Airline Employees Deal With Massive Family Fiasco | Airline S5 E6 | Our Stories

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tonight on airline Communication Breakdown there's a spelling test at the sales desk just get a m-a-n-a-g-e-r do you know what that spells a French test for Tony Underwood are you German he's doing that whatever that means and as excuses where Finn a test of plain English [Music] come fly with me let's fly let's fly away if you can use some exotic booze there's a bar in Fall Bombay come fly with me let's fly let's fly away Liverpool home to easyjet's Second UK base it's the early hours of the morning and the days getting off to a difficult start for supervisor Leanne Chong and we've got um children under two can't sit unattended unless they're in a baby seat the only thing that she can do isn't she with the Geneva check-in soon to close Leanne has to deliver the bad news I spoken back to the men there's definitely no way they speak that you've got in the car isn't sufficient harness on it then how am I going to get to Switzerland the car seats are in Geneva they're not in Britain they're in Geneva so how am I going to get this child to Geneva you do not understand what we are saying at all she can sit on the seat it's my responsibility my responsibility if I want to take the responsibility for my child to go on that plane I will we haven't got a five harness car seat it's in Geneva I know I I do understand what he's saying with that I'm only passing on the information is that you're unable to travel because you haven't gotten the sufficient equipment this can't be happening this really can't be happening our husbands have traveled with 24 hours Catherine satcliffe and Ann Simpson should be meeting their husbands in Geneva for a skiing holiday but if they can't comply with the Airline safety regulations they won't be allowed to fly I don't think she's going to be able to travel under the circumstances the children just aren't old enough basically to sit in a seat on their own just trying to remain calm really yeah um who's got to get there haven't we I mean I just I think it's just so inefficient it's been a faxed a copy of the safety regulations there's no good facts in it to me now I know the only alternative to a car seat is for the children to travel sitting on an adult's lap but with three children and only two adults there just aren't enough laps to go around there's only one thing for it we're just eyeing up potential people to become this babe inside you look nice would you hold my baby for two hours please the two moms need to find a passenger willing to hold one of the children during the flight but it could be a messy business who's been sick to this one just projectile vomit with one of the children feeling ill it's going to take a very brave volunteer in Luton former England rugby star Tony Underwood is also facing a testing day he'll be making his first flight as a fully fledged EasyJet pilot oh I'm going to zero this morning which um geographically is you've got them the Alps just close by obviously and some High Ground also to the north of the Airfield but also Air Traffic Control tend to keep you quite High until quite late on in the in the approach and uh so it causes a few few problems because you can get a bit fast on the approach and anyone who flies a jet will tell you that's probably the worst thing you can do the Zurich run is a tough Challenge and it looks said to be an exciting first flight exciting yes you sort of your job isn't to provide excitement for yourself on the line it's to make it a safe and sort of comfortable as possible for the passengers but uh you know the you know the less excitement of that kind the better as it were for them but uh yeah for us you need that sort of uh rush you need that adrenaline you need that push to sort of keep going and keep improving yourself Tony heads off early to ensure he's in good time something that not all passengers can manage the bus system that you have or an arrangement where it's never showed up twice 9 13 and 8 43 never showed up we were there okay that's what EasyJet has the agreement with for its passengers yeah okay Godfrey Clark has missed his flight and an important meeting in Zurich because the bus service recommended by EasyJet turned up late we just acted in good faith okay and we have been placed in a disadvantage you need to take this up with green length yes it is please get the general manager or the manager just get a m-a-n-a-g-e-r do you know what that spells there's no need to take that attitude with me or I won't get anybody I can understand you're angry excuse me to speak to me like that well well then you tone down and you act professional I am sad would you give the manager please would you bring them in here let me explain please then I will get the manager the bus company gives discounts to EasyJet customers so Mr Clark wants EasyJet to refund the five pound bus fare and he knows his rights this bus does not say easy jet on the outside so but there is a fiduciary relationship existing between them okay um we've incurred a hardship we've been placed in a in a position of peril uh we feel that um we are have incurred a detriment it's a legal Minefield so the airport duty manager Graham Merriman has been called in he decides to hear the evidence in private not to be filmed thanks hi hi it's a tricky case the defense as far as I was concerned we are two companies that act separately but we have as companies do have an agreement to offer a discounted right whether the bus has written on the outside of a green line or not that bus acts as an agent of yours as an agency agreement by law that exists between the two