PART I: The One Shepherd Experience - Basic Warriors Course

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so it was that time of the year again folks time for the 2018 fall semester at one shepherd you follow my channel you know that last year my buddy Bruce and I were offered a unique opportunity to go train at the one Shepherd Leadership Institute in Missouri it was an invitation that we just couldn't pass up at the time though there wasn't much information about one Shepherd really out there they had a couple older YouTube videos and a website and that was about it Bruce and I really didn't know what entirely what we were getting into once we got there though we quickly learned that this place was a hidden gem Bruce and I participated in the final culminating event at the end of each one shepherd semester and that is the FTX or final training exercise the FTX was just over 48 hour exercise where two opposing forces are tasked with missions from their respective higher the whole exercise a student-led and nothing is scripted anything can happen all the combat at one Shepard is done using the model system as far as I know one Shepard is the only civilian ran organization that uses miles which is the same system used by the US military you don't know what miles is the system is really a high speed laser tag that is used in conjunction with real weapon systems the laser is key off the firing of your rifle with a blank ammunition and it projects lasers out to real combat ranges that mimic the ballistics of a 556 thus giving you realistic combat engagement ranges as opposed to systems like sim rounds paintball and airsoft which are generally limited in their ranges at the conclusion of the FTX I was completely mind blown about how realistic the training was in terms of light fighter infantry tactics I was definitely impressed enough to want to come back for the full week of one Shepherd training so this year that's exactly what I decided to do went up for the full weeks worth of training I decided to document the whole week's long experience in a three-part series starting with the basic warriors course in part 1 situational training exercise or STX and part 2 and finally the final training exercise or FTX in part 3 this way you guys that are interested can see firsthand what the program is all about day one of the basic warriors course started early with a 0-6 revelry we were then outside doing a little morning PT followed by some basic hand-to-hand fighting techniques most importantly for me after chow the students and the basic Warriors course are issued their weapons and models equipment as you can see there's plenty of weapons and harnesses here and the organization from what I understand can outfit up to sixty guys after you're issued your equipment you'll receive a class on how the system works and how it attaches to your gear for the miles mm you want this in a spot that it's not gonna be up front so when we're out here low crawl and you're beating this up it's a it's a pretty tough device but we still want to take care of it right say but you want somewhere you can access easily and you notice go and come around this side turn to you there we go this will open and that's the way it's a little bit easier to read right Jason yeah so you almost kind of put it in upside down if that makes sense so so you can look down and read it all right so you can molly'd on in whatever way makes sense to you but it looks like you've got a pretty good spot right there so you'll them all right there we go hang on to that and then up here you just want to find a good spot and use the zip ties it don't have to be super tight just enough to secure it clip that off and clean up the excess this you want to secure it on you in some way this goes across your chest keep this centered go ahead and just ignore this layer to get out of the way for now just on one link let's clean that up later you want to find something to do with this you don't have a external bow you know you don't really want to put it on your belt in there as long as it stays you can just clean this up a little bit and just leave it right there um ideally you'd want something else under here to secure this down on to some kind of belt like it's obviously made for the Allis gear so this go on to the the pistol belt so when you got a rig like this it's a little bit harder for the miles - mm right here on your halo you see how these little straps right here we're perfect for weaving in and out of this webbing here and it doesn't hurt as a back up through a one zip tie through that way in case for whatever reason all these folks and loop come undone you've got a safety there so you don't lose this because we don't want to be in the woods camp watch it's gonna be hard quiet so we don't want to lose this so make sure you leave that through all the webbing on your your boonie hat and if you have a helmet there's other different ways to fix that as anyone running a helmet no you're gonna work maybe okay we can show you how to do that too there's different ways but it's what make sure it's secure and you're taking care of it on the backside if you have a hydration bladder if you know you running a Camelback or something like that you have any water on you okay do you have Camelback put it on first and then throw the sensors down over it that way these are exposed available for hits okay it's all the hard with rocks and that kind of thing but ideally won't be fighting with rock song but dump that ruckuses can movie start fighting so and these will be able to live down here to keep that here just right there so he might need help with this every time throws his kid on and that's what your battle buddies for tighten that up a little bit so all right zip ties are here there for you guys to use team up and take each other's Europe I can't even how'd you get yours if