Part 2: LeBron James joins Road Trippin' to talk Space Jam 2, Proving Haters Wrong, and more

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Lebron and RJ talking about what cartoon characters they want to fuck was an unexpected turn.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 263 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/foreverapanda ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 08 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

LeSpoiler Alert

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 62 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/whatitdobabyyy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 08 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I would love to see LeBron's acting skills

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 53 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MyLordJokic ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 08 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Glad to see LeBron will finally be supportive of Bronnyโ€™s ability to chief fat blizzys to the dome

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 137 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/JoshBarkley ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 08 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Is this gonna be like After Earth?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 32 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jp2 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 08 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I was hoping it would be like the basketball version of Taken. Monstars kidnap Bronny and then LeBron's like...

"If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I have alot of money. I also have a very particular set ofย skills;ย skillsย I have acquired over a very long career.ย Skillsย that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my Bronny go now, that'll be the end of it."

...then boom! LeGM and Rich put the squad together, Ty Lue as head coach and Elmer Fudd as assistant , and he goes and gets his boy.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 47 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/dash_44 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 08 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I hope it's about Bryce.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 16 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/765P ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 08 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Is he spoiling his own movie??๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 26 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/primezilla2598 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 08 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Did Lebron just say Kyrie was 6โ€™4โ€ and klay was 6โ€™8โ€? Lol what

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/NDogeDog ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 08 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] you're officially a laker now oh you're not a championship you're a fish no because this is my guy it's in the sense of like he puts himself and we put him in the category he's like look if you want to be the magic the the the the kobe bryant the shaquille o'neal he knows you gotta win the championship yeah i remember i remember when i first came here uh shaq you know shaq is he's a hard ass from everybody man and shaq i remember one of his quotes she was like you're not a real laker until you put a banner in in the stadium okay until you put a banner in the arena yeah and i was like damn that's a lot of pressure i was like damn that's a lot of pressure because i remember just walking in staples and looking up there and seeing all those damn banners and seeing all those jerseys i was like well you got you got some work to do yeah but so can we talk about this right so i'm there i get i get back to the arena clippers are playing in game seven clippers are playing in games why are you laughing why you laugh clippers are playing in game seven and i'm sitting there i kid you not and i and i i promise you i'm sitting here like the basket is like straight where you are like right there when paul george shoots that shot off the side of the backboard i'm in awe because there's nobody in front of me except for the court i turn around and it's like roge rachel nichols it's uh malika andrews i turn back and look up at the stance where the media all is and their faces are like white eyes big mouth drop like they couldn't believe what they were seeing and it was just like utter shock you facetimed me and i was talking to miles so you facetimed me and you were like you were not not on the paul george thing but you were just shocked like you couldn't believe i couldn't you were like you couldn't believe that that was what was going on because you guys were already sealed right yeah so you thought you were going to be playing the clippers and all of a sudden it was like was there a little joy not in the fact that they lost or the way that they lost but now being a part of that clippers lakers rivalry that's not a rivalry but you know what i mean like that was that was possibly the battle that everybody was looking at listen we're watching the game first of all we're watching every game yeah i mean when they went up 3-1 17 in the third you know we preparing you know um to possibly you know we feel like it's a collision course that's that's been a narrative all year long all year long even by the nba that's why they had y'all play against each other on opening night opening night like opening night christmas day yeah and then gave us one more game was already counting their eggs and throwing them in a basket so you know game seven you know even what happened in game you know five and game six like we were still preparing for for for for the clippers like you know no no disrespect to denver who which we found out was a damn good team when we played them in the western conference finally we found out them to win i thought you all would crash can we for a second weren't you the one that like said something out loud when richard