Gilbert Arenas & Nick Young tell their best NBA stories, drink wine, and more | ROAD TRIPPIN'

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Holy fuck it's hard to hate this guy but also very hard to like or admire him lmaooo, the Stugotz is almost too strong in him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 105 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rondertopoa πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gilbert Arenas would've been a social media legend if he played today.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IDontRegreddit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

man aspire to be a good of a story teller as RJ man...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was amazing. It’s always great reminiscing about Arenas’ prime. RJ put it so well - a combo of John Wall’s speed/getting to the line and Dame’s shooting/clutch gene.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mojojojo1108 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

But I was expecting not to expect something so I win

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MensageiroDoCarlos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone got the OG, unedited version of this whole sit-down? Been trying to find it forever.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nashty132016 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I find Arenas hilarious. Also if any of you guys think Nick Young is abused by Arenas against his will in these videos we've all seen, just watch the clip.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dagrix πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

RJ is the best :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn I loved those Wiz teams back in the mid 2000s, when we had MJ, it felt more so a sideshow than an actual team. With Gil, Larry, Antawn, later Caron when Larry left, really felt like we could make some serious noise. Unfortunately, injuries, and a guy named James put a halt to all that, then the gun thing happened.

Nevertheless, one of first NBA Bloggers (Agent Zero blog on and one of the first guys who had an online presence, cant imagine what he'd be like during the social media era though lol.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AgentLF πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Laughter] he's got a collection of Jeremy jerseys do you have welcome to road trip and we're so excited to have you thank you we drink wine on this podcast a Malibu cranberry pineapple top of that you know I haven't I haven't graduated to why yeah graduated why was the first person to get me drunk when I was of age you were gonna be on TV you trying to piggyback off my stardom you heard my name and decided to come on over look at me you capir our faces some people might know but I don't know the relationship of you two they ruin my life you break down this special you know when your MBA you know when you saw a player you pick rookies oh and here's my rookie he's never maximize the ability ever since [Music] [Music] tell me do this count though yeah please help me do the mines count he said this don't count what don't count this last shot right here let me see just made it oh no didn't count no count was what how many times oh you didn't duck butt like you would dunk the ball and it would pop out the back of the hotel no do you yeah you got the what highs vert when he kept saying he had the highest vert and NBA history yeah I'm going off of steps right so he has a high thirty with a thirty eight thirty nine point five is his his vertical jump yes his match jump is forty yeah so he he was my he was my rookie and I just made him do all the things I didn't want to do as a veteran obeyed when there it was oh yeah I want to go like he only did that if I say oh can you go get this you know can you go to the store and buy me something here go ders for buy me what I want but then here charge three four more thousand dollars a month he asked me to get my phone send me one too so Bomi [Laughter] becausee like these on a row and I did it took my keys and somehow ship them back to the house but like when we land I couldn't get in my car so you could beat me to my house so once I got home yeah like paintball guns you took the wheels off my tires you have to give the computer back roll them into film why didn't they do nothing saved me can't save nobody from Gilbert he was he wasn't your ideal rookie as a vet cuz you know it was hard there anything that he helped you with baskin that so they ruled my life just like any any young guy you come in sometimes on a Veterans bad year I'm injured you know so it's more party mode and work ethic at that point so I think it's the bad part of who I was you know it wasn't like he came in you guys know each other prior to that I'm a valley boy he was one of those LA dudes who couldn't like play basketball in his neighborhood so they had to ship them to the nice neighborhood so he did so he can function so he was one of those transfers into the nice suburb type of school so Clarence I was the king I'm from a real that was the elder King I'm the king I was becoming the king it didn't draw for the King Jordan Farmar was second and you got so we were to valley guys he was no no and he was like Barry Bonds like the Jordan farmers from up there then played at UCLA went to the final four and then play with the Lakers so