137: LeBron James (Part 1) on Winning Ring #4, Offseason Moves, and Lakers Repeat Chances

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[Music] welcome to this edition of road trip and i'm your host allie clifton he is richard jefferson yes i am he is channing cry channing where are you because you're not at home uh i'm in central oregon so i wanted to take my kids sledding and see the snow uh so i'm in a rental house on a river uh behind me so we've when you have a home in portland then you have your vacation home in portland and then you go ahead and take another trip and rent a home in portland are you are you gonna be all right well it's technically not portland it's like bend so it's about four hours away but i wonder there's no snow in portland so out here it's been sunny every day we took them go sledding uh they've been making snowman so it's nice man you gotta mix it up a little bit dawg changing just mix it up he's just really trying to emphasize why they call it god's country uh but i think with that said we got a special guest he's a man that needs no introduction and he wanted to join us cheers [Music] you called him what that's his middle name alfred that was it here you go here we go with that well it's good to see you it's good to be seeing i mean i haven't seen you like in the flesh since march yeah it's been a while it's been a while it's been a while what's been going on in your world anything happened no it's been pretty quiet in my world to be honest it's been pretty quiet it's been quite it's been a quiet few weeks man so um uh i saw your ugly face in the bubble unfortunately i saw you yeah unfortunately you saw that you were you were riding your bike around the the square footage that that we had uh it was tough for me because i was only there for 40 days how long were you guys there 96 days 95 nights i would never forget it oh he's got it for hours and minutes 96 days 95 nights i would never forget it man what was the experience okay so now you guys had the best experience because you left with a chance but what like overall like to see it pulled off to see all the things that that went on to get it done and then to see all of some of the positive change and the positive messages that were going on in the bubble how was the entire experience so what's up what side you want for us just we got hours okay so uh we're going to go we're going with the good first good let's go with the girls okay so so adam silver in the nba michelle roberts in that crew they did a hell of a job of putting that thing together and i mean obviously we saw what was going on early on with baseball we see now what's going on with football no matter the pros or or college with the you know with colvin and the pandemic so for them to put that together and for it to be able to last the way it lasts um kudos to both sides um from a social injustice standpoint um us as uh uh the players to be able to use the nba platform and us be able to go out there and speak about cystic racism uh uh you know police brutality voter suppression everything that was going on um gave us an opportunity i mean obviously we know you played for the franchise and we competed against them yeah with the warriors they say strength is numbers strengthen numbers we actually saw that in the bubble um you know the milwaukee bucks they set out a game they boycotted the game because of something that happened in their backyard what we all aware of and we all stood in solidarity with milwaukee bucks and if we didn't decide to leave at that very moment our numbers and being as strong as we could have been would have been depleted um so as far as us being able to stick through that and be able to create some change while we're in there and speak about things that was going on in the communities and things talk about things that was just affecting not only our personal lives but our own communities and things of that nature unbelievable basketball unbelievable i love every part of the basketball besides not having fans laker nation i and the rest of the group guys we miss you guys so damn much it's like it was eerie it was airy because it's theory the first time no kidding no kidding the first time i got to watch a game i think it was conference finals and so i'm sitting there watching the guys run out and they're like ladies and gentlemen the los angeles lakers and the guys were just joking they're like hey everything and it was like no applause like nothing none well you would never guess if you were watching it from home you would never that's what my mom and my wife was saying the whole time she was like from for us at home it was it was a great experience yeah and that's another kudos to the league they did an unbelievable job of being able to showcase it to their fans yeah but for the players when you ran out there nothing and all you heard was sneakers and basketball it was like the first aau tournament you ever played growing up but even then the aau tournament at least your mom and dad were there exactly at least you got that it was literally nothing yeah it was straight dead silence okay so let me ask you this then from that standpoint because we even talked we had a moment where there were moments you would like look up at the crowd mid-game emotional you know and act as if they were there right so you were huge the the one of the biggest leaders and making sure that that bubble the restart happened yeah so when you experience all of that for the first time were you disappointed were