Parrot DISCO Unlimited Range! 4G LTE + Li-Ion Mod - 25 Mile MAUI to LANAI Manual Flight 😱😍

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I've done some searching, but this seems like it would be illegal due to being out of sight of the operator, but maybe fixed wing drones have different rules than copter-type drones?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MusickallyInclined 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dustin Dunnill is the best

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MiamiHamburgers 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys thanks for tuning in and welcome to the channel if your subscriber thanks for subscribing if not recommend subscribing doing some awesome flights with the parrot disco with this for gmod here got everything mounted up so today we're flying to lanai from Lahaina Maui we're gonna try to fly all the way to lanai you may have seen my video of Wailea 200 lobby that went okay I was having some issues because I was trying to run everything off of my LG phone okay let's go ahead and try to boot this thing up and see if we can get all the way to lanai it should be about 10 miles over the ocean I want to see if I can do being full for G control with this new 4G mod as you can see I got some new antennas we're gonna see how those do and I'm doing some lithium ion batteries here you can see them in there so let's get this thing up in the air and see if we can get to lanai hopefully [Music] all right so as you can see I have some different antennas here than the last time actually last time I had no antennas but it seemed like I was getting better signal the first time I had these short antennas and this time I have these longer antennas these are actually supposed to be possibly the best and I have them kind of in a Y formation so when the Disco kind of tilts one of them still kind of upright polarity so the 4G towers will have possibly the best signal of course for going up and down it's not going to be the best route but from side to side since we're kind of gonna be going at the same altitude the whole way it should be okay so today I'm using my Apple iPad so you can see I have the iPad there down there with a sunshade and I'm just going to be using my LG phone for glimpse and also for the tethering if you guys want to know how to do this mod go ahead and check the link in the description I'll have all the supplies and also the website UAV pal comm will be in the link below in it it'll kind of walk you through the mod it's not a super easy mod but if you just follow the instructions perfectly you'll be able to do this we have everything going here we have our right angle USB plug plug into the right-hand side of the Chuck we have our 4G card all mounted up and ready to go with a SIM card in it that has hopefully enough high-speed data for this flight we're gonna see how long that lasts so I'm just plugging everything in mounting everything solid I want to make sure this thing's not gonna pop up in some wind feel like it's magnetized down pretty good did test the 4G signal and I was getting like 10 down 10 up in this area so hopefully all this works okay so the hotspot is active I'm gonna put this in my pocket of course with the iPad it's really hard to see the launch button hopefully everything is going let's press launch here we go all right Wow so we're getting a little bit of cross breeze I'll let it just do a quick circle a little lighter circle here and then we're gonna just stop it and go directly to Lanai so it's turning I'll have this up on the screen again guys so we're gonna stop stop that circle okay we want to make sure it's going to go where we want it right so just turning in a little bit a little bit nervous here you can see that wind is pushing it a little bit to the right so once we get past the shoreline we'll go down to about a hundred feet right now we're like a 170 I just don't want to hit any like hotels or anything so you know we'll keep it kind of low okay looking good so the lithium ions are doing okay it's already 92 percent so I'll probably want to come back like I don't know around 60% possibly if we're having trouble or I'm gonna really be watching out for that wind line too I just really make sure you know we're not gonna like hit anything or hit the wind and then have trouble coming back so I'm really gonna be watching that let's go down a little bit and let's get to around 100 feet okay there's a nice little boat there that we can view well that's gonna be about a hundred feet from my height so where I launch from so the oceans I think it's only about like five feet elevation where I'm actually standing so anyway I want to kind of turn and I want to be going to the closest point of Lanai pool so there's some boats there of course we can look with rotate down a little bit so I can give you guys some video of these boats while we pass by looks like a fishing boat isn't it cool anyway we're on our way there's a buoy check out that buoy as we pass by - cool so let's see what our speeds at 38 feet per second I thought I thought I went to mile per hour but I guess I can't change it to mile per hour yes it's either meters per second or feet per second so that's how fast we're