Camping, Cooking, & Gaming in a Van (Driving to Alaska)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everyone my name is Trent and I live and travel out of my van all across North America and today I am in the beautiful country of Canada and currently I am making my way up from the lower 48 of the United States through Canada to get to Alaska and I'm picking up right where I left off in my last episode where I camped in this beautiful spot that I found right outside of Jasper National Park which by the way if you have hav't seen that episode or any of the previous episodes from this adventure I'll leave a link to a playlist right here that you can tap on and you can get caught up on all the fun things that me and Millie have been doing so far but I woke up this morning admiring this incredible view that I have right outside of my front door essentially and I was thinking to myself man this view is great and all but what would be even cooler if I was like a bird or something and I could just like Fly Over the Rockies and that's when a brilliant idea hit me like a rock so I got on the internet did some resear search and it turns out conveniently enough there's a place down here 8 minutes down the road that offers helicopter tours of the Canadian Rockies so since I was feeling real spicy today I booked it and my flight is in about 30 minutes so we got to hit the road so let's get to it I love you girl I'll be [Music] back hello hello how are you great how are you good so this is your boarding pass just hold on to it until you get in the helicopter sounds good all good yeah great yeah thank you any questions all right let's do this worldit feel the dream get closer and we're R and on the oh it's going to be a little bit bumpy today but who said W behind you oh are you okay yeah know this is great do we have to get one of these girls to hold your hand or what we're never going to let it go cuz life for the taken come on come on let's go got to live in the moment and reach for the Golden Sun cuz life what we make it come on come on let's go come on come on let's go come on come on let's go there we go awesome you're welcome that was awesome woo [Music] wow that was such an incredible experience I don't know if I captured that very well but honestly I was just kind of living in the moment there our pilot was super cool and funny and the wind was kind of sketchy at some point so the helicopter dipped down but it was just fun it was exciting and my adrenaline was up here the entire hour that we were up there looking at glaciers and snowy mountains dude that was just a cool freaking experience but I wouldn't be able to experience cool things like this if it weren't for my sponsors here on this channel and with that being said I'm excited to let you guys know that this video is yet again sponsored by factor which is a service that I have used and worked with so many times in the past and that's because I genuinely love what they offer Factor delivers fresh never Frozen dietician approved meals straight to your doorstep which is perfect for those of you guys that have a super big busy lifestyle and don't always have time to meal prep there's no need to stress about shopping cooking cleaning up because these meals are already prepared for you and ready in Just 2 minutes all you have to do is pop them in the microwave or in my case I heat them up in the oven in my van and you eat it's that simple and the great thing is Factor has so many different meal options to choose from depending on your taste your lifestyle or your dietary restraints they have vegan and vegetarian options calorie smart Protein Plus and even keto and honestly their meal are absolutely delicious but what I personally like most about factor is that it helps me with my portion control I don't know about you guys but I'm really bad at making meals for just one person here in the van so I often make way too much food and then I end up overeating but since Factor meals are prepared per person the serving size is perfect for me and I don't have to worry about storing leftovers or cleaning up it's great so head to and use my code the fineprint 50 to get 50% off your first first box and 20% off your first month of orders that's the fine print 50 for 50% off your first Factor box and 20% off your first month of orders thank you so much to factor for sponsoring this video and fueling this crazy adventure but with that out of the way it's getting late here it's about 5:30 p.m. and I still need to hit the road and find a place to camp for the night so I'll see you guys in a bit oh my gosh so I just had to pull over on the side of the road because there is a freaking what I think is a grizzly bear just right off the side of the road here it could be a brown bear I'm not sure but this is crazy so it looks like he's snacking on dandelion on the ground which is kind kind of cute but I'm actually kind of stunned by how not bothered he is by me in my van off the side of the road here oh my gosh what a beautiful beautiful creature why do they have to be so deadly they're so cute okay bye Mr bear you're cute enjoy those dandelion [Music] [Music] all right so I made it to the town of Jasper here in Alberta and I