Devastated Woman Forgets Her Passport At Check-In | Airline S2 E2 | Our Stories

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on board airline tonight the guide to being the perfect passenger 150 not fortitude always keep your cool and i invite you not to do that i haven't lied to it so i just passed you on what i was told second don't try to travel without your passport third always check you're on the right plane for a moment can we just ensure that all passengers are going to barcelona and not glasgow or any other destination [Music] come fly with me let's fly let's fly away [Music] if you can use some exotic booze there's a bar in for bombay come fly with me let's fly let's fly away [Music] one of luton airport's selling points is that it's just off the m1 very convenient in theory but not today there's been a massive traffic jam and everyone's late for their flights jane bolton check-in troubleshooter has to bear the brunt hi it's jane who's that dean niece yeah we're due to close in 25 minutes and with 60 passengers down because of the m1 an accident northbound on the m1 is causing severe tailbacks to the m25 with traffic cueing on the slip roads the m1 southbound is also slow between junctions 10 and 8. oh yeah what's the surname i don't know what's going on i mean you see any accidents ridiculous i mean you know you know i mean if we didn't if we didn't do something that wasn't right we wouldn't have been here i'm not going to say what it is it's on camera bye jane must close the flight in one minute even though there are still 50 passengers missing right 53 males yep 56 females these are the lucky ones the last to make the flight check-in is now closed all right we'll go with that cheers bye for the new splat one you've actually missed it now all we can do is put you on the next one this evening um it's tonight at quarter past seven which gets you in i'll find out for you [Music] all these passengers can do is see if they can get on the next flight to nice which doesn't leave for another five hours the trickle of latecomers is turning into a flood hi hello yeah literally two minutes ago i can't get any more on it i know i'm ever so sorry i know we held it for as long as we could and they have to go now all i can do because i rang up and you said that there's a 45 minute delay no it's actually got an early slot it's not going on time they're actually boarding it now they won't accept any more now well i am going to check because you know this has happened before yeah i mean i've just spoken to dispatch the guys that are in charge of the aircraft i did put you on standby to see we've got one at quarter past seven and is that full yeah it is full at the moment but we've got we're putting people on standby at the moment obviously because of the traffic we're having people coming through i'm afraid not i don't know if debonair i'm telling you the truth it's full and i can't get anybody else well of course i am it's here i wouldn't lie to you and i'm not lying now i cannot accept any more passengers and all i can suggest that we put you on standby this evening hi it's me again this is going on time isn't it it's nice yeah he says i've got someone who knows someone i can find out and i said well i can't get anymore wrong because it's going on time so i mean it's not delayed at all all right lovey okay then thanks bye jane and her team are told the flight is leaving on time but this passenger says she's been told it's delayed by an hour you lied to me and she likes me as well i've just called your office she told me that the slot was put forward that the 150 flight left on time and in fact it's not leaving until quarter to three so you've lied to people well i phoned i haven't listened to anyone because i found it lied to everybody and this is happening it's not just a second this is not the first time it's happened to me i use your airline all the time but this will be the last time [Music] you don't lie to people i didn't lie to you you spoke to the supervisor who missed the plane because of the accident on the m1 you lied to them all that plane is sitting on the tarmac outside and it is not leaving until a quarter to three no more passengers can be boarded at this late stage because the doors have been secured ready for takeoff easyjet has a problem there's a lot of angry passing i can understand that but all i can do is explain to the last passage explain to you what i've been told and if i've been told i can't accept any more passengers i can't explanations i'm interested in solutions so are you yeah as i said i want i would like to try and get you on the next flight because i cannot get you on this one but the next the next one you're going to have the same problem i know we've got standby passengers but it's impossible for me to get you onto this try to get in touch with somebody at easyjet who can make a decision who can get on my supervisors are actually in the office if you just give me one minute i'll go and have a word because if it's on the torah then it doesn't yeah i know the doors are closed and they're ready to go that's no such chaos here at liverpool airport easyjet second base the m6 is running smoothly and so far everyone's on time for their flights passengers on flight ezy801 to amsterdam are being checked in the plane is due to take off in an hour thank you the brown family have planned a short break in holland but daughter jennifer has left her passport back home in manchester let's check in there please is there any possibility you could