(part 2) Avoid This Pronunciation to Sound Educated

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let's learn to correctly pronounce some English words that are commonly mispronounced by some native speakers some of these words are difficult to pronounce because of the consonant combinations they're just simply difficult to say and another reason they're difficult to pronounce is because often there's another word with a similar pronunciation but a different meaning and people confuse those two words some of these words are not advanced words they're everyday words and you probably know the meaning other words are quite advanced for non-native speakers of English so if you're learning them for the first time let's make sure you learn how to pronounce them correctly let's get started the first word is asterisk let's pronounce that word asterisk pay attention to that SK ending asterisk a common mistake is for people to say asterisks don't say that make sure you say asterisk an asterisk is a symbol that looks like a star in writing it's a symbol used to indicate a footnote something that you write at the bottom in very small letters sometimes you put an asterisk next to a word to draw attention to it please put an asterisk next to an item that you consider urgent please put an asterisk next to an item that you consider urgent the following two words are sometimes confused by native speakers the only difference between them is the extra R in one of the words listen to the pronunciation prostate prostrate you can see why they can be confusing right a prostate is a part of a man's body and it's located in the reproductive system that test is used to diagnose prostate cancer that test is used to diagnose prostate cancer and prostate cancer is a compound noun so we'll stress the first word and we'll link the words prostate cancer let's say that again that test is used to diagnose prostate cancer and prostrate is the position of the body when you're down on the ground and your face is facing down on the ground you are prostrate I saw a man prostrate on the ground I saw a man prostrate on the ground the worshippers were in a prostrate position during prayer the worshipers were in a prostrate position during prayer how do you say the next word some native speakers don't pronounce the first C they say artic you have to pronounce both of those C's it should be pronounced Arctic Arctic don't say Arctic it's a slight K sound Arctic Arctic the area around the North Pole is the Arctic region Arctic his grandfather was an arctic explorer his grandfather was an arctic explorer how do we pronounce the next word if you pronounced a th sound at the end that's not correct don't say hi it's not a th it's an HT we say height height the word height is confusing to pronounce because when we say length or strength there is a th at the end but not with height listen to this strong strength long length high height I need to adjust the height of this chair I need to adjust the height of this chair the doctor said that I was above the ideal weight for my height the doctor said that I was above the ideal weight for my height how do we pronounce the next word this is a difficult word to pronounce because of the combination of consonants it's very difficult to pronounce the X and then the th the X represents a K and an S and then we have a th we have three consonants together that's called consonant clusters let make sure that we pronounce all three consonant sounds sixth six try not to skip that s don't say sixth let's say that again six we threw a big party for his sixth birthday let's say that again we threw a big party for his sixth birthday that's very difficult to say isn't it i sat in the sixth row i sat in the sixth row you can see how this is difficult even for native speakers let's look at the next word how do we say it realtor realtor some people say realtor I've heard native speakers pronouncing it that way don't say it like that make sure you say realtor a realtor is a real estate agent someone who sells houses let's say that word again real estate agent let's connect real an estate say them as one word real estate real estate real estate agent he's a real estate agent he's a realtor the realtor showed us some houses last weekend the realtor showed us some houses last weekend the next two words are commonly confused the first word is sometimes incorrectly pronounced as the second word listen to the pronunciation supposedly supposedly don't say supposably that's a common mistake supposedly means something that is assumed or believed to be true but it's doubtful were not sure if it's really true he supposedly graduated from college he supposedly gray from college let's look at the next word that's a very common word native speakers sometimes mispronounce it because there are two R's and they're difficult to say together you will often hear native speakers say February instead of February it should be February you should pronounce both of those are sounds let's say them again February however because so many people have been saying February the incorrect version for such a long time even some dictionaries are beginning to recognize that it's okay to say February it's up to you to decide I believe it's good to pronounce that first R and to make the effort to pronounce all of the consonants let's say that again February Valentine's Day is on February 14th Valentine's Day is on February 14th let's look at the next two words let's say the first word moot moot in the second word mute moot mute you can see why they're confusing there's a common expression with the word moot people say it's a moot point and the common mistake is when people say it's a mute point make sure you say moot if something is moot it's irrelevant it's not important for the discussion it doesn't bring any value to the discussion I think you made the wrong decision but it's a moot point nothing can be done now I think you made the wrong decision but it's a moot point nothing can be done now and the word mute means unable to create sound not able to speak if someone can't see they're blind but if someone can't speak they're mute the boy has been mute since birth the boy has been mute since birth and on your remote control if you would like to eliminate the sound you have a mute button I can't find the mute button on this remote I can't find the mute button on this remote sometimes it can be an advantage to be a non-native speaker when you learn how to pronounce the words you learn them correctly because you learned them as an adult you don't pick up any bad habits don't be surprised if you sometimes find yourself correcting native speakers the more advanced you get the more this is likely to happen you're learning the words for the first time as an adult and you have to make sure you're pronouncing everything so you're paying extra attention the more advanced your English gets the more likely it is for this to happen to make sure that you're pronouncing English words correctly I recommend that you read a lot on a wide variety of subjects and keep expanding your vocabulary also listen to native speakers who use language well find good role models of speech thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to this channel and keep practicing your English to learn all of the rules for a good American accent you can buy my online video courses at accurate English calm
Channel: AccurateEnglish
Views: 653,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: american accent, pronunciation, correct pronunciation, English pronounciation, advanced english, professional english, avoid this pronunciation, educated english, how to sound educated, wrong pronunication, common mistakes, lisa mojsin, accurate english, speak fluent english, fluency, ESL, how to pronounce February, mastering the american accent, wrong pronunciation, difficult english words, common errors, spelling
Id: LAb_r9gmrYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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