English Expressions you MUST know for Fluent English - learn from Drake

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hi i'm lisa one of the best ways for you to reach the final level of english fluency is to listen to native speakers and to practice speaking like they speak in this video you will listen to a native speaker teaching you the meaning of some very common english expressions that native speakers use all the time also i will teach you the vocabulary and the expressions that he was using when he was explaining the meaning of those expressions [Music] many of you have told me in the comments how much you love learning from drake when he's in my videos well he's back for another video and if you haven't watched drake before i think you will find his explanations clear and interesting for this video drake and i met at santa monica pier in los angeles if you ever come to los angeles make sure you visit santa monica pier it's a really fun place i used to teach english at santa monica college which is nearby it has international students from all over the world my international students who came to los angeles were usually pretty advanced in grammar because they had studied english in their countries for many years but they were not comfortable speaking english and often they didn't understand native speakers native speakers use a lot of expressions and that's why i create videos like this one to teach you those expressions let's watch my conversation with drake now all of the expressions he will teach you contain the word mind so we're going to learn some new expressions with the word mind all right let's do it okay the first one is mind games what does that mean mind games that means that someone is playing with your mind they're manipulating your mind somehow a good example of that might be between a girlfriend and a boyfriend if she says if you can't be the man that i want then i'll find someone else that might be a mind game you know making him think that she'll leave if he's not doing the correct things but maybe it's not really true right right it's not true it's like a bluff it's a mind game a mind game is a psychological trick that people use in order to manipulate or intimidate someone you manipulate the truth in order to confuse someone drake used the word bluff do you know what that means let's listen it's not true it's like a bluff it's a mind game drake said it's like a bluff you can use it as a noun a bluff or you can use it as a verb he was bluffing to bluff is to pretend that your position is stronger than it really is it's a deception by a false show of confidence making someone think that you're going to do something when you really have no intention of doing it here's how you can use it as a noun when he said that he was going to hurt you he wasn't serious it was just a bluff i don't believe he will actually do it he's just bluffing and you can say to bluff one's way into something you can say i can't believe they hired him he doesn't have any experience how did he manage to bluff his way into that great job how about in the back of my mind in the back of my mind it's something you're thinking about but you're not necessarily consciously thinking about it it might be a subconscious thought that you have it's something that while you're living your day-to-day life maybe at work or talking to people it's something that is on your mind you're thinking about it but it's not the number one thing that you're thinking about okay what are some things that are in the back of your mind sometimes um sometimes the things that might be in the back of my mind is my health or something like you know my finances if finances are low you can live your day-to-day life but in the back of your mind you know that you need to pay some bills let's listen to the way drake used the word finances he said if finances are low or something like you know my finances if finances are low you can live your day-to-day life but in the back of your mind you know that you need to pay some bills finances are financial matters the amount of money you have or how you're managing your money if we say my finances it means my money my current financial situation and when he said if finances are low that means if there isn't enough money to pay my bills to pay for all of my needs you can say his finances are low this month or who controls the finances in their marriage how about if you say great minds think alike if someone tells you that they're complimenting you but they're also saying that they have a great mind they're making a joke saying that they're smart and you're also smart for having that idea can you give me an example of that okay yeah so if i'm walking with my friend and it's a hot day out like it is today and we see an ice cream place then my friend says hey i could really use a strawberry ice cream cone and i might say great minds think alike if i'm in the mood for ice cream also let's listen to the expression i could use in this case to use doesn't really mean to use it's an expression that has another meaning then my friend says hey i could really use a strawberry ice cream cone drake said i could really use an ice cream cone i could really use means it would help me it would benefit me or i would like that right now drake said i could really use a strawberry ice cream cone you can also say i'm so tired i could use a nap right now or i could use some money or i could use some help how about you read my mind you read my mind is something that people say when it feels like the person that they were with knew what they were thinking they agreed on something you could almost use that same expression as great minds think alike that same type of thing where we're both looking for an ice cream cone and i say you read my mind i also wanted an ice cream cone you read my mind means i was thinking that too i was just going to say the same thing you read my mind to put your mind to it to put your mind to it is really giving something all of your effort your your putting all of your focus on to it you got it done uh it might have been hard but you put your mind to it what is something that you put your mind to in the past um uh getting through school was definitely something that you have to put your mind to you're not always in the mood to do something but you have to put your mind to it and get it done working out is something you have to put your mind to sometimes you know you're you're doing push-ups and sit-ups and your body wants to give up but your mind has to tell it no we have to keep going if we want to look good this summer let's listen to how some other people used to put your mind to it you put your mind to it anything's possible put your mind to it and you can do it you can do this you just have to concentrate and stick to it you can be whatever you want to be if you put your mind to it becoming fluent in english is difficult but you can do it if you put your mind to it out of sight out of mind out of sight out of mind is a way to say we're going to sweep this under the rug it's it's a way to say that if the problem isn't right there in your face if you're not seeing the problem in the moment that we don't have to worry about it you know out of sight out of mind okay and what does sweep something under the rug mean sweep something of the rug is a way to say there might be a problem but we're going to act like we don't see it we're going to just cover it up for now give it a quick fix sweeping something under the rug might be like hey man i know i made this mistake but we can go ahead and sweep it under the rug right we don't