was on our air oh yeah oh yeah he's literally telling us denver in seven yeah i was telling him i was like denver's gonna win in seven and brian walks by and i have the place like him and people this is the thing and this way i appreciate the troll because like you know at the end of the day like we are separate but like you root for your boys and like the denver boys i that was where i finished my career so like yokus jamal murray i have so much respect for them but also it was like yo no i you know i just decided to go against everybody and so it's like i have people like like jared dudley's mom cause you run into everybody in the bubble she was like i was like hey good luck she's like didn't you say that so-and-so was gonna beat us you know i was like yeah but you know it's just funny to me to say people were like how dare you disrespect the guys i can't believe people still take rj seriously yes like you guys like seriously they get there in the bunch they get they in a bunch i troll sports interest absolutely all i do is troll like briana post something i'll just be like what are you talking about just rj's the best man is the best channing is the best if you i see channing on twitter all the time like they went crazy at channing a week and a half ago because he said um i don't care milwaukee didn't get better because giannis can't score people in their mind they went crazy because all they was thinking like the guy averaged 30 what do you mean he can't score but i know what channing is basically talking about like you have to break down the game but no one everyone is so like instant oatmeal like did you support him when he said that jordan jordan and then he tried to choose one what seriously went through your mind when he was like jordan didn't have to do anything but score no listen go ahead go ahead when somebody said he could average 50 i said oh so we just gonna put out like gravity doesn't exist the sky ain't blue ain't nobody ever gonna average 50 in an nba game they're gonna double team your butt left and right i don't care who you are whether you're shaq kareem jordan braun what's up what's next no wilt chamberlain come on man that dude was playing against six foot two dudes and he was seven for nine stop it listen nobody there's nobody that's gonna average 50 in our league like nah okay now that's just disrespectful i mean no matter how great you were in your era and how great you are to play in any era um you know if that's the case i believe guys will average 50 in their era yeah the area that they played in so i don't believe that but when channing said what he said if you've ever seen the meme of homer simpson when he slides back into the bush that was me oh no that's not my boy people were so ready for they was like why isn't lebron saying anything i was going on my day like are you crazy i'm not touching this i'm not saying nothing chanting go ahead go ahead and put him on the cross yeah they put you on the cross but but no back back to the clippers though back to the clippers like that moment university of arizona we like answer the phone and we're looking like this and you're like this i was like this i was like i couldn't i couldn't i couldn't believe it i said i mean to this day i still can't believe it obviously the better team won yeah that's that's what happened but but but still like because everything all exclude paul and exclude kawhi yeah you know you know even exclude like you know tres and i mean obviously we know a little bit because he was a part of that crew he like no disrespect to trash but he kind of like tristan he gonna follow yeah and they put themselves in a position to get what they've been talking about on all year and i just couldn't i couldn't fathom the part or come to the realization that they did not seek that opportunity when it was right there yeah up 3-1 double digits you know and just seeing the team that they had that was built for that i believe there was coach for that i believe obviously they got our championship head coach on their bench and and tilu i just did not see them losing just like everybody else in the basketball sports world did not see them losing that series besides one of my favorite coaches mike malone and his group yeah mike malone is my guy i mean i spent what i believe five years with him in cleveland it's one of the guys i love the most and you're right josh yeah josh cronky is my guy um shout out josh cronky shout out josh rams love you guys i love you man i can't wait to get to that to that new stadium up next on road tripping the one thing that i know for sure that i've been a part of two teams that's won the two hardest championships in nba league history chosen family wines we got labels we got juice we got vineyards we got wine makers we got legends well i chosen family what we put in our bottle and what we're about we want to be a megaphone for vineyards and winemakers and they're versatility they're great trust us give us a chance you're going to like it you're excited for people to drink this one i think we have a great product i know we have a great product i basically put my name on it so like obviously it must be good [Music] the shock was when it happened and like i had only been there a short amount of time because i got there right at the right before the conference finals were about to start so i'd only gotten out of quarantine for like two or three days and like to see all marcus spears to see all of the media people because i was just watching the game and i saw it and i was like what the hell did i turn around to look and it was just like everybody was just they couldn't believe it and it was different than like when you saw like golden state come back and even though they kd and westbrook it was like you okay they said they had the ability to do that the best team but it was just like yo to watch that i just felt like i felt the clippers would win that series yeah um i feel like they they they just they had some championship dna obviously kawhi you know champion t liu champion doc champion you know and um i just felt like they had built up enough mantra over that year um to win it um okay let me ask you this because and i'm sure you'll take this somewhere else too