it's oh well I'm just a natural but III have an experience miles mm I'm gonna show you some tones first so you know what they sound like this simulates this tone will simulate a near-miss because we don't have actual bullets that make the sonic crack it will give you a double beep that means somebody's shooting damn close to getting you so means you need to get down move through your empties and get back on line and start returning fire but that is your near miss town when you hear that that means somebody it's not just uh-oh that just happened somebody's trying to get you okay now I'm gonna give you your kill tone when you do get shot and killed this is what you're gonna hear that means you are dead at that point in time when you get her the kill tone remove your hat this is a courtesy to let everybody know that you're dead your own team and the other team at that point in time depending on the rules of engagement and what orders you have to be respond in place or just go back to the spot to sit and wait whatever but there's different rules different times when you'll be respawn at that point in time when you are getting respond 0c will reset you and now that we don't have loud beetball to do this again you'll hear a one two three four that means you're alive and can be killed but your weapon is not married to your system so you can pull the trigger all you want but it's not emitting a laser because it's not married it doesn't have an ID tag to your system so now I want you to open up your keypads and you should see a number and it'll say ready weapon not ready hit the I button click the I button and you'll see ready weapon not ready huh okay now I'm gonna give you guys the procedure on marrying you will hit I down arrow down arrow enter and then your screen should say position weapon to the navel and you'll hear a little ticking there on your left side the one with the hook in it down down yeah you know tick-tick-tick that means it's ready to look at your rifle and where you're making that connection is from the back of the sat this little lens to these two pads up on your left chest so it has to see all these have to connect together so if you push it right up against there might not work too far away it won't work and it had not your keypad I down down enter press enter this is the enter key and then your keep edge save ready weapon ready yeah yep it said ready weapon ready now just like a real firearm even though it's a blanking laser you do need your sight picture inside alignment you've got to have it because it's not a do all end all there's a lot of information it's actually a little light beam packet that goes out and it knows the terminal ballistics everything of a 556 NATO round so you can't take a snapshot and drop off just like if you were using a rail rifle you have to shoot fall through then switch targets or repeat fire on target yeah just like a real weapon if you just go pop like trying to play some airsoft game or something like that or paintball yep not gonna work it's gonna be off over here instead of where you were originally aiming yeah there's a beam of information it takes a certain amount of time about yay long to actually spit it all out much like a TV remote your TV remote goes it sends a whole bunch of ones and zeroes and very specific intervals and very specific spacing there's a data train of light that basically comes out of the end of your muzzle there that has pulses intertwined within there and it takes a certain amount of time for that to happen we're talking milliseconds but the Apple point is you stay on target yeah yeah mom follow-through yeah now I have an arc to read a toilet for practical reasons for the system and for the system okay few limitations of the system heavy foliage the laser won't make it through unfortunate but airsoft doesn't make it your heavy foliage either accept my happenstance maybe and same thing with this there is not there's somewhat of a limiting distance factor which we won't hit that too much it's about 800 meters because that's the terminal ballistics of the five five six about 800 meter effective well yeah this system will do it'll it's a 5% probability kill at 900 meters so it's yeah very very very similar you'd have to be like perfect yeah the other shortcoming is when you're at closer distances when that beam first comes out it's very tiny it expands as distance goes on and actually is a grid pattern that picks up your signal as they believe it or not it an emits an electronic signal that looks like a silhouette target when you're wearing the full kit so that grid has to a line on that electronic silhouette perfectly to say yes you got the kill when you're close ranges that beam is very tiny you guys line up here Mike you want to go to the end of the fence this is what we call safety kill distance anything inside of this safety kill number one reason safety front powder does expel out of the VFA there's a vent hole so as you start to get closer to control particles burn the other person the second reason is that beam is so kinda you would have to end exactly at a sensor one of these sensors in order to get a kill so proper procedure for a safety kill not running not moving in a stationary position you can run up there but you have to plan finger safety kill this is your actual kill you raise your rifle and pull the trigger and fire around as a courtesy to say that yes my rifle was loaded so if it goes boom legitimate safety kill if it goes click well you shouldn't reloaded because now you're dead the ar-15 techniques remember this is an institution of learning so if you have absolutely no experience at this type of stuff don't worry it will teach you and if you already know most of it just listen and watch you might learn something new a magazine-fed gas-operated blowback action for ar-15 millions different varieties of them out there you