Missing Paperwork Causes Travel Chaos | Airline S5 E10 | Our Stories

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on airline tonight the timetable falls apart there's a missing plane I won't be home so 5:00 in the morning there's no flight come on out missing paperwork we meant to have 54 Rush bags we got 68 so something ain't right and a missing US president it's a lovely aircraft beautiful painted orange he can take our passengers to to Liverpool very [Music] nice come fly with me let's fly let's fly away if you can use some exotic booze there's a bar in Far Bom Bay come fly with me let's fly let's fly [Music] away it's midday and heavy fog has settled over luten a airport not a single EasyJet flight has landed or taken off for 3 hours as a result Liverpool EasyJet second base is taking in the diverted flights and busing the passengers back down to Luton supervisor Joanne Dempsey has been sorting out the disruption all the aircraft that were meant to go into to loosen the morning have come here with our for to now and they just as I say they're just waiting for the a weather to clear so that the planes can go back down there otherwise we're going to get molded in this afternoon but with planes that should be flying in and out of Luton sitting motionless on the Liverpool tarmac the day's timetable is a wrof even by early evening with the fog now lifted the situation at Luton is chaotic and with thousands stranded it's about to get even worse this is an important information announcement due to earlier adverse weather conditions at Lon checkin is currently suspended predictably the passengers aren't impressed don't take the P that is not good enough is unbelievably disorganized due to the adverse conditions at L they don't they don't defect the chicken this is the most appalling piece of customer service I have ever come across in the firing line for the angry passengers a supervisor skeggs and new boy Leo Jones Leo only finished training two weeks agoot I wish today is a baptism of fire I experienced a 7h hour delay coming in from Amsterdam my bags were all floated off a monarch airplane because EasyJet didn't have a jet the right size to accommodate three flights they tried to cram together my bag was offloaded onto the tarmac soaking wet my bag is now soaking wed and no representative at the airport will do anything for me everything's wet on the bottom what I need you to do is just tell me if there's any Glen rage is a man living up to his name and Leo's got to Plate him my bag was sitting in a puddle when I complained about this to the to the easy jet people and the Monarch people I got a load of lip from some Dutch guy and a cop came over and told me to keep my mouth shut and get on the plane and I had absolutely no assistance from anybody that's the way easy operates thank you very much EasyJet great job up in the skies unaffected by the disruptions Captain Mike Jameson is piloting the evening flight from Liverpool to Belfast it's going to be it's going to be bumpy at Belfast out he and co-pilot Gary Lucas know that when they land they've got the rare luxury of a stopover in Northern Ireland hotel in Belfast is actually a beautiful hotel nice facilities staff are extremely friendly there uh I do enjoy going there and just happens to have a golf course and we just happen to have our golf clubs in the forward hold M's beinging me on for this game I golf for quite a while now and uh it's going to be a shame to take the money off him but that's what I'm going to have to do tomorrow unfortunately I've already I've already got 50p anyway I mean that's it it lose change back at Luton Mr Rage is still in full flow Del that we experienc you know what you gave us in Amsterdam let me tell you what you gave us you gave us something worth 11 gild in that's enough to buy a piece of pie and a glass of water we refunded your flight as well you nobody told me that they should have told who's going to put that in writing for can come over to the desk with me we can start out the at least it's going to fill out the form for you Leo's diffuse the situation time for the paperwork rage w r a g e never again I want to see this little orange black thing logo with the insurance forms filled in Glen r can expect a full refund on his flight but we'll have to wait for news about his damaged clothes up at Liverpool there's news of a different kind coming over the airwaves radio merys side news keeping you in touch I'm joined Now by Rod Hill managing director of the airport uh Mr Hill how dis the big story on the local bulletin is that EasyJet are planning to ax their Liverpool looten service in 3 months time the reason a with Luton Airport over Landing fees well I think it's disappointing because it takes away choice and um it would have been ideal if we could have maintained that service I think from the airports perspective what we have to look at is whether we can find another airline that will operate a service into another London Airport for the passengers who use the route it's a big surprise I'm quite actually shocked really that they're canceling it because um most of the flights are fairly full so I can't understand why it's a loss to live Liverpool and its surrounding area because Liverpool is a large place I use it an alternative to the train and in the current circumstances it's um considerably better than the Train the airline staff however have mixed feelings and they're not the most the best flight because they're mainly business passengers and they generally cut it really fine at checking and a lot of them don't get accepted and obviously they got business deals to do they're not happy about it they do get quite upset sometimes at the desk when you say they can't travel they're the ones who cause the most trouble and cause the riots and they start to you know they crowd around the desk and they want to know why this and why that they're just they they're just the worst passengers to deal with of all time especially when they've got as you down at Luton Helen and Leo are off to face some of those dreaded luten Liverpool passengers the earlier fogs affected the flight and it's been a tough day already it is a long day started at 4 this morning now 2100 hours lers but we're still here and there's going to be no letup for Helen and Leo the Luton Liverpool plane is being used on another route now it's their job to tell the passengers they're going by coach and it