once it was all said and done you had your moment on the mic yeah and you said yeah the whole organization yeah it's as much as you set you up she setting me up everyone yeah needed respect what's what's that what's that one baseball game when you when you're a kid what they call it t-ball yeah that's basically what she did yeah she just put it right on there yeah just yeah i'm a team player yeah you're great at what you do yeah i'm gonna give you the lab with that said you said that you wanted respect on your name put that respect on my name i wanna know why i love that i want to know why it's floating because i really do i have literally not talked about i want to know why in that moment and i want to know if the fourth championship has changed you um why did i say that just at the end by me or about everybody well i think because let me break it down let me break it down for everybody so so first of all the organization obviously the lakers have been on yes for the last five to seven years and rightfully so maybe longer maybe longer they want you to win they want you to win but but it was it was it wasn't you know and and from the outside looking in and then when i actually got in it you know it was and i want to be a part of the change so okay now we this is a change they we want their the lakers want their respect jeannie buzz being the only female uh owner well along with portland because you know the late great and also in new orleans but she's the first female champion to win a championship yeah um and there was a lot of beef there was a lot of people other things happened but she took over because she took over and obviously people know the story with her brothers and all that stuff and she you know but more importantly she wanted to just grab the laker franchise she had grown up underneath her father the late great doctor bust and knew what it took to win and got it to that point love her to hate it give her her respect rob polinka obviously rob palinka has been on for the last few years either you know with his relationship with magic or whatever the case may be he's only the the gm because of kobe and his relationship with kobe whatever you whatever you say he built the championship team we won a championship coach vogel as well you know they didn't believe that he they believed he was the second fiddle you know for the lakers job you know it should have been t lou obviously we know what happened with that you know he put us in position he made the right play calls he made the right adjustments when we played okay javale was starting okay we play this team okay well i may i need i need dwight in here okay you're starting i need i need keith in this series dwight this is not the series for you keith a.d this you guys got to dominate the interior yeah you know ac now you're going to have to start you know in the finals ac i need you to start at one of the guards he made those adjustments he won a championship um and for me personally for me personally after all that i've accomplished still in this league there's still a conversation of of of like doubt and i can hear and i see it and uh i see it on my on my feet every time i post something with this jackass across from me um i just deal with motivation and i love it i love you too um and um just from people that really that the basketball world because people it's people on tv and there's writers that write that people in the basketball world really listen to and they really believe and i'm not going to give any of those names on this show because they don't deserve it you want me to i'm joking i'll i'll retweet it when you talk okay okay oh my god that continued to discredit or continue to not to understand what you know the drive that i put into it you know you know they talk about these players or well he doesn't have that same drive as them or he doesn't have that same mentality as those if he did yeah like and and they see what i continue to accomplish so you know it was a it was it was a reassurance to myself but it was also like to the naysayers and to the haters which will always be there even after i'm done playing i'm always going to be right here right here yeah you know i hear it i see it and um just like one of the words i've been using today holding them accountable yeah and i'm holding them accountable well this is the part that like i always consider you like big little brother big brother because you know i respect like all the things that you do i little brother because i've watched you since you came in like so many other people but there was one part that that that caught me in the in your like speech at the end when rachel tried to tee you up a couple years ago after we won the championship you said look at his face you said you know what and i understood because i was a witness no pun intended i was a witness no pun intended you were like i believe that right there after we won a championship made me the greatest because you had done something that had never been done before our team had done something that had never been done before and people don't understand from an athlete's standpoint the confidence in the mental confidence that we have to instill in ourselves and so i watched it and i was like kind of like not not the channing jordan it wasn't that but i was like oh our guy's got a lot of haters that are going to use this against him and so the same moment now your fourth championship and that same opportunity was given to you by rachel nichols and said like hey where do you think is this do it and you and where i think even as a 35 year old and you've accomplished what you've accomplished you took a step back and you were like you know what i'm smarter i'm wiser even than i was four years ago you know what that's not for me to decide that's for everybody else people are always going to argue that so like i viewed it as as a moment of maturity right like why is it that you took a a step back in that moment not saying that you changed your mind or any of that because i realized that the conversation is uh going to continue to happen no matter what and it's and it's it's great for the game yeah it's great for the barber shops it's great for the game um it's going to continue to happen