PART 1 - How to create 3D BUILDING MAP VIEW in QGIS using Qgis2threejs PLUGIN

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hi guys welcome back to my channel so in this video i'm going to show you how to make this 3d map view using one of the plugin in qgis so let's get started so i have my qgis interface clear here and now we can start opening the data so now here this is the shapefile that i have downloaded in our in of the figure grant that i'm going to use which is the melbourne cbd figure ground so i have a video showing how to get this data from our rain and i will link that in the description box below so here after i have after i open my figure ground map and you can see that the projection is not quite right so i'm going to fix that first so here i can choose this this is the projection that we use in australia as you can see here click ok now you can see that it's showing from the right projection now so we can start by opening this plugin so this plugin is called qgis23js so if you don't have this plugin you can go to um this and then you can just um look for that plugin and just install it to your crest so once you have installed that plugin you can open that and we'll we'll see so they have the interface of the preview on the right and then um on the left side is the layers option that we can kind of control over what we want to show in this interface so now um to see this map in the interface um i'll have to check in so this layer here is the one that i have in my qgis so if i zoom in um and then if you click on your um left mouse um you can kind of like change um the uh the view of your map and see the height and we can see that it still doesn't have the height and we want to see the height of the buildings to make it a 3d map so to do that we can double click on here and then we can see this object type and we can click on that and then we want to choose this extruded so now we can see that it has enabled this height and then on the head option here we can see a certain height a certain number as the height of this building and if i click apply straight away it will extrude the buildings but all of the buildings is extruded on that head so you want to make sure that the data that you have you have the correct head in the table attribute of that layer so that we can extrude these buildings based on the head in real life so to check that you would have to go back to your um layer here in the qgis and then you if you click right and then you click on the open attribute table you can see that this data so the good thing about our rain is that it has all the data that we need so it has land use it has hit average so we can kind of like utilize a lot from this data so you can see that it has head average which is the head of all those buildings in real life so it means that we can use this variable and we can apply that to this plugin to see the height in the right projection so if you click on this we can see all those data that it has from this layer and then we can choose the head average and then we can click apply so now after you click apply you can see the right head of those buildings um and you can see that one of those buildings is showing the minus 9999 and i have explained this in the previous video where in our rain if it doesn't have the average head data of that building it will show as minus 999 and we can see that in our model and this is obviously we want to exclude this from our 3d map view so to do that go back to your qgis layer and then again you double click on that and then it will show you the layer properties um that we can edit for this the symbol and stuff like that and i will show you how to utilize this as well on our map but right now we want to go to that source tab and then in the corner here we can see that quiet query builder so this feature here in qgis we can use this as an expression to show what kind of like data that we want to show in qg so for example in this case because we have problems with that height we want to filter that out from our map so we can see here this is the fields of that variables that we can kind of modify and then we can see the height average which is the one that we want to filter we can double click on that and then here in the filter expression we want to say that um let's show all the buildings that have a head of greater than zero so it will effectively um kind of filter out all of those -9999 buildings so we can click on this and then just type zero and then we can click ok and then we can click apply and then okay and just like that it filters out all those -999 buildings so now our model is clean so as you can see now we have our 3d buildings model it's a quick way to do it in qgis as you can see you just have to make sure that your data that your frequent data that you use here has that building heads in the table attribute that you can use in this um plugin to show the buildings in the correct heads in real life so you can see that now we have that 3d map view and then you can also save this as an image file that you can then use for your project and then another trick that i want to show you here quickly with this model you can enable this flat plane which is going to be the plane of this map and then you can see that this is a white plane and if you want to use like a map view on this plane it's also quick in qgis because as you know in qgis you can have you have these xyz tiles which is if we drag one of the tiles up into our interface it will automatically show that um google satellite at the right position as the figure ground that we have so because we have the figure ground in melbourne cbd um the the tiles will also show exactly where these buildings are so if you if we go back to our plugin here we can see that in our 3d model it has the plane off of the satellite view and then you can also change this color of the buildings so now if you have that planes that satellite planes we probably want to have a more lighter color of our building to show the contrast so we can see now that our buildings is how it shows on the map in 3d so this is um one of the main advantage of using qgis because in qgs you can easily have the satellite view and the geolocation of this data um that we can utilize and create a very cool 3d map view with the satellite plane so that's it that's how you create this 3d mapping and how to utilize this plugin that we have in qgis and i hope that this video will help you thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: Jessica Lupita
Views: 1,426
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Id: b-k0LEw3t7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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