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okay so you want me with the intro do my intro I do it's like a something I say every time Maddie and every know it those who believe know hey Beverly yeah there it is yeah I do I do it first hey families today we're gonna meet your Q&A which is highly requested we're finally doing it I go on top tomorrow this is like last-minute sonic I spilled a milkshake in court um but I posted a picture on Instagram and I asked you guys to ask us questions today we're gonna be answering get out of them videos gonna be tense know what really nosy okay so first one this one's the most liked 127 likes how does her girlfriend feel about you being a teen dad that's for really hard questions good like you don't know from white uh she thinks that she think it's nice that I'm seeing a relation she um we kind of talked about it before she loves me how I'm in her life she was it how she also thought that me you're gonna get together this who see what happened she just did you support me really lucky okay so do you feel guilty for missing out on Everly's first month and yeah basically that's the question well not I want to say guilty I just feel bad well yeah I feel bad that wasn't there I thought that that was you guys yeah like I honestly like wasn't there for you like yes yes like I should have been should have been there for a little EV but it doesn't but that doesn't matter now from here yeah okay so how did you feel when you first figured out I was pregnant I was like what the heck no I was about to change cuz like I got sick but we kind of like brushed it off so yeah oh why did we break up why do we break up cuz you want to be single for high school is no J yes that's literally I think that was it yeah just like yeah it no basically I just wanted to start off yeah I don't know I just they're just my once I wanted to be single for high school and now you have a girlfriend in high school so how do people at your school rats when they found out hmm like now or like it before beginning beginning oh hey hey yeah hey I just brush it off the mall thing plus Dover to talk to friends picking with new ones men new people yeah just the Mon thing worried about my priorities why I need to do okay so this one's kinda like what were you with me when I gave birth doesn't work for like them cuz you already know like wasn't work what do you mean no no yeah yeah he wasn't at the brew my mom was either break it was like yeah but no to that Oh someone said why don't you post pictures up really on your Instagram whoa don't really have it yeah I don't really have any I don't really have the time to like I'm gonna take one of them today even wants me to so just real yeah yeah I got chili yeah so how old are you I'm 15 I'm 16 yeah so I trained 16 both because I have a birthday why I didn't like screen shot them beforehand so I'm kind of like going through there a little bit what relation do you want for you and Everett leaf close okay obviously I was so much what you just ordered - yes are you happy to be in every leaf life and are you ready for like the responsibility oh yes I am are you ready for the responsibility like how about that responsibilities um I've been around somewhat little kid not babies with like little kids all my life in my mom says that she wanted me to go work like the YMCA or something like that because I'm actually like I remember when he used to come over he would ditch me and hang out with my siblings because their coal River yeah every deny me ya know hang out River Amira watching yeah but yeah just [ __ ] handle Marty doing what I gotta do for her yeah yeah oh how do we meet no no not cha I mean the first time I think that was that's here actually at reality no McDonnells no oh itself McDonald's McDonald's because that's what sleep close it it's awful so whenever I asked him if he wants food I think you want McDonald's so yeah was it no yeah um we went to Lyons I've always known you from people like I think it was chase Porter's actually no actually I don't know you know it's Jackson Jackson yeah the other Jackson not Jackson droids but Jackson Williams Williams yeah there's all those people wait Ashley Jackson woods and Jackson Williams and cheese for I don't know I've always known you from people like I know knees dislikes like I moved here two killers and centigrade so like I've always known you like at the edge yeah I remember like we hung out one time when we were like in what six seventh grade yeah it sounds great like we walked around this little shopping center what was your first thought when you saw everything she's beautiful oh she just should be cheese like like me and I had chubby cheeks Oh someone said do you do online your public school it is public yeah yeah I do online oh this is a good question did we break up because of every leave no I didn't know I was pregnant when we broke up already you said that yes tricks are for kids I'm not shipping us why is everyone shipping you guys oh well I think single lot I think has a girlfriend yeah yeah a boyfriend [Music] so this one says do you want more kids - obviously like not with me but like in the future you won't work it oh yes like yeah oh oh how tall are you five seven five seven I'm fat - I really would have been a boy but would you have called her would you like was it your employ name I like something a shirt yeah no day 100 to do like doing Everest well yeah y-yeah always that's not gonna need my next good for now and grace I want to be looking like if I did it would be like a name that's like unique yeah like not you would not like something that you would hear on you yeah Lorna bog yeah that's my daughter but she's exotic [Music] how long did we date six months a long time it was like all of its great at least Oh Oliver the end no we started dating in January no no it was like six months when at least have a better memory but maybe you guys stop