Passengers Outraged As They Storm Through Passport Control | Airline S5 E3 | Our Stories

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tonight on airline the pitfalls of international travel the passengers who can't take off they have to do a security check on the aircraft to make sure the man wasn't carrying a bomb or something the passengers who've landed but whose luggage hasn't we still don't know where our bags are we still don't know how to get them and I still can't get in my home and the passengers not even allowed on the plane you take responsibility and you get us on the flight unfortunately that is no unfortunate thank you come fly with me let's fly let's fly away [Music] if you can use some exotic booze there's a bar in Fall Bombay come fly with me let's fly let's fly away [Music] rugby star Tony Underwood capped 27 times for England tonight at the grovener house hotel in London a testimonial dinner marks the end of that glittering career and the beginning of something new give a very big welcome to Tony [Applause] it's time to say goodbye to the game that made him famous have you been lucky enough to discover what what talent God has bestowed upon you to best express yourself I did but unfortunately it was in a young man's game it's over now for me and much like saying it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all I must be glad that I was able to play the game of rugby and have discovered my gift in life renowned for flying down the wing when playing for England Tony's New Passion is flying planes with a commercial pilot's license under his belt he's been recruited by easyJet it was really a case of just one day looking up in the skies and sort of seeing these airplanes up there which go past near where I live and sort of it just it was really one of those sudden drawings that yeah rekindling those memories as a child of wanting to be up there at some stage over the last few months Tony's been put through a tough training program but he still faces the ultimate Challenge very soon he'll be in the cockpit but tonight while he enjoys his testimonial dinner there are other challenges for the EasyJet teams we made inquiries over the phone at Luton sales desk agent Leslie Cassidy is dealing with a group of passengers who've arrived too late to check in for the evening flight to Amsterdam we have uh one two three four five six seven eight three four nine people that have been told that they could if it was delayed this company has a different policy from all the other companies if they continue this way they will lose all the purposes I would like you to come down because they're well fair to be honest I mean if it's a little bit delayed I can't understand why they can't get them on either okay thank you bye is coming right down to see you to be honest I refuse to tell you the bad news that you can't get on it's not looking good Leslie's tactical withdrawal comes just in time we are going to be on a flight I warn you we are going to be on the flight because we were told by your own people yes that we were okay so you take responsibility and you get us on the flight unfortunately there is no unfortunate you are unfortunate because you are going to have to bother to get us on the flight that is your problem we don't have a problem you have a problem no I shout because it is so easy you should not have been told that so unfortunately for you furious at their lack of progress the passengers aren't going to let the duty supervisor off the hook you are working for EasyJet your colleagues of told us we could be on the flight so I think you should take responsibilities and just get us on the flight we cannot get you on that flight now give a good reason give a good reason the reason is that you still need to check on flight on time are you a school class are you a kindergarten what are you even if the flight is the lady that is rubbish I understand that is a rule the amount of passages and bags that are on board and because you haven't checked in on time you are not in that head count you would be right if your colleagues wouldn't have told us different thing we can do is get you onto tomorrow come on what a wonderful solution no that's impossible may I ask a very simple question why do you mistreat your passengers the way you do because you know that you're going to be on our list you miss Street you know sorry let me finish my sentence you know well ahead that this flight is going to be and yet like a bunch of kindergarten leaders you shut that gate on the time that you were going to shut it anyway the lady that was sitting there said Amsterdam is shut and she was sitting but she was sitting there the lady no because you're talking rubbish you have tried nothing having failed to break the deadlock with the duty supervisor the passengers decide to raise the stakes they've come up with a plan guaranteed to cause me 200 miles away in Liverpool the Malaga flight should be taking off but instead everyone's being offloaded one of the passengers has had a panic attack he was dizzy didn't feel like traveling and he got he decided to come after flight and when he got off the flight he took one bag off with him passengers on board the plane were convinced that he got on with two and because of this you have to take all the passengers off and get them to identify because you can't let a fight go if someone this passenger you know you could have left a bag on me once I got on the plane oh everything went round and sat down claustrophobic feeling you know I'm not so bad now I've got up again but I thought I'd better tell them uh in case I collapsed on the flight or something like that you say Bill Sharp recently lost his wife and this was to be his first flight since his bereavement I've been many times to Malaga I'll count absolutely countless could be a hundred times in the past but always the two of us the wife and me you see and I thought so we know people there as well and I thought on my own well I would be all right but no no good and you're with someone else it's rather different on your own uh with this sort of thing it's stress Coalition and panic attacks it's uh it really gets to you yeah at the departure gate the rest of the passengers are waiting to get back on board the panic attack so we're all known as the aircraft so they can check it whatever they have to do a security check on the aircraft to make