you mad really like oh my god this is what it's going to be about like how were you able to process all that well i mean it's almost the same feeling as a when you first time you go to a haunted house you get excited with your friends your friends are telling you how great it is and you get juiced up juiced up and juiced up and juiced up you really don't realize how scary that is until you get inside of that haunted house and that's what i compare to the bubble we were all excited to get back we were excited to be playing basketball again i mean we stopped we stopped playing in march um so we were all excited but you don't really know what you're getting yourself into until you get inside the bubble and they tell you that right there you cannot go outside that gate you cannot go outside that line if you go outside that line the gun line boss from life if you go outside that gun line you will be on the 14-day quarantine um and that is the last thing that you want to be you're already inside of a bubble you're inside of a line you can't go outside of the gates you can't do anything beside here and if they tell you got to be inside your room for 14 days that that's that's the killer so could you handle it because i didn't get it can you handle could you handle i did a week when i got in and that was hard and i'll talk to you that was dumb no that was dark like could you handle a two week a two-week quarantine chatting our weak corners no way i want to say you know what this ain't it just saying that just just get me out i got it hang on though hang on though because you all play on a team where you did win a title channing so you know how hard that is how awesome it is to be a champion would you have done it for that yeah but you didn't know alec i mean we didn't know but here's the thing ali i was always going out i was always like walking around meeting somebody doing something i was never why i like golden state is because there are so many homeless people i could just talk to when you guys got tired of me i just walked up and striking conversations chatting with a fish but real quick i want one thing because when i got there again it was so weird getting there towards a ladder phase and so like you're talking to i was just with the crew yeah espn staff tnt staff and it was weird because we normally don't get to hang out like ali leforce i met her and um uh rebecca harlow these are people who are never at the same arena at the same time because they're normally tnt we're espn so you get a chance to like talk to different people and have conversations uh with them but they said like that 48 hours when the milwaukee bucks decided to walk off no one knew if there was ever going to be games like for the rest of this bubble if it was going to be canceled they said that the whole pun intended that the whole bubble deflated yeah there were people walking around like yo we've been spending you know months here prepping for this and all of a sudden this thing might be completely over what was that 48 hours like for when you found out them then as a leader what the lakers were going to do what just take us through that i'll give you the whole story and just break it up a little bit up next on road tripping i was ready to walk away i had called i called my wife and called my mom and told him that i was probably headed home chosen family wines we got labels we got juice we got vineyards we got wine makers we got legends well i chosen family what we put in our bottle and what we're about we want to be a megaphone for vineyards and winemakers and they're versatility of their great trust us give us a chance you're going to like it you're excited for people to drink this one i think we have a great product i know we have a great product i basically put my name on it so like obviously it must be good [Music] we were actually playing i believe game three i believe it was game three versus portland that that night the last game so it was it was milwaukee orlando followed by houston okc and then we were the later game um and so i was taking my nap and when i get up from my nap i get treatment with mike and i'm sitting on my couch and i'm and i turn on i turn on the tv to start watching the milwaukee orlando game and as soon as i turn on the tv there's nobody on the court but the game was supposed to start like 20 minutes ago so i'm like what the hell is going on so um this is before i even go to my phone or anything so soon as i wake up i you know i'm start doing that and they say milwaukee refuses to come on the court so um i started getting calls and phone calls and things of that nature and um this was still up in the air if they were gonna play no one knew um what was going on um because you know frank frankly even the magic didn't know you know what was going on so the whole league was caught by surprise so we were just sitting there and wondering what was going on and as the time went on basically they said milwaukee was not going to play they had made a decision to boycott the game because of what happened in their you know in their backyard back in milwaukee with another innocent black man being gunned down um so i got on the phone with with chris paul because their game was next um and i i called him and russ and and i told them straight up that it there's no way that we can go out on the floor as the lakers and play our game with what just transpired what are you guys going to do and they felt the same way they was like we need to get all the information that was going