Part 4: Building A Large Post Frame Workshop With 2 Guys: Metal Roofing

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all right guys as we're waiting for our steel to be able to be installed on the roof which today is a gorgeous do you realize how gorgeous it was craig it's really nice out we've we've just come out of extreme heat it was breezy yesterday i think it's supposed to get windy here in the next couple days but we don't have a way to get our steel up on the roof our roof plank that we use normally it's made out of wood i left it outside probably for the last year uh part of it's treated perv is not and it broke on us as soon as we went to go lift it so we've got another option coming and i'll share that with you guys when it gets here but in the meantime we can't install our metal so what i'm doing right now is i'm installing our braces so you guys maybe have seen this before i usually will do these in corners because windows and doors aren't usually in corners so what i'm going to do is plumb up i'm going to check for plumb you know we've got all these chains up right now holding everything where we want it but they can't stay forever what i'm going to do is i'm going to check this corner for plumb and i'm going to go check the other corner they're not always perfect and that's just the nature of the beast and then we'll get this framing installed and that's what's going to lock it down that's our permanent bracing in the walls so this wall here on our end is plumb which means i can install these angle braces [Applause] [Applause] now one thing you gotta do if you're going to nail like this because the pass load will drive these nails through is you got to check the back side you don't want any of your nails popping out and then when you install your metal poking through your metal or causing a dimple now when i go put this uh this next angle brace on here we're gonna form an x and that's where the strength is gonna come but what it also does is this is not attached to these girts it's spaced out so what we'll do is down here at the bottom i'm just taking a a treated two by and i'm blocking it out so it's in plain and so we can get a nice strong connection at the bottom you know this is an engineered method that i stole from a building that we did a few years back for an 80 by 200 building a lot of times you'll see a guy that'll run a board from the bottom all the way up to the tops not very strong so we try to kick these down 45 degrees or less to try to make this as strong as possible [Applause] now it's like climbing a ladder in fact i think it's safer because you go ahead and wrap your legs around a girt and you're not going anywhere [Applause] i almost forgot not sure how i could [Applause] that's our x bracing installed this is our permanent bracing it will stay here you know depending on the size of the building the wall height of the building it determines what we do here so this back end wall we've got one on this corner and one on that corner and once we install our 26 gauge metal on the outside and our liner panel on the inside with the additional framing the wall is not going anywhere we'll have plenty of sheer strength now we do the other side now what i got going on with this wall here is it's not perfectly plumb it's not perfectly plumb it's not perfectly plumb yes i know then why don't you fix it well you can't really fix it without taking the entire wall down what happens is when we set our concrete brackets those get set to the exact dimension of the building when we cut all of our lumber and this is a 120 foot wall when we cut all of our lumber we build our walls what can happen is gaps can occur between where your girts butt into each other or if you're making cuts and let's say your cut gets off a little bit you might end up making your board just slightly ever so slightly bigger than your intended dimension what happens then is when you butt them all together each one of those joints can add up to small growth in the building when i take my stabila plate level and i'm going from down here 12 feet up i'm probably an eighth of an inch maybe 3 16 all the way up top gap so my wall is evenly leaning out 3 16 ish on both ends that's as good as it's going to get short of cutting all these girts down and reapplying them you're never going to achieve perfection this end wall was pretty good and sometimes that happens the bigger the building the more chance of air it's the way it goes so i just wanted to share that i've got this where i want it so now i'm going to go ahead and i'll get this locked down if you're using a 12 foot 12 foot level here to check plumb your 3 16 8 inch off that's pretty good another great reason to use this size of a level or a laser because if you're just using a four foot level and you check this and you think it's good it might actually not be good [Applause] that's the double x brace usually i put them in the corners unless there's a reason we can't like a door or window like i said i'll always go back to that 80 by 200 engineered commercial building that's how they designed it then it's probably good enough it doesn't always make sense to pay and have a building re-engineered because it's always the same all right so when straightening out these large buildings it definitely takes a lot of work because sometimes when you push one area you gotta pull a different area and that's why we like the chains because the chains they don't get stretched like a board does a board can bow and warp and twist just doesn't have the same level of strength right now what we're doing is we plumbed up our three walls uh greg that was pretty damn good man probably wedge it your way yeah uh but what we're doing now is i got greg on the ground and i'm gonna be reading the string line i've got it pretty darn tight almost tight enough that i bet with the right breeze now i can't hear it sometimes it'll sing on you uh greg that was i need to come back a little bit you guys see that this is already starting to look really good we got one down there that's really crappy but other than that we're probably within eighth of an inch no more than a quarter probably on any of these tails i've done a whole video on this process i'm not gonna bore you today just know that we're going to use probably all what would you say 30 chains greg they're all 