sure the man wasn't carrying a bomb or something that would cause us all to have a panic attack the passengers must hold on a little bit longer while the plane is checked to make sure Mr Sharp left nothing behind in Luton it's time for the Amsterdam passengers to take action they're going to try to get on their flight by barging past security but they don't get very far a wall of security guards blocks their path and no amount of arguing will get them through we will be arrested with no way past the guards the plan to storm through to departures has come to an abrupt end the passengers are escorted back to the EasyJet sales desk Security in Liverpool have also dealt with their problem they've surged the Malaga flight but there's no sign of Mr Sharp's extra bag there wasn't one it just appeared like he had two bags but he didn't you only have one what it was I think was it was like this when I went to the plane I had my coat like that and that bug like that you see and someone thought it was an extra bag that must have been the way it was with the mystery solved and the passengers back on the plane Mr Sharp is already planning his next flight to Malaga she got me another flight now on the 2nd of January so I'll uh get myself improved by then hopefully all right do it again go prepared with some tranquilizers or something next time okay back in Luton an unexpected change of plan it seems the Amsterdam passengers will be flying tonight after all it is still a mystery to us what brought about the sudden turnaround because the manager came after we waited for 10-15 minutes finally she came and she told us very surprisingly that there would be an extra plane going to Amsterdam tonight outside of the normal schedule as angry as I was before I could have kissed her on both cheeks because I don't want to stay and EasyJet don't want him to stay either so with an extra flight going to Amsterdam this evening the band of passengers who tried to breach airport security are on their way I do feel sorry for that there's stuff there with no money because no money between them they have 10 pounds coming to the scary end of the training it sort of it's all been like yeah great I'm gonna fly an airplane but it's really coming to the point now where it's actually going to happen at Luton Airport it's a day of fancy dress and face painting staff and passengers alike are getting into the spirit of the occasion but one couple who've flown in from Amsterdam are not in the mood for Fun and Games we've got him and our bags aren't here we've come to baggage handlers and I asked for some help they sent us up here just fobbing us off we've then gone to the car shows who knows nothing about it they know nothing about how to deal with this they know nothing about she's now running around trying to find a radio so no not how to deal with the situation they've told us now out of her car keys no practice no home keys that we've just got to see and we don't know whether they're going to get on the next flight or not because we still don't know where our bags are we still don't know how to get them and I still can't get in my home respect to being stranded at the airport is too much for passenger Gemma Robinson we don't normally deal with it up here normally you'd like to listen to the young lady yeah red Aviation building for us can you find out someone who does because this is like the third person we've been to okay former rugby star Tony Underwood is in his last week of training before he takes to the skies today it's Airline security I just tell you a little bit about myself I'm cabin crew I started the first session is being run by trainer Des peranara my main background though is in entertainment I was in entertainment for eight years doing song and dance doing theater shows what I'd like to do now is get a little bit of background on you all so that I I know where you're coming from Tony came from the world of entertainment as well first job in aviation so just come out training and looking forward to it yeah the purpose of the week we're about to go into is to introduce you to safety and emergency procedures and that can range from anything from first aid to dealing with the emergency scenarios hijacking or how to recognize a bomb just what's involved in it dealing with smoke and Fire and these are different types of of plastic explosives this is jelic Knight so you can pass it around and have a smell this is all very new for me and very naive with these things they talk about plastic explosive I don't know whether you know you're talking about a gallon full of this stuff or you know a couple of ounces okay we're talking about suspect packages this could be left on board if you look into the back of it again plastic explosive Detonator power source Center an explosive just a little bit bigger than this was responsible for the Lockerbie yeah at Liverpool airport supervisor Leanne Chung is having communication problems [Music] tomorrow yeah have you spoke to somebody who's getting you a Visa for tomorrow the passengers a fisherman from the Ivory Coast their trawler ran aground on sand banks in the Irish sea of Blackpool it capsized and sank all 13 crew members escaped unhurt some have remained in Blackpool but these two men now want to return to their home in Spain all the details and the belongings have obviously gone down with the boat but the ad they came as a group of four and two of them had a residency car for Spain but these two gentlemen don't have any documentation whatsoever the men believe replacement visas will be sent to the airport in time for tomorrow morning's flight but Leanne's worried about what they're going to do tonight just take a seat for five minutes I'll shout you in a minute okay okay just want five five minutes I'm not prepared to let them travel without documentation because they can arrive there and then just be sent back and it's no problem to them over there to do that but it's the person at the other side because obviously it's our mistake if we let them go they're not they just can't travel without documentation the stranded fishermen wait patiently while Leanne makes some inquiries in Luton gemma's patience is running out what I need you to do then is promise that you'll come back and communicate with us um because for 45 minutes nobody has to give me one second please [Music] well it's getting a bit boring 40 minutes it's very