guys see them online there's all kinds of competition level shooting this is about as basic as they get here you can adjust the stock whatever works for you is let's throw it out there and suggest that's where I bring mine in a little bit lower because usually with gear and that kind of thing it works for where I put my cheek a little bit rear sight tip of the front sight they're trying to basically I want you to do with your rear sight is draw an imaginary reticle like a hunting scope alright just regular old school crosshairs right in the middle and you're trying to line up that reticle and have it perfectly equal at all four quadrants of that that hunting scopes and pointing center mass of your target okay because if you don't have that silent sight picture correct any deviation up down it's gonna change the elevation of your strike left right obviously it's gonna throw you around left to right so draw that imaginary reticle crosshairs in there then put it Center match okay so let's go ahead and get up on line and just practice that silent sight picture on those targets right there obviously we're teaching fighting so we need a athletic fighter kind of stance like a boxer or basketball player or something like that so feet shoulder-width apart I like my right foot slightly back and we notice I'm pushing forward from the shoulders to mitigate that recoil forward all right I'm not here bladed and offering not a whole lot of meat for the recoil to go up against squared up with the target and I'm offering a rigid recoil but right here hinge forward at the waist a little bit I'm not super dramatic I'm not fit forward pass out I'm just hinge forward just slightly okay so let's go ahead and practice a little bit harder with that all right drop this down to this recoil if you want to bring that into your shoulder not over come up on target you're gonna get a mushy trigger you're not gonna get to click like to failure to to fire right rotate look oh crap there's all kinds of silver excuse the gold in there that's gunking that up I have a double feed so what I'm gonna do is first thing take that tension off the rounds send the charging handle home I've got the bolt lock to the rear all right big boy rules in daylight I saw the rounds fall out I look in the chamber I guess to back up and go at night you want to treat it differently because you don't know and can't see inside the chamber so you want to rack it three times to see if that to make sure that round come out insert the mag gas it up and you go okay so let's set that up basically think of that rifle as a patient alright it's it's sick it has something wrong with it and the doctor doesn't just start addressing and start you know issuing out meds for a patient for it looks at them right so once your rotate look evaluate what is wrong with that sick patient and treat it accordingly because you treat failure to fire differently than they'll feed if you try to treat the double feed like a failure to fire you're just going to be making it worse that's why we want to get down to the Safeway also we've had a lot of guys pop themselves in the mouth with their rifles so I'm gonna get out first bring the gun up try to tick away hit drop to your knees and then break your fall with your support head here all right now I'm leaning forward and now I can start evaluating situations and start shooting rounds back okay from here if I need to move I can start with the first individual movement technique the low crawl all right and this is one of the big reasons why I wear helmet if I have to low crawl and I have rounds coming over basically knee level why water low crawl or we have available terrain that is advantageous for us to be low crawling I'm gonna be putting my head down in the dirt notice what I'm doing the sling here I'm putting the rifle barrel up over my hand and keeping it out of the dirt all right same rules apply for a live gun as do a blank gun we want to treat just the same right head down on the dirt and who here remembers the RV been toilet plastic toys all right we're doing just that same thing alright head down the dirt I don't want to lift my head up because rounds are coming right over my back right it sucks you're eating dirt you're eating grass but it's keeping you alive I'm in a little bit different environment right now all right right now I'm exposed to different threats you know I couldn't I wasn't seen before now I am come up to Annie all right let's low crawl all right so let's get online we're gonna have you guys low crawl really sucks you guys we're boonies down down the dirt and move forward all right keep moving forwards it's kind of my dirt right here you got the right boy anything you don't want the rifle I need you down down low enough all right breathe are you all right keep coming a little bit more all right come up - Annie - perfect ass this left look right take on your position once the students have gained some competency in their weapons and individual movement techniques they're then placed in fire teams they then begin their first actual lane training or your fire team will react to enemy contact [Music] [Applause] [Applause] after each run each team thoroughly debriefed and critique over what the instructors observe sorry whoa look at this hot wash take care of this real quick all right team leader what was the plan my right flank would move up a little bit on the right side and my left flank would go up a little bit on the left blood it didn't work out that way okay what what happened cheetah well I tried to move to the right the terrain made it a little difficult and then once I finally got up I got cover over here that's when I saw a movement and then I moved so what well I'd say have there he's got too far away for every team he's making me on the right side and came all the way around to the left side so and that's bad because