yeah he was he was Lonzo ball before Lanza he was a valley kid you know he wasn't home in the king now and then you got to draw you from originally worth the way high school he's post go to my high school when I was I got kicked out because I wasn't like going to school and then like my fat friend was playing basketball you're gonna like some dude a youth go sing them and like oh man who do you got friends and he brought them to practice and then like I got like a second chance in life to better myself and then I came to the wizards and they know all that well it's right just all the things the trouble in school I can see how it was easy for you getting to USC guilt Nick Arizona was like a JUCO well he sounds like a JUCO like it wasn't a real school like it was a spring break JUCO I mean Sonny it's always funny this baby's always in bathing just bathing suits all the time I mean it was lovely I don't care about bathing suits sorry I'm sorry I'm our school wasn't in the middle of the hood I'm sorry I'm sorry we we can actually walk across the street cross the street in like love locking the wheel of life we don't have to worry about going off campus and getting robbed David Blumenthal and Brandon Granville Oh smack smack up next on road trippin this guy is your rookie like does this make you proud like how you see it you see them [Laughter] [Music] does this make you proud like how you see it you've seen him let me show you the difference I just couldn't drop his vigor so this is just supposed to give me the keys boy that Jason Kidd is a vet you had Gilbert Arenas there's a vet oh man Channing who do you have as a vet Lily gross to Maybachs in for no reason you caught me at the wrong time like just that's the problem at the NBA I was with nobody I had my money in the shop up in the Maybach I guess you talked so Gil when I'm trying to get to I don't know why he always never give me money he put up in the shower head of Ferrari so he went about to Ferrari so yeah 242 Maybachs with no reason we were you good at your Challenger [Laughter] for cheating all the time because what I did with him when he was younger it's this is it I got except this right here if you know your child is going to jail yeah you don't need college money bail money is Isabelle money right here you know what's the age difference between the two of you people said 40 now he's 37 35 you know you know back then you know those type of players was coming in at 24 25 I can't stop laughing like no I'm not it's actually yes actually I've been on teams of bad records and this is probably the best locker room what a team with bad records I do nice games Tristan so you were tired at one point you're retired right maybe maybe okay so for those of you that are officially retired do you have advice what do you like you still can feel this is where he's at where he's retired he just don't know you that's six million dollars so there was no reason for me to there was no just listen he's done we're gonna be in movies next year reality shows the family life you know cooking it bacon and play as long as possible you don't want this like cuz I like I flew in from New York today and I gotta fly back to making 66 million yes you're sitting on that much money without ask it was amazing oh yeah well I can't happen if I just outsmarted it yeah outsmarted everyone up next on road trippin excellent what'd he do in his life but two hours here go sit somewhere just [Laughter] [Music] it was hard he can't cope with life you don't know what to do what he do in his life for two hours hit someone whatever and then 7f we got game so I didn't know what to do in that time so I get on the freeway drive all the way down to traffic drive all the way back those three hours I'm trying to work out from 9:00 to three hours baby come on baby would you - I was sitting in traffic see the traffic baby you went to start my doing like the donuts so you drove all the way to somewhere else just as I was attacking me you know it is because of his filled basketball you trying to bring me up like I'm not swaggy P you the only person that can't do nothing after basketball like basketball is your life you get it you because you sit in traffic at the basketball excite are you to do the victory know what because I got a whole bunch of texts man put bring music you know because I already got the reports from Denver you know you know he was lazy came in fat out of shape so I just want to know honestly so you haven't played in a while right so you're going big tree is it going to be difficult being kind of like middle of the pack come again it's gonna be different difficult being like middle of the pack they just being one of the guys like you know obviously you won't be the best player there right this would be like in the top so yeah many top waiters who was considered the best player in the big three candid Perkins is up there Rashad McCants 40 Michonne McCants was horrible last year okay I think you've never done it that's a new rules I hear a little bit older you got a better one to him too I always just came off the flu I just came off the flu lost 13 pounds and said you know what I need a gram every day get your shot the plan is a big three like a 100 million grandma's for Justin giggles okay listen I was I didn't think he was gonna answer the phone I was just gonna talk and then he was around the corner so he kind of call my bluff just comes with Jim I