Parking Revenge #54 Junk cars everywhere

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there we go we're back at it again knocking central towing it's what we do just about every day this towing never stops cars just pile up all over the place anyway we're back on it welcome back to the channel hope everybody's doing well uh we're gonna yank some cars today looks like uh anyway we'll see what my first uh culprit is that a car i just uh car i just passed just a minute ago it's gonna be a wheel lifter i'm gonna put that on the wheel lift so i gotta go find one i'm gonna put on the flatbed we'll see what happens got this thing sitting on top march 20 man look at that third man that thing ain't been moved that thing ain't been moved in months man anyway i don't know what to do with this uh it's his cart right here man it ain't even tied up there somebody just threw it up on top guess we're gonna go ahead and hook this one up man i throw that thing off in the grass [Music] sure what that uh what that roll cart is doing up there but uh i guess he's just storing it out here on top of his junk car i'm gonna pull up here and i'll set it back down and strap it to the bed i can't i was gonna leave it behind but i can't leave it behind it might upset somebody anyway we're going to keep on rolling right along go get my wheel lifter up front actually i've got another wheel lifter i can grab a grand damn that texas grand amplify alright man this thing is covered in freaking water man we're getting wet anyway this is uh this is for all you haters out there uh these properties we tow for uh most of the properties we tow for they give their residents man a lot of a lot of wiggle room and leeway with their cars uh but it gets so bad it gets to the point where they quit caring about what the resident thinks because the resident don't have any consideration for the rest of the property uh when they leave their cars sitting there piled up where they hadn't moved in uh in a year or six months or a year and they got dirt piled up underneath the cars it just brings the property value down and they cause somebody to come toward that's what happened in case of these two just what it is you know they call us we'll come get them that's just how it goes but this property here we're starting on today it's uh it's been uh it's been rather uh problematic uh over the years right now they got they probably got 50 cars on the property i just left the office and this manager uh she told me there's a bunch of cars uh so we'll probably be over here today and tomorrow getting cars uh anyway we'll see what happens let's see how it goes we got somebody right here he's driving around in the car that was stickered stickered to tow ain't got no tag on see that tag he's got he ain't got no tag chances are he's off he's on the hit list we pulled through here and yank them y'all know how it is y'all know what we do anyway i'm gonna have to uh check my list real quick 87 white ultima uh-oh there's no he got awesome it's fixed good job good job man okay let's see here 73 anyway here's the uh here's a prime example of uh somebody uh being responsible enough to move their car before the tow guy gets here to this parking place if that guy wouldn't move that car or girl whoever's car it was it would have got yanked there's no question about it they moved it just barely moved it in the nick of time go i'm fixing the uh fixing to load up this ford right here [Music] i actually like that tag it's pretty cool tag on that vehicle anyway it's getting uh it's getting late it's after five uh these properties they uh they shut down uh pretty early so i'm gonna uh go ahead and sign this one out i don't want to get caught on the property with the bank with the office uh closed that's an issue if you get caught up on the property and the uh the office personnel ain't here you can't get a ticket signed so it's you have to get tickets signed and everything so you gotta uh use your time wisely at the end of the day so i'm gonna go ahead and sign and sign this one out and we're gonna roll to the yard with this this ford truck anyway what's going on man if you talk to the office though they might give you time just you just got to talk to them because if they don't mark it off the list and then we hook it it's it's tow just talk to them that way you good have a go man this is a march tag but the only thing is it's a non-running car it's got trash and leaves up under it this thing's been sitting here for months so it's going to get towed which is how it goes hold on man is yours yeah i ain't taking the jet but uh you they put a sticker on it no no they put a sticker on man it's got it's got a morse tag and it's been sitting there because it's just uh when they sit here this long it's got limbs and leaves and crap up under it all right on the bottom see all that trash up on up under the car yeah they told them when they get like that they told them like i know they hadn't towed here in a while uh-huh because the pandemic but they're trying to clean up man that they they're cleaning the property off why didn't they tell anybody i would do something to it or just just talk to them call up there and talk to them you know that they're not being they're not it's a march tag they're not tripping on them but you're gonna probably gonna have to move it soon okay but because the darkness thing under there okay just talk to him all right call the office i told him if you talk to him you're probably okay if you don't talk to them then then we gotta call them no sense okay make sure you hey they're really nice they're not being haunted as far as you have a card where if i had to tour myself okay now i'm gonna talk to the people if i don't talk to them by the end of the day hey there's people that buy jump cars okay you can look them up they'll come pay you for a junk car tyler or not you get more if you got a title but if it's got a bad motor and all that man yeah yeah it's got a bad motor you're not going to get much anyway yeah the metal is really cheap but uh yeah i would do that that way you don't completely lose out on it all right and as far as those people if i'm talking about the end of the day are they sending you back tomorrow well i'm coming back over here today uh you probably need to talk to them pretty quick whatever let me ask you this if you came together and they told it does that cost to me they don't cost nothing like are they going to charge me no