the people on left may not be expecting it over there so and if you are gonna move over the communicate and let's play the team later know where you're going because it's their job to have accountability of you but if you're making a move you need to let them know where you're going up for well GSC I saw the team leader was trying to figure out what was going on she was actually calling on some pretty good commands when she saw stuff the other guys like you said weren't echoing in the commands some of the guys were getting pretty combat isolated I know you got pretty combat isolated over here on the right flank I mean you're doing a mag reload your other guys had no idea that was going down you know you had no one covering yeah you know you're very vulnerable at that point right pretty pretty dip rated you know stepping out from the open nice cut grass you know knee-high grass and then working it into the real train we'll be fighting in so you know I could tell that that was slowing you guys down but I saw some pretty good uses of available cover I saw some people staying in so they can get up there and see which is fine but if you start hearing beeps or getting there missed you get that yet that's your validation that's that is my cover working or not that's if you hear that beep beep get down cuz they're gonna finally get a good shot on if you don't change what you're doing if you're hearing those double beep beeps that's simulating the supersonic crack around fly it over your head right so that means that's telling you you need to change what you're doing next block training will focus on three main different communication systems that are utilized at one Shepherd so the next classroom cover is the class on the TA one push-to-talk filfo alright this little older technology is like in the Vietnam era into the mid 90s it's a hard wired communication device and operates in duplex mode so what it means is everyone remember the game he played we kid had couple coffee or coffee cans canned goods right a string between them only one person can talk at a time on them right so it's kind of same kind of same set up here so they're not battery-powered they're actually voice power they have a colleague button right here that does send electricity down the line and that just a cue a QA actuates excuse me if I talked the call indicator disc in here and the noise indicator will hook up and you guys will hear that a second this is your push-to-talk button right here like settlin one person can talk at a time so the way the process go to this you hook up the line and everything call everyone listens everyone picks up and listens and whoever made the call speaks calls out whoever is called to homebrew and it's calling out one station specifically then they'll chat back and forth there was a set the phone down 22 or one what do you guys think some advantages are of a wired communication system versus like a radio may be jammed okay behaved to more secure for secure equip sound powering so it doesn't really need an external power source yeah exactly so you don't have to worry about packing extra batteries for it what might be some disadvantages of this stuff I mean take a look at it right here I'm carrying it from film layered up here we don't have battle right along I loaded some disadvantages you actually have to send up yep yeah what else heavy heavy yeah let's have you this this pull here Sam be especially if it's fully loaded I can't tell you exactly how it's all there but you could carry up to a while wire on you I said needs to trans me I guess I'm moving now Washington I would wait till you have the steak but in the same light because you hate it's gonna be tugging on the line while he's trying to secure the line of terminals there [Music] command post this is LP op1 good copy over man the selfie lb-1 waiter : Roger Regis same LP okey one help think I'm gonna call them possibly reliable communications this would be our seasoning stand for all right you wanna use earlier or a new batteries battery box antenna and and set alright your radio turn on did have a frequency displayed in the little F req spot is it on forty six one five zero alright and it's not making a beeping noise correct okay see this antenna matching knob spin that either direction and up on the on the side here says AMT facing the right door has been at one click either direction this is the PRC seventy-seven this is the manpack backpacker you much further range more power this is the battery converter pack that holds ten decent sized batteries they have to be put in correctly we put in one wrong we'll go to turn radio radios not working something's wrong the batteries at it now if one batteries in backwards it'll shut the whole thing down operate so we put nice little plastic case together thumb screws we don't need to over tighten them in to where it's going to take a wrench or pliers to be able part just need so it stays together just finger tight after you line up the four prong plug with the four phone plug in the bottom nice and gentle and straight twisted around of course it should just pop right on there and sit on there nice and easy then we put on our covers and they are marked with arrows so that they only go on in one direction because unlike those these have to go on in one direction only once that seated all the way down lipra shut and we turn over to the business end now to use the the antennas on this radio with the ribbon antenna we use what's called a flexible gooseneck these together this is for multiple reasons when you're carrying it on your back if you're laying down and you need to transmit somebody can turn to get the antenna pointing straight up using this plus it's less likely to whip around the wood you can control it better after learning about the radios you'll move on to learn about the d300 generation to night vision devices