Parking Revenge #63

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here we go uh it's like we're pulling in right here this place this don't uh these impounds now they don't never quit man this stuff don't never end this property here called it uh they called in four cars parked in the uh in loading zone down here everybody's parking wherever they want to and these properties boy they burning they burning us up there's a lot of pissed off people on this property here looks like there's one one right there loading zone loads on those three lone zone fire lanes one two three anyway we gotta load something up i think i can maybe i cannot come down here we'll lift this road i hope i hope the brake's not on check it real quick breaks off on that one okay i'm gonna grab that mazda uh out of the loading zone and fire lane i'll come back down here and grab that that nissan rogue and i'll put it on wheel lift i need to try to do this uh try to do this as quick as possible and get off this property i guess this one here is going next [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] looks like that was running she thinks it's funny must be funny to her wouldn't have been funny if i got a hook on it i guarantee that look at this audi he's parked in the fire lane too [Applause] yeah from the tow company uh she caught in some cars in the fire lane and i got one right here loaded okay uh we might have to come we'll have to come back and get the other ones uh they don't move them one of them moved i almost got a hook on it but she was in the car so she moved but i got this one i'm gonna go ahead and sign it out i may go back up there and try to get another one if i can get the right angle on the front wheel drive i'll go ahead and try to get another one okay yeah i just need a signature on the bottom on the bottom down there you were on the bottom side that was a fire lane i didn't put that on there but i i can't i can put that i got i got pictures everything i got video about it i appreciate that let me give you this copy right here hey thank you anyway i only got one off that property i'm gonna go back down and grab another one uh sometimes you gotta make a decision if you wanna take a chance on uh dropping one and re re-hooking it after you get a wheel to get one on the bed and you can wheel lift like i could will lift this this lexus but i don't want to take a chance on losing if somebody comes out while i'm when i drop it they come out i might lose it i don't want to lose no cars i could get greedy be greedy down there and i could have to had two people uh you're trying to pull me out of the truck too so sometimes you got to make a decision you get your cars and go don't get greedy well that's what i didn't do i'm just going to the yard i'll come back get another there we go now we're pulling back in fire lane signs no parking yeah we told all the cars in this this lane right here huh yeah i got home from work this morning and you these cars were here before mine my white lexus is gone that car right there wasn't here when i was here 30 minutes ago there was a mop that was a mazda it was a monster sitting there okay did you take my white legs yeah it's toad you got told that we got somebody towing out of the deck too what yeah there's somebody towing out of the park and somebody's told out of the parking in case anybody tries to put hands on me i don't know i don't know you i understand you're calm but i don't i don't know who is um well listen to when i all so why did you pick my car right i'm fixing to get one another one of these right here so what do i need to do to get my car back get this number right here i am happy that it's um it's not stolen no it's not so well listen i'm sorry you got towed i understand you're going through a problem with the parking but the man i know the manager the managers hey they've ordered the cars tow because they're in the fire lane i don't know if they if the city uh maybe the city is uh on them about fire lines i don't know yes i i'm so sorry my car was stole it's not stolen and i'm talking to the um driver right now i so apologize okay all right thank you i hate you you got towed they're just real strict on the fire line [Music] looks like they got a 40 ounce beverage sitting in the uh console they've been drinking and driving but i tell you what last thing you want to do is impound cars for people that are drinking uh because it all it'll turn violent real quick give you a copy of this i think i got video of everything so it's pictures of you know i'm at the yard whoever uh whoever owns this uh essentially this wreck sentra whoever owns this car uh they got a bottle in there bottle of bailey's in there oh they're riding around drinking so anyway yeah that property down there is all it's been very problematic for us with that property with a parking deck problem but uh steven's down there right now in the parking deck but anyway i'ma roll out get back to the next call uh-oh looks like this is getting ready to get towed have to load this one up it's been stickered a couple different times just got to go [Music] got one over here can be wheel lifted out of here this guy expired something another oh [Applause] is there any way we can put it in one of these i've already unhooked it now i thought you had a key oh well if you won't tell it long enough for me to go to her job and get the keys that's fine yeah oh let me do for that one yeah do that if you do that then that hey that should keep you from getting towed you know what i'm saying yeah thank you thank you yep i'm gonna try to back i don't know if i can get it straight can you get it back straight if i get it in here okay yep [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that is a black one in front of seventeen that she wants you to look at okay seventeen buildings okay thank you very much but i did talk to you i'm gonna fail i'm going i don't wanna misrepresent i don't want to misrepresent anything i don't i don't always handle myself like i should there's no question about that you'll probably see some videos where i get get a little bit mean i can't help that that's just part of it especially if somebody's screaming yelling and spitting in my face i will go go the other way i'm not out here trying to fight people but i will and i have which is not professional that's not how you operate on a professional level um and like i said i try hard not not to be not to be like that but sometimes i am anyway i'm gonna roll to the yard [Music] my
Channel: towtrucker
Views: 128,040
Rating: 4.9345713 out of 5
Keywords: towtrucker, instant karma, road rage, driver fails, handicap revenge, parking revenge, gtoger, reponut, handicap parking revenge, dash cam, instant justice
Id: 0aIWwkmMhdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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