um i don't know why the one thing i don't understand is like you know you never hear you know the greatest quarterbacks yeah always talk about you never hear like who's the greatest quarterback you know you know brady or montana yeah you know you got montana brady with six yeah you know or or you know you used to hear the peyton and brady thing when they played but you know brady started to win a lot more and and things of that nature but you never hear like every single conversation baseball every single day it's babe ruth and then people just move on right they're just like no no more arguments right no more exactly you know you know so you know and and other sports hockey you hear wayne gretzky you know people move you move on wayne gretzky is the greatest you move on there's you know things that nature but you know the conversation is going to always be be had and it's great for debates because they want to compare errors they want to compare players and and who they've seen the one thing that i know for sure that i've been a part of two teams that's won the two hardest championships in nba league history the 2016 cavs coming back from 3-1 versus 73-19 being down 3-1 versus one of the best teams to ever been assembled two-time mvp two-time mvp um and then what we went through in a bubble and if you were not in a bubble you don't quite understand it you would never ever understand how hard it was to win that championship to be able to motivate yourself to be out of this is literally out of your whole comfort zone no family no family i didn't see my family for eight and a half weeks and then it was just my wife never i didn't see my kids until i got out of the bubble um 96 days you everything you're accustomed to your own bed or or your chef you know your sleeping pattern you know you're so accustomed to you know for me i'm a routine guy and when my routine is like knocked off it's like i don't know it's hard for me to center myself so i'm with you like i'm literally in a bubble at times like in my room literally seeing the walls like this like the shining just bloody just like coming down my walls i go in the hallway it's like two kids on a tricycle i'm like oh holy sh what is going on i gotta go home i'm ready to leave you haven't seen the shining we want you to play with us yes you got to see that it's one of the greatest ever horrible i'm a horror movie connoisseur guys i'm sorry for the people that don't watch horror movies but it felt like a horror movie yeah in the bubble and i just believe that i've been a part of two of the hardest championships in league history and i don't care what anyone says about that you can you can debate who's the greatest of all time individually things of that nature and what they've done but as far as the teams that's one of the two hardest championships in league history i've been a part of that yeah did this one change you respect to answering that question by the way um yeah has it changed me as far as what me individually or i think yeah i think individually most because i know that's what makes up who you are yeah i mean it just uh it centered me once again which i which i love to be centered and also love to be um re-humbled not saying i'm not um but it gave me an opportunity to just be like this was an unbelievable achievement for our franchise unbelievable achievement for myself what i was able to do for this team but this team was able to do for me and um and to be able to like i want more like i want more like i'm not i'm not settled and i'm not satisfied up next on road tripping it would be remarkable if movie theaters open up the same weekend as space jam releases [Music] oh we got the 2020 john that worked two yeah 2020 championship thank you 2020 championship lakers edition yeah offer to pay attention did i get my shipment yeah global 17. partner drink it and then put tequila in it okay thank you but i'm going to need ice because this is about to get sideways yeah we're going to sip it oh yeah we're going to just you know that's not my strong point no it's not i don't know it's not that's not my strong point once r.j get crazy then the irish exit is coming i love the pickup truck too by the way it's still been grinded can we dive into um space jam yes yeah absolutely yeah let's get into that so do you guys want to go in i got a dip oh i'll do that what'd you say i said take these sips so i could be here with y'all and then i got a dip i got dressed you can dip now actually i mean yeah yeah we really don't can you hand this out is that a hoodie or is that like a sweater with a hood it says what is it it's a hoodie it's a baseball hoodie for portland uh baseball like dog like you make it seem like you are like born and raised in portland listen look channing before you leave we're gonna toast do you have a road trip and glass in your hand yes thank you ali for sending that to me we got wine glasses we are official a show i have a little coffee in this mug in this don't be stingy now listen i got to make sure i'm protecting you you know i don't want you you're fine you know i won't tell anybody and if you want more you know we got more channing has a coffee mug he's going to toast with a coffee it's a road trip and cooking with a wine wine mug oh we got oh this is a wine milk you thought it was coffee you think i'm going to give you something for coffee it's a beautiful tomato tomato works for both tomato potato potato potato what did you say first tomato tomato tomato i'm gonna go with the glass it's just part of it it's part of that yeah just make sure if you're saying something if you're saying something that you want to be heard nationally you're not sipping you can hold it you just can't be sipping it i'm i'm a drink cheers cheers cheers out to portland get some real friends i'll be there because there's no bubble so i'll be there i'll see you soon all right space jam that's gas still on time still on time when is it coming out july 16th 2012. oh we're good so we'll be back and we'll be back in my hope this is my hope yeah my hope is that the world begins to open up around june around the time space jam comes out it would be remarkable if movie theaters open up the same weekend the space jam releases oh you're