Graham sets off to rebook Mr Clark on the next Zurich flight but there's no decision yet on the five pound refund but in Liverpool things are looking up for passenger Anne Simpson she has some news for Leanne it's all right I found a gentleman who hold her I went up and I said can you do me big savings said what I said when you hold my baby on the flight he said we should be sick and knight in shining armor is fellow passenger Chris White he's agreed to carry baby Felicity during the trip to Geneva what seems a bit extraordinary she wasn't told she wasn't allowed to bring the child in the first place so uh not a problem I've got two anyway so if somebody asked me would I take a baby and we'll sit them on Miami for a two-hour flight I wouldn't do that I think she's already been sick so I hope that's the last time [Music] the baby at Luton Graham's ready to put an offer on the table because Mr Clark missed his flight the bus company have agreed to refund his five pound fare there's your two tickets today okay like any green line I have to refund because the bus service was 30 minutes away oh yes all right was the bus services 30 30 minutes late no okay so what was it okay the bus that you were on Master you're actually ended up on yeah it was running 30 minutes late oh okay put that that way okay all right that is why they're happy to give you the refund oh okay all right but there's no compensation for Mr Clark's Peril or detriment in Britain I guess that's about the best you're going to get unless you pursue legal a a cost of legal action uh which could take you two or three years thank you thank you thank you while some are forced to fly for business for others it's a pleasure ten-year-old Stuart Campbell is fanatical about aircraft so today is a treat for his birthday the whole family are off to Liverpool airport to do some plane spotting I think that planes are really interesting because um it you'll be surprised how big they are because when they're up in the sky they're really tiny and um when you see them on the ground they're huge and it looks fun being a pilot in the cockpit Stewart has only flown once and then he was just a baby so today his parents have planned a surprise they've secretly booked a flight to Barcelona it was a bit tricky last night he had a phone call from somebody wanting him to play this afternoon and he said oh we'll be back from the airport by then and I said maybe not I think we might but actually we'll be in Barcelona written at five to seven when you came here I mean you were never gonna let on that flight were you correct don't speak text all the way around the corner and then after passing tr810 it's 4000 feet which is what they're reflected in the Box in the Skies over Switzerland Tony Underwood is preparing for Touchdown he's first officer alongside Captain Lance Jordan and it's the first time Tony is flown as a fully qualified EasyJet pilot basically let's say once people have qualified they've been through the line training um at the end of that process they're as good as the next guy so it's no different flying with Tony as it is to flying with anybody else Tony and Lance are heading for Zurich it's one of the most scenic approaches on the schedule what kind of office place is this so you've got a view like this zurich's mountainous approach makes it one of the toughest Landings in Europe Tony will have his work cut out back in Luton a group of passengers have found themselves grounded we managed to get to the Malaga sign here for the airport manager play which we were queuing at when we got there the the chat there says well no it's shut I'm just a worker here passengers are certain the Malaga check-in closed early but now with the flight delayed they want a supervisor to tell them they can still board all the time we're waiting for someone to come here and try and get us on if someone turns up in 20 minutes time that's no good to ask is it because then they're quite rightly safe we're here right now they could get us off Q Duty manager Graham Merriman again if you want to give me two seconds I'm just going to try and find the floor Walker who's present and I shall come back to my name is passengers need an answer fast but first Graham has some inquiries to make give me two seconds plane could leave at any moment regardless of whether or not Graham's finished his inquiries and if he turns up another 10 minutes and says you know it's too late well not an argument there in fact we'll be being standing here for 35-40 minutes he could have put something we could have been on it by now Tony and Lance are about to begin the descent into Zurich but because of freezing fog Tony won't be able to land the plane Lance has decided on an automatic touchdown flaps Pilots want as much experience as possible of manual Landings and so only about two percent are automatic but today visibility is so bad it's the only option foreign [Applause] but with five miles of Runway and 24 boarding Gates there's another problem to deal with it's not this bit turn left here actually now the first one down there's the second one on the left here yeah okay sorry just I got the thing wrong even in a Boeing 737 it can be difficult to find a parking space it's the hardest part right especially here when you're on familiar with it fast belts off there's still time for Lance to give tony one more challenge he's doing that whatever that means with French German and English to choose from it's time for Tony to test his language skills that's it a German alemania I don't know what he's talking about he doesn't speak English either no it's not right it was just it's not shocks what were you saying you're saying this chalks parking brake