going so what the Disco flies out and it's cruising mode there's another boat cool is about 25 miles per hour so this should take us less than an hour to do this roundtrip all the while really monitoring just the disco battery power so far super clear in the 4G connection there's even a little bit hiccups here and there a couple hiccups for this play I want to kind of stay slightly to the loot let's turn left a little bit I don't want to go far to the right of Lanai because there's in this channel the wind kicks up if you start going too far to the right you know because right now the the mountain is blocking the wind so I need to stay on like this course okay a little bit of chopped up so let's get up in the shade and I'll speed this flight up because it might be kind of boring you know I'll put in if there's any like interesting things in view I'll go ahead and slow down and let you guys see some of those interesting things in the water if I find them but otherwise I'm gonna kind of speed this thing up a little bit so it's not so boring just hang over the ocean and I'll tune back in when we possibly get to Lanai or something happens you know gonna do before I set my chair up in the shade over here what I want to do is I'm gonna look at the map and there's the disco there you see it I want to make sure that I'm flying to a certain Beach okay so I'm going a little bit far to the right I want to be flying to this Beach right here you see this Beach I think this is called Club lanai this one right there in the center of the screen you can see the channel I'm flying over a channel I should actually say Allah ie that's the proper way to say it so I'm going to turn the disco to the left a little until it's kind of facing that Beach over there I mean so we're looking at the disco I'm just trying to look at the telemetry here looks good a little bit further to the left again I'll have the video up so you can see how it's being pushed a little bit to the right so I guess there is some crop crosswind there because my video is actually pointing at the tip of Lanai but the craft is going for kind of a like a crab so there's a little bit of wind check it out guys we're at 2.4 miles and this should be a little bit better direction I want to be in going to land I will just go a little bit more to the left so we're going directly at that Beach and we don't get to blowing off course here alright so this is awesome really everything's working really good I might even go a little bit lower I want to go too low just in case there's some issues with you know the elevation but that should be good right in that direction see the way the Disco's facing Wow so far 4G is excellent I hope I have enough data for this anyway I'm gonna set up my chair here get a little comfortable and and those guys are having fun over there at the ball park three miles I'm gonna take my phone on my pocket check glimpse real quick see how this is looking yeah this is looking great but this goes right there this is working much better remember my last flight to cohutta lobby that was a little bit scary because I didn't have a good working system but this seems to be working really good I have full 4G bars on my phone so the craft looks fine out there in the ocean I'm still seeing fluid video you can see a glimpse there was our course correction I wish that kind of what would have done that immediately after reaching the shoreline so you know we could have you know meet our battery power as efficient as possible but I did waste a little bit of power there 87% man are we gonna make this I don't know it might be a little bit windy out there and that cross breeze anyway we'll get as far as we can go up to about 60 and then we'll just hit return home and come back guys but everything looks good you can see like the disco there it's still not halfway across the channel yet but it's it's going good it's looking good we'll have the of course the recorded video of the iPad here you can see that's getting a little bit pixelated there probably not much coverage out there in the middle of a channel but check that out it's still going I'll also have the high-definition 1080p from the Disco if it is recording I can see that for some reason it's zero seconds with that record button is lit up as its it is recording so if that is there let me just go back here and we'll be able to kind of see the yeah so it looks like it's recording because you see the gigabyte on the card it does look like the card is eating up some gigs there on the memory cards so go back into flying film and whoops we got [Applause] we have fuzzy screen maybe we completely lost signal out there in the middle of the channel that's that's too bad if we did because member when I went from well there we go oh it's coming back okay so it did it lost signal let me just try to turn around one more time this is good to know though I'm gonna turn so I should be canceling return to home and see what we got here nope okay well this is very good to know excellent so we know that with the 4G networks here with t-mobile we definitely can't get out to the middle of that channel there's a like though a loss of service area so let's see so it should be returning to home now just gonna check the map