on because it's still some things that's not been checked off but we would look stupid if we went out and played you know and milwaukee decided to sit down and we've been you know preaching this solidarity thing as a brotherhood because we are a brotherhood even when you get blindsided from your brother that's what that that's the question is that again like all the people that know all the guys like what was that it's basically like you then come together in that room and the one thing that comes out of that room is lebron james gets up and leaves that's the one thing that comes out oh of course i mean of course that's gonna of course it does if it was lebron comes into the room and the last thing he said out they would have said that so but in the moment but did you sit down did you sit down last no i did not okay obviously hindsight is 20 20. that's not it but they made a decision and as brothers i understand formerly being a part of the brotherhood i understood that like whatever they were going to do you were going to support but that was such a big powerful move that it's like shooting a text to the the players association shooting a text to you know chris paul like the guys that are the president the vice president shooting a text like hey guys where this is what we're thinking about doing but we need to make sure that we are unified as a group that was the one thing that not to be critical but could have caused some issues yeah yeah and i mean as players we felt the same way we felt like you know we're not against what you guys are standing for because we've all felt it too yeah and obviously you know when it hits in your backyard you feel a little bit more um but you know when when we're all together you know as an army you know if we're army and we're going off of battle and we say we're here in solidarity and someone in the front decides to go before we say charge charge now we're all caught off guard yeah [Music] oh that's good i'm glad you got to it before i did dammit leroy so that's that's what happened and i to be honest i was ready to to walk away no i was ready to walk away i had called i called my wife and called my mom and told him that i was probably headed home why because there was no plan after we decided to do what we did and we boycotted the games what's next what the hell are we doing so we gonna just go back okay now game three lakers versus portland what the hell what are we doing we've decided to to take off these games for the right reason okay but there's some other issues that needs to be dealt with as well what is our plan and at that moment when i walked out we sat there and talked for two three four hours and there was still no plan so i walked out because my time is very valuable and i knew what could what could help the change yeah but when you're dealing with a group of a lot of uh emotional emotional uh you know a lot of ego a lot of guys that's passionate about themselves and what they believe in then it's hard to figure out a plan at that very moment so it was best for me to step up yeah well look that that's that's look it is one of the harder positions to be in being not only like the leader of a team like the face of a league you know a vocal a vocal leader as far as like you know i still stand by was it patrick beverly he's like look if brown playing we playing right like i was joking i joke listen i joke with one of the guys uh and and i'll keep a name i was like guys look at the end of the day the nba wants everybody there but they only need like five people there they need broad they need giannis they need james they you know what i'm saying like they'll figure it out the rest of the way as long as they can sell you know are they need the lakers they need the celtics like yeah everybody can sit here and play oh well it's like yo at the end of the day like the the league needs about 10 guys and about five teams everything else is like a a bonus from a standpoint of like what they're gonna advertise what they're going to do so when pat beverly says like yo look if braun said we playing we all going to show up but the other side of that is when all the drama happens everybody looks at you know everybody looks at you and it's like however you handle it however you don't handle it it's they're still looking at you and yeah cause he's a drama queen and he loves it [Laughter] shut up by the way he's here yeah you literally told me that we could not do road trip without janet are you happy i don't know i did i'm like we're going to cut chatting off of getting back to his making of snow cones and uh [Music] no but yeah i understand that i understand that r.j and that's that's the way it was and that's my responsibility i get it you know as much as uh uh you know you can hate it at times you know you know you say okay why is it always on me that's the position i've been put in so i needed time to digest it so i walked out i was ready to walk away but also i understand that it wasn't just squarely about me so i needed a moment to to digest the whole situation to actually sleep on the whole situation and um and i was able to do that and wake up the next day and and had a plan of what i thought could work for us going forward the media people did not and i think and again to the milwaukee bucks credit chris paul michelle roberts the entire nba even the owners everyone came together and was like hey like how can we and i i believe barack obama was involved and like hey what should we ask for if we're gonna stay here in the