DJI Mavic MINI Flight Test Review IN-DEPTH - How good is it...REALLY!?

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hey guys thanks for tuning in check it out its the Mavic many of the DJI maverick mini finally got this in and we're gonna be doing a full on flight test into flight test today better be recording on my phone what you're gonna see what I'm seeing actually on my phone so you guys can see that also going to be recording in 2.7 K on the drone itself so you'll be able to see the quality of the video while we're doing this test this thing can supposedly fly for like thirty minutes maximum in the perfect conditions but I'm estimating probably about 25 minutes so anyway we're gonna just see everything we can possibly do with one battery and see how this thing works let's get started [Music] okay so I decided not to like set everything up I want to just show you guys how long it takes to set this thing up of course you want to do the calibrations and updates at home and stuff like that but if you're at your flying field the only thing you should have to do is I'm a kind of a firm believer in doing a compass calibration wherever you fly first of all we're gonna take off the camera cover and then super easy with this one the top arms first the bottom back ones second and that's it for this thing being set up all I gotta do is worry about your controller so opening up these antennas pulling out the bottoms and of course we want to screw in with the thumb sticks and what's cool I noticed about where the sticks go in it actually click whenever the other ones have just like a little rubber thing these ones have a little notch like they click in so harder to lose and then all we need to do is plug in our phone here so we're gonna put our cable about there the best way to probably do it is just kind of plug in your phone first just like this this is in one +60 phone by the way if you're wondering what this is and then once you get it plugged in just kind of put it in this compartment they have a little bit of a different loser area in this drone then like the Maverick pros and stuff so we're just making it tight pushing your phone in getting it really tight in there and we're pretty much ready to go I'm not gonna plug this in yet because I want to get everything turned on first press press and hold until you hear that beep and then you're concerning on the drone so this one press press and hold right here on the bottom immediately want to set it down and then just really make sure that that camera is unobstructed you can see how it just kind of turned and was going through its check process that should be ready to go now all we do is plug in the controller what you'll find is one of the clamps is gonna cover up your brightness sensor so I'm going to turn off auto and brighten my phone all the way up so it doesn't dim out on me if you have your phone set to automatically launch the DJI fly program all you need to do is make sure the controller is powered on and plug this in right here and you're gonna see it should launch there we go it launches the PGI fly app and it goes right into the camera you see that there but I do want to do real quick though is a compass Cal remember just to show you guys how to do this even though it says normal so I'm gonna press start here and super simple you see what it's saying on the controller rotate the drone counterclockwise and I'm looking at the screen until it tells me to do something else now point it up with the camera facing up and rotate it counterclockwise all the while looking at the phone screen and it's as simple as that guys okay guys so that's how long it took to do that setup just a couple minutes I'm gonna start recording in 2.7 K on the drone here and I'll have that up as well so you guys can see the quality of that and we're just going to take off so I'm going to start off in mode P that's just the regular position hold mode and I'm pressing this little arrow on the left of the phone here and then all we're doing is taking off so we're just holding in this button and there we go now this is the second time I've flown it I just flew it in my house just to double-check it and there is a little bit of wind today it's about five mile per hour variable coming from this direction right now and that's how this thing's performing so you can see how high it launched - it says on the phone screen about two and a half feet I'm gonna pull it up just a little bit and let's get a closer look at this just kind of walk around it see what this thing's all about right into the Sun but hey guys thanks for watching my videos really appreciate it right there this is the 249 gram drone there this thing is tiny and really really light anyway let's try some things out so we're kind of in the Sun so it's kind of dark in the video I'm gonna turn so there's some lighting there's the park there and first things first maybe go up a little bit so it has some time to maybe track its home point because we're gonna be testing out the precision landing so I'll just go up I know about 30 feet so the camera on the bottom has maybe a chance to just look at the launchpad and stuff okay and let's come back down that's full speed down a little bout a mile per hour down and then when I let this thing off it's just like a little Mavic the control let's go full forward in this P mode and there's full left stick come back forward let's do a fast flyby here oh yeah that thing is just like a little Matic man that's why they call it a magic mini right letting off right now took about maybe 10 feet to stop and it's performing just like I thought DGI would in all the movements I do it's smooth to stop not glitchy at all it stops where you want it to stop so that's pretty awesome in P mode amazing they pitch this camera down that's full speed pitch down there's the grass let's do a punch up see how fast it goes in P mode I don't know how fast it's going but oh it's 4.3 miles per hour going up nice anyway that's the camera and tilt the camera back up so all the wild guys remember we're looking at this camera and just to let you guys know I get a lot of comments on oh you have a tilted gimbal no I don't this this um mountain is sloping down hard in the left weird direction right