fuel okay what do we need um should we go for seven two seven two same in any language Liverpool Airport just shout to Physicians and the Campbell's bags are being secretly checked in Philly Stewart still has no idea he's going to fly in his favorite plane a Boeing 737 the big one you're right up close all these lucky people at last person Tim Brown let's Stewart in on his surprise there were a few passengers down faster coming to Barcelona with us well come on man after all that follow up on you though quick quick the luggage is on board my name is Harvey a singer-songwriter is finding it harder to get away his name is apparently if I were called Dave short for David then it would be fine or soon but Curtis apparently not short for Christopher checking in is normally straightforward but kit has had to rebook he's kit on his reservation but Christopher in his passport and she said um I'm sorry kit is not sure for Christopher and then I said the tears and she said in which country so um hey there you go don't have a nickname it's been a day of disasters kids do to perform at a lavish party in Monaco but he's missed his flight I've got to get I've gotta get to the Riviera where I'm singing as a private party but I've got I woke up this morning with my face like a hamster so I dashed to my dentist it's rattled on his door and he came out in his nightgown and whipped my two thighs and I thought I'll just make it at Luton in time I love EasyJet because then normally they're accommodating but they've closed the gate five minutes before I got there and I said please I'm gonna go ahead and luggage and they said no you're on the next flight and so there is this orchestras and choruses and lights and fountains all waiting for me on stage in uh Monaco they're just taking off from Liverpool Stuart is well on his way acceleration is a bit faster than my car feels like you're on the Nemesis yeah oh wow give up get up please [Music] so what do you think yeah has it been real yeah everything you expected a big surprise yeah yeah it's been a great day and Stewart's already planning his next trip so where do you want to fly to next um Australia Australia yeah easy to go to Australia share with him but still on the ground the Malaga passengers are no nearer to finding out if they'll be on their flight they're getting desperate and they want an answer from Graham we've been here 35 minutes now can I can I ask you a question yeah um the gentleman who I was just speaking to his name is Neil and he closed America flight yeah and when he closed my life of a flight there was no one at his desk and he said I'm just asking you a question right is there would there be a reason why I didn't say that never said yesterday Graham still wants more time to investigate the mix-up at check-in but the flight is due to leave and patience is beginning to wear thin over in the departure Lounge kids also battling against time he's not winning either they said my hand luggage was the kilogram heavier than the hand luggage should be so I've got to wait at least for my luggage on the carousel thing so that's going to make me another 25 minutes later and jewelry is going to Rattle and crowned Heads Will Roll but um hey that showbiz what happens we are not accepting any more passengers for the Malaga flight since the moment you got here you were never going to let us on the flight why didn't you own them why don't you be honest and say why don't you be honest and say we were never gonna get on that flight since you arrived here at five to seven is that correct is that round so I'm not walking around don't walk around it at five to seven when you came here I mean you were never gonna let us on that flight were you correct well why didn't you tell other things I needed to speak to you why why what are you doing what happened here at check-in aircraft and we have to there are certain restrictions that we had whether to do the weather to do with fuel to do with this special vehicles you were in the paper the other day all I'm trying to do is a situation here whether I'm doing it right whether I'm doing it wrong you are doing it very wrong okay when they arise make an instant decision and not go waffling around the internet decision shows me not to accept you that was it was like you were here five to seven that was taking you 35 minutes to tell me what you said to the gentleman all the passengers can do now is transfer to tomorrow morning's flight but while they've been waiting the flight's been filling up sure it's time Graham's going to have to move fast to make sure they won't miss another flight he'll have to book them in and hope that some passengers don't turn up tomorrow they're pretty mad at me at my my lack of customer service skills from their point of view and and pretty much mad at EasyJet so they're going to get themselves re-transferred onto the Malaga flight which will fill that flight up tomorrow but this time he's confident nothing will go wrong yeah they'll be on tomorrow morning's flight yeah Stewart's now saving for his pilot's license which he hopes to get in seven years time Tony Underwood has now completed over 180 flights as an EasyJet pilot ah Sarah Ferber again and Graham did manage to get everyone on the next day's Malaga flight foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Our Stories
Views: 332,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Our Stories, Documentary, Observational Documentary, Real Stories, Full Episode, Full Length Episodes, Full Documentary, Fly On The Wall, Yearbook, Real Life, Documentaries, Real Lives, Behind The Scenes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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