face of all of this what should we ask for like what can we do to help continue to help change and you know again that more than an athlete into more than to a vote more than a vote into you know the the the polling places and all like so it's something positive did come from a negative situation but you guys were trying to plan in 36 hours 46 48 and figure out how we're going to get back on the floor too so it was like you want to see all this change but i felt like that those conversations and that change needed to happen before we stepped back on the floor yeah you know and and we had i don't know if you guys heard but we had a a you know a conversation where a lot of the two or three other you know the guys from each respective team the coaches and we had a huge zoom call with the owners all 30 owners and um you know to talk about some of the changes or some of the things that we can do to help create change while we are still playing the game because a lot of people were saying like okay well you know once you guys get to play in basketball then you guys are going to forget about us and i didn't want that to happen i didn't want that well the narrative is going to happen people are going to say you're going to do this but i actually wanted to see real change and a lot of the things that we talked about are some of the things that i mentioned earlier was the the voter suppression and and having places to have polling sites you know like you just mentioned you know we got 30 nba franchises with arenas yeah we needed to have if not all 30 as close to 30 as possible where people can go and vote um because we've seen what happened in georgia we've seen what happened right outside atlanta where people couldn't go vote um they were telling them that they shouldn't they need to go somewhere else and people wait three and four four hours standing in line to vote and we knew how important the november election was we also seen the the things that was happening in the community with police brutality and we wanted to be able to put in an initiative or something that can hold our police people accountable just like everybody else it's not just the police though it's everybody yeah anyone any one of us in this world or in america where we live in if you do something that harms other people you're held accountable yeah and we felt like at that point in time the police were not being held accountable yeah um so those are some of the things that we talked about um and then being able to start up just more initiatives to be able to give our communities a safe uh way to be able to continue to learn because in the black community we we always talk about we want to see change but we never go out and do it and the reason we never go out and do it because we've been so jaded and being so uh scared because everyone is saying that our word or our or what we believe in doesn't matter so over the course of time that's why if you had like my mom yeah who's 52 years old it's the first year she ever voted wow first year she ever voted because she never believed that her vote mattered yeah she never believed not only did it matter she was like they don't give about us here in our community why should i go out and help create change for somebody else when they don't care about us up next on road tripping what's next for more than a vote you know we're trying to figure out ways right now we can continue to implement change in the communities so here you are behind one of the biggest power moves and opportunities with more than a vote did you know at the time that your mother had never voted i did not one no some things ali that your parents will not tell you like baby you're doing a good job in all that voting baby you're doing such a good job some things that when you get older you'll find out about your parents your mom or your dad and some and you know some of you guys who have siblings that you was like i did not know that about you yeah until they tell you until they're ready to tell you and um so what's the word then for you one to see the impact and what it's going to continue to do for years to come uh with more than a vote and especially factoring that in well one thing i want people to understand with more than a vote we it's not a political stance we we did not go out and sit down and say okay this is who you should vote for yeah we just educated the people uh put the people in place in communities to be able to let them know this is your right yeah and we had a lot of people that that that went through the judiciary system and went through you know the jail system and they believed because they had prior evictions or convictions and things of that nature that they were not even allowed to vote which is which is untrue in a lot of states um snoop dogg is a good friend of mine now um he was one of those guys that didn't know that did not know he had the ability to vote because of prior conviction and this was his first year voting as well and we just wanted to just to engage into our communities you know especially some of the big communities detroit michigan and atlanta georgia and philadelphia philadelphia pennsylvania a lot of these communities miami florida that just hold a lot of power but the minorities they don't go out and vote because they don't believe that it matters and and like i said we want to we hear the word change okay so this is how you create change so we're going to give you the education behind it we're going to give the the power we're going to put the