now on the video so slopes down I'm on the poly Alcala mountain of Maui Hawaii and there's the West Maui mountains over there on the other side of Maui so it's not the drone okay it's Mountain sloping they come full throttle down and let's do like a let off full throttle down and so you can see it stopped right now man you see how precise that is okay we got 25 minutes and says left so let's do some stuff we want to see how fast this goes in P mode so full throttle forward looking at our speed 16:17 looks like maybe about 18 miles per hour let me just come back in the opposite direction full stick in P mode let's see how fast we can go all the while it's maintaining its height okay that was about eighty and a half miles per hour against the wind a little bit so that's what P mode can do pretty dang awesome let's switch modes here on the top left I'm hitting this mode button sport mode let's see how much quicker this is so are yah that's how fast it is feels a little bit faster maybe than P mode actually let me cycle down the P mode again try that yah that's Y on P mode get down here and S mode I'm just about the same maybe a little faster okay the what we really want S&S mode is the speed though right so beeline to the other side of the park and let's see if it loses any altitude holy smokes that's going fast don't want to crash wow that got going like 25 miles per hour in that short distance let's go up and back so we don't hit anything let's see how fast we can get going backwards about 22 going backwards oh you see the camera adjusting itself so it's hitting its maximum in sport mode and it has to do some adjustments I'm gonna go full speed ahead and let's just see how fast this thing can go in sport twenty seven twenty eight twenty about twenty nine guys okay that's sport mode while we're up here check this out have a nice view I'm gonna press on the mode we're gonna go to cinematic mode smooth slow mode and let's see how the guy's now so that's a maximum yaw a little slower and then camera tilt almost feels about the same and up and down so we're just gonna have to do slow camera tilt up and down with our finger which is actually very possible and then on what we'll do is we'll start flying and see how fast to go is flying I'm gonna kind of fly back so I'm going slowly to the left so here's what you can expect in cinematic mode okay seems like it's going slower definitely slower that's our maximum speed eight and a half miles per hour and I'm pulling full throttle down right now on the stick and it's only dropping about two miles per hour so it about half the drop speed will come in right into us at full speed and cinematic that's full speed and cinematic very slow yo as well okay I'll have that video up on the screen again guys remember nice doing really good very nice stopping it stops right away turning let's see what our maximum up-and-down speed is or up speed three miles per hour the Downloads - yeah my college says negative two point two because that means you're going down right above the height reading and the roll we didn't really test the role in anything so that's the role in cinematics you're gonna get these really cinematic smooth rolling shots switching over to P there's the roll in P mode you see how it's a little faster and of course s even faster that's our maximum roll there look at that letting off boom thinks about that stops real quick cuz it's so light he thinks about ten feet to stop okay we're gonna go back into P mode and we want to test a bunch of these options right so first of all we want to test maybe the tracking functions so I'm gonna have my daughter's tonight help us out hey honey can you help us on the tracking cool up on the top right you see that up there guys chuckle by the way 18 minutes it's saying we have left so we better hurry up on this battery I'm gonna stop recording here for a second okay so we're gonna go into quick shot guys in the only waking looks like you can get into that is by pressing on the top right video button there and then hitting quick shot you see how we can choose our resolution between 2.7 and 1080p right now I'm on 2.7 let's go into quick shot and here's all our quick shots so we can do a droney a rock yet a circle and a helix okay so let's try a droney real quick so say you know me and sanaya right here and i'm gonna go all the way out to just a hundred feet I'm picking my distance and then I'm gonna go start pressing start and while it's automatically tracking see how it has plus signs on us so I'm gonna hit Plus on sanaya and it's already on her that's pretty cool huh if I pressed off it lets you choose something else you'll see if I can press both know we got a press one was tracking her we're gonna press start let's see what it does it's centering the camera let's wave at it tonight let's do a wave and it's gonna go up and out okay so let's do the high shot oh hi shotgun we're on vacation on the edge of a cliff imagine and we're doing a drone II and it's going up and out so I'd imagine there we go it finished and it's returning you can hit X if you want to stop returning but it looks like it's going to come back to the same spot it started in great and there you go it resets itself that's cool so now if we want to try something else on the right of the screen I'm pressing on where that drone e icon is and I'm gonna press rocket and we're gonna do 100 feet rocket - so I'm gonna press Start and with school on San Diegan just pressing right they made it super easy don't you have to Dropbox these guys have a great vision sensor on this pressing start let's see what happens let's lay down you know okay we're leaving down okay it's just gonna go straight up from where it was so if you know it's actually coming over us well that was cool so it started kind of where it was and then it slowly came over us and went up at kind of a same time waving at you guys who is saying we only have 10 minutes left so we better hurry and you see how that time is adjusting in real time as it's coming down it's using less power cool please get up so it goes right back to where it started not right on top of us which is good cool next up let's do something else let's do the circle guys centers the camera on the target and circles at a