again yeah so let's see the see where we made it until it lost signal so we didn't quite make it halfway across that channel oh there we go so we're back in I might try to just force it one more time let's just try one more time I'm going to look at the video on the bottom left of the screen and look at the orientation of the craft and I'm going to turn left this time okay I just cancelled return to home and you do that beautiful out here today though so I'm doing a slow bank to the left and we're gonna go back at lanai I just want to make sure I'm pointing in the same direction as I was before yeah so we're kind of pointing the same way and since we have a lot of battery part look at that seeing an 85 cent percent for a long time and this is what these lithium ions are all about once they kind of reach their middle area of their voltage draw they stay at that position for a very very long time quite interesting kay we're at 3 miles I'm going to click on the video again the video is still nice and smooth at 3 miles that's interesting it just drops off all the sudden unless maybe this boat is just like doing some crazy interference well when I went in to return to home look it went up to 173 feet maybe I'll drop it back down all it looks like we're yeah we're we're losing signal again so we're right at 3.1 miles guys boom it just knocks it out signal just goes bye-bye and I think it's good we kind of did that test because we know it's not really anomaly we know we did it like two or three times there we go we're back in with signal so we had to go like three tenths of a mile before it picked back up into signal as it came to return to home and I have a nice fluid video yeah I want to try one last thing since we're still at 83% power I want to kind of go down lower so I'm pitching forward it's canceling its return to home I don't want to go too low and run into that water do I because FPV has a little bit of lag we'll go down to pretty low about this low give you a little bit lower just try about 70 feet and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna do another turn and we're gonna try to point it at lanai have one more time so I'm turning okay getting some real-time info on the screen on what's happening so what's 70 feet pointing right back at Club lanai there so it's just dropping out a 4G signal here I was thinking about going down the coast here but you know what this time of day it's already like 10 11 o'clock now yeah it's 11 the wind is gonna be howling through the bottom portion of Maui here near Malaya so that would be a little bit of a risky flight if I decided to do that so we're going a little bit lower guys and we're still in signal at 2.7 miles I just want to go number dropped out at 3.1 I just want to go until that happens again and see if the height makes any difference 3.1 miles so this is where I dropped out before remember we're at 70 feet the video looks like you might be getting a little choppy I'm just looking at the video on the left bottom left they're starting to chop out just a tad still in connection okay 3.2 Wow okay so this is better connection than we're at last time so the lower you go Wow so you might have better better connection 3.3 miles we are going for it okay great okay so this is further up you go down a little bit no I just I'm just gonna keep your level I was thinking about going down to like 50 but this is a lil enough just to be safe all right we're getting further going lower guys so keep that in mind ice looks like a little bit of sediment drift there in the channel let's go ahead and just rotate the camera down see what I responses so I'm rotating down now yeah still in fully fluid control I'm seeing the mileage like drop out once in a while probably just on the fringe of telemetry and signal okay well this is promising going lower across the ocean boy we're almost at four miles now okay very good I almost don't want to go back into the FPV view just because I don't want to touch it and if it's a little bit sensitive I don't know what plate doesn't matter but just didn't want to do anything to mess it up we can still see that video I'll have it in full screen now so you guys can see the entire map and also the fpv video on the bottom left it's looking smooth definitely smooth rotate the gimbal up hope that was down let's go up yeah still only a couple of milliseconds to a lot of milliseconds well maybe a hundred of 200 millisecond delay fantastic and must be perfectly calm out there because look at my horizon lines perfectly level that means there's no wind hitting it boy and we're 81% power still so these lithium ions man definitely gonna be timing this flight too so you guys know and you know the flight log also report so I'll have that up at the end of the video well this is phenomenal I do want to turn around at 60% so it looks like we're just about halfway across the channel now so if it's if it's smooth sailing from here on out even though we did all that back-and-forth stuff we very well may be able to get a cross guys on this battery charge because when I was using this is oh by the way this is 7000 mAh of lithium ion power in this craft you may have seen my other mods I've tried the 4000 and the 5200 5200 lipo and with 