Part "6" How to apply grout on shower wall tiles - DIY bathroom tile installation ( brick pattern)

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so we have all the towels in place all the pieces already nicely installed in our shower and I'm slowly moving forward with preparation for grouting I'm removing all the thinset that got through the joints like you see here we have ten set that is actually in a joint so what I'm using a busy night and removing just a little bit you know grab to fill the space so areas like this itself and you have to look for because otherwise you will end up with ten sets sticking out through the grout if grout is pretty close in color it might be not noticeable but usually we have different colors so so we have to take care of this part and this is my next step so I'm going to remove all the breeze here from the floor from the tub area and slowly started routing so I'll keep you updated another thing I'm putting some tape on top of the drain play but screw this in a little bit so run run do not get to the drain this is important we don't want to get stuck so I'm putting this backwards later I'll be done with the grouting I'll just remove the blade and flip it the other side and shower at this point it's almost ready with all the tab work and I'm already finished also with cleaning before grouting so the next step would be grouting what I did I covered part of the floor and part of the core because we're going to use two different colors of the grout for the shower we have lighter ceramic tiles we will use antique white and on the main floor we have marble and for that product we will use understand that linear out which is slightly different in color so this is why I covered this so any little broad would be falling from crowding in the shower will not get to the grout spaces in the floor later once I'm done with a shower part I'll just remove the plastic and I have ready and I will have floor ready to be crowded yes this is the last view before we do any growling I already have toilet in place and also down yes so this is grout time what we will need for that we will need some water to wash off the grout empty bucket where we can actually mix the grout of course grout float gloves sponge and another interesting thing that I'm using is stain blocker formula this stain blocker is added instead of water when mixing grout so there's still a little bit of water that is adding but most of the liquid present in a grout is this product as you can see this is what it does protects ground from staining easier cleaning maintenance etc etc this is one of the types there are some other manufacturers that also product manufacturing this type of products to be used with a grout simply to make the ground very strong and this is goal so since this product appeared on the market this is what I've been adding this is about 2530 dollars a quarter but one bottle is enough for one back of grout so we can approximately grout about 150 square feet with the one bag of grout and one product like this so this is something definitely worth of consideration when getting ready for grout yes so what we do I'm gonna pour this product to bucket it's pretty much like milk but it's not milk of course this is this is it okay we have a drought I'm using only custom building product drought and selling components this is antique white color that we will use for the shower walls simply because we have lighter tiles and the grout spaces 3/16 of an inch so we're using sanded grout for the on the floor we have 1/16 of an inch so I will use unscented product yes pretty much adding this I'm adding some water to the grout as well you see that contractor is mixing grout with the hand or stick is not really good way to make the grout because to have the color consistent it has to be really well mixed you cannot just keep mixing with the hand because it might not get the color that it's supposed to Plus might be not durable because if we have areas where there's more water and less product this grout will simply peel off or fall out so good mixer is a must to have this done correctly okay now I'm gonna leave the crowd for a few minutes to let kind of work with all these chemicals that it includes or something so we're leaving this for a few moments and then I will mix it once more not adding water at this time before I will do the final grouting so this is it don't forget about stain blocker because this is something that will save you a lot of trouble and maintenance later and definitely please wear gloves and don't go out there's a thing make sure No when temperatures changing silly by continuously separate or crack in my ceiling dry so it's crack resistance there's no issues with using this minimize from the side it can also use hand routing make sure you go sometimes right easier certain areas are very hard to access fountain of that hearing us they're tricky to remove the grout they've always said like a chisel or some other flat bench and then we have a removing grout that is actually hard to wash out with a sponge like corners to have nice 90-degree corner finish to the ground we have to use some test device I hate really totally like a whole bunch of rubber in the corner this is not the way it's supposed to be happening this is of course is the easiest and the fastest train survived when you contracted mochi just finish not finish we'll be drawing till tomorrow sometimes tomorrow it was illegal to leave grout for 24 hours at least to set it to dry before applying sealer or doing final cleaning so yeah this is pretty much how it looks right now the grout still has to dry it's still wet but it will blend nicely with the tiles and yes this is another nice project and tomorrow I will work on the fixtures and I will show you the final result okay so more Turner fixtures and yes we put in Delta system here we have dealt about Delta trims with the other hand held that will be attached to the head and one of my other videos I'm showing how to work on such fixtures how to install valve how to install trims I have videos for and growing color Moen and Delta so you can help define something on my channel that you will like okay one of the very last part on our project will be sealer application we have ready to use this