you're seeing the glory of heaven you see jesus face to face see this beautiful tangible amazing place called heaven if you could reflect on that conversation your last conversation on the earth would you think you know i probably shouldn't have said that at least that way i mean sometimes in life i wish i'd said more but most times my regrets are i shouldn't have said that i said that a little too hard a little too strong i wasn't respectful i fired back because i was tired [Music] five minutes maybe maybe the first five minutes that's too too raw right you're just overwhelmed maybe after five million years because you made it heaven a long time maybe you'll reflect back for 5 million years would you evaluate that conversation differently would you wish knowing the glory and the greatness the power somebody's like man heaven i even know about heaven david you know i don't know if i want to be someplace five million years where you like float around on clouds have little wings play harps and like wear bathrobes forever i'm sure that sounds fun that is not what the bible says about heaven by the way can i help you properly frame what heaven is heaven i can't find any place the bible talks about we float around on clouds or have little wings uh i don't think you play a harp in heaven unless you dig harps if you dig harps or you front like a heartband right something you can play harp all day long in heaven uh i don't know about robes in heaven bathrobes for sure the not tonight bathrobe is not in heaven ladies by the way it will not be there um i don't know what the wardrobe is of heaven i hope the wardrobe in heaven is kind of like the description what we wear the spiritual armor in ephesians chapter six the armor of god you know angels angels aren't these soft looking girly dudes like you see in pictures they're warriors they're messengers i i hope we have i hope we look like that in heaven we look like you know god's mighty warriors i think that's the wardrobe of heaven we'll be ruling with him it says fraternity empower with him right you'll you'll have charge over universes i don't know what it's going to be like but it's not going to be dull you're going to look like a warrior a worshiper you look like a hero in fact there's there's one little boy who went to heaven a few months ago i know he'll look like a hero social media can be one of the ways we hurt each other with our words as we overstate as we fire back and forth and can i just say this but how effective it is i've never been anybody who's like way on this side of the issue say something so mean and angry and hurtful that someone on this side the issue goes oh my gosh you're right let me run over here with you never never i've never seen maybe it happens but never what they do decide is maybe to write you off we can't do fellowship new life because they're so angry and strong and opinionated on this so just grace love and honor but anyways social media can be a beautiful thing we can share what we're going through our victories we can encourage people if we're hurting we can share that and christian people can pray for us and encourage us so we have a great family in the church i know caleb pretty well and and lisa she's all over facebook i don't do facebook very much she loves facebook and she was following caleb and caleb's brother josh what a great name for brothers joshua and caleb anyways it's biblical um joshua and caleb and and josh and his wife katie had three kids and the youngest marcus back in 2018 developed cancer in his brain a little boy bravely fought this you know it's it's a deadly cancer and i actually talked with with josh i don't know josh i know caleb i talked with josh in the phone i asked permission if i could share a story that's already public and uh he said the last three months it was so rough uh david my little boy was so sick and he lost mobility and he couldn't swallow and he was in pain but the little brave guy man never complained and uh we did lose him and they posted this this story and people could encourage them and speak faith into their life you know try to be sympathetic and and they posted pictures lisa you showed me one at the funeral for their kid it has to be a parent's worst storm and in their church their churches in tennessee they run the celebrate recovery in that church while they're burying their child celebrating their child their hands are raised in worship how and then she posted he passed a couple couple months ago she posted something just a few days ago in the wake of the death of chadwick boseman and uh this little boy he liked costumes too and his parents chose to to bury him not in a suit or his favorite play clothes but his favorite thing to wear he loved black panther so they buried him in his black panther costume he was just seven and she posted this when chadwick boseman died she said i have a very different perspective now although i'm sad to hear of chadwick boseman's passing i'm sad for his family and fans but not him he's free from all the brokenness and suffering i can picture marcus that's her little boy prick and mark seeing him in heaven and running up to him and saying dude no way you're my favorite avenger i'm so glad that you're here let me show you some of the cool stuff wakanda ain't got nothing on this [Music] the man battled cancer by filming black panther he was open about his faith he was a warrior like my marcus i'm thankful that marcus began to meet his favorite avenger in paradise and if you're a christian i love in colossians who said focus on the reality of heaven heaven's not like a fairy tale or a little myth that we share with each other at sad times it's more tangible and real than anything you experience in this life and it should be our framework for every decision we make heaven that we're going to spend millions upon millions of years in the presence of king jesus should be our filter as we speak and our motivation as we love for again we are the church unified by our love yes doctrine matters but from time to time a family will disagree can we disagree without being disagreeable can we disagree without being the church inventing and and framing language can we love people in jesus name for we are that shining city on a hill we are that beacon in the darkness we are the hospital for the hurting we are the church of jesus christ and the church is essential father god help us simply love people like the church is called love people we make this prayer in jesus name amen
Channel: Church by the Glades
Views: 2,743
Rating: 4.7209301 out of 5
Keywords: church by the glades, cbglades, fort lauderdale, coral springs, tamarac, margate, sample road, lake worth, miami, broward county, church, church service, sermon, creativity, music, south florida, message, fun
Id: B_asAHHDim8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 16sec (2776 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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