5200 I went about honest a eight or nine miles across from Wailea to kaha Olave and I still had about 50% left when I returned and land it just under 50% so if we do our calculations and this is 7000 mah that's almost 2000 more capacity as long as the efficiency in flight is okay we should be getting way more flight time and that thing on the on the last flight it was flying for like 49 minutes so we could have like doubled that with the 5200 so imagine with the 7000 what we're using now okay four point eight miles out definitely just crossing passing the halfway point looking really good I can't believe I still have signal maybe there's a transition right there between one tower and the other maybe there's a towel around lanai or something's going on where we just got perfectly in the right height of the radiation of the cell towers to actually be in connection with signal phenomenal looks like we're already halfway pass every nine percent guys Wow so looking really good we might just make it to lanai with this I think we this is like our third attempt in this flight to turn around so looking really promising I'm gonna cut out for a little bit and speed up the video and let you guys enjoy the view and the ocean it's another fiery afternoon - so we should go okay so checking in again I really hope this is recording on the disk oh sure it is but uh we're at 7.6 miles from our location in Lahaina and we're just kind of reaching about the distance we went to call a lava from my leia and it's just it's working phenomenal the screen is perfectly smooth just you know a glitch here and there but this is the setup man I'm glad I went with lurks from UAV pal comm his recommendation to use the iPad and you know just use your phone just for tethering and glimpse so this is fantastic total success at this point when we dropped altitude for that third time circling around remember losing connection for a while but we're hitting some way and it looks like my feet per second is going up we're at 73% power so we want to be weary here eight miles whew and we're almost to the shore land of lanai let's go back into our map and let's zoom in and make sure we're kind of on the right direction yeah so there's that clubland I there at least that's what it says on the map I've never been to this port but you can see as i zoom in there is like a little pier and a couple of buildings there so well just try to get there maybe just lie over it real quick and come back still have going back into our video and this is amazing as for gmod is just fantastic we're picking up in our speed so this means that we got some wind coming from our back a rear right is where the winds coming up because you see how the camera is slightly tilted to the left that means the winds hitting me at my back right corner so pretty soon here I'm gonna hit return to home but look at our battery power we're at 72% man Oh we'll see what it is when we return but I think as long as you do 3's in you know two packs parallel I think it's got the power and the capacity it needs to be definitely more efficient than a lipo battery so almost there guys I'm gonna turn pretty soon I just want to squeeze a little bit more just so we can see we got to Lanai you know what I mean I might turn to the right a little bit let me just check the map again yeah I'm gonna turn into the kind of once I hit the shoreline I'll turn to the right we'll just go up the coast just a tad over that Club lanai and then we'll turn around so this is awesome man it's just unbelievable we can do with this technology isn't it fantastic so I'm gonna start turning this is a slight turn to the right very slowly just to get back on track so that should be right there you see all those palm trees that should be exactly stay in connection please exactly where we want to go and then we'll fly back I definitely don't want to hit any palm trees do I hope they're not too high so I might go up a little bit I'm gonna just get a little bit of altitude maybe around 100 feet just a little bit still in perfect FPV view all right we're up to a hundred remember this is where it was cutting out in the channel that last time awesome look at this so a little to the right here real-time I'm playing this guy's manually a little bit of jitter in the FPV but still totally doable Wow so I go up a little bit more so we can get oh don't cut out okay good I just want to get maybe a downward shot I'll get right about here and I'll just start tilting the camera down whoops wrong way I want to go down check this out remotely flying in real time real control a 9.6 miles away to another island in the Pacific Ocean the 4G network and if there's anybody here they're gonna be like what's going on what is this thing this just looks like it's vacant doesn't it 70% power is still amazing let's point the camera all the way down just for a sec anybody over there I don't know that's somebody on the beach no camera back up Wow so we're flying on the coast of another island guys okay well I think that's it's safe to say that we did it and we're still at 70% power so this is phenomenal we'll do just a little turn here I don't want to get a little bit too greedy with what we've already done there's another structure I want to keep