people in place to help you understand your power jane did you vote yeah i did actually mail-in vote buddy shockingly low-key this is the first time i voted in my i thought i was registered but i was registered in phoenix and i had to re-register in oregon and it was actually really really really easy i was shocked and i just mailed it in and i made sure to follow it and make sure it got uh tallied correctly so you know i voted no and it's funny it's funny you say that channing sorry to cut you off aly but a lot of people don't they don't understand how easy it is you know um you know they're very intimidating by the word vote uh you know they they they don't know how it it's so easy you get your pamphlet yeah and you you can literally do your research on the candidates that's in your in your because it's not always just it's not just about the president yeah senator right yeah yeah a lot of it matters within your local within your cause you know the local people that's you know your local judge or your or your your local uh city councilman sheriff yeah sheriff they're the ones who who are creating the change or not the change that you would like so being able to vote on that right person man or female is very important too so being able to do your research on that and you can also register to vote in a state that you live in even though you don't have a license there i solve an ohio license and i still could register in california which i had no idea i thought it was going to be this awful process and it was easy efficient able to get done you're saying you didn't vote and i'm joking i'm just saying between the lines yeah before we move on from this because i think it's very important um what's next for more than a vote it's not going to go away no no we're never uh about a one-off um you know we're trying to figure out ways right now we can continue to implement change in the communities not only in in my home community of akron ohio but communities all over america and hopefully create change in in the world as well um so we're looking for opportunities um there's a huge uh senate race that's going on in in georgia uh coming up in january um so um you know we're tackling that um stacey abrams who's down there is a monster shout out stacy you're unbelievable um and and everyone in in the city of atlanta you guys are done so much great stuff and also in georgia as a state so we're going to get behind that and hopefully continue to create change of course we commend you for that because that is not an easy responsibility on top of all the expectations and responsibilities you have oh to be a basketball player yeah so before we move on from all the bubble you have celebrated two championships in miami when you guys won at home you celebrated your third championship on the road and everyone heard about the detour to vegas heaven for bed um i looked out for you like this i will leave it right there and uh your fourth championship was in a bubble what was the celebration like i feel bad for my teammates my first time championship teammates mm-hmm i felt bad for a.d caruso markieff dwight and most importantly and most importantly jared dulley my goddess my god my guy does um taylon and rooks uh costas and devonte hopefully i'm not missing anyone enough cools yeah um your whole team other than you and rondo no me rondo javille queen cook danny what are you talking about we got champions man i feel bad for them because they did not they don't they don't know it was bad i i was they don't understand i was the power of a championship celebration from the partying one to the to the parade and then back to the partying yeah they we have not been able to do that and and and it and it burns me because as a champion you you should feel that you get the you get the locker room celebration which i still feel like you guys which is amazing the locker room celebration is amazing but it goes like this yeah all right it goes like this so you know okay as fast as that goes you say okay we're gonna have the parade we know that we're gonna have an unbelievable time of the parade with the fans celebrate with the community and the fans leaving that nature and then we're going to have our celebration where we go out and have fun and partying things it's just it was just just like 20 20. it's just it's just but so everybody so again there's always the conversation and this is one thing i will say people were like oh was it a real championship is it this is it that and i was like yo i was in there i saw how hard it was to rev yourself up to amp yourself up no home court advantage no home court advantage at all and so it's like when you don't have that home court advantage and you're sluggish you're tired and it's like but we're going home yeah our fans are going to be ready they're going to be loud because we're down 3-2 or whatever it is there was none of that this was harder than a normal championship opinion just imagine just imagine this just imagine a 16 rj we're going we're down 3-1 which one there's nothing in here if we're down 3-1 and 16 yeah and we're not going back to cleveland not what and we're just playing playing another game in a bubble golden state may beat us by a hundred yeah the greatest the greatest game i've ever been a part of this is game six in cleveland because it was like the minute we stepped on the floor we knew that there was no chance we were going to lose that game right right right now we didn't know what was going to happen in game seven yeah three two