product that makes crop stronger and more durable but sealer is always good option on top of any other product so what I will be doing I will be spraying this sealer on top of the grout and tiles it's a must for the grout and if we're dealing with the stone tiles it's also recommended so keep that in mind it's pretty easy to apply what we do we pretty much will try this then I will leave it for a few minutes and we'll wipe it all the directions how to use it or always on a label you can use this brand you can use different product make sure that actually you know what you're doing simply because there's a sealer and there's a sealer enhancer enhancer will actually change the color of the grout and will also enhance the stone so if you want to keep the color of the grout and color of the stone please seals just regular sealer if you would like to enhance the color to make it darker or just more real then we using enhancer so there's a huge difference that products look is the same they both sealers but many homeowners accidentally buying enhancer and then there is no way out it's permanent change so so this is it so I'm going to spray it wipe it and then I'll show you something no shots of this shower project thank you one more important thing of course here we're going to have the frameless door put in in about five six days but from first glance was already here measured spoke with homeowners so we will be getting a nice frame in store that will be all the way to the high for the showerhead because this is goal for shower enclosure to catch all the splashes all the drops of water preventing them from ending up on the floor in this case with this setup we can temporarily install the rod with a shower curtain the shower goes wall-to-wall so if we hang the curtain for a week that should be fine but shower curtain is never recommended for the walk-in shower and simply because what happens often the curtain will slip through the core because there is not a lot that actually holds the curtain in place it's just about two and a half inches so many times curtain slips or actually water is penetrating betwee between the curtain and the dock and the tile work and getting out of shower over time causing discoloration stains mold and rot the subflooring the curve is sloped to the inside but there's a lots of water ending up in this areas of course eventually to get to the outside so the shower curtain is good for a short time but every shower need a shower door that will catch all the water what people do those days they you go into it frameless frameless means no frame no any unnecessary meadow and rubberized sealants gaskets is just nice piece of glass with hinges and a knob as I know it's only metal present so so this is something to be installed by a week from now I might show you some pictures probably not because I'm going to be back here this is different person that actually will handle this part for me and yeah so keep that in mind because this is another important important thing to have to do everything to keep this shower and floor and all the work with it in a nice condition for a long long time don't try to cut the corners do it the right way okeydoke so this is probably the last update from the project here in Dunwoody in Atlanta metro where I was what I been working on with Peter on this bathroom and I've been showing you how the process goes when it comes to shower we focused on ashen over to show you some important interesting parts of each shower project and I hope you have a good time watching it and there was something that you found interesting but yes so we pretty much finish we have all the towel work done we have fixtures in place we have nature's building growling gun down silver been applied you had chance to see pretty much every part of this job during us working here and yes very nice assuming I've been showing you most of the work in this several videos if you look at some other videos in my channel you will see how to frame the niche and how to tell which of this type exactly same thing I'm showing step-by-step instructions how to perform niche installation and all the waterproofing I'm also showing how to work on a fixtures for different manufacturers you can check this out as well and I have another few videos about waterproofing where I am focusing on the waterproofing for walking showers so all of those combined might give you a good idea what it takes to do such project correctly and hopefully help you with your own job that you have gone on here we also did the floor we have a 12 by 12 inch marble tiles and we also did new tab new decking so all of this been done within 10 days we've been here 10 days from very first they were with the demo to till today two final fixtures installation so very nice the painting is still to be done but homeowner is going to take care of this part and yes so this is how it work out really nice shower and this is pretty much it thank you for watching and we'll stay tuned with us because there will be more jobs that I would like to upload and share with you guys from my jobs just a contractor small business owner trying to make ends meet and hopefully help some other people make their life easier yes and don't forget to stop by on my website home over there there's not really any products for sale only my business info plus all the work that I did in the past lots of lots of pictures from my jobs and this is what I would like you to see because I'm proud of what I'm doing and I'm happy when people looking at it and finding it is interesting so so this is it visit our master Jaken for more projects like this and well we'll see you on the next job you
Channel: TileMasterGa
Views: 559,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grout, grouting shower, grout application, sealer application, tiling shower walls, how to install tiles, tile shower, fixtures installation, stain blocker, bathroom remodeling, tile installation, bath remodel, how to build shower, Atlanta bathroom remodeling, Do It Yourself (Hobby), Design, Installation, Tile (Visual Art Medium)
Id: svqgTw44qhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 42sec (2022 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2013
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