just hold the plane up in a few minutes until we go what time do you think she's going to be here what time is it like she said about half an hour about an hour no no no past six i mean we closed it at 27 minutes and the flight's actually running [Music] the passport is in a filing cabinet which is in my bedroom so i rang my brother and told him to get the filing cabinet in his car and bring it to the airport because i've got the key so we can't get can't get the passport out of the filing cabinet dispatcher kevin has to board the passengers in 15 minutes all the family can do now is wait patiently outside and hope jennifer's brother shows up in time karen had been hoping to meet her boyfriend in nice at the start of her holiday but now he'll be gone by the time she gets there so she's now on standby [Music] it's not easyjet's fault when passengers miss their flight but jane always takes the flak and there's lots more to come no i'm sorry but i've seen it discovered because it's actually sitting on the chart and won't be leaving until a quarter well that they're delayed the guy that's in charge of the aircraft has everybody on board and he won't it's the one you tell them why don't you tell people that when you told you ladies you said the slotted your words to me and it was going on time your words to me were the slutters being put forward yeah you were told it was delayed originally i was told it was late by 45 and it happened i'm sorry well i've just been told my dispatch is it's very easy to find out you should check this out departures and they've told me water to three to one times sorry and then they've got all the information that i've been giving time is 150 not quarter to three i can only pass on the information they give to me just when you want to delay there isn't one time's running out for jennifer but mum's got an idea she figures if she walks slowly she can buy her daughter a few more precious minutes [Music] and chatting to the staff will kill some time too [Music] come on quick just how slowly can you walk up a flight of steps kevin's preparing to close the flight [Music] passengers are finding different ways to kill time and karen's no exception her friend patricia is a faith healer and she's using her powers to help karen get through the trauma good morning oh great oh traffic jams southpaw though oh she's back again at liverpool kevin's closing the flight to amsterdam um nobody one extra female no bag making the tlb one two eight okay we've got it we've got here [Music] [Music] a flight to go on a holiday without your damn passport she shouldn't have made it but she did she was lucky in the terminal at luton later rivals from the m1 traffic chaos are still pouring in but outside on the tarmac things seem to be going smoothly yankee charlie is being prepared for its flight to barcelona dispatcher darren is responsible for getting passengers and baggage boarded and the plane refueled it should be taking off in 15 minutes but it won't be going anywhere until he can find some fuel [Applause] hello john do you know the fuel figure please yankee charlie uh i've got a clue okay i'll get it off him we've got any fuelers a toughy and charlie [Music] yeah mr kid you have we got a um number for shell please thank you [Music] it's all going to plan except that we haven't got the fuelers now so really i'm looking for the fuellers they've left their answer machine on which doesn't really help at least flight 219 is all fueled up and on its way to nice captain pete woods is one of easyjet's 150 pilots flying over 6 000 miles a week we're doing quite well we're just to the south west of paris at the moment we've got about an hour before we land at nice and we just picked up the weather for nice and uh there's a thunderstorm going through there there a moment so what we're going to do now is program the arrival into the automatics and uh when we get a little bit closer we'll pick up the actual weather from these again and update as necessary each flight you do even though the destinations are the same something crops up differently on each blade so it's never boring and today is going to be anything but boring hey back at base and with just two minutes to spare darren's finally found some fuel the king loves elvis easyjet easter jet is for the king it is indeed yes sorry did you see glasgow excuse me you said glasgow oh barcelona not getting a glass guy oh no there's no sorry um did you when did you come did you go through the departure land ladies and gentlemen for a moment can we just ensure that all passengers are going to barcelona and not glasgow or any other destination elvis you can sit down and behave yourself please the plane will be taking off without darren but he's hoping that will change soon he wants to join easyjet's cabin crew i really do want this job with eatijit i am sick and tired of working on the ground for a handing agent and i really do want to get up in the air and visit other countries and i'm just waiting for this postman to arrive with this letter and fingers crossed pete is on his way to nice though he was the weather has deteriorated rapidly and he needs to make a decision and two more holes that there's no further improvement so we've got eight minutes holding time we've got eight minutes holding we'll have to divert can you confirm there's no way we can get in before 43. without enough fuel to queue over nice pete and his passengers are off to leon instead the second flight denise is about to close karen and patricia are about to find