three two was three two in cleveland oh god still having ptsd yes he is he said please don't please don't take it back to this please don't talk about it yeah no he's he's complaining because he doesn't think richard can open a wine bottle oh that's well yeah i'm not yeah oh i mean poor bottle oh look come on now you don't have to have your own wine to be able to open a wine bottle but richard doesn't even drink wine speaking of i drink it socially he drinks a social and it's and it's a nice whispering angel rose too yeah i drink it whispering whispering angel whispering angels should be like what's up just give us some well they they i think it's a very strong possibility they will after this you think yeah i believe hey what's up up next on road tripping i moved to combo in the offseason for a couple weeks out of the year i was drinking tequila heavy eating tacos [Music] all right what's that old crusty bottle you got next to you yeah wrong one if you watch your videos my favorite part is legacy life in lobos lobos lobos you know but what but this is my thing how did you have that we are a pack we are a pack man yeah but my thing is this is like man like obviously i know you are fluent you are fluent in several different alcohols but man imma get on board with the tequila but i had to go eat something i was like man if i'm gonna be sipping on tequila this morning i don't see it so i brought i brought it because i wanted you guys to try it at some point while we're here and also be able to get you know just let it sit there it's a beautiful and they've seen this it's scripted huh like that you know 2020 nba champions you know a guy i know someone i know someone who knows someone you know why did you decide to partner like obviously like you're you're one of those individuals that everyone knows this goes without saying that you get offered and asked and so many opportunities come across your your you know table your plate whatever it is like why did you decide to partner up with it to keep it's literally like when i get asked about something to be able to partner or to invest or to be a part of the the the movement yeah it's where i'm at in my life yeah and and literally tequila it was a point in my life so whether two summers ago or last summer um i started to drink taquito like heavily all i was drinking was wine and tequila i put down like the hard liquor that i was doing in my 20s in your 20s you're trying to figure out figured out we're trying to figure out okay what do i like i don't i don't like that okay i'm gonna go with this whatever i realized in my 30s that wine and tequila is like i'm good with that yeah and so i was really starting to drink tequila and um three and a half years ago i bought a place in cabo uh-huh um a nice vacation place um partnered with uh a couple guys and we got a house in in cabo and and if you know any better um in cabo tequila it's king yeah it's king so i will go to the bar um we have like a little beach house we have like a beach house bar at our property and they have a hundred different tequilas from you know blancos to reposados to uh we got four we got yeah you like a smoky we got four we got four kinds we got a hoven which is the equivalent of blanco which means young yeah we got a reposado um this is the extra enejo and then we have a mezcal so i'll make sure yeah make sure you get that bottle of mexican so that that's where it said i i i moved to cabo in the off season for a couple weeks out of the year i was drinking tequila heavy eating tacos why is she finding this funny and uh no i have a tequila company i just feel like he really always humbles us because channing just goes up north in oregon as you mentioned at the start of this year and bronze like i'm just buying property in cabo for a couple weeks well literally i'm just giving you guys that you got to challenge me to tell you guys the truth yeah but channing train's driving up north to go to more wine to get more oregon wines the oregon pinots are amazing this time of year i'm going to tell you this walla walla washington there's some great listen it's a great pinots in california i just haven't had a chance to go down there and take trips but let's see what things mean why we haven't had a chance to come down to california i mean it's so far huh i haven't been on a plane since march we have legit just been driving everywhere it's just i got four kids you know i've got people that help out with my kids at home so i'm like i'm kind of in the middle i'm not like doing anything i'm not doing anything at home i got people that you know the kids literally just somebody else you have the ability to get away you just have not taken advantage of it that's basically what you said i have help at home and i'm stuck here do you have a barber at home you got to be like mid-40s to start going backwards against the grain first of all richard got hair jelly right now don't look at these curls you're so jealous i if you had an opportunity to grow these locks these luscious these are the relationships um the beautiful uh you know university was it arizona damn right oh my god they posted you know some throwback highlights of my guy rj and he had a beautiful nice lineup nice beautiful grain of hair yeah i was blocking shots [ __ ] shots that was 19.99 oh yeah windmilling yeah i was like i show it to my kids now they'd be like they know i was like because it was on twitter and so i'm like daddy daddy can we watch the video you dunking cause there ain't no there's like daddy