that are available to be checked out by the students at the course this is a great piece of gear to have while you're in the field if you don't already have your own set of MPGs gen1 for the most part you have to use some kind of a active eliminator it could be I or illuminator or for the M or a light source or something like that but you got to have some kind of light going on Gentoo is a pretty big step up from that because it's able to operate more passive right where you don't have the need for an external light source you can operate under pretty good starlight or right now it's gonna be generally very effective and like a field or something thank you that nature but where it starts really showing its age is under heavy tree canopy or under like heavy cloud cover right what about inside buildings inside building is a great question inside buildings almost all the night vision will have some trouble especially if it's closed off right and it's at nighttime it it has to have some light source for it to operate right so the higher higher generations just have a diminished need for that however they all do need that light source now thankfully a lot of these devices have an IR illuminator built into them so you can still use that technology inside that includes building but you're gonna have to bring a light source with you even if it is the one that's that comes with the unit so that's why guys now have I on their rifles and stuff yeah so the I are on your rifles does a couple good things for you one like you're saying in heavy tree canopy things that nature and closed buildings where you're bringing that light source with you you can use it similar to a white light where you can you know blink it on lick it off you do a flood thing all the cool stuff that you can do with normal white light stuff you can do with a IR flashlight or IR illuminator about these units and all night vision is that the light that you see that comes through this and does not hit your eye what's really going on is it's going into almost like think of this as a camera or a and a TV screen it's got a little camera here that picks up information from that way in the non-visible spectrum does some amplification and other wonderful things to display it in a way that your eye can see it to the screen so you are not looking necessarily through here you're looking at a screen that's right about here it's like a small little TV screen in it that's so that's the way to think about this so when he talks about how to do this focus keep in mind that this has to be focused to the imaging sensor and your eye has to be focused to the what's called the TV screen this event okay because a lot of those detergents actually change the IR light this super basic rhino mount where you just kind of snap around okay this is just force to overcome there's no levers or anything you need to flip it up flip it down adjustment is this lever here and then you can adjust optic in and out right it has this little receiver hole they call that the bayonet mount there how that comes into play this is what they call the Jay arm okay Jay arm has a bolt and it has a notch it's not CH fits in that groove just the read her on getting a little tight you start wiggling the back-and-forth they get lined up and then you don't have to crank crank or too hard just give snugged up right once you snug on there again you just take it and snap it on the place okay you take it out and just push this button here next on the training schedule is a very basic period of instruction on land navigation this class primarily focuses on teaching students about pace counts and measuring the distance you have traveled a more thorough Llandaff class can be taken during follow-on semesters after you have completed your basic Warriors course when were patrolling we've got all year on this [Applause] yeah so tiller stuff on our mind and then Lord forbid if we take contact and then we totally forget in top part movement so we use the pace count beads to keep track of it so the way they're set up is the bottom nine beads go 100 meters 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 thousand meters at 1,000 meters one click right so when that happens I'll reset the East back up to the top now I'm working on my 2,000 meters right 100 I've got 200 now 300 so in your head most pace counts are between 65 and 75 months typically 67 it changes throughout your life so make sure you keep checking it but one mom walking on counting in my head every left step one two that's about a meter set right there okay every step is we're gonna over calculator you're gonna be counting with short all right so when I hit six or seven I drop them in now and that's not a meters all the way up to 900 I hit the thousand drop down reset these back up alright that's how easy that's hunter meters from here to there so what I want you guys to do two or three times and count firm and confirm it so if you walk up there and you have 68 one times 64 another time you walk back and you have 67 you may settle it at 66 67 somebody that kind of split the difference right so when you're doing it I'm just count to yourself don't count out loud to you unless someone else's pace count number up in their head music so let's go ahead and you guys go ahead and start walking remember every left foots right pile is straight blade back alright and when you pass ahead an arm signal back I contact and look at them make sure they did it so alright I'm giving a hand arm signal so now I need everyone to act but go ahead straight handbag slicing the straight back good because every every time you see at hand an arm signal whether you understand what it is or not you need to pass it back alright because the person behind you maybe it's a pro controller they understand what it is they need to know that information so the way that we're gonna do this is