will take 4 hours all EasyJet passengers traveling to Liverpool if you can please assemble at departure gate number 22 as Leo prepares to deliver the bad news Helen gets a call from operations can you um come back to passenger service office like immediately right what I just leave Leo on his own here still this apparently so yes all right on my way now Leo who's still learning the ropes must face the passengers on his own well I'm going go back all right okay all right in Belfast Captain Mike Jameson and co-pilot Gary Lucas are coming into land be wet mik but as Mike and Gary head for the terminal they spot a special plane on the ground what's going on here weird it's Air Force 1 the special jet of the president of the USA Bill Clinton and it's going to have a big impact on Mike and Gary's relaxing game of golf tomorrow but Leo's day at work is far from over there's no plane for the luten Liverpool passengers and he the one who's got to tell them the Liverpool flight unfortunately has been cancelled reactionary of adverse weather conditions that we had here this morning easy just seem like really cuz they don't do nothing where look how many people we 30 people just stay this is how normal customers are treated like you caning all thepool flight in a few months anyway so they don't care about us anymore get your money back 3 hours if you need this before we didn't if if I would have known earlier I would have told everybody earlier ear that something was going on didn't we're going to send you on a bus to Liverpool a bus a bus to Liverpool bus is due here in about an hour but with easy get that probably in about 2 hours will it yeah night and that'll get canceled that FY estimate that we've been given to by the coach company I won't be home till 5:00 in the morning there's no flight comeing I I'm not joking so far Leo's done well he's in control the passengers head off to reclaim their bags but Leo's not off the hook yet he's still got to sort out the coach after the break Jane Bolton has trouble dispatching planes got a flot in 4 minutes not going to make it and Mike Jameson has trouble dispatching golf balls oh I don't believe it at Liverpool airport it's been a quiet night for supervisor lean Chung but there is one problem passenger who appears to have had one too many how do we get the do how do you get the do you have to use Ryan Air Service how do you get to there you have to book it over the with the travel agents or over the telephone with them how do we get to do we don't travel to Dublin so you won't be traveling with us yeah how do we get to Dublin however you want to get to Dublin can I help you yeah you have to travel R how do I was outside the terminal in Luton easyjet's new boy Leo's still up against it he's trying to get the delayed Liverpool passengers onto the coach but there's another problem looming that he won't have faced before what we're waiting for at the moment if we need two buses which we might we're going to be waiting about 2 hours not very happy people fingers crossed we can squash them all onto this one is there a possibility that it's going to fill up uh we're hoping not we've had few passengers offloaded Haven you actually thought of counting the people so people know in advance and you know to get another we've had a few we've had we've got two we've got another one on its way we can't get that for some time so I'm hoping that we can fit everyone on here but as Leo stalls for time over whether to hire another coach the passengers are getting worried about their luggage I ain't coming in tomorrow why did you tell us to get on the coach and the would go on when I just saw that it was getting left and if I off the coat it' have been left there so why don't you do what you're saying I would make sure it would have gone it's just getting wor going the coach is filling up Leo thinks quickly and calls for a minius yeah we need him as soon as boss like yesterday like we always do all right then cheers by bye okay yeah how many are we expecting on this coach four full as the coach pulls off Leo's left wondering whether his work is appreciated will I get any waves yeah careful and the passengers Left Behind wonder whether they'll ever get home it's 11: we should have landed we'll probably be riding to Liverpool about 3:00 this morning I have to go to do meanwhile Leanne still hasn't got the message across that easy jet don't fly to Dublin the information for the reservation to the [Music] information get how do I get the rer you right [Laughter] there even if the airline did fly to Dublin Leanne wouldn't have let the passenger travel wouldn't have let that gentleman travel because he was drunk and the policy is that passengers who are under the influence of alcohol and not allowed to travel on on an aircraft just safety reasons but he wasn't traveling with easy jet anyway he was going with Ryan a down at Luton it's also fairly quiet now midnight kiss home I'm thank you the minibus has arrived so Leo can say goodbye to the last of his passengers but it's been a tough night it's been absolutely manic hope I don't ever live a day like this for sometime the minius heads off for mercys side after an 18-hour shift Leo can finally call it a day it's late morning in Belfast and Captain M Jameson and co-pilot Gary have made it onto the golf course beat that the third hole has a tricky water hazard and Mike's in trouble I always have a mental blockage when water comes into play ah Splish Splash but Mike has another go oh I don't believe it and another and the swans are getting nervous oh give up you can have the hole thankfully for Mike though the golf's got to be put on hold Bill Clinton's Air Force 1 is causing problems at the airport and the pair have been called back early that was really good though wasn't it oh yeah hey we must do this again we really must do this again shame we've got to go to work this afternoon in Luton it's bitterly cold braving the elements is Jane Bolton she's left passenger Services after 3 years to become a dispatcher shanky Ry from abine now on stand number eight Jane's been in her new role for a month and it's still high pressure from the moment the aircraft comes to a halt she has just 25 minutes to supervise refueling and reloading before the plane takes off again but there's an extra worry for Jane today because of yesterday's problem problems there's extra baggage to be loaded onto the Malaga flight these Rush