Spectacular BLUE Deposits in the JOHN MARSELL Copper Mine

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[Music] oh oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everybody welcome back to the channel yeah so we got something uh extra special for you today now I've said this before this is the last time I'm going to say it because I've already said it and I'm sure all of you have already heard it but for anybody that's brand new on the channel uh Wednesday episodes which is what this is these kinds of episodes are just straightforward Plain Jane old school Nothing Fancy no bells and whistles no none of that stuff it's just me you and a camber makes three yep oh wait the mine makes the mine makes four that's right oh wait Laura makes five too okay yeah so we just keep it simple on Wednesdays nothing fancy but Saturday episodes those are the ones going to that are going to be all the fancy stuff all it it all depends on what kind of mind we have for that particular weekend so what are we doing today okay we're still in Copper Country and we're hitting the last uh two or three locations that I want to show you guys before we get on out of here because Laura and I feel as though we've pretty much uh We've pretty much covered this yeah we're and we're ready to go do something different too we want to get into gold and silver country which is uh way over that way on an entirely another mountain and that's what we're going to be uh bringing to you guys uh this coming Saturday but for today look at the size of this big portal over here so let's grab the camera head on inside see what this one's all about all right yep go ahead you can go first look look at the size of this portal how how much they opened that up all right let's get some lights on get mine turned on here there we go and point it in the right direction there we go okay looking down on the floor look at the snake tracks look at all the snake tracks in in there yep lots of them boy they're just wiggling all over the place okay keep your guard up Laura the rattlesnakes have been in here look at that wow oh and so is look at so so have the Burrows that's what I was going to say I think that's burrow burrow poop the Burrows have been in here too yeah but I don't see any human tracks or recent tracks anyway you don't see any Fresh Tracks no because I I thought that uh Tom and Julie were in this one I wasn't sure maybe it was a different one yeah I don't I don't I'm not seeing anything right now okay good I like a fresh one with no tracks or at least it's where it's been a few years be since anybody's been in there you know wow this is just this big big big big I like it it's we're just going through worthless Rock right now I'm not seeing any veins no ore getting into some copper maybe a little bit oh yeah there's a little bit off to the left there we got some Limonite coming through here right there lionite and uh calite okay all right good we're coming into some wood bracing I like that there you go very cool anything written on it I'm looking all over the place if I can find any scratchings or graffiti or and I'm not seeing a darn thing nothing nope all right let's keep on going you know I've been having a lot of fun doing these um Old School episodes it really makes it it it makes it a lot easier on me when it comes to editing and uh I know there's a lot of you in the audience that liked it this way too that have been been with the Channel all the way from the beginning no scribblings no nothing here so that's why we decided to do this now and now that both of us are are uh mine exploring full-time we've we're treating this kind of like our well I guess you could say Laura we work for Google right that's right I never thought that I would ever say that in my lifetime you're you work for Google it's like this is the the end this is the end this is the end all right Jim Morrison that's it you're right Welly they had all kinds of ambition for this one and then they just said that's it yeah wasn't worth their time ain't worth their time all right turn it around darn I was I had high hopes for this one okay guys I'm not going to show you all of this since we've already looked at it so so we're going to head back outside Dosey Do the hill to the next big one because we know there's a big Stope over there and uh we'll show you that one today too so we'll see you over there all right there we are so a moment ago we were just right on the other side of that hill and if they would have kept going they would have punched out right over here into this wash uh but never did over here on the side of that Hill there's one prospect there another prospect there and only they only go in maybe 20 or 30 ft but here's the big boy I'm standing on a massive waste rock pile and there's Laura and that's my hat down on the ground all right let's get past the Velvet Rope [Laughter] I have to navigate The Velvet Rope okay here you [Applause] go oh that's kind of that's kind of tight didn't it uh-huh suck it in suck it in you're telling me like people just went in between it yeah maybe that was the B now that I like how we did it all right lights on there we go okay I'll go first on this one Laura you did first on the last one so when that big mountain lion jumps out at us they'll eat me first oh this is interesting already look it's already going down in grade huh don't usually see that in a mind like that they were going to Branch off that way and quit they had uh something going up that way probably the beginning of an or pass off to my right here's something else just goes right there oh we'll look at it real quick this we just right here the only thing in here is old tin can all righty all right we'll come back and get a closer look at that is that sun is that sunlight I'm seeing up there no maybe not I think it's just our lights okay all right how far where is this going to take us down down down little exploratory going off that Direction with nothing oh we got a fault Zone here very cool and you guys can see all the scouring like fingernails and chalk on the foot wall right here see how that as the the one lifted and and scraped against the other right there see all the the lines pretty cool it's just like when the glaciers came across all of the metamorphic rock up there in in Canada scratch that like fingernails and that's it with a bunch of pickaxe marks all right turning around boy with the size of that pile and the portal I thought this was going to be a lot bigger there still some more up above too yeah we got more up above there's a big Stope up there there sure is but I want to get up here and take a closer look at this kind of a raay looking thing anything that's the pocket looks like okay yeah this all right what's going on up here nothing huh nothing at all