constant altitude okay so let's go up and let's go back a little bit and we can probably choose these things when we press Start let's hit start again sanaya is our gal today so we're going to go ahead and press on her and hit start 3 2 1 countdown and you can see that it's centering the picture directly on her and that's pretty awesome so with this one you really want to kind of get your altitude and your distance before you press Start because it's just locking in that all that information and just doing a circle but man I gotta say DGI is one of the best if not the best at doing this kind of orbit stuff and that was it you see how easy that was if I wanted to go the other way I can press the arrow you see how it's switching each direction and you can go the other way look it's also saying I can track a box yeah anyway that's awesome that works really well I'll have those things up guys because it starts recording right when you do them and the last thing we can do with this one is a helix I'm not seeing any free tracking stuff which is interesting the aircraft ascends while flying in a spiral that expands gradually okay we're gonna do a hundred-foot on this and let's just bring it down maybe start a little closer and down so it kind of has a cool effect so right there start again so now let's track you and start so hopefully we don't hit anything but it's gonna go circle and go up and out see how it does bye bye drone that's pretty cool because it's circling us and it's computing it's trying to keep her in the center of the shot just stay where you are yeah I don't move around too much keeping her in the center of the shot and we can wave at it say we're on vacation this would be great because it's so tiny and light for a vacation just get these quick shots and look how smooth that video was until it stopped now it's centered back on her and knows where she is and it's just gonna come right back where it left off so you don't have to worry about flying it back and that's pretty incredible for these kinds of drones does it really well no hiccups whatsoever that's fantastic so what I'm seeing guys is there's no like free tracking so that's a little bit disappointing unless I'm missing it somewhere but as you can see the only option I have is quick shot so let me close this yeah so that's all we can do it can't do any free tracking I guess that's the limitations on this guys anyway thanks Sam for your help in much mahalos really appreciate that and let's go take some pictures so we'll exit out of this how do we exit out of this this is always a confusing thing to me pressing on the screen nope what do we do to exit I guess we'll just go right here and then we'll go back to video or photo and that gets out of the mode so not too hard you just got to click on it again and go out so let's go up to photo guys and we're gonna just click on the screen to get out of there and go up here now let's take some photos before we finish up this battery still says we got 9 minutes of flight that's amazing now let's lift this camera up get some shots of like the West Maui mountains clicking up in the clouds and the brightness you see how it's getting darker on the ground so that lights up in the clouds clicking on the ground and you see how that brightens up the ground so let's take one shot with the ground bright like this taking a photo boom that's as easy as that you can also use these buttons on the top of the controller video and photo so let's try that with the next one we'll click all the way over there on the mountains so it's going to darken it up but the oceans a little brighter in the clouds click photo so you can do it that way too let's do all the way down shot so let's back up here so our little areas in view and just want to click right on the grass there in the center and I'm gonna hit photo you know how these things popping up guys let's do a upward shot of a photo here a little higher up clicking on this tree and I like to do that just just to make sure the photos is as best as it can be clicking on photo again BAM that's great okay let's um get the camera back up and maybe do a few more shots at Haleakala mountain like in this area here so I'm gonna click on these schools take a photo rotate click on the middle of the mountain photo rotate oh there's poli polio where I fly a lot see how it's darkening everything up so you're gonna have to play with this because the clouds right see how I'm clicking in different spots and it's brightening and dimming photo there and then it's click up in the forest up there and do another photo there awesome let's take a photo of coal Lobby let's enter in on coal Lobby click right on it take a photo over there okay the whole lobby is about what is that six miles away from the point or the UM the beach over there let's take a photo of this check this out you can't see lanai over there this so there's West Maui lanai let's take a photo touch the ground brighten it up a little bit another photo touch over there on West Maui another photo there's the photos guys I'll have the I'm popping up for you and geez let's see what else we can do I think we kind of went through everything you can possibly do I'm gonna go back into video so I'm pressing on video again over here on the right and I'm going to press record again well we're recording our 2.7 K again let's see how good this video is when we fly fast and stuff so I'm going to go into sport mode and let's just do a punch-out so I'm going to come down all the way to our location so say this would be like a manual drone II shot right so you wanted to do a punch-out of our location or recording and I'm just gonna do full throttle up right now pushing up let's put a little rotation in there there's a little bit of left yaw aircraft power insufficient oh that's interesting see that notification up there on the top left so being that this thing is Wow okay so when entry turn the home Oh return to home promptly as what's saying on the top left you see that so it's saying it's your first warning like hurry up your low battery let's get home that's what that means so let's just do it let's still return to home and see how accurate it is landing right there so I'm going to press in the hardware button and I'm gonna