I'm going to greet second squads up on this side this is a road right here thanks love going come on up to see how you're offset in the space right here divorce traveling you want about five meters you guys stay there stay there about five meters stop there between this guy and this guy and then you're gonna be ten meters back from the guy in front of you so you're gonna dress off of him to keep five meters between yourself and him I should provide about 10 meters between the guy in front of you okay so let's go ahead and adjust our intervals so when beat through some bush like what's behind there and what we'll be in over the next few days including tonight and you cross something like this you can clearly identify that it's a trail much Rail Road whatever it may be it's an open area we call that a linear danger area all right linear and bad things happen in linear dangers you're exposed to you're supposed to all kinds of movement ambushes that kind of thing so we want to get through it quick and the way we do it is pretty much a squad rush all right be it patch the road so what will happen is what name BB popping up come up I feel you don't even want to be an open area like this all right you're gonna call it from way back there but just for the purpose of through it easily a couple times and then put you through some wrapper stuff right linear danger all right hand arm signal for linear danger area slice across the chest thanks go ahead and echo that everybody linear dangerous so everyone there's control knows that we stopped because we're at an Lda at this point typically in my patrols I like point man just to make the call all right do you think that's the road it's up to you so he just automatically send that signal back okay for the purpose of this is we're in a call for our patrol leader which is two fingers up to your pro cat so guess you guys are newer point men and women so you guys need a second opinion on what Coulier wants them to do so come up Lda and I need a pro liter up bro all right let's go ahead and send that back finds our pro leader he's gonna come up he's gonna take a look for himself you can si first yep so petrol we already got leader danger test route everyone else says all right we're gonna patch the road the last two guys in the Patrol are your default security team so this is another commonly misused hand arm signal and people will do it for look I see this over there that's not what it is security key is what it is if you have enemy somewhere you point your rifle Adam if you really see something else you want someone look at you point at it you don't point your eyes all right you point at it this means security key enemy is finger thumb down or your rifle magazine up everyone's seen that army man rifle up in the sky tomorrow rifle real quick look super cool who's got a bayonet up there looks like this he's doing a long distance enemy in sight in direction this point is rifle that's what that means all right or if you're closer right there just thumb down pointing at the enemy that way so to back it up to patch the road we want our security team forward all right you guys are gonna be my security team so as soon as you guys get that hand our security team you guys start moving in all the while the rest of the troll is collapsing in and getting just like I'll say it earlier real comfortable with each other I'll say all right pull them on the gear getting ready to rush across all right put their patch to the road the directions are in the title of the name of the group you're called security we come across down that road down okay so pure cheap set go ahead and give me the rest of the troll going claps on invest Hannah everybody else go ahead and grab a hold of my key and in unison we're going through dead sprint across this time we're just going to do it at a real slow pace but rifles up and out if you have to return fire alright yep yep so for the purpose of this you're our last man whenever you see this guy on the near side you're going to tell them last man and give them tap all right and then when he bumps across he's got the last man and he's going to tell the other guy all right so it's real slow it's like walking across [Applause] my fans so now you are the last man you have to grab him because we don't leave him behind black man what happens if we're doing the patch the road and we push out the sturdy team three people make it across all sudden gene gun opens up and rips through that Lda and lays down a wall that you can't pass me with yeah what happens those other three guys that made it across well we now plan for that all right so typically on patch the road the team that made it on the far side person couple people team or whatever you want to hook out left or right to 300 meters and then hook back in your up do another patch through Crowley if you're crossing the same road and then go back to your last zone a rally point this brings us to our next hand on single so I stopped here because this is a pretty good visual aid right here it stands out it's not native it's not natural so people would remember this you know troll and buy it alright so about every hundred three hundred meters or so you'd be putting in a new rally point and basically that's a place where if we walk another 200 meters that way and just get our butts kicked fight and everyone scatters to the wind it's a place to come back to and regroup afterwards right so waiting put them in as we roll along the patrol leader or the point man should be doing it also walks long said hey that stands out that's you know not just random trees and brush and they put in right here he looks back at the second guy and he gets in a nine this this is one the hand arm signals you do not echo because if he echoes it and he goes all the way back down the troll hold 500 people along that rally points gonna end up from being