very important it took you five minutes to take my money for the ticket yeah what should I tell the passenger passenger service agent Christina Surrey is on the trail of Gemma and Phillips bags all I've been trying to get done right is that they really ring Amsterdam to find out where our bags are and then once they found out where they are then they put them on the next flight it's taken this long for him even to make the phone call there's no news of the fisherman's visas in Liverpool so Leanne calls in Spanish-speaking check-in agent Vanessa Fonseca to help unravel the mystery I think they couldn't travel they've got no paperwork or anything he said if you they don't have a work permission they won't get a Visa so they need to go to the Spanish Embassy in Manchester and see what can happen and tell them that they won't be able to travel Vanessa investigates further by talking to the fishermen and discovers that the company they work for has misled them about their visas the parents who was responsible told them oh there's no problem you can travel to Spain he booked the fly tickets it actually pay for a taxi took to take them to the airport and basically I think he just wanted to get rid of them and I call him and I said no they need a visa to travel to the country and he said oh really he said well um I think they got your visas waiting for them in Malaga Airport and I called the Spanish Embassy and they said we'd never do that you always have your ways and your passports because you can't just travel from an airport to the other with no Visas so there's stuff there with no money because no money between them they have 10 pounds I just feel sorry for that I think the bill might be lighter so just gonna try to find out if I can make them go home or somewhere to stay at easyjets training center in Luton Tony Underwood's next lesson is in first aid I'll go and inform the flight deck okay and get you the First Take Care thank you you like yes hello hello no response checking them out good excellent check for breathing as he nears the end of his ground-based training Tony faces the prospect of flying an EasyJet plane for the first time mouth overheard excellent coming to the scary end of the training is sort of it's all been like yeah great I'm gonna fly an airplane but it's really coming to the point now it's actually going to happen and it's this reality beckons and it's sort of getting quite scary but uh exciting at the same time obviously chat circulation is there circulation there is no circulation so you've got in a week's time you'll have to carry out a series of test flights that could mean up to 15 takeoffs and Landings in short succession I don't know what I'll be like next week I mean you know going up the steps itself into 737 actually knowing you're in a aircraft itself and having all-round Vision Etc and and the noises and everything and you know just real time will just be quite an amazing event and the week after that due to have a passengers in the back as well those poor souls that's it brilliant you can resuscitate me how did that fix it was the first time you've ever done that her mouth is bigger than X-Men [Laughter] in the terminal there's some bad news about the missing bags talks to the Lords and some airports [Music] so as soon as they locate your bag if it's in another country it's got to be flown back then yes yeah yeah as quick as I say Obviously once it's going back here we can get it actually within within the hour EasyJet estimate they carry 8 000 pieces of luggage every day and it's inevitable that one or two bags go astray once the loss is reported the airline passed details onto their baggage handlers who use a computerized system to trace which airport it's ended up in but so far they haven't Tracked Down Philip and gemma's luggage up to now I have no idea where our bags are the chocolate is laughable when it can't even be in the same bloody Airline Jet flight now I've got to go and explain this to Gemma that'd be fun as Philip expects Gemma is not impressed with this latest piece of news there's absolutely nothing they can do it can just take your belongings in just anywhere in the world and that's okay fine perfect no money I recommend you buy a flight with EasyJet it's a very good company to fly with as long as you don't want to keep your luggage afterwards all right smashing meanwhile the two fishermen who will never see their belongings again are still waiting at the sales desk hoping to fly home tomorrow morning Vanessa's not so optimistic I don't know how they're going to do it they expect sort of paperwork coming through maybe some visas I don't know but that's what they say to me but what I'm worried about is that that Visa won't be able to be done by tomorrow because I mean you know enough time and I spoke from the Spanish Embassy and it's impossible I think they'll get the paperwork in the end but obviously it's not there at the moment so we can't let them travel and then they get there they'll just get them back and we'll get fined and obviously there's consequences involved in something like that so we wouldn't we weren't able to do what they wanted us to do but I think they were quite happy with the fact that we were being helpful with them we've been transferred to Mario's place and we just awaiting documents now the men finally decide to return to a hotel in Blackpool where two other crew members from the capsized trawler are staying they plan to come back in the morning hoping that by then their visas will have turned up despite rebooking his ticket Bill Sharp has still not managed to flight to Malaga Gemma and Philip went home with a friend and picked up some spare keys their bags turned up three days later after being sent to the wrong address and the two fishermen were never seen at Liverpool airport again [Music] come fly with me let's fly let's fly away if you can use some exotic booze there's a bar in Fall Bombay come fly with me let's fly let's fly away
Channel: Our Stories
Views: 133,805
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Keywords: Our Stories, Documentary, Observational Documentary, Real Stories, Full Episode, Full Length Episodes, Full Documentary, Fly On The Wall, Yearbook, Real Life, Documentaries, Real Lives, Behind The Scenes
Id: -ZL9WARCfss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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