Passenger Lands Caravan! Winglet Falls Off E175 and More Aviation News - TakingOff

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a passenger lands a turbo prop at palm beach international and an embraer 175 suffers structural damage after flying through turbulence and has an emergency landing or did they this and more on taking off hi dan milliken here and i'm traveling again in some hotel near the tennessee and virginia border i'm not so sure anymore we're going to talk about the passenger who successfully landed a caravan at the palm beach international airport and the american airlines regional envoy the embryo 175 that suffered a separation of winglet and flight and had to divert but first i want to mention our sponsors flying eyes the best glasses and sunglasses bar none for pilots and anyone who wears headsets or helmets use the discount code taking off all caps one word for 10 off also colton mortgage you might not need a mortgage a residential mortgage today but keep colton in your mind for when you do it's run by pilots like us and also marshall protective services also run by a pilot who supports us let's support them okay the envoy e175 yes this is the same type of plane that christy flies and here's the particulars it was an american eagle service operated by envoy from charleston to dfw the plane and embryo e175 just an hour after takeoff it encountered what was described as moderate to severe turbulence in flight over alabama at 36 000 feet this led the plane to divert to nearby birmingham shuttlesworth international airport where it landed without incident the airplane is six years old um i've seen some rumors and speculation on social media news about how bad it was and how close to a catastrophic disaster that that it everybody came and i read on a news site that quote severe turbulence ripped off part of the wing well while that may be considered factual it's a bit colorful and the use of words add some drama that's really not part of the story the pilots flying did not even realize the winglet was gone the plane didn't handle any differently it was passengers who notified the flight attendant who then let the flight deck know and the first officer ventured back for look oh wow part of the wings gone which then begs the question why even have winglets well fuel savings that's why you have winglets embraer has experimented with several different types of winglet design and found through testing that the roughly 45 degree upward ones saved a little more fuel than the wings without or the wings with the up and down winglets the winglets on the e-175 have nothing to do with control and everything to do with just making the design a little more fuel efficient the winglets are not required for flight not to take away from the pilots flying losing the winglet was not a big deal but we of course don't want airplane parts coming off planes and crews what's the history here well it's a known issue a service bulletin for a faulty spar by the manufacturer and by the day of the incident much of the fleet of e-175s had already completed the sb to fix the winglets bar the e-175 in question was one of the few that had not had the work done yet will there be an air worthiness directive from the faa now well maybe but in the meantime the e175 was ferried three days after the incident to the maintenance facility in abilene texas and i'd like to note the e-175 has an incredible record for a regional jet and is a rock star performer i wish we'd been on that instead of the crj 900 that brought us to tennessee today that's another story the e-175 has procedures for flights not having the winglets but the minimum equipment list does have the plane inoperable without them especially since the position lights are right there in the winglet okay palm beach international tuesday may 10th a cessna caravan a single-engine turboprop airplane was in route from the bahamas to florida with the pilot starting to become incoherent and passed out a passenger one of two on the plane jumped up and into action reportedly recovering the plane from a dive and figuring out how to turn navigation panels on talk to atc and get on the ground safely eventually at the time of this recording the names and details have not been released the air traffic controller is robert morgan but i'm sure there's more coming soon the cessna caravan or the 208 has many configurations from cargo to passengers and then the passenger configuration can carry about nine people it was introduced in the 80s and even has some military use in a couple different countries it's a strutted high wing plane unpressurized with that beautiful pratt whitney pt6 up front it's not fast but she can haul and this particular plane is owned by tailwind air and took off from marsh harbor in the bahamas in the pictures at one time this 208 had been fitted with pontoons but on the day of the landing it had traditional landing gear the passenger can be heard telling atc he doesn't know how to fly and then they all get to work and here's some audio from [Music] i've got a serious situation here about pilots i have no idea how to fly the airplane but on this 9100 number 333 lima delta roger what's your position i have no idea in front of me and i have no idea atc had to first find them and guide them toward the airport and then configure the plane for landing the air traffic controller talking them down is flight instructor robert morgan and he had a printout of the cockpit panel and when the initial controller had trouble describing like how to change frequencies to even get over to approach they ended up connecting via cell phone for the rest of the journey so we don't have recorded atc conversation i reached out to our own controller for his thoughts matt well so freaking awesome glad everybody was safe i hope the pilot's okay a really amazing job on the controller who was also a cfi that's why i tell my controller friends hey get some kind of flying experience even if it's just one flight just so you get a good picture of what the pilot's gonna look at when you're when they're going through all these things you know this guy had zero flying experience and he landed a caravan so good for him kudos to him kudos to the controller who thought of you know having him call and get on the phone to talk about those instructions as well and um yeah it's also it's a good thing to have the towers number or the approach controls number one of the local atc facilities number if you're ever needing assistance and you can call and get some help so great thinking on the controller's part awesome amazing job on the now pilot's job i hope he gets the logbook and lance or puts that in the logbook looking at the adsb the plane had a pretty straight line out of march harbor at one point there's almost a 3000 foot drop with a sharp right turn and then you can see the plane take a gentle turn towards palm beach international i'm not sure at which point the pilot went unconscious and the passenger took over but somebody recovered the plane from a pretty big drop the controller the passengers they're all true heroes the plane landed safely in a pretty good landing and details are just coming now and we don't know the status of the pilot or what caused the pilot to pass out when we have more details we'll surely pass them along but what an amazing story okay let's turn to trent palmer our friend brian turner from just plain silly uncovered the original footage of trent's flyover that got him into so much hot water with the faa be sure to head over to his video i'll put a link somewhere up there to check out this incriminating evidence for some quick channel updates we've got a very special video that we'll be posting probably tomorrow and i feel confident in saying i'm sure you've never seen a flying video like this one and we just got back from our flying eyes trip to the uk for a whole bunch of general aviation flying and we'll start releasing videos over the next weeks i think we ended up with like 10 episodes so look for a whole lot of new content with that pilot stories and in the hangars we really appreciate you guys and thank you for watching and don't forget to support our sponsors father's day is just around the corner and dad could always use a pair of sunglasses use that taking off discount code for 10 off and colton mortgage colton marshall protective services they make our channel possible also if you'd like to have us do an investigation video on a specific aircraft incident let us know in the comments below thanks again and remember superior judgment trump's superior skills you guys stay safe we'll see [Music]
Channel: Taking Off
Views: 8,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caravan, cessna 208, passenger lands plane, passenger lands palm beach, atc, controller talks passenger down, emergency landing palm beach, embraer, winglet, winglet comes off, envoy winglet, american airlines, emergency landing, flying, aviation news, trent palmer, bryan turner, just plane silly
Id: bmUxNPLQ_ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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