not even around the corner well maybe maybe hold on hold on yeah all right all right there was a little thing around the corner they were explor this is all exploratory is that back field right there yeah okay okay back back outside so what we're going to do next guys is uh we're going to walk higher up on the hill I'm going to show you that great big Stope that's sitting up there see you up there so Laura and I have both come to a agreement that by the end of this summer we're going to lose 40 L PBS each hiking up and down all of these Hills as much as we're gonna do but here we go we got the next one here climbed up the side of the hill and we've got a big old Stope let's see what this one's all about a lot of it is fallen over they would have had this all braced up kind of like what you guys saw when we did the newspaper mine last Saturday but now those stalls failed because they're closer to the elements and this whole thing just gave away so let's see what we have here oh they really cleaned this out didn't they wow up in there found a decent size deposit yeah and down into the bottom well that looks a little H does it go off that direction let's look looks like it maybe yeah if you can get to that level down there but you got a big slabber above your head see it it's coming off here yeah watch out for that that's getting ready to come down I'll tell you what I'm just going to keep the camera on you let you walk all the way up in there and tell me if that goes any place up there yeah I'll just hang out here for a second you can go ahead and talk and walk us through it okay I got your audio on it looks like it might go up here but it might just dead end too okay yeah looks like they might have cleaned out something but I don't let me see if it goes anywhere cleaned it out and it's a dead end yeah it looks like they're might be a couple of pockets but otherwise I don't think there's a drift right here no it's just a bunch of pockets just a pocket no drift yeah no drift okay nope all right well at least we checked it out okay guys I'm going to hang out here make sure Laura gets back safe and sound so what we're going to do now is uh we're going to go down the hill there's another one that's close to the road we're going to p poke our noses up in that see what it's all about because it does have a pretty big waist dock pile and then finally for the day we're going to go all the way back up to where the big Orbin is uh where the architecture mine is located that we documented last uh spring because there's a there's a big cut on the side of the Hill up there that I want to look at and I want to see if it goes in so I'll be back okay here we are down by the road L's headed towards the portal now let me show you where we just came from where we were was all the way up on the side of that hill right over there and we started today's Adventures out on the other side of that hill right over there now there's a giant waste roock pile that I'm standing on right here and if I walk out this way and we stay on this level you can see there's where the portal used to be right there but now it's collapsed no getting in that way okay so as I turn around and I can tell that that was the portal because if I look down on the ground here I can see a cross tie there's another cross tie so indeed this is where all of this material was coming out but look at how much I mean are you kidding me so that was quite the thing before the portal collapsed big big big waste rock pile so we have a another addit over here and maybe we'll get lucky it'll go in and intersect with these workings I'm not holding my breath but we're going to find out as I work my way over there we have another Anvil stump I've showed many of these to you guys over the years you can see the nails are still sticking out that's what they use to hold the Anvil in place over here is where you had your Forge and your your coal in there and off to the side there was a Bellows and this is for retooling uh drill steel so that tells you when you see Anvil stumps and you see um coal bins like that that that immediately tells you that uh the date range is before replaceable tips on the ends of drill steel so we're talking between, 1900 and about M 19 let's just say somewhere around 20 1925 1930 okay here it is so we're in a we're in the early we're in like 19 between 1908 to 1920s here let's see what we got Dosey Do oh you know what I bet could could this have been powder storage cuz as I look down here here you see the they would have had a lock on the door there's a h what's left of a hasp oh maybe not no no this is mine all right let's look around in here stalls hoping up ooh that's just ugly yikes ohy oh boy well goes to the right it goes to the right that's that's the direction we want it is but there's well there wouldn't be wind no all right we'll come back to that let's keep looking right in the left yeah I'm going to set my hat right here hope I don't forget it oh oh we we got one it goes up that way doesn't it then it goes that way then it turns all right well let's go left first let's save it the drifts that put could could potentially go back to the other mine where the where the portal is collapsed we'll save that oh we've got a wind Ling yeah look at here's here's the uprights for a wind last there's The Notches they pulled it that's what we're going to find up in one of these all right let's see where it is part of a Hercules Dynamite Hercules okay it's the end of this one that's it yep that's that's it okay all right turn it around go back to where my hat was there's my hat there's the exit and we're going to go this way now so now we're headed towards where the mine collapsed o look at all the look at the iron see that all the rust yep that's what you start to see in Gold Country there is there windless up here yeah look like it looks like it's going to be all right we got a big letter M in graffiti carbide over there and who we have John marisel Mar marisel yes John marisel hey that might just be the thumbnail okay let's go over here nice wow is this where that windless station sure is look at this all right we got ourselves a big one a big ear one let's keep looking there's to the left a little stove up here yeah I can see another windless oh neat look at it's this one still has the dowel on it for catching the handle yep after you crank it up mhm that's and then You' pull the peg while you're turning it and then put it back what do we have here let's look and There She Goes neat okay what do we want to do does that Peg still pull out see if it pulls out indeed it does look at that nice what to do what do you want to do guys all right everybody come on yell at your screens computers laptops phones what do you want to do all right fine gee coming off to yell at me