Party at Bam Margera's House | SKATE TALES Ep 1

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Does anyone know if he’s still having people coming to his Pad to Skate??? And his Addy??

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/hxcgeorocks 📅︎︎ May 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
standard toy dude and I just stopped I was like I'd rather stay I'm madder zaps and I'm on a mission to explore skateboarding's outside edge pop in as we travel the globe meeting skateboarding's Mavericks to find out what skating means to them [Music] [Applause] [Music] how's everybody doing we're in beautiful Philadelphia and we're gonna go today to bat Margera's house but before that it's my first time in Philly so I wanna check out my Park and surrounding area [Music] so here we are at love park and as we all know it's $300 fine skate here now but it brought out the legendary Stevie Williams Kahless Riccio Yola all I can do now is just take a photo put the rest of the tourists so cheesesteak [Applause] gonna pick up Deloitte brothers at the airport and then let's see what adventures Bam's house is gonna bring [Music] I my name's matters what are you here yeah my element Pro Bam Margera is a skateboarding celebrity a rock star even mansions sports cars entourage rehab the whole nine yards he shot to worldwide fame with Jackass CKY and MTV's Viva La Bam in a whirlwind rise to stardom beyond it although Bam is just a skater the same skater who ripped FDR and loved park in the 90s not all that glitters is gold in the world of celebrity so we visited him to discover how skateboarding has been a compass and his life I love how he can't get off that staple all right whether it's escape deck or a skateboard in the park or in the living room he's always on that thing I haven't seen Phoenix in a bunked he's been in San Francisco for a whole month because Nikki had to visit family and surprise him with this here we are at a Bam's castle for this episode we're gonna talk the BAM visit in see what's going on and show the new ramp that took four months every single day team a 20 building so really proud of it Winkle and I grew up across the street from a sewer factory not too popular in school like a light switch when Jack has happened like everybody wanted to be my friend I was invited to every party I thought it was so fake that I quit the first day of 10th grade the guidance counselor like sat me down and he was like and how do you think this is gonna work skateboarding is just a fad it's gonna die out in two years you're gonna regret it and you're gonna be a McDonald's and to drive through it I'm like yeah so five months later came back from California with a red Ferrari I pulled up to I was like I took a ride with him in the Ferrari won so we were in a back road he was doing like 90 and some guy back dad you had to drive me grass to get around him I remember it was serious he'll never do 90 on a back road yeah we gonna do the big air or not that's filming a music video right now for Mike nappy my neighbor so ya Mon [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was exactly what he is on television it's just constant madness he lives a rock star lifestyle it has no limitations with what he does he'll let random strangers on his property every day and enjoy the night with them and skate the park with him he is an enigma the band's not skateboarding to like a way bigger audience than like anybody could imagine at that time you're [ __ ] with any idea I come up with they shut it down so no more rock concerts no more ticket sales no more privately owned businesses no more upside down cars in the driveway no more zip lines to a wrestling match no more treetop casinos no more Civil War Reenactment goes on and on and the best part was my neighbor was like sue me behind a tree trying to like catch me to share the township of light can't you redo anything it's gonna be on MTV in two weeks you [ __ ] dude furious so today's plan is to go to Pam's old stomping grounds FDR skate park in Philly always wanted to go there [Music] here we are at FBR Bam's lopa park like a city built park but sit the city only did like doing small obstacles and then the local skaters went and they expanded like did it their own style you know and this is what we got [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I did it in three tries no you're lucky and I caught it really [ __ ] good beer Jamie Thomas was like there that was like one of the best kids books I've seen and staple it sure was [Music] [Music] Haggar not right here AKA deke but he's got this trigger lock down frontside five-o over the volcano to fakie which is like crash or cover worthy [Applause] is used to live under the invar ramp for a year so Vicki right here lived under this vert ramp for a couple years on and off Lucy is our [ __ ] the raccoons ate my food for this fall I like it I wouldn't do it again so now we're going to my other house to a feed my cat it's been a while and paid BOM the driveway and it's pretty