this as safe as possible I'm just turning here we'll just go over what we'll do is we'll go over to the pier and will point back we'll fly over the pier and then we'll just come back home because I'm I'm feeling some wind here there's that pier meet nobody's around look at this camera down camera down quick there it is it's like vacant Wow okay so now we want to come back so I'm going to look at my map again and I don't want to go too high up because that's where the winds at so I'm going to turn to the right look at that blue water underneath that blue sand all nice we'll get some nice coral shots here so clear that water is beautiful I'm doing this all in real time so I can move my camera around Wow so the disco video is definitely gonna be nice and clear which I'll have up but you can't really see it too detailed and the FPV but enough to know where you're going okay so we're pointing pretty much directly back at us and we're at 68% power we should be just doing a okay I'm gonna go back down to ooh not too low okay we're at 60 feet now that went down quick so be careful when you're FPV really light movements just in case you know okay so this is looking very promising as long as we've got enough power to get back and imagine if we weren't going back and forth because I like flying flowing like on the shoreline for quite a bit of time of when I gonna use up that power in the beginning of the flight so going straight back perfect so I'm just gonna be on this course I'm just gonna let it go manually because I want to be low like this if I did hit return the home I'd be flying up to the return-to-home designated altitude which you can change I don't see any need for that right now because we're just going in a straight line and everything looks good we are flying which it's good that we're flying at 34 35 feet per second so that means I might have a slight tailwind even or no wind at all so I'm not going to be worrying about fighting any wind yet on the way back okay guys so checking in check it out we're halfway across the channel we got four point eight miles to go we're still at 62% battery power my gosh and I think the reason for that and I'm are also went faster look at that 50 feet per second on the way back we were going like 32 on the way there so we got some tailwind which is helping us and I just wanted to see I don't know off the top of my head what the conversion is I'm gonna ask Google real quick ok Google how many miles per hour is 50 feet per second 50 feet per second equals 34 point 0 91 miles per hour so we're going about 34 miles per hour coming back and I want to ask it to how much 32 was ok Google how many miles per hour is 32 feet per second 32 feet per second equals 21 point eight one eight miles per hour okay so we're going 21 about average the way there and we're going 34 on the way back so absolutely fantastic still at 62% for a few minutes here 61 just dropped we're kind of reaching number that spot where it dropped out the first couple attempts today and I wanted to return home it was right at like the three-mile mark three point one so we're approaching that I'll pop back in and if it has any trouble but it looks like the way to go is stay low for for one mile away clear path to a landing zone I just want to get a little bit higher real quick and that's where I am so I want to land right in that grass unfortunately the wind is kind of coming it's going to be coming to the tail end of it so we'll go ahead and pick it up now so we're not in danger if anything happens of hitting any hop homes or anything we'll go up to about a hundred feet okay so just pulling back 116 feet should clear everything check that out going over the beach let's get a little beach shot surf school awesome nice okayed clear of any power lines it's good I see the park across the street okay I'm actually this way we'll fly past this tree and I'm gonna stand up here fantastic man here we go wooo just over the tip of that tree okay we're gonna land it manually let's do it on 4G I'll watch out for the telephone lines just below me and I'm gonna start dropping it come in low yeah sit a little bit closer and Wow right there how much better can you get holy smokes just amazing a lot of flight guys so motor air cut out alert wonderful we got chickens over there that's Maui for you Hawaii so check it out okay 42% power left so that dropped quí pretty quick when I was using the throttle a little bit and we turn this thing off and then we'll talk about like a pros and cons this is amazing ok guys well I was able to just turn off the disco and pull up our recorded flight so here it is so as you can see we launched from Lahaina Maui there's all data on the screen I'll have that up this was a 58 minute and 44 second flight we used 53% battery power so my goodness so guys if you're wondering about lithium-ion this configuration I have here is working amazingly because we went farther even like look over here we were kept dropping out a connection because I was a little higher than I so we went basically dropped once turned around try it again turned around and then try it again at that lower like 70 foot altitude and it worked and we got all the way to Lanai here here it is and we took a right turn and