actually drove way longer than I was expecting to today this is actually the nearest town to where I was camping at which was about a 2 and 1/2 hour drive I got to find a place to camp for the night still but I'm starving so I figured I'd pull off into this town check it out a little bit grab a quick bite to eat before I try to find a place to sleep unfortunately this town sits in the Jasper National Park limits which means I'm not able to stealth Camp here in town as much as I would like to tonight because believe it or not boondocking or stealth camping in the National Park limits here in Canada is illegal and if you get caught doing it you can get fined up to $25,000 yikes hi just one so we can start the water great thank you so much [Music] okay so I found this all you can eat Indian buffet restaurant here in Jasper and I immediately was like Yep this is what I'm eating tonight because as you guys know from my last video Canada has really good Indian restaurants here and uh all you can eat Count Me In I got a little bit of everything so I'm about to Chow Down cheers oh yeah this was a good [Music] [Music] choice thank you have a good one oh man man that was so freaking good wow that hit the spot guys all right now that I'm nice and topped off in the belly Department let's find out where we're sleeping for the night okay let's look at my handy dandy app here and see what kind of options we have around us for some free places to sleep for the night all right so it looks like there is a rest stop that I could stay at that's just outside of the national park limits however gosh it's still a 40-minute drive so let's hit the road well folks this is home for the night nothing crazy nothing special just a small little rest stop right outside of Jasper National Park so we're free to stay here overnight for at least one night before we head off to the next destination in the morning also look at what time it is right now it is 10:50 p.m. and it is still light outside somewhat that just goes to show that we are getting further and further north and the more North we go the longer the daylight hours will be which is so crazy it's almost 11:00 p.m. and there's still light in the sky that's wild but I think since it's so late now I'm just going to play with Millie in this grassy area for a bit let her get some energy out and then I think we're going to head off to bed because I'm [Music] tired give me that toy give me that toy [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] all right everyone today was a fantastic day but I am beat so I'm going to get some sleep and I will see you guys in the morning good morning Milly well good morning everyone I slept great here in this rest stop parking lot but this is definitely not one of those places that I want to stay at for too long so I want to get up and get out of here and head off to the next place wherever that may be and unfortunately I think this is the end of my exploration of the national parks here in Alberta from here I'm going to head north and start making my way towards the Alaskan Highway but I'm sure we'll make a few stops before we get there hey I have a question so there's a water spigot on the side of the building can I use that to fill up on water in my van yeah great thank you so I needed to stop and get gas before I do my long drive today and usually when I stop and get gas I always do a perimeter search of the building to see if there's a water spigot on the side of the building that I could use to fill up my water in my van and thankfully this one has one and anytime I do this I always go inside and just ask and make sure it's okay to use their water to fill up my tank because I'm filling up 40 gallons which is a lot but uh they said yes so we're good also this water I only use for showering and washing my dishes I don't drink it or anything but I saw that there was a natural spring down here somewhere and maybe if we find it we can fill up on some drinking water which would be really nice [Music] oh this is awesome oh heck [Applause] yeah all right filling up some fresh spring water here for my drinking water in the van uh so for my drinking water I store all of it in the 6 gallon tank which I store up under my sink and then this 2 and 1/2 gallon stays in my fridge so I have about 8 and 1/2 gallons of drinking water to get me through about a week or so wow that's good some ice cold fresh spring water hits so [Music] different woo all right Millie let's load up come on good girl [Music] well I only drove about an hour today because I was thinking to myself between the helicopter tour yesterday and all the driving Millie's been pretty cooped up and I wanted to find a place that was nice and open for her to roam freely however this wind is pretty gnarly but regardless this is a pretty good spot it's nice and open clear skies for starlink and it's public land so I can stay here for up to 14 days if I want to and I think there's a river down this way that I want to go check [Applause] out oh wow I like this area so much better than where I'm parked at up this road here we got some good tree coverage if I want it there's a nice big fir pit right here and a clear open spot for me to Park right next