got some for you he'll I'll be there in five minutes so by the time I got out of the gym and in my car he was pulling up in those kinda like just recently right you guys just played recently okay so how are you based off of Richard's question are you going I was all right I was all right I was decent decent yes okay how many points are you gonna score the big three they played away fifty-fifty in this for how many I'm gonna be my manager right there if you tell me right now to play I don't even have a batteries you say you sit in training you just say you got it cuz of my name he didn't look this for you we get him a towel over his lap I'll score 20 okay easily if it was making a ticket then I'll being a 30-something cuz I ain't got to get a ball to nobody [Laughter] and then they get the ball and then if they miss one of my teammates of the ball and he brung it like all his life how do we get the ball out of it was I one to jump three everybody needs to know that I'm looking to the ball because at the end the day I just want to get off of it so I can get a bag oh it was amazing like you know he didn't want to dribble Luke wanted to pass a cigar and it was small and he wanted to pass and then Michael right if I stayed on the right side he couldn't get the ball nice little planned out where I can just shoot the ball all the time I'm not saying you weren't nice okay we're gonna try this little truck and put your did you think I was gonna average fit you think well I was gonna lead our team in scoring when I first got there no hell no after two weeks of the after two weeks of the open run yes I did a practice and I said and kocho said Gilbert stop driving baseline so Gilbert proceeded to drive baseline even if somebody was trying to stop it he would throw the ball between somebody's legs run out of bounds still get the book and dribble it all the way out but I worked hard you know it's like it's not like I talk back I just did what I was gonna Gilbert was the most sensitive guy of all for sure thank you okay Gilbert you can't do that so Gilbert would do this right so like this is the hoop facing this direction Gilbert would sit on the backstop like this and just pout like this he would sit like this in practice Gilbert are you just gonna sit over there and pout we would have to let go Gilbert Mike Hill it's okay man come on I kid you not multiple times in practice and they just knew he was such an immature clown that he would go and just we were we were two freakos we were shooting free-throws right right before the final four and we had to make certain amount or whatever it is we were literally the next day we're about to leave and Gilbert miss a couple Fritos he's like I'm so freaking mad punt this ball like you won't do it this dude's grabs the ball and iPods it punch it to the middle now mind you there's only like 18 people in the entire arena cuz it's a closed practice this do punts it and coach sees it he's like Gilbert what are you no way by and he's like go get that bond it's like this is right before the final four up next on road trippin and Gilbert psych yo rich how's it going over there you playing well what'd you make it one point eight I'm making eleven million this year Maz [Music] that's what that's what messed you up in the draft mentally not you acting like it at the driver is that a true story wait I want to be international pip yeah you know what it was like what do you want to be no no let me let me tell this story because transition all of the rookies all of the MBA PA like all of the MBA people so they're going around passing the mic right and as soon as like Jason Collins got it he started laughing I made everyone else laugh because they were making fun of him then they go well how about you so they had a mic and they're like so what do you want to accomplish in this league and then Gilbert goes I want to be a pimp and the guy was like wait excuse me and then gave him a second chance it's like you know everyone's kind of laughing giggles I I want to be an international pin and then the guy lights into it if you're talking about being a misogynistic if you're talking about objectifying women this ain't the league for you and goes off on Gil thinking like it'll have some sort of impact the impact was like we all kind of laughed and then we all got yelled at for laughing at him I was just playing and then he asks again so I had to double down right so we have a treadmill test right we have a treadmill test and so I'm right next to Gil so we have a treadmill test everyone's trying to do this little to the treadmill and I'll bench president Gilbert gets up there like a true la kid gets up there and some brand brand new all-white Chuck's right like this is what he's doing the draft workout it in chunks I'm not you listen to me he gets in there and Chuck's and he starts running right starts running the treadmill and I'm like look at this idiot and then he hops off like a minute into what's supposed to be like a 15 or 20 minute 21 minutes he hops off three minutes into and be like ah now this messin of my chucks you have to finish these like now I'm good it's coming on my chest [Applause] drop work out and then you played how many years in the league - I was a stud Oh like oh I wasn't worrying about being in shape that's what I do this is how he no I didn't I didn't take none of that seriously like let's just get to these workouts so we can do all this