pick this camera up to horizontal and let's see just how close this thing lands remember we launched right on the H in the center of the H let's just see how it does with that coming on down hopefully it goes over there because right now it's like right here but maybe you know with these things - there's always is it gonna cancel its searching for location because the battery is so low that's always a possibility - so far it's quite a ways away see that so I'm gonna stop it by pushing up I didn't stop it pressing home one time and it stopped okay so that's how far it's gonna be landing but I'm not sure that's if that's the the low voltage right so we'll test that in another video the actual precision landing because that's about all we can do it's beeping at me here so we'll just do like a manual landing oh you know what we should do is let's land on our hand let's see how it is to grab this thing we put her hand under it senses it you see that so what you might be able to do is sneak it underneath and grab it yeah you could do that and then just push down or let's see if we can just land right on our hand it wants to go up I'm pushing down on the controller and I'm just holding it right there until it lands on my hand guys that's the first flight test for the Mavic mini hope you enjoyed that up here if you tap on the screen here to the top right that's your flight time during the flight and get your battery voltage there there's two cells so they're both that 3.46 and these are lithium ions remember lithium ions can drain lower than lithium polymers lithium polymers you really don't want to drain them lower than three volts per cell lithium ions they're okay even down to like 2.5 so we still have another volt and that went down to 10% battery so our flight time for that flight was twenty two minutes and twenty seconds down to ten percent so pretty darn awesome I could imagine that everything I was doing we should have been able to probably fly for about 25 like I was saying estimated if you're the numbers they give you of 30 minutes that's like if you have no wind and you're flying in P mode just straight forward the whole time that's like the most efficient way this thing can fly so those are the numbers that give you like up to 30 minutes but in real world stuff where you're hovering you're flying fast slow got the camera on doing stuff I'd say this one's gonna get you about 25 minutes before it kind of forced lands so if we're talking cons guys the only cons I can see on this little guy is the cameras only 2.7 K and I'll have had that up so you guys can see the quality of that remember when we were doing our smart modes like our drone II shots you're kind of locked into those it seemed unless I was missing something but didn't seem like you could do any kind of free tracking so that might be a major con to some people you're just locked in it seems to those unless they can update it they probably will update the app with some more stuff but since you're you have to use that separate DJI fly app you don't have all those options that the DJI go for app does for like the regular Mavic so otherwise man everything else seemed great great little hand catching drone SuperDuper light these sensors seem to be working really good it's like it has two infrareds and one optical flow little camera tiny little thing in there but it seemed to just keep its height perfectly over the grass even sport mode man it wasn't dropping an altitude at all just you know exactly what you would expect from any other DJI Mavic drone just performed flawlessly and I mean have you ever seen the Mavic my Matic reviews the regular-sized Mavic it flies exactly the same as that so that's pretty incredible and it flies for 25 to 30 minutes don't miss the range test guys I'm doing a full-fledged to zero percent range test on this flying out that way and we're gonna just see exactly how far this thing can can fly so that'll be fun if you haven't seen my playlist on this I'll have a pop up here on the right hand top corner of the screen it'll also be in the description down below if you miss any of my other videos I also have done a unboxing for doing range testing and we're gonna do a little bit more flight testing to check out the precision landing capabilities of it because I don't think that was really fair when it was the battery was almost dying coming down that might just be a fail-safe where it lands close to you but I got to say DJI has another hit with their Mavic mini here I don't know anything that's comparable that is so small and light I remember the main thing for this one guys is you're getting a 249 gram drone that means you don't have to register it with the FAA as of now because it's ultralight and it falls below that registration weight requirement I mean I'm not a DJI fan boy but just look at this let me put the lens on and just see how well it fits in the pocket let's just put it in there you go so if you have a little bit of a baggy pocket I would definitely call this a pocket drone anyway guys I hope you really enjoyed that video that was super fun for me sanaya hey thanks high five let's go get some ice cream or something yeah a little treat yeah thanks for being kind of the guinea pig this one doesn't have any of those tracking functions where you can run around it doesn't seem yet so maybe when they update it can you help me with that too okay cool hey guys thanks for tuning in and we'll see in the next video don't forget to subscribe and links are down below see you the next one what's up Bucky [Music]
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Views: 3,042,397
Rating: 4.8741479 out of 5
Keywords: mavic mini flight review, mavic mini flight test, mavic mini dustin, dustin mavic mini, dji mavic mini review, mavic mini flight time test, mavic mini review, dji mini, dustin dunnill, mavic mini first flight, flight test, mavic mini cinematic, dji mavic mini, mavic mini quickshot, mavic mini, mavic mini cons, dji mavic, drone review, mavic mini pros, dji, best drones under 500, best beginner drone, 249 gram drone, mavic mini speed test, uav, mavic mini drone, Dji drone
Id: 90M59HSXp3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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