here all the way back here okay so you wait and he get up to the rally point wherever they pointed and then turn around and then echo it and point it at the rally point okay it's not gospel fine alright so from here it's 1654 you got dinner Chow 1700 head bag drop your kid again take your rifle into the deep back and we'll have dinner we got a night mission coming up we're gonna start preparing for that we hot and heavy we give you guys what we're doing and we've got a lot of stuff that we have to get ready to so and we actually need the mess tent for some of those briefings by 1730 so we need you guys cleared up out of there in 30 minutes so sit down eat up real quick relax leaders of the uf have pledged renewed offensives against the nation of almond if UN forces are discovered in the you FR or DMZ losing the surviving members of the ch-47 to the US will create an international incident an extreme national embarrassment for the nation of almonds recovery and security of the mission of the missing members of the utmost importance contact with you fr must be avoided during our first night mission in the basic Warriors course our squad was tasks and making lays on with another squad that is lost in a notional Demilitarized Zone premise of the mission is that essentially your squad is supposed to get in and out of the DMZ you can rescue the loss squad and avoid contact for trolls in the area the mission really exposes students for the first time to movement at night through both open and wooded terrain to move through very thick woods a technique was taught at one Shepherd where the squad changes together one behind the other this technique although limiting in terms of dispersion of visibility proved to be a very effective way to get a squad through thick brush this technique would also pay dividends for us later on during the FTX once the liaison was made with the other squad we began to navigate our way back to the fob just before we reached our father look back over my shoulder to check on the last man who is the rear security then observe a human silhouette approximately a hundred metres behind us tailing our formation taking consideration our rules of engagement during this mission we did not engage the unknown threat begin to hastily bound back until we were within our own lines as with every exercise at one Shepherd a thorough debrief is conducted at the conclusion of it let's hear from eyes about got the plan so we were to one like overall mission yeah everything yeah all right so we're the omen I think hoplites we control everything west of phase-line or Rick Rick - Morty is a DMZ and east of the DMZ is that Ebola child killers thanks quad but went down on playing east of the doing phase line Morty and we're going to meet up with us over by the pig barn and we were to link up with them and escort them to safety our insert was on the southwest corner of Bob moving out doing cottage lines in route to Bill's barn moving south a little bit into the woods Creek area and then kind of skirt in those woods to the east ultimately ended up at the barn to meet up with thanks 1 we would then formulate one massive super squad and return to base let's hear from someone on first want to talk to sweetie what do you pointing it right there yeah okay so this is a little beer dropped off the freeway to go up here about 270 meters directly more coming back to the tree we got more tea once we got through there - all the off for so we went back into the wood line 25 meter kind of ride you good with this little dry creek bed until we got to a clearing and then we ran into the rescue force oh it's as we were bringing in the the rear when I was a second the last man looked back to check on the rear security and I saw two silhouettes about one hundred and hundred yards hundred meters behind us or so let the squad leader know he gave him a challenge of pass they didn't respond and at that point we just started expediting our exfil out of there most of them were already through Jason I was about walking up to him when they started getting some pressure so I flew around as soon as I got through him to provide covers I came through very simple though they didn't make me not going it's good pretty discipline get singing scenario we're just trying to get out of there we're not trying to get into a fight you know just leapfrog in back out of there or not your job with your rv's it's definitely shady but all of a sudden there's someone there all right so you want a brief sit over there in ten area for tomorrow so tomorrow we're in oh geez so wake up zero six we've got a two-mile ruck yeah we won all right so bringing stuff the whole idea of that is to have your ruck and only battle rattle representative of how you'd go out on an ass yet so you can figure out what's wrong with it figure out what's rubbing your own went bouncing and plopping too much it's a little test well shakedown test we'll go up to the road to the hardball turn around come back so that's a zero six breakfast anything to follow 0 7 and then class starts at 8 for both 30 BC and land that you see is going through theory of reckless direct contact contact drills things like that and then Landau is doing a mooring light and then launches normal at new and then PCMs clean up patches for the new boarder basic guys and then gal is all that stuff after that but okay all right baby you guys got it don't scrub look at that 15 minute sleep yeah and forget it so but today we're going to start with what we call the engagement decision matrix it's a basic good decision-making proc process that we essentially develop it was actually published in the infantry magazine last year last spring I believe so the first question that we're gonna ask ourselves is is this mine but in order to even begin assessing that question we need to orient our firepower towards a threat so in that first case