Part 3: 80' Truss Install With 2 Guys: Large WorkShop

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all right today is a new week here on site and we've got that first truss up on the end wall but now we got to start getting all these other trusses up so uh got a little bit of a chance of rain coming in so we're gonna get right on it and uh i'll take you guys through some of the some of the things we do for installing these long span trusses and proper bracing making sure that you know you don't have any issues on site during this sort of process oh shoot shoot oh guys got that first truss in which it was a little bit a little bit nerve-wracking but at the end of the day actually wasn't that bad and i feel pretty good about getting the rest of these ones up so let's keep going all right so at this point normally we might go ahead put our temporary bracing on which is what greg's doing right now and then go to the next truss install that truss install the purlins and just keep going but because this 80 foot wide building is so big we've got a chance for some inclement weather on the way we're gonna spend probably all morning on this bay we're gonna go ahead and get it purling we're gonna get our bottom uh bottom cord stiffeners our wind ties all of that stuff on so that we can lock this bait down with our chains and make it rock solid in case wind hits the building another thing that we'll do is also make from here on out even easier so you know i've said it once i've said it a million times and i'll say it again spend a little bit of time at the beginning prep it secure it all those things to make sure that you're good at the start so that when you get 120 foot to the other end you're not fighting that entire roof system so yeah it's important pretty important to try to keep your telehandler cage as level as possible you want to go up in the lift going dude going going this is where it's nice having three guys minimum not that i don't mind working it's just a lot more efficient when you got somebody on each end of the truss and somebody on the ground [Music] so what i need to do here is make sure that my truss is in plane with this beam that way it's installed correctly [Music] time to put some purlins on all right guys i just felt a raindrop now that's not going to slow us down we've got to uh we got to finish these purlins but i'm going to pull you guys out of here because the rain i don't want it on my expensive camera here but look at that it's uh it's gonna turn into something so we'll get you back out uh when it's safe to do so for the camera i guess i'm just uh i'm happy because these are these are hanging a lot better than i anticipated than potentially hanging and i think you know with any luck we'll get this bay done here we'll get lunch and then the weather holds out i don't know it's it's raining around us all over the place hopefully we can get another bay or two up so what we're doing here and it may look kind of unsafe we're we're trained professionals guys okay we don't do anything that's totally stupid at least not in our professional careers personal lives different story greg but what we're doing is we've got this first couple bays on we've got a bunch of chains holding the building down but the problem is this building is so big and it can be manipulated so easily that what we're going to do is add a 2 by 12 stiffener up this roof on top of these purlins now these are good 2x12s they're nice and straight and we've got marks on the tops of these purlins where our edge of our building should be and right now they're like this it's all messed up so what we're going to do is take a 2 by 12 we're going to screw it on each one of these lines and we're going to push and pull the whole building to get it to line up as good as possible and what this helps us do is when we put those chains on and we push and pull it will pull more than just that purlin and the purlins it's by it'll kind of bring the whole building in and out okay right there [Music] and we're just taking some of these structural grk screws and we're going to put two screws on each purlin trying to lock it in and as we go it looks like we already got to tweak this thing which i knew this bottom was dude this drill is fast more all right about a little hear more if you got it not too much right there now i know you guys probably can't see that obviously you're not straight in line but we just took out about an inch and a half uh it was straight and then it went in about an inch and a half and we just were able to take that out and these two by twelves are strong enough to resist the flex in the kind of ins and outs of the trusses so they straighten them out automatically we'll actually leave these two by twelves now since they're three foot in we'll leave them until we get our steel roof on and once we get our roof on it'll hold everything in place we'll come through we'll pull these screws and then put a piece of roof steel here how's it look greg going up the uh the end i bet you it's a ton better dude it looks yes okay i'll show you guys what we got going on as you can see those two by twelves are nice and straight and i'm not saying that the end is perfect but what i'm saying is it was sticking out an inch and a half one way in an inch and a half the other way and now when we do pull a chain anywhere on this wall it will bring like the majority of it so if we need to bring the whole peak in we can bring the peak in and then like bring these middle chains in and it's not just going to pull where the chains are it'll pull the whole the whole wall and it'll move it as one so we'll do that on the other side and then this will all be locked down you can see we've got all these chains in place holding the building sturdy but it's important to spend this time now so that we don't fight it when there's 120 foot of trusses on but we can build off of a nice solid straight roof system all right so this is the first truss out of that i-beam that we've been working out of and what we've got here is a three-ply column now i still like this better than uh nailing your truss to the side of a six by six or an eight by eight and then putting a block underneath of it the bearing weight of this truss is entirely on this column and we've got one ear that goes long so that year is what we're going to fasten to now what we also need to do is make sure that we are lined up with the back side of this truss yeah i like that and then we're going to drive some of these four inch 20 pennies through this way and we're going to come back from the other side now this isn't the only connection detail that we're gonna do this will also be getting half inch through bolts that way it locks this truss to the