have to talk about that to sweep something under the rug means to hide or ignore a problem or difficulty in the hope that it will be forgotten you can say you must deal with your problems don't try to sweep them under the rug drake used the expression a quick fix he said give it a quick fix let's listen we're going to just cover it up for now give it a quick fix a quick fix is a fast and easy solution to a problem but usually it's not a good solution it's a temporary solution and the fix will not last long many people look for a quick fix for losing weight i don't believe there's a quick fix for fixing the current economy mind your manners mind your manners oftentimes that comes from like maybe your mom or your aunt or maybe a teacher or something like that they're telling you to be polite mind your manners is a way to say be polite mind your manners be polite behave or speak properly act appropriately their parents always taught them to mind their manners make sure you mind your manners at the birthday party you're out of your mind or he's out of his mind it's another way to call someone crazy if someone says you're out of your mind they're calling you crazy they're saying that you're not in your right mindset that guy is out of his mind let's listen to how some other people use out of one's mind he is out of his mind you're out of your mind yes i am out of my mind to take your mind off something to take your mind off something is to distract yourself um maybe it's a problem that you have in your life you want to distract yourself with something else you're going to take your mind off of it by getting a massage what do you like to do to take your mind off your problems i like to paint as some people probably know if you've been following my instagram i like to box you know a lot of people use exercise to take their mind off of things blowing off steam is another expression people use oh yeah you know and that's more like probably for working out you know you're doing something physical you're blowing off steam you're somehow getting rid of the anger in your body by doing something else to give someone a piece of your mind to give someone a piece of your mind is really letting them have it it's usually a negative connotation you're usually upset you're giving them a piece of your mind you're telling them something about themselves or maybe a problem that you experience that has to do with them somehow and you're letting them know that you have a problem with it so you're angry you're angry if you go to a restaurant and you know you have bad experience and you go into the bathroom at the restaurant and it's dirty there's paper towel everywhere and a mess everywhere you might be fed up with it you go to the manager and you give him a piece of your mind you say hey the food was good but there was so many other problems you gave him a piece of your mind let's listen to how drake used the expression to let someone have it he said really letting them have it to give someone a piece of your mind is really letting them have it that's a very common expression it has the same meaning as to give someone a piece of your mind you can say my car is still not fixed i'm going to give the mechanic a piece of my mind or you can say i'm going to let him have it i'm gonna tell him exactly how i feel and i'm not very happy about it i was so angry that i called him back and i gave him a piece of my mind wow you were so angry you really let her have it it blew my mind it blew my mind it shocked me it surprised me um it might have even offended me okay so it could be good or bad it could be good or bad it's just something that's shocking it blew my mind it blew my mind when you hear the whole story it will blow your mind you can also say it was mind-blowing it was a mind-blowing experience let's listen to how some other people used it blew my mind it gave me funding to go study abroad and it blew my mind i read this book and it blew my mind and it blew my mind and it opened my heart and it made me cry it's lift my mind it slit my mind i must have forgotten it uh it might be like a harmless thing you know it's not a real big deal it can be but it's kind of a lighthearted saying to say that you forgot something drake you told me you were gonna call me at seven o'clock last night but you didn't call me oh i'm so sorry it must have slipped my mind you can say i'm sorry it must have slipped my mind it slipped my mind i forgot to have peace of mind to have peace of mind you're at rest with the situation um you aren't stressing a situation you are calm with it um you're content with it peace of mind you're relaxed you're assured a shirt is a good word to use i think for that can you think of an example yeah um my grandma was always a little worried that i would never learn how to eat without making a mess and she was worried i was going to go out into the world and embarrass myself but one day she noticed i was eating clean and proper and wiping my mouth it gave her peace of mind to know that i was going to be a functional adult one day okay a state of mind a state of mind it's your mindset it's the way that you view things it's based on the experiences that you've gone through a lot of times people that do great things in the world they have a solid state of mind they are go getters they're achievers they have a state of mind that there's no excuses and they're gonna go get it done regardless of any obstacles let's listen to how drake used the expression go getter he said they are go getters they are go-getters they're achievers they have a state of mind that there's no excuses and they're going to go get it done regardless of any obstacles a go-getter is a person who works hard and who wants very much to succeed an energetic and ambitious person he's a real go-getter if you want to start your own business you need to be a go-getter to take a load off your mind to take a load off your mind something just relieved you it really took a load off my mind uh when you said i didn't have to worry about that anymore you know i had a big job to do and then it got done and it took a load off of my mind i had a lot of pressure on my mind and now it's relieved that's fantastic if you enjoyed watching drake i created a playlist on this channel with just my videos with drake he's really good at teaching english expressions there will be more videos with drake coming soon and here's drake's instagram you can also follow him there your homework is to watch this video again make a list of the expressions you learned and then make your own sentences and make sure that you say the sentence aloud that way you're much more likely to memorize them remember the goal is to have active knowledge not just passive knowledge thanks for watching and keep practicing your english to get the two courses the american accent course and the 400 advanced words you must know for fluent english go to accurateenglish.com you
Channel: AccurateEnglish
Views: 986,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english expressions, common English expressions, idioms, idiomatic expressions, real people in LA, fluent English, how to be fluent, like a native, like a native speaker, American English, advanced English, Drake and Lisa Mojsin, American accent, mastering the American Accent, expressions you should know, esl, toefl, toeic, eilts, English teacher, Lisa Mojsin, Accurate English, mark my words, how to pronounce word, speak fluent english, confident english, expressions with MIND
Id: 4dGwNWLC0kY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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