to this River oh yeah I'm definitely going to try and pull my van down here the only problem is the road to get here is pretty gnarly and my van's only two wheel drive so I may or may not be able to make it over here but I'm going to try okay that road wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting but this spot is so much better than that spot up the road there it's got everything that I need and I would love to make a nice cozy fire in this big fire here but I don't think this crazy wind is going to let us but who knows maybe it'll let up by the end of the day [Music] [Music] s [Music] PE [Music] [Music] [Music] ah all right folks it is dinner time and right now I whipping up some rice to pair with some roasted veggies and some sausage and it's cooking up in the oven right now and it is smelling so good in the van right nowo let's see how they're doing oh yeah it's looking great but definitely needs some more time but it is turning out to be such a beautiful evening we've got the golden sun peeking through these trees over here just Illuminating my van woo it is smelling like a five-star restaurant out here oh I cannot wait to eat I'm starving okay yeah those are done a this looks so good all right dinner is served and I cannot wait to Chow Down on this this looks so good all right I figured I'd have dinner tonight around my imaginary fire right here I'm just imagining a nice roaring warm toasty fire warming me up and believe it or not it's working now you guys are probably thinking I'm being a little dramatic about the whole wind situation cuz it feels really calm right now but every now and then a very strong gust of wind comes through and rocks the van around and I am absolutely terrified of accidentally starting a forest fire so any amount of wind like that I just don't want to risk it I can use my imagination plus with the sound effects you'll never even know I don't actually have a fire that's movie Magic baby boom leftovers for launch tomorrow all right my belly's full and the van is all cleaned up so I booted up my gaming laptop here because I've realized that between all of the driving the traveling and me just being in work mode trying to catch up on all my videos for the series that I'm doing here that I really haven't made time for myself to just like chill out sit around and play games in the van it's actually been like weeks since I've just sat around and played a video game which is crazy to me so my friend posted about this game the other day called valheim which actually seems like a really cool game that I'd be super into and I logged on a couple times when it first release but I didn't really put too much time into it so I never really got into it but I figured you know what let's try something new new here tonight seems like a really cool game so uh yeah I think for the rest of the night I'm going to sit around in the van hang out play some video games and just chill and by the way if you're wondering where Millie's at she got up on the bed made herself a little Nook here there you go she loves to sleep under the covers it's super cute [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] man it's been a great past couple of days even though we didn't really cover much distance these past couple of days we still experienced a lot and did so many things and had so much fun and hopefully you guys had just as much fun as Millie and I and if you did let me know by commenting down below what your favorite part of this video was let me know and I'll try to reply to as many of you guys as I can when this video launches but if this is your first time here I'm Trent and I'm currently making my way up from the lower 48 of the United States through Canada to get to Alaska and if you want to catch up on all the fun things that we've done so far on this adventure I'll leave a link to my playlist of this journey right here so you can catch up on all my videos and watch future videos that I've released but if you're all caught up in all my videos and you want to support me further than just a like button here on YouTube consider supporting me on patreon where you can unlock 30 plus extra videos that you have not seen yet of my van life adventures and you'll also get your name and the credits of all my videos like these lovely folks right here but thank you so much for watching this video all the way till the end it's been a pleasure having you guys along for the ride here but until next time guys I will see you all in the next video
Channel: Trent The Traveler
Views: 283,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vanlife, vanlife travel, van life, ttthefineprinttt, living in a van, Vanlife gamer, Vanlife gaming, camping in a van, van camping, gaming in a van, gaming van, van life videos, van life camping, vanlife camping, camping in the woods, TrentTheTraveler, Camping, stealth camping, travel videos, camping videos, luxury camping, cozy, cozy morning, alaska, alaska highway, driving to alaska, camping in alaska, vanlife videos, gaming outside
Id: J0k0dxt9J0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 0sec (1920 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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