is this in the olden days i'm like yeah son this is standard definition so i'll sit there like daddy daddy can i watch this and i was like all right son we can watch the two minute videos i was like yeah yeah yeah yeah don't forget don't forget they didn't they didn't ever they didn't post one of channing though no no no they don't have high schools you had booms first of all i have booms in college please explain but dunks i was getting dunks i was a true center in college and then they had me in my rookie year had the guard shack in in miami i said just ain't it i said this on me so you started it you stopped being true no more true to it i'm going to be a fault there was no garden centers at all because back in the day like my rookie year it was like shaq yao there was the campaign strong dude tim duncan strong ass dudes like jahidi white and um isn't that real he white wasn't like i thought he just was there remember the two goons in seattle yeah for sure right all of them do you know danny where are you ranked like as most threes for a seven footer channing uh like one or two maybe i love it yeah but maybe like five maybe he said yeah one or two well you know those guys are coming like prizing this porzingis is gonna you know keep knocking down threes if he can stay healthy you gotta stay healthy listen look it means a little wiggly wobbly i mean up next on road tripping can you all repeat we can i mean it's that simple i mean we absolutely can here on the sports gap we love to report on the people that are reporting on sports jimmy butler is clubhouse cancer if that's what y'all worried about good luck to y'all edutainment this is the world's finest sports and entertainment i want to talk about athlete voices spineless cowards like lebron james nonviolence is what it's all about this is known as the jock tax you too can have a successful career in the nba man i'm in the nfl it's all good man i'm your host richard jefferson and this is the sports gap [Music] like damn it was like coming up yes you've touched the basketball twice yeah season's coming up how are we going to get through this with colgate dog hang on there's a okay there's there's no but there's also like the team that is not here any longer you have your guys that like just recently in the last lesson yeah so yeah you're gonna get a summer to rage with him i know right so i i gotta give a shout out to danny green yeah rajon rondo dwight howard travail javel mcgee quinn cook um i'm kidding shut up i'm kidding cool just put out an ad uh yesterday too about yeah that was funny a lot of respect on that yeah so you know dwight howard javale mcgee rajon rondo danny green quinn cook obviously um we don't win a championship and rj no but being a part of a championship ball club no matter if you play zero minutes or you're 30 40 minutes that all ties into one because we all challenge each other every day and there's times where the vets don't want to practice where those guys who haven't played they have to practice and keep it going um so um i wish rajon welding atlanta dwight and danny and philly javelin back in cleveland yeah dope and queen i mean he's a he's a pro he's going to he's going to find another person he's definitely going to get us a look um hopefully back with us we still have two roster spots hopefully we may bring him back so um so kudos to those guys much respect love those guys when you win a championship with a group it goes on forever you could talk about it for the rest of your life and then i move on unfortunately unfortunately yeah to my new teammates and i'm happy as hell to have big mark gasal uh who laker nation first of all know that he was traded on draft day for his older brother yeah he was he's supposed to be in lane do you think powell's coming back we see we'll see maybe i mean we'll see we'll see we have mark who was traded on draft day because marcus is going to be in year 20 now right because i was seven i played 17 so you know happy to have a mark another champion yeah one with the raptors two years ago who i've always loved yeah mark has my defensive player of the year trophy at his house but yo bro but that's no hair no no that's not knock on mark but i this is the thing cause like you know sometimes we don't know mark i can't wait i can't wait to talk about this we don't pay attention to stuff but like when you brought that up like you brought it up or somebody brought it up and i was like what are you talking about defensive player here and then i saw and i saw that like marc gasol didn't receive like any first place no he was saying first team votes he only received every third third team vote but then that had vaulted him with enough points accumulated to be the i was like i was confused look not that cause this was weird it's not that memphis wasn't a great defensive team there was a monster they were monster but it was like tony allen zach him like conley they were loaded but it was like he got all the credit and so like i didn't know and i'm glad you brought that up but continue but i'm extremely excited to have mark nevertheless wesley matthews who i'd love to compete against and his father is a former laker as well oh that's dope so we got two guys we got two guys who have family laker ties yeah and then we get tress oh i'll transit now we got trains ended up here we're not doing it we're not going to be sick till february was the next door neighbor we knocked on his door and said uh do you like yeah he said he felt like the clippers didn't like