5 16 by 50s i think just going to use my square to uh this might be a good reference here okay i need it to go your way bud i'm hitting the stream a little more right there see that okay so that is where we're gonna lock that in by the way guys this is a different camera it's a little handheld i just wanted to be able to have something a little more portable so i've got the a7s3 from sony that i do most of my shooting on this is the sony zv1 i just got it i don't have the dead cat on it so it's picking up wind noise i can put an external mic on and that might help it's just i'm trying to get away from having to do all that and still be able to kind of organically just create some content when i want because it's just stored in my pocket basically let me know what you guys think look at that now you might be looking down there saying i don't know kyle there's it still doesn't look like all that straight but you got to remember we're interested in the tails so we're interested in this location right here and greg is waiting for me so let me grab where'd my square go we're really only interested in this location being good uh greg you could give it just the slightest of hey that board right there behind it just grab one of them little guys maybe oh a little more okay i can i can live with that but i think what i was trying to say is that the lumber itself we always try to choose the best lumber for our fascia but if there's any you know like movement or bow between this eight foot you're gonna see it and we're gonna straighten that out when we put our roof steel on really all we're concerned with is making sure that the string line is right where our tails are there we go there's the plank right here you can notice that's where the crack developed when we tried picking it up now this uh bar back here that's a huge square tube with uh some pallet forks welded on each end so that's supporting the ends and we got the forks for the tele in the middle and it does a pretty good job each one of these steel bundles weighs around 2000 pounds so we're definitely not overloading the telehandler at all so the way this is going to work is uh now that these are up at height all we do is we just slide them right off and you might be thinking man that's gonna scratch the metal it really doesn't um as long as you pull it straight you give it a little bit of a a flick and it rides on a pocket of air all the way up and then once it gets close i'll just lift this end up and greg will be up there on the other end we got a lot of roof to do so and a little little time to do it greg you ready you got your roofing shoes on they're over there oh they're dirty yeah i got to get them cougar paws we've got our filler strips these are going to go underneath the metal and we've got our bunk of trim that will cap the top of this two by six i'm a little concerned because they're calling 10 to 20 mile an hour winds today it's already a little breezy but i think we can go ahead and get started i want to get some metal on this building before the wind shuts us down i just want to get this thing locked down you know i'm probably not going to do a ton of filming we're going to go ahead and get right into this i literally just went to the trailer to get my snips because i forgot them so i could put my first piece of trim on this roof and start laying metal by time i got back the wind doubled at least we've got this warm front that's pushing in it's 70 degrees right now and it's gonna be 90 by the afternoon man i really thought we'd slip in here and throw up some sheets get the building locked down but it's gonna have to wait we're just gonna get here really early tomorrow son of a gun mother nature you can't control it it is what it is we almost left i mean we were we put all the equipment away and we were going to leave and i was like you know what let's just do it and i'm glad we did because we got first our first one of four bunks installed feels really good as a builder to know that the roof is getting installed well we did it we got all the roof metal on that we plan actually i take that back we didn't even plan on getting this much done when that wind picked up this morning we thought for sure we weren't going to get anything done we wanted to get at least one bay on to lock it down but we ended up getting the entire bunk of steel that we had on there installed so that ends up being about half well it is half of one half so we've got four bundles we just got one of them installed the 26 gauge metal was awesome it's heavy but it feels great you can use the metal to kind of tweak your building keeping it square and straight as you go if you guys have seen a lot of my videos you understand what i'm talking about where we screw the bottom perfect and then we move the top you know back and forth to make sure that everything is good and then we kind of manipulate the fascia to straighten it out and i'll show you i mean as we kind of look down this you maybe can't really tell in the video but take my word for it it's running really good we've got another quarter to go to get this side done but it's definitely definitely too breezy we're not going to risk it we're going to come back tomorrow morning early and get on it [Music] well one side is officially done steel is all screwed off and now we can go to the other side because this side is straight we straightened to this side we locked it down the other side will be straight when we put our fascia and our tails on so with this side we measure out our tails to be 24 inch overhangs on the other side we'll do our ends and then we'll string between them making sure that they're perfectly straight and the reason that we do that is because unfortunately trusses are not always perfect so when we install our trusses you know you could theoretically pull out a tape measure and check every one and you know adjust the wall accordingly but that's not actually feasible so if it's off a quarter inch you'll never know it when we put our tails on and adjust the tail so that it looks straight that just is the way it is especially on a big building like this it would be so tedious and not worth it you would never gain anything that's one of those things that you learn it's not going to add or take away from any part of this project well actually will it'll take a lot of time [Music] [Music] we're gonna be installing our tails and typically we just measure 24 inches off of like our our column and then that is our tail by time we add our sub fascia it's another inch and a half then we are two foot overhang from our our girt however because this building is large because really hard to measure a bottom cord on a truss when the bottom cord is elevated like this we couldn't really check all of our dimensions on our trusses so now because we couldn't really check the dimensions on our bottom quarter of our trusses we kind of had to just go with it we had to trust that our truss engineer our truss manufacturer had built our trusses good so what we did was when we did the steel on the other side of the building we put a string line out it was a nice day we got all those tails straight but when it comes over to this side we really don't want to just measure and then have you know tails that are in and out from each other so what we've done is once again it's a little breezy but it's not bad and we were able to get a tail at the end on each end and then one here in the middle with a string line and these are 24 actually 25 and a half inches off of those posts giving us a two foot overhang so we're going to do all of our tails like we did this one back here but instead of measuring we're just going to go ahead and bring them out to the string line and stay an inch and a half of our off of our string line which is the dimension of our fascia board and that should give us some very nice and straight tails and fascia i don't like to do it this way it is more cumbersome than just measuring and going 24 inches i'm not trusting that that side over there is straight which means this is gonna be straight we're gonna make them both straight okay one more thing that i wanted to do and i've done this a couple times so this is a three inch paslode nail it's a .131 framing nail it's ring shank and people are always in the comments saying man why does it take you guys a million hits to put your nails in uh well let me let me just grab one of our nails here so when i make videos and people are like dude why don't you hit it with your purse like i just think that's ridiculous to say to somebody but dude we're never going to be able to hit these 60 penny nails in with three hits i mean you probably could if you really you know decided to like throw it up and and really go hard but that's a big nail and we drive one of these in every one of these purlin locations going up the truss and then we put two of these spikes into the top of our tail and that's what's holding them down uh it's it's amazing how strong it is and the reason we like to use these is because these are hardened nails and they resist a ton of shear and breakage so these things do not break easy the ring shank holds in really nice but unfortunately guys we can't drive them in a couple hits like you can a standard framing nail there you go we're getting some steel on it's looking it's really nice and straight yeah there's a little bit of bubbles in some of this flashing but that'll kind of work its way out as we put the steel on and it just feels good to be getting some steel up on this roof hey sorry guys i'm going to apologize because it's pretty darn breezy up here i'm more worried about getting the steel than i am getting video but i wanted to let you know that we got this first full bait we got six full sheets on screwed down entirely we've got one piece that's still got to go over there and that first i guess the first piece on the edge because we've got those two by twelves that we use to brace the building and uh so we usually leave that piece off until we get a full bay locked down but now that we have this bay on we have the entire other side on most of those chains are fairly useless something that people always say is what about all the tension on those chains if you're putting that much tension when you take them off what's stopping the wood from going back well you got to remember that wood is inherently not straight so we're straightening it out you're going to have a row of screws 120 foot long keeping that section of wood exactly where we want it we don't really concern ourselves with the tension on those fasteners because strength in numbers you know i don't know how to equate it but there's no other way to do it you have to straighten out the wood and then screw it down so we're going to go ahead evaluate the situation because it is a little breezy and we got to move some stuff out of our way and keep going remember this building right here is right in our way so we're not gonna be able to drive our telehandler all the way through the end of this roof so it's gonna be tricky and i'll share with you how we figure it out when i know what we're gonna do [Music] [Music] i've had just the time lapse gopro going this morning while we've been installing this metal roof just because we got here early before the breeze picked up and shut us off of this roof and man we've got we got the hard part done as you can see we got the telehandler with our roof bunk on the other side of this old barn that was in our way so we've already worked through that problem and we've got like uh i don't know maybe 20 24 feet left so eight sheets to lay down and then this roof steel is all going to be delayed but i would venture to say we have probably how many gregg a box of screws has 2500 screws we probably got two to three boxes of screws to lay down once we get the steel up because we're just busting it out we're not we're not screwing it all down we've got the bottom the top screwed and uh we'll go ahead and screw it all off once we're done but the important thing is we got to get these sheets of steel up on the roof [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] you
Channel: RR Buildings
Views: 148,210
Rating: 4.959784 out of 5
Keywords: barndominium, building a large post frame, construction video, farm shop, garage build, how to build, insulated workshop, kubota, large post frame, large workshop, new build, pole barn, pole building, post frame, post frame work shop, rr buildings, wall framing, workshop, workshop goals, metal roofing, installing metal roof, wood bracing, how to, metal roof
Id: qy3bXP-GCeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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