they ain't going to charge you nothing it'll be in our lot it'll go through the process of the the auction of the process will go to an auction in months from now don't cost a dime okay i mean if it's not worth much and you can't find anybody to get it it really don't matter i mean if you're not if you're not trying to make anything off up because you may not be able to yeah um it's not going to cost you a dime ain't nobody's going to find you none of that stuff okay yeah because you know it's just what you pay for it yeah there's no repercussions there's some companies that try to build the building we don't do all that man we sell the car for a hundred bucks or whatever we get out of it we sell it but you don't never hear about it that car is completely paid for yeah yeah you ran that record man what's your name i'm johnny all right thank you jack nice to meet you you i think he's probably going to give that car up and just tell us to tow it if you can't find anybody to come buy it with them we'll we will tow it uh that's just how it is hey there i'm back over here where i was at earlier those but both these gentlemen came out uh last time uh last time i was over here both these gentlemen are pretty big guys i don't know why he wouldn't talk to the office and let them know what was going on with the car uh i don't know why he wouldn't talk to him so i gotta load it now i can't leave it over here it's the eye store what's going on man who what which which she told me i got to end it today i just left the office man they didn't say nothing i call her okay okay you can call her but i told you to call her earlier man i did call her well she didn't tell me i don't think honestly i don't think you called her dude i yo you think i won't tow this car because you're out here man okay i'm not trying to be mean this is what i do hey if i leave this car here hey they're gonna call my boss they're gonna call my boss and ask why i left this car here with all the tape and stuff on the window i'm gonna call it right now oh all this plastic on the window man no tag ain't no tail lights they're gonna ask me why i left the car right now you didn't call already though right 10 58. okay just just call her please call i really hate my food i don't need to listen to it man i'm gonna load this right here it's 60 feet man to the office hey they're nice man they're letting people have you know have extra time because of what's going on i always got to do the offices right here all he's got to do is walk up here and talk to the office he he uh he screwed around last last time i talked to him and he didn't uh he didn't talk to the office he just left him a message when the tow guy is on the property you better talk to the manager hey don't wait till you get hooked and then try to beg your way out of it you know i just left the office this is the third time i'm going back over here to tell this guy about his car the manager said uh well office personnel told me he ain't contacted them and uh he ain't talk to anybody i'm gonna go dump this one i got right here off at the yard i'm gonna come back over here and tow this car i'm fixing to tell him what's gonna happen that way he's not surprised later on when i come back i don't want to be surprised just talk to the office up there man oh they said told his thing man i was just on the phone okay well the young girl in the front she told her yet evidently she hadn't talked to her yeah i walk up there that that way that way they know not to toe it because she told me i'm not gonna load her right this man i'm not i'm not i'm not like that bro let her know what you're doing walk up there and talk to her and say look i'm gonna have it out of here by the end of the day and she's not gonna trip she's being nice man i'm not going to hook it just because you leave spot i think should take this one to the yard all right but hey what she told me is come back and get i said the guy's supposed to talk to y'all she said we need to come back and get that car with all the plastic on it just walk up there and talk to him hey he uh he ain't talked to her yet he's sitting there lying to me lied to me to lie to me twice that he talked to the office and he really hadn't the office telling me to tell the car i'm gonna tow it and uh and he's gonna be in a bad situation but the thing is the office don't want a bunch of beef up here right now all they want to do is get the crap cars out they want that car gone they don't want to start a confrontation with the guy there's a couple little ladies little women up here at the office they don't want any mad dudes coming up busting up in there and being mean to them all he's got to do is talk to him and she won't tow it it's really that's that easy uh but if that thing's not gone tomorrow and she calls us up then we'll get towed we'll get towed tomorrow he's going to the office right now finally should have went up there before he's lucky i ain't driving a snatch truck that had been off the ground when he came out we have to keep the tractor we have to keep the machine blocking the uh driveway because people try to steal their car back it has happened on numerous occasions here anyway this gentleman that owns this car right here he basically forfeit the car and told me go ahead and take it uh he was concerned about uh us back charging him uh there's a lot of tow companies that'll impound your car and then they'll send you a bill in the mail you have to pay them because they took your car and sold it at auction uh we don't do that here i think that's a i think that's a pretty shady practice uh companies come and take your car and then tell and then send you a bill and they're gonna put a credit uh they're gonna put a mark on your credit i think that's pretty shady practice my boss don't back charge anybody he mails out letters and we sell the cards and make money it ain't that hard you don't have to send a bill to them after you take their car that's ridiculous i think that's a shady practice i'm surprised it's even illegal anyway i'm gonna go ahead and drop this [Music] one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: towtrucker
Views: 239,951
Rating: 4.9136596 out of 5
Keywords: towtrucker, instant karma, road rage, driver fails, handicap revenge, parking revenge, gtoger, reponut, handicap parking revenge, dash cam, instant justice
Id: B4mnln6iTjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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