what was going on how did traffic just hit this door and we landed tress i mean that was honestly like the moment of free agency everyone was like what yeah yeah including the clues some of his teammates that they they actually put that on social media it's not like i'm making it up it's what we got tras who six man of the year award winner who's going to help our bench which we we struggle with this past year with our bench you know and keeping that up and then then you've got the runner up and then we got the runner up sixth man of the year and dennis schroeder so who that was a pickup i call his nickname he i don't know if you like it or not we have not have the conversation but he's dennis diminished dennis mentioned because i love what he brings to the game his tenacity he's a dog he gets under the skin he's a richard jefferson draymond green type guy where if he's your teammate you love him out of him if he's not you can't stand him that's just not funny sonia hey by the way she understands exactly what i'm saying if he's your friend you love him if not you're like oh my god get this jerk away from me i love dennis schroeder yeah and what they're going to bring to our team and um can you all repeat we can i mean it's that simple i mean we absolutely can like rj said with the nets first of all it all starts with health yeah you have to you have to have some luck you have to have health if we can stay healthy um but we did get younger and we grabbed the 27 year old point guard we got the 27 year old six man of the year award and trash um you know we we got young mark you know we got mark who's the defensive player of the year and his iq playing against not only playing against him in the nba but also playing against him versus spain you told us we had 90 minutes we've gone 210. yeah but i mean which one we had we called we we we got the bubble we got this upcoming season we got coming season how are we going to be able to do this well and i don't mean this i want to i want to talk we got what is it really in 13 days and lebron james has touched a basketball twice yeah i think he's going to be okay it's gonna be three times um i'm gonna touch that one um pre-season i'm not quite worried about i am rounding 36. james worthy is gonna be really mad if he comes into this studio and has to talk about basketball without you listen big game james i love you hopefully see you in the studio and we're going to have a stogy together we still need to have a championship story together for sure toasted is uh to the tequila um that's nora here no there we say that for the side but um don't worry about me in the preseason nah it's nice i'm not worried about you at basketball i want to know as an individual that pays attention to this stuff yeah like how is it like we watch now it's like you see all these college football games getting cancelled postponed and college basketball is like we're ready to start and it's like no you're not right college basketball has done what they needed to do they just went literally they would send teams to an area for 10 days and they'd get three straight games in yeah so that they could like limit the travel times and it's very smart so i'm very intrigued on seeing what what's the protocol is going to be um we have we there's been discussions there's been talks um they wanted to make sure that we can get the season going um obviously for a lot of different reasons um the biggest reason um but but the safety of our players and the safety of our owners and the safety of our gm's and the safety of our um our coaches and you know so um you know training staff and things that that's that's more important than anything um it's 111. i always catch that 11 11 and 11. tattooed on my hand yeah okay yeah it's weird you know but um yeah yeah yes i'm still not stopping the drinks but i'm very i'm very intrigued on seeing how they how they deal with this because we all know that covet is still very active exactly and they actually told us that in the winter it's going to be more active than any time and that's what we're in right now yeah you know either if you're seeing snow or not this is the winter time and it's and it's picking up steam so um i just want to see i want to see how we how we tackle this well the schedule is supposed to come out our lee and you see the nba they know yeah they say it's coming out in part one part two stuff and they were saying like teams are gonna come and they're gonna play like all the they're gonna play all but like the california team right right they're gonna play the la teams or you're gonna go to texas and you're gonna play all right or you go to east coast and you play you play brooklyn brooklyn you're gonna see your division a lot it is not an easy one yeah our division is tough now you know cp cp is now in our division yes phoenix is going to be there they are they uh i mean my my guy james jones has done a hell of a job over there shout out champ shout out chad champ shout out champ he's done a hell of a job and not only acquiring uh cp3 but he is building that team he's got some really really good things going on over there to add to the all-star future superstar and devin booker yeah so our division is going to be loaded
Channel: Road Trippin'
Views: 590,394
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Id: yapU4SQQ39c
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Length: 45min 23sec (2723 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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