to the column once we get this first truss on a new bay locked down on the ends we're gonna come through with these temp boards that's what greg's doing here he's putting a temporary board to hold this truss eight foot on center from the last truss and that's so we can unhook our telehandler and then we'll go ahead and pick our next truss and then once that truss is set we'll go ahead and run all of our purlins now believe me guys this building can definitely move a little bit we're not secured much to anything but this lift this lift is definitely gonna move because this scissor lift right here is about maxed out right here at this height so you can see my nails i can push this truss right to fit inside those nails which we've measured out and now this is going to be nice and locked down because we've got those first trusses locked down so we can get rid of this strap and then we'll go get the next truss [Music] [Music] okay [Music] look at that dude that that was like perfect it came back down perfect and everything very delicate here i got to be able to lift it off and i don't want it to slide off too too fast so i'm just going to take it easy i got to keep the weight back so it doesn't do that [Music] [Music] um um so you know it does take a little bit of time to bring one of these in having just greg and i if you have done this before you understand if not everyone should because it's fun you know just to address like i know those people that are going to comment on standing on the rails not doing it safely listen i'm all for it i'm all for safety that is why i've invested 150 000 dollars in these scissor lifts obviously always be safe i always think about going home to my family making sure greg goes home that is important to me but when i hit a million on youtube i'm actually you know what hey i got how about this i am going to go as far as to say i am going to give somebody a tool pack of my favorite tools that's a pretty big giveaway yup when i hit a million so you know i mean when this video goes out i'll probably only have about 600 000 so everyone's probably gonna forget about that but if somebody reminds me and i'll personally deliver it in the continental us youtube still thinking about these details but just know somebody's going to get a pretty sick swag pack remember if we remember it what are you going to give my followers greg if i hit a million assuming i hit a million assuming i do it for that long that's a lot of work man i mean i hope i continue to have the drive the information to share i think a lot of people don't really understand what it takes so every time i hit a million if i do at this rate i probably wouldn't be building i'll be so freaking old you know my body will be decrepit everyone be like your tools are from 2021 they suck you know what i mean [Music] [Music] look at that guys those are the last two trusses i mean we still got that entrust over there that'll go up as well we're in our last full bay and that feels pretty good actually i do feel pretty good i don't feel that tired at all greg how about you are you tired a little bit 90 degrees out today uh it was 90 degrees yesterday and we've been hanging these trusses and guess what it's gonna be even hotter as the week progresses um but hopefully we can get onto that roof and start installing some metal right now we've got probably 20 i know maybe 24 chains on this building right now bracing it up holding it up it will still get a couple more um just for the bracing process and then we'll use even more chains where we need to in order to push and pull it to get it as straight as possible before we put that roof steel on this really is a lot of work for two guys but greg's been working hard we've been putting in the time and one more bay here today we'll get the the full base done we slap up that entrust and all those 80 foot trusses will be up and i'll be sad but happy isn't that weird the way that works greg what like when we're done like i'm always kind of happy but sad at the same time like i like this process it's just a lot of freaking work all right without further ado let's get this last dress up hmm [Music] i was just thinking you ever wonder why we always say not gonna lie like well no one expected you to you know i mean but we all say like not gonna lie or dude i hate i hate to say you know i hate to be honest here you know or the problem is aside as a society like people have just gotten so much so soft that they don't want to be lied to well i'm not going to lie it's kind of dumb [Applause] [Music] um well that's the trusses guys we got all those trusses up it took us two full days this morning to put the last truss up and then the first half a day to put that first bay up and uh i don't know i mean we definitely know it's a big building but it just doesn't feel that big now that it's done you know like they always say the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time and we just took it one bay at a time it is impressive 80 foot clear span one of these days we'll do bigger but i think greg we should make sure we got help i'm not interested in uh you know for the ego doing it but uh it is pretty satisfying to see now and we've got wind ties so our bottom cords stiffeners we got to put all those on and then we'll start working on overhangs because it is it's really optimal for roofing and that's what's going to lock the building down get it strong i do not want to do it in this heat because it's like 90 degrees again today probably 90 tomorrow but then i think it's going to cool off is it not i thought it gets into like mid 80s [Laughter] regardless that is miserable weather but it does make for good roofing weather because usually those extreme like temperatures where you just have this two weeks of 80 90 degrees it's probably not going to be very windy or volatile so we kind of got the the crappy weather out of the way when the heat up started and we should be pretty consistent now so we're gonna try to get everything prepped and secured and straightened so that we can start putting on some metal roof i did it did seem to cool down though that breeze helped yeah [Music] you
Channel: RR Buildings
Views: 325,355
Rating: 4.9608612 out of 5
Keywords: barndominium, building a large post frame, construction video, farm shop, garage build, how to build, i beam fabrication, insulated workshop, kubota, large post frame, large workshop, new build, pole barn, pole building, post frame, post frame work shop, rr buildings, wall framing, workshop, workshop goals, trusses, large truss, large truss install, truss install, 80' wood truss, how to
Id: YrleB_Ll9T8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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