you saw soft contact they were going to happen to be in a diamond formation that's the first reaction right in a second case still diamond formation right holy oh no there was actual shooting that started that but they still did the same thing get down on line they kind of did it on their own because it's a battle drill you don't have to be told what to do that's what we're going over this morning the battle drills okay so if you gave the decision matrix the first question you're asking yourself is is this mine in previous models it began with can I take them then attack well if that's not up your objective you're expending combat power that you didn't need to expend because it wasn't your objective so you're consuming ammunition you're consuming call it fatigue factor chasing something that isn't yours but what this allows us to do is figure out if it is indeed ours obviously they were protecting themselves on the second iteration because it was what we called hard contact you'll begin with shooting or manner of violence right but it doesn't have to be that way but this is foundational for everything else that you're gonna cover this morning in that it sets up and Orient's the firepower or at least the potential for that firepower towards the threat until we can figure out what it is hey mark good come over let's let's knock out this class for free okay so we have four smokes total going out with you guys so you guys have to be nice and divided up however you want but give you guys a quick class on it for the pin on it these Enola Gay smokes it don't pull straight up you want to pull to the side otherwise you pull the fuse out about a couple times then you have to hand line it which is kind of pain in the ass so take it pull it pretty simple right what we do not straight up out of this top of cylinder right so that's that's it well I'm sure that next we're gonna talk about this tape right here this checkered yellow and black tape okay this signifies OC and we're out of play all right so when you're there all to beat up on a green uniform and you see this on the side don't shoot us you're just wasting your own ammo okay there's gonna be three of us out there Chester buying to myself okay yeah I heard my pills excuse me but here on next we're going to verify that your miles is synced and working you brought a magazine for me okay good unless you clear out of flip it on safe unload show clear don't burn your own animal gonna say what's already on your system now it's time for the final culminating pet of a basic Warriors course for son for scenario during this one fire team was tasked with defending of water pit law another numerically superior force is tasked with assaulting and taking this ultimately gives the students the opportunity to test the individual combat skills they have learned over the last couple days during this scenario the cadre randomly picked one of the students I think I have that experience in waitwe I would say where you are though and we'll probably have some people kind of so you don't want me in the fight you no I mean if you if you can see the fight coming up here okay yeah definitely orient yourself there but there's nothing to really run up to unless you want to go to these trees try to find open right there and back there that much fire yeah all right make sure you load your rifles all right hey don't break blood you're right [Music] don't feel good [Music] [Music] 100 meters [Music] [Music] [Music] okay William Surya okay some stairs Linda right sweet this give me actions on set up security give me a lace report that starts a casualty right water search the cassadines there's casualty suits to the enemy casualty search him search him just ask him gentleman's gentleman search as smoothly as the intelligence fact set up security after the first scenario has played out cadre been any more your patrol leader so get a lace report alright and distribute register [ __ ] if someone's Red Cross load ammo it's not your ammo it's your team's ammo and then I need to come up with a plan to attack that mortar pit in two minutes Mac yeah two minutes come with a plan no injuries Oh yeah [Music] [Music] we only reacting to we're not engaging he has her assaulting live position the ordure killing everything there to mince is up let's go smooth makes me to pack big most of these veterans are fighting with his weapon once he starts fighting this pregame I'm gonna kind of blank around here I'm gonna bounce through that open area and hopefully end up on their 11 o'clock SWAT team leader take that sack in company okay ready all right at ease so we just went through warrior basic learn how to shoot move and communicate and how not to break our stuff so I told you the beginning this may be like a fire hose if you like fire hose at this time though upon completion the warrior basic youth entered the one shepherd community so upon completion of the force on force training lane the students are now welcomed as members of the one Shepherd community they have essentially been through the one shepherd boot camp and now I've earned the one shepherd logo patch after the pass ceremony it's on a weapons maintenance that's it guys that includes part 1 which covers the basic borders course of lunch ever part 2 will cover the situational training exercise which encompasses the next two days of this training week hope you all enjoyed this video because there's a lot more to come please check out the one Sheppard website for more information about this program keep fighting the good fight thanks for watching no free 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Channel: Brent0331
Views: 45,096
Rating: 4.9530282 out of 5
Id: 84w1_Yekj6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 10sec (4510 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 08 2018
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