there's a long time it was like yeah whenever we broke up on her birthday yeah I was knows it honor but it was like like a week before I think I know I promised you own it I swear twice oh do you want to start seeing Everly more like a lot of people assume that I'm trying to like force them into her life if you actually like reached out and said you wanted to do your friends know you have a doctor obviously everybody yeah everyone all my friends know oh my god you have bad friends oh do you like the name of earlier like what would be your preferred name if it wasn't everything yeah oh do you watch my channel oh here I'm not busy yeah sometimes you on there just look around Oh Danny what are you gonna do like a room tour or something would like a room - yes okay I can't really see you right now but my room is a mess I'm really doing it right now yeah I still have to paint I have to order stuff have to build stuff and built a dresser by myself and I think it's gonna flat for me that's all I used to smile with my teeth like is it foggy yeah like jelly yeah Oh would you rather have had a boy or girl like honestly like I have to be honest on it boy or girl probably boy honestly so you come on it's like a boy like comment see do we want to go to college yes yes probably what about you owners you're Stanford online college for football funny did I think I was say it never Lee's name at all no yeah I picked it out by myself me and I'm like he walked me so I can really ask him yeah it's okay I blocked him back it's fine there yeah I really is a good name do you have any siblings yes two siblings no there's stone slate and AV you guys probably seen a V but I don't think you guys seen stone yeah she said but he has two sisters those are the ones I know their names are brie and free and it's girlfriends all three I have three Breeze in my life yeah we still need a really brief surgeries [Applause] Everly do the bath but lebot Oh another name I really your name is the Baba we ever see yourself to be teen parents like before obviously we found out that I really was gonna come did you think you were gonna ever have a kid John no no I didn't either I don't know there's nothing yeah is when I'm all done in 14 years in and five thousand years I'm gonna get married you'll be dead okay how do you feel about being in my videos and you do someone says this is like their words you do for the fame fame cloud feels like cloud oh yeah I just whatever she asks I'm just like yeah gonna like your people who watched me they want to see him obviously like he's a big part of Emily's life now do you wanna see me and more videos right now who do we regret having it really I don't at all no she's far more like that and do you want me to make my own channel yes Isaac will you watch it Ursula okay sure I'll ever know when you push there actually I'll have your personal occasions on what do you think like yeah my middle name is you told me before why did your my middle name yeah what is it yeah I remember you guys told me yeah oh I remember awesome Isaac a dad no no he's a girl someone got a lot of likes too okay so it said what is your favorite memory together probably yeah I remember yeah I'm mac and cheese and he said this is the best why is that like bacon grease on in like some other like green I don't know what it was until it's can I ask if he wears a question yeah go ahead okay hey guys so I'm like wait and then II went to like the water garden we walk around it was really fun it was for my birthday yeah we gave a mac and cheese what is your guys favorite food oh okay why did you have second guesses that everyone wasn't yours because oh no I was not like okay he's not only a woman so so like he hears other people say oh it really is not yours so he's coming oh no I just I just thought about ugly oh this one's for me okay did like people talking about everything kind of change your perception of me when we didn't see each other's like a long time people always said like I know people said like bad things about me to you hmm okay did you think I explained it so well people said about you did it change the way I thought about you yeah sure like do I seem different than what you thought because like we haven't seen each other for a while well I think with the rest oh yes oh how we could treat it differently since you can't achieve that he's the last one I think wait how have I been treated differently yeah but more supportive really like and like not in the social world like on Instagram I get like y'all mean yeah like I go on there every time I like oh my god so you support Everly's but you're gonna say student just from me - do you think I'm a good mom you're probably better than look like musty miles out there cuz sometimes they're not usually well her 24/7 you know that's what I think too wait that's like my goal like sometimes all the team sometimes team moms like go parties and just leave their babies I don't party I don't have friends yeah yeah big day whatever Lee yes I know I have friends they always know everything out there not really in the print size you have are ones that are very supportive of me and at really oh my god it's just so weird not my braces I don't know I had teeth you do have teeth even with your braces oh that is it for this video make sure you like and subscribe I post every Monday Wednesday and Friday I'm doing like a challenge with you one day like for my channel like one of those cool challenges who people like seeing you maybe we can do douche I welcome comments you yeah comment and say what you want to see maybe we could do a slime mystery wheels let's do it well I will see you guys next time bye everything skate by my bye
Channel: Maddie Lambert
Views: 5,694,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teenparents, teenmom
Id: 7pVHBHCyKsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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