basketball stuff like all that stuff didn't that didn't mean anything this is really the problem with Gil and why he is as messed up as an individual you'll ever find so he gets drafted in the second round right and it drops to the same draft as like Troy Murphy and Jason Richardson who was a top five pick he's the best player on their team but the problem is he only signed a two-year contract because he felt because he fell to the second round so meanwhile he's bawling out and the team's like we can't afford to keep this guy so they tried to create a Gilbert Arenas rule that if you draft the kid in the second round that you can like keep him for last under the cap or whatever no it was nature they had it or they were trying to get it so meanwhile this dude signs a 66 million dollar contract at 20 years old so in like my third year in my third year on the average in like why we went to the finals twice I'm averaging 18 a game like we win the division I'm balling out right and Gil and I was a first-round pick I'm in my third year and Gilbert's like gentle rich how's it going over there you playing well what'd you make it one point eight I'm making 11 million this year this is what he's saying to me during warmups Richard you're playing great that's 1.3 million is gonna be awesome yeah I was in the second round rich I'm making 11 million for next six years wait oh you got another contract next year too to be in the middle of the game without side of that I was just gonna like the whole first round he murdered the whole first round so that's also why he it was able to come up and get the next contract faster than everybody faster a lot that like two years three years fascinated by it he was two or three years younger than everybody else no that's the problem people like you that condone his idiotic behavior it's Marge jumping off the treadmill and saying it's scuffing up your chest is not smart that was tomorrow second round faster contract 111 smart first round we got two more years yeah I'm an 11 point cheer man but you know we'll see we'll see good job though where's how you got in the Bible about that later man God won't be like the sky this whole time I don't know what the piece is biblical like a prophet I'm like a prophet you're a swaggy prophet I don't want to give you all that I got a book coming right now book coming out mister you the P is that sounds like a burning topic should we look at some highlights yes I would love and look it's kind of Nick because did you pretty good game against Kobe where you dropped like 60 look at this at the LeBron did this wait wait you didn't make the us 18 thing are you taking about about wait do we had a game winner the game winner against Utah yeah or in Utah where we so funniest right yeah we got the game like the Lakers like before the 60 that was the team average the most points on this right here let me see this how the big three go look this is my this is one of the most iconic shots in NBA history video are still an MBA right none no but it was crazy is that your shot was all the way down didn't count no different than the shot you shot in your house you know he doesn't know much about much like I asked her by any I'm jealous today she didn't know that and I was trying to explain your game right no II don't care about you we're trying explain your game he was a combination and this is before it one of it look easy I'm actually gonna give you a compliment so calm down before his knees went sideways he was literally a combination and LeBron I say he was a combination if you combine like Dame Willard and John Wall right if you combine like mad speed that speed getting downhill getting to the free-throw line with that type of shooting ability and flexibility because like a comedy but just like the speed and get to the great the line and put pressure would they could shoot clutch stuff like damn Lillard from deep in outside up next on road trippin makes a loud ruckus all the way to top assists [Music] like literally who's that I could have imagined head up here remember Steve Francis after he's what y'all took a turn minute yeah it was once him and bless him and cat broke up it was just they had Marbury Steph I mean Marbury and rose and Jamal Crawford they had your male roles yeah we had a nice four guys well did your friend Emily what like do people like you like me didn't it was an Isis people were scared of you know dude yeah like I made the all-star game I'll send baskets to the opposing team we're talking to bother nobody you didn't and so they didn't make you put you on that in that team 0 hibachi started hibachi come from so I started from Brenda Haywood we was getting cooked by eating Marbury and Jamal Crawford and then he was like man it cook his shoes cook his shrimp and chicken out there tonight Mehdi going and there boom you don't know how good Gilbert is you just gotta ask him the fact that me you and Luke were on the same team and then Michael right who God rest his soul was you know a very interesting individual and then Lauren who was certifiably crazy Lauren was Lauren I love Lauren to death but he would he would snapped with it he would snap on you in a heartbeat even like Lauren is the only guy I've ever seen I had to kick him out of Pratt but he's only got it on I love I love my guy Lauren really no red and blue games yes he got tried to fight people on the red and blue game like inner squad scrimmage and