bags basically these the bags they're they're not accompanied by a passenger they should have gone on an earlier flight should got on this morning's flight or yesterday's but they didn't so I think probably what it is with some of the ccil flights we still got people bags so they're going today for them well we got 54 but this says we got 68 it's a nightmare Jane has spotted a discrepancy in the paperwork that could delay the plane it could also prevent the rush bags being reunited with their owners her 25-minute turnaround is under threat we meant to have 54 Rush bags we got 68 so something ain't right yeah I'm I'm missing um an unaccompanied baggage manifest for six Rush bags I haven't got 54 I've got 60 out here oh brilliant we'll search around in here but we can't see anything in here um okay I'm missing a bit of paperwork for six bags and if I don't find them I'm going to have to go for all 60 of them and find the six that I haven't got which could well it's like ages an hour over in Belfast Captain Mike Jameson and his crew are on their way to the airport unsure about how the security Arrangements surrounding Bill Clinton visit would affect them as far as I know the IU are closing off all the link roads to the airport so there there's no traffic to and from the airport between 4:00 and I think 7:00 as far as I know and we're supposed to leave at 25 6 which is right in the middle of it basically so it looks as though we're going to be delayed as a result it could cause chaos at the airport but we'll just have to wait and see when we get there at the airport bill Clinton's plane Air Force 1 is being prepared for departure the president has been taking part in talks on the Northern Ireland peace process Air Force 1 won't be going anywhere until the president's ready out in the airport car park Mike Jameson's trying to get some information on what's going on yeah depending on Bill Clinton yes the airport is still open to passengers but it's uncertain what kind of delays the president is going to cause our operations can't get an answer from anybody and I don't think anybody here know what knows what's going on either at the moment so we're just uh we just play by sorry you haven't got an anacomp bagage manifest in there bunny chance of you for six bags no we haven't okay in Luton Jane Bolton's having no luck in her search to find the missing paperwork for the Malaga flight only the bags that Jane can take off can be loaded and it's a timec consuming task it's going to take forever isn't it valuable time is being lost and the captain is anxious to get underway if Jane can't sort it out the plane could be badly delayed go ahead you found it you found it all right I'll come and get it then got them thank you found the Manifest I'll go and get the paperwork it's taken 15 precious minutes to find the paperwork the loaders are now free to get the bags on board but Janes run out of time new departure slots can be hard to get got a slot in 4 minutes not going to make it hello he's got a FL you need that push yeah just for 10 minutes please cuz they're still putting the um bags on okay it's been a tth time for Jane Bolton in her new role as a dispatcher cheers me but she can send off the plane knowing the captain should be able to to make up the 10-minute delay on Route it's now early evening in Belfast and Air Force 1 is still no closer to departure for security the airspace around the airport has been closed but Bill Clinton still hasn't arrived to take his flight Mike Jameson has joined the other passengers in the viewing gallery to get a look at the world's most famous plane President Clinton's uh personal 747 sitting on the tarmac at the moment when he goes hopefully we can uh operate our flight to Liverpool but at the moment we don't know when he's going to go so we just come to sit here and wait it's it's a lovely aircraft beautiful painted orange he can take our passengers to to Liverpool very nice do you remember read those photo albums that we find in that for Jane Bolton it's the end of the day time for a quick coffee with her old friends and colleagues Katrina and Helen from Passenger Services how you dis got a lot of responsibility down there more responsibility I suppose actually now I'm doing it than I thought before at the end you know obviously you sign the PO saying that yeah everything on the aircraft is definitely coo and you know about it and then you're the one who just to the walk around and checks every hatch is secure and closed and God forbid if anything ever happened my name's on it so you're basically responsible for however million pound aircraft and 149 lives plus a crew but even with the extra pressure Katrina's noticed a change for the better in Jane being away from Angry passengers seems to suit her neotic woman that I am you do look happier I'm a happier person everyone says to me now God you you look so more relaxed I must have been one big stress head over in Belfast Bill Clinton has finally arrived which means Air Force 1 is on its way and the back for takeoff of 17.31 at last Mike Jameson can start his pre-flight Checks Plus nothing we're now running we're going to be looks like we're running about 2 hours late unfortunately and I don't think we're going to be able to catch up much tonight but we'll do our best we'll see what we can do as the rest of the crew get the plane ready for takeoff Mike spotted some differences in the way easy jet and Air Force 1 operate our passengers walk from the terminal I think their passengers actually came via limo um and uh I don't think they had to wait for the Caterers [Music] either the last Len Liverpool passengers finally arrived at 4:30 in the morning the passenger looking for Dublin was refused permission to fly by Ryan Air and Bill Clinton is now using Alternative forms of [Music] Transport come fly with me let's fly let's fly away if you can use some exotic booze there's a bar in Far Bom Bay
Channel: Our Stories
Views: 90,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Our Stories, Documentary, Observational Documentary, Real Stories, Full Episode, Full Length Episodes, Full Documentary, Fly On The Wall, Yearbook, Real Life, Documentaries, Real Lives, Behind The Scenes, airline, airport, luton, easy jet, classic tv, british tv, english tv, stelios, itv, season 5, travel, air travel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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