crossing fingers i am we're going to cross i don't feel like he could pull that off we're going to be in a better spot than we are right now let's yes we are yes we will be in a better place and personally i'm a movie theater guy yes like everybody people would think like oh lebron he gets movie sent to him no i actually go to the movie theater so much i actually go to the counter get my popcorn get my and i sit in my seat are you red vines or are are you know i'm like you know i'm a midwest guy i'm a twitter guy you know that you're a west coast guy he's a bad like that's the one thing that i've always hated i'm a twizzler guy oh it's red you can save it for later space jam yes i actually um i'm doing some reshoots for space jam this coming week um shoots yes some reshoots so some things that we shot but we feel like it could be better oh wow so i'm going back on set um this coming week before training camp what do they do with the beard i'm not no the beard is was the beard the same before or all of a sudden you went from like it's a little short it was a little shorter so they cut they trimmed it a little bit but i rocked the beard in space jam um can you give a little like content site yeah um space jam because everyone's like is it going to be this like a sequel the same issue no it's not a sequel um it's called space jam new legacy um it's not space gm2 space jam new legacy and um we are there will be a basketball game i'll say that and there will be some people that are a little bit out of this world that we're competing against so in the same spot stars you can call them that they have a different name i won't give the name but it's more of a it's a it's more of a family movie it's a it's a parenting movie between me and my son and um me trying to demand my son to do something because i was taught that way growing up demand my son to play basketball this is all you're gonna do this is how you do it and me as a parent not listening to my son and not believing in what my son is actually great at so it is a it's a it's a tackling between um me being a parent supporting my son and my son basically turning off at some point and me trying to regain that trust throughout the movie along with the great books [Laughter] along with the great bugs bunny and lola and taz and tweety and and all of them babs what's babbs she's sexy go there there's jessica rabbit she's the greatest yeah greatest like look you can't she can't help that she was drawn that way yeah she can't help it yeah jessica rabbit is the greatest yeah who framed roger is like she's the greatest again you didn't see who framed robert who framed roger rabbit see the tequila all of a sudden thank you who framed roger rabbit jessica jessica bass bunny bass bunny never heard of babs but have you ever seen space jam yes she's the girl bunny i thought that was lula no wait what that's bad thank you i'm wrong all right it's lola man why did i think babs because of the tequila because of the lobos i think i think the look when it was little and the maniacs i think the little one was called yeah i could sing the whole animaniac song here intro song please do are you serious we're animaniacs and we're zany to the max so just sit back and relax we'll laugh to the max round maniacs come join one of the brothers and the warner sister dot just for fun we run around the warner movie lot they lock us in the tower whenever whenever we get caught but we break loose and then vamos and now you know the plot by the way [Applause] closed captioning not yeah that's how i used available learn the uh i have the issue okay so space jam is coming out july 16th we're only 21. july 16th 2021 the world will be in a better place and coming to a theater near you space jam new legacy up next on road tripping when i heard the comment that kyrie made i i wanted to one not only find the whole transcript but also call my people once i got the whole transcript i was like damn here on the sports gap we love to report on the people that are reporting on sports jimmy butler is clubhouse cancer if that's what y'all worried about good luck to y'all edutainment this is the world's finest sports and entertainment i want to talk about athlete voices spineless cowards like lebron james nonviolence is what it's all about this is known as the jock tax you too can have a successful career in the nba man i'm in the nfl it's all good man i'm your host richard jefferson and this is the sports gap [Music] so much stuff happened while we were in the bubble like so much stuff happened it was trippy it was like like i know again i know you were there a lot longer but it was like i felt like you know nice hands thumbs uh all of them all of them every finger is a thumb so since this is a podcast one of our other former the original kyrie our guy on the podcast guy that hit the biggest shot of of my career no offense [Laughter] for sure no no but there was a comment there uh about him during the finals where he was talking about like he was always the best option and uh for like a late game shot which we know kyrie is a monster late game that's not even a question right but he said like you know this was the first time playing with kd that he looks down the line and there's somebody else that can also make said shot now we know that that turns the internet crazy and everyone starts putting highlights of you or this person whatever like when you hear this stuff and i'm not saying it's a direct shot at you but the timing of it during the nba finals and obviously there's a tremendous amount of attention like what is your thought process like was there any like contact or just like or do you just channel out all that noise well i mean well first of all um kai is one of the most talented players i've ever played with in my life in fact i've never seen him the kid i mean i don't even he's not a kid anymore but back then he was yeah you know this young young kid still growing it to his own and the [ __ ] that he was capable of doing on the floor i had never seen before this ability to be six three six four but play as he was six eight six nine you know i literally seen him you know like post up klay thompson who's one of the best two-way players the league has ever seen