out if there's room on the plane as much as we'd love to we can't hold an aircraft because we don't know who's going to turn up and who isn't so if we can meet the time then they go but uh now we've had a few we've got a few on standby for tonight for nice i don't know if he's going to get on it because it's full so i have to wait and see but where are you going today i'm going south of france i'm going early so i'm leaving now i'm very late but get changed yet and then my boyfriend's probably waiting outside wondering where they're lying you might bump into some of your passengers i don't know no i'm driving there so i won't i won't look down the m1 not down the m1 no definitely not well i'll probably get caught in another accident now i'll see you later at least someone's day has gone to plan can we check in now um just gotta find out if the night shows they've got a closer at three minutes three minutes karen and patricia can only get on the flight if two people don't show up captain pete woods has landed in lyon 178 miles from where he should be easyjet never normally fly to leon so there are no refueling arrangements here time to call head office for help hello we've diverted to leon well we're trying to get into knees the weather's pretty grotty up there and all the traffic that's going into nice is back logging up and so they gave us an approach time 45 minutes uh beyond our present time and we don't carry fuel for that so we've diverted to leon no not really we're just sort of on our own on a remote stand at the moment but right as i speak to you now i just see a man who's coming up the stairs bonjour hello um for the fuel yes the q operator told me that you are not in contract with them so you have to pay it cash pay it cash it costs at least a thousand pounds to fill her up now do we have a fuel carne for this place that's acceptable yeah it should be are they acceptable is the interesting thing right okay good man thanks dave bye-bye how do we stop this end call pete mastered the cockpit's 422 knobs and dials but mobile phones are another thing altogether the idea how this works oh there we go that's off now good can i leave you with it bruce i've got some uh some serious admin to sort out time's moving on the delay is now at least an hour and pete's not that keen to put a grand on his own credit card he's desperately searching for a carne a written credit facility there are no fuel colonies the passengers could soon be on their way oh dear it's a bp fuel connie wrong one elf services were on standby but with no way to pay them they're leaving pete's back to square one karen and patricia are still trying to make their way to nice ellie okay just the two hudson and i haven't put them on yet they'll they'll be in us no shows when you do get them but you just have to remove them and then check them in again okay right they've had two no-shows two ladies that went to the nurses room that will be falling right that's all done so if you just go over to check in there thank you very much [Music] there was a young man with a beer three people in front of me i know that for sure i've got first to go on standby our two ladies we were in the nurses room the lady in white the guy in the suit the young man with the beard and mia yeah that's it four and five first yeah well i can understand that but but these two ladies have got on so what we need to look at is how early we can get you out to barcelona i don't want to go to barcelona i want to go to lace yes yeah pete wants to be in nice too but he's still waiting for his fuel the french dispatcher has returned with a possible solution if only he'd come up with it to begin with okay all he wants is we've had to give him the telephone number of the finance director nick manudakis okay so he's happy with that he will phone nick manudakis and um he's happy to refuel uh on that basis okay to end i suppose is it yeah oh no this is cool now oh what do i do here bruce how do i get this back i would've used that they're back on course for nice i understood the problem was the traffic it didn't have anything to do with easyjet but very spare we're on the waiting list as number four and five the young lady in white was in front of us the guy in the suit and the guy with the beard they were not these two ladies were not even here at the time no that didn't come 15 minutes ago i was given this list when i came in she even found me it's just not fair they're gone anyway [Music] there was a lady in white there was a gentleman in a suit and there was a young man with a beard three people in front of me i know that for sure [Music] the woman in white got away with a different airline the flight hadn't been delayed as long as she thought with a tank full of petrol pede made it to nice three hours late and no one convinced this couple they weren't the victims of queue jumpers [Music]
Channel: Our Stories
Views: 705,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Our Stories, Documentary, Observational Documentary, Real Stories, Full Episode, Full Length Episodes, Full Documentary, Fly On The Wall, Yearbook, Real Life, Documentaries, Real Lives, Behind The Scenes, airport, airline, airport documentary, airline documentary, angry passengers, airline passengers, airport staff, airline staff, check in, airport passengers, airport behind the scenes, holiday airport, holiday airline, airline tv show, airport tv show, easyjet
Id: _Txp0U3fIj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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