we went over that club lanai or Holly Paula Long Beach is what there that's what's showing up on Google Maps and we went over we got some shots and then we just kind of did like a turn around went up past that pier and came straight back in basically a straight line manually I didn't put it in to return to home at all for that entire flight you can see that we did a course correction here under manual control and then we went back up when we get the shoreline here we went back up to around 120 feet and landed it and I think that was the best landing I ever had actually easier to land if you're used to fpv then line of sight for me because anything just really honing your altitude and you're not worried about your orientation on the craft if it's coming towards you so that fpv landing worked perfect meet perfectly and that was all over the 4G connection guys so phenomenally it is working here's some of the data down below the telemetry data you can check that out if you want to on the bottom of the screen the reason that says crash is because if you manually land it and kind of pull down the propeller just cuts out and folds up and it thinks it's a crash and awesome setup here where the propeller just collapse you know I mean and the motor turns off right when it feels it hits something so this phenomenal big thanks to UAV pal comm for you know doing this mod use antennas seem to be working really good again my first attempt with all of my Android phone was a kind of a glitchy failure I think because there was a couple of things going on where it was overheating on my Android phone the app the new Android has problems with the new free flight pro app so keep that in mind especially on this LG g6 guys here it is I just disconnected the car and that's it it's just the SIM card as long as you have high-speed data I don't even think you really need high-speed I think guys are getting away with like you know half a megabit per second it's just not as clear and fluid video but you can still do it possibly under a 3G connection at least you know where you're going and you can make out the environment just make sure you get the CRC 9 type connector antennas I'll have these in the description again and I went ahead and took off those little I have these little rubber caps I took them off just because I wanted to have less wind resistance and that made it just a tad heavier just a phenomenal flight so I'm just super excited super happy with this and just a little more in depth on the setup I have here for my Titan 35 hundreds just take this apart and let you guys look at it in detail so you can see how I had cut out any cool real simple it's just this xt60 why cable connector why cable I just bought off of like eBay or Amazon I'll have the link in the description for all this cut all this stuff again guys and check it out so it's just a Titan lithium ion pack this is the 3500 11.1 volt two of them I did spray some of that spray-on rubber paint down in here after I cut out the foam you can see how the foam is cut for the four thousand and five fifty two hundred multi star batteries here from left to right and then I just had to notch a little bit in the back here to fit so these will actually go in this way side by side or this way side by side it's basically the same dimensions but it seemed like the USB cable plug into the chuck and also the power cable worked better if you did it this way because there's more space because it's kind of a triangular hump pack glad you guys can join me for this kind of milestone epic maybe even a record I've never heard of anybody flying a remote control aircraft to Lanai or to Kahal lhave under manual control over a 4G network especially but now you can do it pretty amazing thanks for tuning in guys and I'll see you in the next videos gonna do a bunch more with this one try to maybe max it out see how far we can possibly get on 4G who knows maybe it'll even go to the Big Island where the volcanoes happening anyway it's just phenomenal thanks for tuning in and I'll see you guys in the next one thanks for watching no more than the clearest skies the waves are high you're in getting high you're in better even as we speak yeah don't you let Sun Sun Sun Sun hotter than ever before so let's write ride a surf and ride some more yeah the wig is on fire of the day is getting hot this is my knees I Yelp's and once I hit the spot yeah cool down the wig is on fly up the day is getting hot this is my days I get up and once they hit the spot yeah [Music]
Channel: Dustin Dunnill
Views: 2,212,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dustin disco li-ion mod, parrot disco hawaii, disco 4g, parrot disco dustin, dustin parrot disco, disco 4g mod, parrot disco range mod, parrot disco mod, dustin disco 4g mod, disco li-ion mod, parrot disco 4g lte flight test, parrot disco long range, parrot disco hack, 4g drone, parrot disco, parrot disco drone, disco parrot, disco 4g lte soft mod, lanai, uavpal, maui, parrot, dustin dunnill, disco soft mod, t-mobile uav, lanai travel hawaii, Long range fpv
Id: dxj8JwdQ7Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 32sec (2492 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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