and shoot over top of him yeah um and his ability to finish around the rim his ability to make late game shots um i had so much confidence in him i actually told kyrie i told him at one point while we played together that if you were not a league mvp someday then you were you you were selling yourself short because that's how much i believed in them yeah and it's part of the reason why i came back home yeah um you know besides the unfinished business but i came back home because i've seen the talent in him was it didn't one of your children say you're going home to play with kyrie yes didn't they say yes bryce said that we're excited bryce is so excited because he's playing bryce he needs to play 2k and bryce is like you going home to play with kyrie he was super juicy i'm going home what about what about pops like what about when we were all born yeah yeah right right um and um so i knew the caliber player i was getting and and if you see there's a obviously there's a clip out during the finals before one of the most clutch shots in nba history where i'm telling t lu to go to kyrie i tweeted that yeah go to kyrie because i knew the match-up that he was going to get so you know throughout that whole series we were trying to um get the match up where we could get steph put on him because they had put clay on him yeah you know you put six eight on on kyrie you know his vision gets taken away a little bit but the kid's so damn special you know it still doesn't matter but we had seen the way golden state was playing this throughout that game seven and nobody could score you know if you look at the time from like five minute mark all the way until katie i mean to to kyrie hits that shot you know nothing there was nothing we got bad offense you know i mean clay missed a shot you guys you know steph missed a shot i mean i missed a runner um you know kyrie mister floater dre mystery mississippi who had five threes in the drama five three was like me almost come to blows um you know so you know kyrie was just like the the one of the greatest like i said one of the greatest talents i've ever seen to go back to your question when the comment came out um one thing about me i do not make reactions right off the bat because you know i've been a part of i created it uninterrupted because there's times where you can say something and they can take about a small bit of it and then this is what they blast out to everybody and that's why that's why i started uninterrupted because i i got tired of being interrupted about the things i was saying into the media and they would only take out of the 20 minutes i was talking two minutes one clip put it on there lebron says this yeah and i got tired so when i heard the comment that kyrie made i i wanted to one not only find the whole transcript but also call my people yeah send me the whole transcript and um and i heard he did it on katie's podcast and um i was a i was a little i was a little like like damn yeah once i got the whole transcript i was like damn you know i wasn't like all you tripping i'm hitting winning shots about my whole life i was not like that i was like damn because um you were there for a couple seasons i mean i played with kyrie for three seasons the whole time while i was there um i only wanted to see him be a mvp of our league i only cared about his success and and um and it just didn't align yeah it just didn't align and we was able to win a championship yeah that's the craziest thing we were still able to win a championship and and we could never align but i only cared about his well-being both both on and off the floor and it kind of like it kind of hurt me a little bit yeah did it did it everything in life is always about timing like the time and my thing is like we all know that that's what it was because it was the finals we're in the middle of the finals and obviously look kevin durant before his injury was it was like you two it was you two and like you said kd is one of those people that make sure you wake up in the morning even when you're tired to go work out katie's a dog and if he were to stay there like when i'm tired i wake up knowing that lebron james is filming movies and i gotta go work i'm not speaking for him but you guys motivate each other indirectly magic did it the same thing with larry for sure i'm saying michael had the pistons like everybody had their same stuff but like did the damn was it the statement or was it the double damn the timing like yo we're a couple of games away from trying to win another championship and now there's this random story narrative stuff going on you know i want to say it was a double damn it was definitely a dam for sure all caps um but it's always been something that when i've been in the finals that comes out yeah to try to distract me from my mission so i was already ready for it and it goes back to what i did with my kids being prepared yeah i've always been prepared to know that there's going to be something said or done to try to knock me off of my mission so that's why the double damn didn't happen but it was when i was seeing it and i read it and then i got the full transcript and i heard it i was like right i was like yeah it's like yeah in two weeks we can't say that three weeks and my god damn like i was like oh like you know i came back you know i never anytime the media asked questions about you know kyrie you know and they and we had multiple times where the media went kyrie i was the buffer i was like no listen you guys are you guys are tripping like this kid is young he's great he's gonna get he's gonna learn i'm here to to help him learn and i know what he's gonna become and and you sometimes you know you you you put yourself out there and then you get hit in the mouth when you're not ready for it but the thing that's hard about all of this is that for as much as you knew during those years how special kyrie was is just as much as he gave off and knowing that he needed you to get to where he wanted to be i just i only i only care like i only i only wanted kai to grow not only as a basketball player but also as a young man yeah um throughout our time together because i when i got there like you just said all the attributes you just gave kyrie i