down the windless my god did you hear that they got loud oh my gosh okay thank you all righty let's see what's down [Applause] here oh boy just keeps going hey why is my light degrading already come on now keeps going keeps going down yeah we got some cans here we got what's left of a kerosene tin down by my right leg there all right come on suck it up buttercup took off to our left they're doing a diggy diggy there and what were they doing down here I can't there's I got to be on my butt in order to get down here oh it just goes and stops those and stops that's it they did a lot of bracing they were prepared to go deeper but they never did that's it right there yeah as far as I'm going it doesn't go anywhere I know it's harder for you guys to see uh on your computer screens and whatnot but I can clearly see right there it stops you know there could have been maybe like a an or pass with material that's come down and plugged it but no there's nothing there all right boy that's really hard on the knees you know GL I got pads oh come on all right here you go okay keep pointing her at me come on out of here see what I'm doing guys is I'm I'm coaching Laura on how to be a camera person just remember the days where I used to have to coach Mr M you know there's there's technique to it and over time then I won't have to say things like point the camera at me cuz you'll know what to do all right turn it around all right let's look at the next one all right here's where so they pulled the uprights set them over there and there you go all right head on down it's your turn this is yours I'm going to let you film this and if it goes down there and does something really magnificent yeah you'll come down then I'll come on down here you go remember the the golden rule never drop the camera okay all right all right here we go give them some riveting dialogue all right all right you got the little looks like a skip skip slash ladder multi-purpose that was very very common you got the ore bucket going down one way or the Skip and the man way all right pretty sturdy ladder and just get down here onehanded don't drop the camera all right all right get my footing see look like it might stop down here but you don't know until you get down here that's right that's why you got to go as far as you can as long as it's safe and then you'll know but until then you don't know all right off to the left once I get down here on level ground look like it might be a little pocket see up to the left see it looks like a little little pocket some stalls backf I think it was back fi F or it collapsed at the end going to the right again see this keeps going or it's just the bottom of it let's see get my footing all right I hit my head on this beam looks like it might go to the right so I have to find out gobbing on the left over here we're gobbing on the right left and right don't know which direction I'm pointing at all right let's get down here to the bottom does it go anywhere let's see maybe maybe not let's see go anywhere no no that's the end of it another little pocket they're bracing over there on the right see any writing or anything go back around to the left and then we'll climb on out of here old wall of gobbing all right nothing in there I head on back up the way I came all right head back up [Applause] all right let's look back up there's Glide you can see his light right oh nothing nothing it curved to the right for a second but it's just another pocket okay so yeah all right well at least we did it yep now we know you don't know until you go we still have one more yeah let's hope that that links into the uh collapse side yeah that'd be awesome that would be fantastic all right almost got her there okay I got it all right turn it around the cameras are performing better today are they yeah they're not shutting off like they were the other day okay finally boy that's really pain in the butt when I keep doing that almost out all right good job thank you uhhuh you saved my legs we've been up and down up and down these Hills so much today's guys my my neuropathy legs are kicking in and they're kind of getting a rubbery so uh that's uh that that just means that it's time to quit so I don't twist an ankle or dislocate a foot or something stupid like that but we're almost done here we got oh man looks like this is doing the same thing okay I put my hat here okay here we go lots of carbide what you're looking at here guys these are the tops of carbide tins see it even says it right there you can see I'll turn the light down turn that one down can you read it it says Union Carbide all right maybe we'll get lucky let me turn that light up there we [Applause] go maybe this one will link into that other side let's keep going oh look at look at here guys let me stop for a second I sit down and all this rat poo turn the lights down a little bit this side up explosives dangerous manufactured by Hercules and over here see they reused all of that and oh yeah look at here this one's also giant powder with the ICC of 1914 all right lights back on lots of gobbing behind us keep on going look at the blue look at this guys sweet okay I'm going to try to do this without making a bunch of packrat dust what's it going to do go down and turn to the right that's it that's it that's it bugger as they say in the UK false hope bugger all right turn it around okay get me out of here holy cow I want to be able to stand up again there guys I need to take a break a second I'll be back all right I feel better now guys here we go back up get me out of there boy being stooped over is not my cup not my cup of tea let's head back outside give me I need air ouch just slam my head into that rock get me out of here here okay all right stand right there for a second that's good I me point the camera at you good all right guys that's going to have to do it for today's episode oh my gosh I'm rubber legs that's enough that's enough for this Wednesday okay so next week or I mean sorry this coming Saturday we're taking you to a whole new area oh the waist Rock piles are immense absolutely immense though and you can even see the open stopes on Google Earth I can't wait to check this one now it's going to be super cool so we're going to go rest up and uh for us we're going to hit that one tomorrow but for you guys you'll see that one this coming Saturday all right thank you so much for coming along and another fun Wednesday Explorer and we'll see yall again this coming Saturday you take care now bye-bye [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 14,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: ElsDzPjR-sI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 38sec (2318 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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