survey of all these sinks in Laurelwood is like you would think this is the final four he is like you like he was Rasheed Wallace he restin just good leave me just black out he would just black out at any point time and it but like if you got him not in those moments nicest in the world so he gets suspended right so JB Bickerstaff they were in Minnesota and he got suspended in plant for playing I think it was for Toronto I'm gonna butcher this story but he goes to JB's and he was just like hanging out at Bickerstaff house they like go out grab drinks he pass out JB's watching like the JB's watching like sports hit in the morning with Lauren on his couch is like yes Lauren was has been suspended if he goes what happy is like man well my coach was talking and he was like oh you got a problem Lord you got palm Lord well let's go back in that room and see who comes out at Lauren's like all great all right we go back there I will yell and then I get suspended sick to his coat right like we had a like when I'm one of the more normal people on the team one party as a 17 year old guy so they're like a chanting Joe a Gil so there's a tennis court there's like a hundred people right so the police like everyone has to evacuate so Gil's on the other side River rocks roof and right he's like your bigs right here he's thrown this way so the police are now flashing me and I'm like this is Gilbert or everything the police go it's it it's Gilbert they worst first day of college Gil goes I'm rolling with you I'm like Gil please no please no first first time you gotta sit you know freshmen I gotta sit 5 rows up in a big auditorium it's like 200 people are here we sit down there he sits next to me I'm like man so I'm trying to listen he goes chanting let's go he's yelling and she say excuse me he goes let's go so I'm like no I guessed excuse me sir probably goes yeah I got a problem about this let's go he stands up goes goes what stop stop stop stop stop makes a loud ruckus all the way Thomas says who gave no one the Jordan Camp don't work the Nike can make a great payment then you take the Pell Grant then you take your Pell Grant do you work Jordan over you he was the fourth option every time okay who's the fourth option they're chilly [Music] let them fight it out like hey like when we were playing against Casey Jacobson we would just give Gilbert the ball the entire time like take the ball everything whenever we played against somebody that played in our position thing when Lauren was played against Chris man we you go out plant when we play against Casey Jacobs say we was like Gilbert here are anyhow give the party Gilbert like he was real good I don't interrupt you but we do have to wrap we got one second as this is airing Channing will have played his second to last game in the NBA here on the Lakers chill of course we wanted to show you your best Laker highlights all threes and maybe a floater we need you to some threes and twos we get to see the debut Channing Frye and Laker uniforms here's Frye rattling it in the veteran channing frye heart kicks fry in rhythm on its way perfect tuning fries seems like he's back in rhythm fried little off-balance but a shooter can still get it done right got it again well Channing is obviously feeling it tonight his first Miss of the night himself stretch high school no no when I was in college I was a true center and then what happened was shacking Yao Ming and all these big dudes and I said same for me but like and then Phoenix said chanting take two steps back and shoot a thousand of those and then we had Amari so he's like Amara's down there you're out there and they were like shoot shoot until I take you out there that's what changed the POW for position too because when Kevin Garnett came in he didn't want to go against Shaq either no so he went to the for position now you got all these long fours that should have been sinners yeah and then nobody wanted to Snuggies anymore no but that was it that's what happened with LaMarcus Aldridge he was four now he de all of these guys have skills that allowed them to do that but like Tim Duncan was the same way Tim Duncan wanted to play the four and then always had they always had a five next to him that would be good but that's what hurt that's what hurt Mike right yeah traditional for that wasn't like skilled why he was killed and that whole team was just otherwise like him going to the mix was like you getting him as your vet let just set you up for failure all right well Nick you gotta get on your way so I get peace coming out so I guess he's got a book coming out he's gonna play with was a call on big three [Laughter] good luck with the big three hi man look look that's the place to go man you and a mysterious P
Views: 1,767,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UNINTERRUPTED, road trippin podcast, road trippin, gilbert arenas, nick young, swaggy p, nick young swaggy p, gilbert arenas podcast, richard jefferson channing frye, channing frye, nba podcast, nba, basketball, gilbert arenas arizona, allie clifton, spectrum sportsnet lakers, los angeles lakers, lakers spectrum, richard jefferson, cleveland cavaliers, cavs podcast, gilbert arenas wizards, nick young gilbert arenas, nba stories, no chill gil
Id: fQwPKlflonQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 36sec (2676 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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