saw that as well yeah the kid gets a signature shoe from nike which we know it is a small i mean all the players that's played in our league there's all the players that's been with nike and the shoe blows there's not many signature guys and i was like that is a signature guy yeah because not only is his ability what he does on the floor but not only with his size and his handle his handle kids yeah kids love that he's going to have a following that is a signature guy so i was like i told him my guys at nike yes if this is what you guys are thinking yeah stop thinking he's a signature guy there's no nothing to talk about up next on road tripping i'm gonna tell you a story that no one knows ah that's what we're seeing my family's friends besides my closest friends i'm gonna break it down first and i'm gonna tell you before he gets out here there's two players i want to ask him about two players one your teammate anthony davis and like the growth that we've all watched him you had him on the usa team when he was straight out of kentucky and then obviously what he's accomplished and then i want to talk about luca for a second okay because i've watched you for however many years luca's numbers are annoying but his numbers are absurd like we talked about like you were the first person to go like what did you have like 30 15 and 15 or something absurd and then luca two nights later had 25 13 and 13 and we're like these numbers are ungodly like they're sending me a text during the playoffs and he was like he put it on instagram i think i said it to you and it was like my favorite player dot dot dot when lebron james is done yeah that's like my next favorite player like take me through what you saw because there was a couple of moments with a.d like a.d has been banged up he's playing the five and there was a couple of moments where like i watched during the finals and i was like i want to see how a.d is going to react whether he's falling on the ground got hit hard he was kind of having some moments and you're like because in new orleans there were times where you're like he would go to the back he would come back maybe you play wouldn't be played yeah this is the nba finals this is the conference final but a.d showed up yeah yeah one uh so so to cancel your first question um 80 is you know we talked about kyrie as far as how as gifted yeah 80 is even probably more gifted than kyrie in the sense of i mean you add seven eight more inches of height yeah you know and um his ability to um dribble shoot i mean all three fastest so i'm talking about three-pointers mid-range low post um his defensive paralysis is uncanny yeah i mean we saw that in kentucky before his offensive uh uh package was able it was a nightmare yeah it was a monster right right um and then what i learned this year like you just said i watched him a lot in new orleans where he would get these little nagging injuries and he would be out games because new orleans wasn't fighting for anything so he was like it makes sense it makes sense you know and i don't know if that was you know from outside looking in or whatever and you saw like you know he would get the shoulder or he would get the ankle or he would get the bump you know whatever and he would sit out this year no matter what injury he had his ass came back on the floor besides no pun intended the buttocks injury he was out for like six games exactly yeah yeah so like like he was dealing with a severe like he was dealing with a severe foot problem in the bubble and he played through it every single moment and and he did not like the fact and i saw that he didn't have to tell me he did not like the fact that they was out there or my dog who he called me is out there playing and i'm not out there is that the moment in the huddle when he went down we all thought the worst everyone did on the baseline yeah yeah yeah yeah he came in and there was a moment that the camera shot you guys you looked angry because as hell i can't afford to lose anthony davis right so i can't afford to lose anything and win a championship in that moment though was that what he was feeling because i was trying to figure out we were trying to figure out what the hell anthony davis was thinking because all year he he's he anthony davis falls he gets hurt he gets injured but he gets up you know and it just at that moment on that baseline you know i had already known with the foot issue he was dealing with it took him a little bit longer to get up at that moment and in my head i'm like like i've you know i've thrown my career i've carried a lot yeah i've carried a lot yeah and and i would do it but damn that's a big that's a big boy i can't take up all of that that's that's anthony davis like i need him on the floor and so the the the frustration had nothing to do with his injury it had everything to do with in order for us to be whole like literally whole this guy needs to be on the floor and um i i thought at that very moment that he wasn't coming back in the game i i i saw that we we actually her and i were texting we were like he's not going to be anybody he was like i think anthony might be done i think bronze brown's pissed off not because anthony davis because of this moment because of this moment yeah because i i i'm with him every day and in between games we in the room were playing madden or we were chilling and we watching movies we watch i'm seeing the treatment that he's getting on his foot and his foot is black and his blue his heel is black and blue and he's trying to get all the swelling out of it he's trying to get all the color back to his normal form and i've seen it so i already i already know going into the game that he not himself oh man so any little like i'm like any little little you know he could be compensating so say for i mean rj you know this i mean you know this two year athlete if you if you have an injury in your foot you know something else could be triggering you know you could have a calf that you could have a hip that now you're compensating for other things in your body clay thompson's dealing with with a knee and he tears even if it's not even on the same foot like you know you got you know you got clay thompson who's dealing with his knee maybe on