gnarly because five people have done it and three people ate mega [ __ ] pretty scary can you tell us how many shows you've done yeah I've done about 56 episodes of people at BAM 16 fans a holy Union Jack has five movies and 18 episodes and yeah all with MTV and then I uh I did a lot of filming in my 20s to the point where I just was like I need a break so yeah you're pretty much going with these pretty boys you're done a real Hill bomb is without power slides apparently five people have done it and three people ate five mad [ __ ] it's seriously like the flip of a coin whether you're gonna eat [ __ ] or not heads you're gonna eat [ __ ] tails you're gonna make it it's 50/50 shot I'm excited [Applause] [Applause] how scary see me almost fishtail out at the bottom uh-huh got the heaviest wobbles I did though yeah if I went that no strikes what it went there these are all my element decks there's about over 300 of them they're all lined up up the stairs down the stairs down the hall it goes on and on and on the only one I'm missing it there's one missing because some poison [ __ ] came over and stole it just drive me crazy to missing one one one board yeah this this is the board okay when I was 13 years old my first skate shop sponsor had these boards and you know I was skating those all day every day Polar Bear Club we're having a polar bear ice calves in the hot tub [ __ ] all right there you go that's a lot and we're gonna chill out and have a good time advance our own supply wim Hof's now I realized that my health was deteriorating the doctor said that my legs were like dry rotted rubber bands from like alcohol like you know what I need to chill out on the booze and start skating again yeah and I'm not not about to go to Philly and run from a security guard at the age of 39 and pay a fine to skate so this is my fourth time redoing this skate park and once it's been finished I've been skating non-stop for five hours a day for two weeks straight haven't skated that hard in a while so ten days skating every day for four hours and I just delete old my rip my calf not falling not doing any weird tricks just simply skating too much I didn't over [ __ ] did it right in the nick of time for the red bull guys to show up for me to get no clips whatsoever except me talking right now skaters of the Greater Philadelphia area matter zap from element and the Red Bull team are gonna be shredding tomorrow from 6 to 8 in the barn if you want to come shred with us gate code you know it it's 19 you gave your gate code away on Instagram yeah I wanted to see how are we going well you know what if I just give away the gate code come and skate because I'd rather skate with a bunch of people then by myself all the time so uh I'm like in if it goes too crazy or people start stealing [ __ ] then I'll just change the card and never give it out again but there's so far since the new park has been done there's been like 30 to 50 people a night there's a perfect place to go you can skate it in the rain you could skate it at night there's not many rules except don't steal [ __ ] so Bam's crib is poppin tonight there's a lot of people here a lot of cars park even Donny barley is gonna show up later it's gonna be a nice session [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it was insane last night at Bam's barn he put up Instagram pods to invite everybody come over and there's like a more than a hundred people shut up and then there's a spider-man guy and set up a hammock right above everything just hanging up there [Applause] so what this game what do you mean to you skateboarding is everything to me because it got me to where I am today and when I stopped skateboarding I pretty much became a raging alcoholic and you know the term skater died when I started skating again I was skating down at the beach and some jock was like stood or dude and I just could stop that was like I'd rather skate because if I don't skate I'll die so skater die if I don't skate I'll die skateboarding's biggest TV star celebrity lifestyle mansions fast cars rehab lost friends false friends Bam's life has been a story of light and shade really thrown into the limelight BAM found himself at an entourage not all of them with his best interests at heart personally I love Bam and everything he does skateboarding runs through his veins I came away thinking that maybe what we consider success comes in different colors and it's important that we count our own blessings every day [Music]
Channel: Red Bull Skateboarding
Views: 3,968,516
Rating: 4.876163 out of 5
Keywords: red bull skate, skateboarding, skate, skate videos, skateboard, skater, skateboard tricks, skate tales, madars apse, bam margera, bam margera skate tales, skate part, skate tricks, show, episode 1, Red Bull skateboarding, dan mancina, osaka daggers, nitro circus, bam's house, viva la bam, hill bombing, skateboard hill bomb, hill, bams house, ethan loy, david loy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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