Parent vs. Kid: 8 Year Old Debates Her Mom For a Cell Phone | Spirited Debates | HiHo Kids

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if i get a phone i won't look at it all night like you do you are eight years old i don't know who you think you're gonna call phoebe you know how to argue [Music] welcome to spirited debates introduce yourselves tell us a little about the dispute i'm erin i'm phoebe's mom we are here to argue about when phoebe should get a cell phone now i'm at the right age to do it how old are you phoebe i'm seven i mean eight okay i am going to turn to our judges hey guys i'm sebastian i'm ll royale my name's joe i'm a high school teacher so i spend a lot of time debating with students about their cell phone use so i'm excited to see how this goes what's at stake here if phoebe wins she will get a cell phone within the month if phoebe loses she has to wait two years each of you will have three rounds loser of round one get sprayed with a squirt gun by their opponent during round two as you deliver your argument serious i would like to hear your side first okay phoebe you are eight years old i don't know who you think you're gonna call that you can't get a hold of on my phone or your ipad you have ways that you can contact people without actually having a cell phone eight seems a little bit on the young side okay thank you i feel i should get a cell phone because what if i'm lost [Music] what if i'm lost and i don't know anybody this is your rule stranger danger and also like what if like valentina's sick valentina is my best friend and uh we're on like a trip to costa rica and i couldn't bring my ipad what would i do to call valentina wow okay judges parent to parent ada's too young however phoebe you know how to argue [Laughter] you don't want a phone to play around you about business so i'ma have to get this around the phoebe i'm gonna give round one to aaron aaron's arguments are grounded more in reality and less in hypotheticals you make a very good point about the portability of the phone but i don't know how soon you're going to costa rica one to one sebastian break the tie i'm gonna have to go with phoebe as well what if valentina gets sick she made some very good points so i'm gonna have to give the round to phoebe erin you lost that first round i know okay bring out the square gun this is gonna be fun thank you phoebe you got to be kind to your mom i feed you meals i buy you clothes you yell at me loser of this round will argue the next with their speech impaired okay i'm gonna start the timer in three two one go uh to address phoebe's argument we don't have plans to streak anytime soon watch the bangs girl i don't believe that uh she would ever be in a physician where she wouldn't have a cell phone nearby that an adult would be holding where uh valentino's mom couldn't call so uh i i don't know that that's a good enough argument okay phoebe so if i get a phone here are the ground rules don't have any access to instagram facebook or twitter you get to see all the apps and games i get when i go to bed i'll have it plugged in the living room and i won't look at it all night like you do and those are my statements [Laughter] judges i want to agree with you aaron so bad i do of course an eight-year-old should not have a phone but then you hear the eight-year-old's points i'm gonna have to give this to phoebe again as a debate judge i can't in good conscience go against this massive round from phoebe i mean she had one two three four five new arguments on the board untouched of all of these ground rules so i i gotta go with phoebe phoebe did have a lot of bullet points and rules that she set for herself so i'm gonna have to side with phoebe on this one all right phoebe wins that round aaron you get the next challenge okay can we bring out the thing the what a okay like this you look hilarious i'll start the timer as soon as you start talking okay i don't know that i want her to access the internet around the clock i think it's nice to have time away from a screen i'm worried that with too much technology and hunt i'm worried that she's going to lose her childhood i want you to be a kid because i worry about you losing that and i want you to be a kid as long as you can be i'm having a moment with you and you're laughing at me i'm terrible i do i don't want you to grow up too fast i love you and i'm trying to be a good mom i'm like drooling this is gross that's brutal tv are you ready to give your case yes i am so first i want to comment on my mom's thinking you can totally be like phoebe you're outside i'll go outside you know you can trust me with this stuff and i'm here for you also i would like to uh say some more things first family plan wherever you have it second you can take some money out of my savings account and also i need to learn to be independent that is my statement thank you that was an incredibly impassioned argument from you aaron i don't know i found it truly heart touching but um if i'm gonna score it like a straight up debate judge i see more arguments from phoebe that weren't addressed so i'm gonna give this win to phoebe well argued phoebe phoebe you had me thank you as mature and as bright and as beautiful and as wonderful of a young lady as you are i have to side with your mom about preserving your childhood well erin tried it because i almost started crying and my mascara almost ran so come in for that your mom really took that it took me over girl so i'm gonna have to side with your mom on this one my mom won your mom won what i say one more word yeah yeah unless you have one more word okay thank you for letting me be a child and i love you so much thank you thank you [Applause] all right and that is a cut on our cameras
Channel: HiHo Kids
Views: 1,570,842
Rating: 4.8908057 out of 5
Keywords: Hiho Kids, HiHoKids, Hiho, kids describe, mailbag, mailbag videos, unboxing, unboxing videos, Kids try, family, family friendly, Maddox, Maddox weddle, games, experiment, kids play, fun, friends, kids make friends, try new things, kids guess, what’s in the box, Cut, Watch Cut, Cut Videos, Ernie, Desmond, Crystal, Justin, GG, Austin, Jayque, Steven, Carolina, cut, spirited debates, cell phone, iphone, samsung, android, mobile
Id: W3Egu8zU79s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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