the right leg and now he tears his achilles all of this aligns everything's aligned so in my head i'm like he hurt his foot but maybe it's triggering something else he's not he's not going to be able to to keep going yeah and and it probably showed in my face i'm like i need i i need not only you're not good at hiding things yeah no no one thing about it um first of all if i go my whole career was it's going to end like this they're going to say that my facial expressions and my body language could have been better it was terrible throughout my career i apologize to all my teammates and coaching staff but they know who i am and they know at the end of the day you can give me the same treatment yeah you can take the same treatment yeah like james jones always told me and i always say it's all every time don't take it personal take it with you take it with you what's that um okay with that answered luca oh oh sorry and that's the last one but that's the last one i'm gonna tell you all the story i'm gonna tell you a story that no one knows all right that's what we're saying besides my closest friends i'm gonna break it down first and i'm gonna tell you luca is one of my favorite players in the nba today from the simple fact of the way i play the game is exactly how i love the way he plays the game team first gets his guys involved if you challenge me to score i'm going to score and at the same time i'm going to score and also with the same time i'm going to keep my guys involved but i only i play for the team and i'm a player with a sense of joy um when luca was going through his contract um negotiations with nike um and you saw him at one point he was wearing jordans he started wearing a little the other brands i won't other brands you're only saying yeah all them said otherwise he was wearing the other brands on his feet during practices in the notion i wanted to begin team lebron and have luca as my first signing nike oh wow this is what i wanted um and it's i don't believe that my guys at nike was ready for that and obviously they were not because he ended up going to jordan yeah and i don't even know if luca knows this but he will know it now i wanted luca to be the first signing of team lebron when he was going through his situation and um and it didn't happen he's still under the same umbrella of nike's with jordan but i wanted him to be uh and that's how much i believed in him yeah and and and it's gonna feel like it's gonna haunt me a little bit yeah it's gonna hurt you but i wanted him to be my guy i want him to be my first guy because i just love what he stands for i love everything about him both on the court and off the court he's just i have to and i can say this like purely like i haven't like kyrie's got the crazy handle anthony davis is seven feet tall right with the ridiculous skill set i have not seen somebody since probably you to be about between six foot six and six foot eight eight and a half nine that the game and everything is just like moving in slow motion should be able to yeah to be able to just move at your own pace and be able to control every facet of the game yeah um he controls every facet of the game from scoring to rebounding to passing to just his approach when he gets the ball like even when a team scores and his teammate outlets the ball to him to bring the ball up you can tell the way when he's bringing the ball up you have that magic johnson lucas you know i i don't like speaking by myself so but you know we we have that certain mantra we have that certain demeanor when we're coming up the floor you like something special yeah if you go and decide you want to go to concession stand and get popcorn you can miss something yeah lucas that guy luke is that special i think the only way to tie this up if we have um done everything that we need to yeah we've talked about it obviously with the lakers you don't understand this you know this it's all about family here at spectrum it's the same there's a reason why on a saturday there's all these people in this studio because you came to give us your time but i also know that in this building even our director right now is the dodger main director and i know you were very excited down the hall we broadcast the dodgers um you were excited about them winning a world series yeah and so i think at the end of the day just bringing it full circle yeah so can i so can i hit on that point too that's why i'm giving you that let me hit on that point because a lot of people shall try director me yes a lot of people think like oh my god well what happened i thought he was an indians fan i thought he was a yankees fan i thought he was cowboys cowboys fan like brown this is what you guys have to understand if i'm a respective city well this is all one family when i played with miami you know i rooted for the marlins and i rooted for the for the dolphins not saying that they were my favorite team yeah but at the end of the day i'll root for them and i want them to be as great as they can be when i was in cleveland i rooted for the browns which i steal to today you know and it's tough at times it's okay yeah yeah for the indians and obviously you guys can go back and see how we were at those games show me a team having more fun baseball you know we root for our we re root for our respective clubs because when we win and we all win it brings so much more joy to our communities just a positive just a positive influence now that i'm here playing for the lakers besides the clippers i root for everybody you
Views: 1,251,489
Rating: 4.9125853 out of 5
Keywords: UNINTERRUPTED, more than an athlete, lebron uninterrupted, lebron, lebron james, lebron james road trippin, lebron road trippin podcast, road trippin, lebron road trippin part 2, road trippin part 2, part 2 lebron, road trippin podcast, lebron james space jam, space jam 2, space jam a new legacy, spectrum sportsnet, spectrum lakers, lakers road trippin, lakers levron, lakers championship podcast, lakers podcast, richard jefferson, channing frye, allie clifton, kyrie irving
Id: fFSYs274f84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 49sec (2989 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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