using clear coat for tissue paper decoupage from roycycled

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good evening everyone how are you guys I'm so  sorry I'm late tonight and I'm never I try to   always make sure I make this commitment so  I apologize for being late to you guys I   have login issues getting onto the Dixie LePage  Facebook Likes to change how we go live and make   things better you know they like to make things  better so they made it better for us this week   so I'm here you guys please come on and let me  know you're watching let me know you can read   before yeah thank you so much to Dixie Belle  for sticking with me we've been on messaging   for the last 30 minutes trying to get me on so  but I'm here I'm I'm here right better late than   never I was seeing your guys messages to me  as I was trying to get in and I'm sorry for   that so anyways let's get started tonight it's  Thursday night you guys my name is Brandi I am   with brushed by Brandi I am a Dixie Belle paint  brand ambassador and I paint with you guys live   here on the Dixie Belle paint Facebook page every  Thursday evening at 9 p.m. Eastern tonight 9:30   people often yeah but that's okay you know  tonight was gonna be off anyways because I   was actually supposed to fly down to Southern  California for the Pinterest conference today   and guess what happened does anybody want to  guess anybody Bueller yeah it was canceled the   last minute literally our vendors were unloading  their vehicles and they cancelled the event so   I'm here in sunny Sacramento California it is  a beautiful day thanks to daylight savings and   I'm gonna pay with you guys tonight so this  piece that I'm working on behind me is what   we're gonna do and I've got just a really simple  base on here and now we need to add some interest   to it and really liven it up so I had done I  added this molding on here on the Chuck mineral   enthusiast page I think this is a would you been  holding that I added on to this piece this is   also would you been molding and then I combined  it with someone my tree design with prima molds   to so I got those and we're gonna decorate  them tonight so all this will kind of come   alive right now it's just plain I've got three  colors on here caviar midnight sky and gravel   really dark moody colors so I want to put an image  on this piece I want to use this frame right here   to really add what's gonna be the interest to  my piece so you guys ready to see what I chose we're gonna put her on here what do you guys think  isn't she kind of dramatic so I'm gonna cut her   out this is tissue paper these are by Roy cycles  it's ro why cyc led ro y cyc led is recycled and   these are 18 pound tissue papers but I'm going to  show you some that I've had and this also will be   me making any last-minute decision on if I want  to change this tissue paper so that really sets   the move for my whole piece I know I don't want  to swirl I really wanted like a face on there where's my picture something like this only the  orientation was wrong for my teeth so I like   this work and white image that was my predicament  there but I do like the coloring and everything   with that I think it would be kind of cool I just  might save that one for another piece this one is   a little bit more art deco design so I didn't and  again I want something larger and I didn't feel   like those went as well with style might say what  this one here this is just coloring is not what   it where I want to go I'm looking for that you  know the classics the Masters I want a piece by   and then I've got two of these sheets here which  are again that really Art Deco style and that's   not what I'm getting from this you know really  quick is there a reason you picked the number   eighteen thickness versus ten it's thicker paper  my personal preference is towards thicker paper   and we're going to talk a lot tonight about  why that is why I like working with thicker   paper is what I do differently with thicker and  thinner papers this will be kind of cool this is   just a black and white script but I think it's a  little too plain that's what I went through when   I was going for choosing this is another cool  one this has some really cool images on here   the sheet music would be kind of cute but not  from now when you order them do they actually   come in a pack like this let me show you how they  come not like this this is a whole bunch of papers   that I have let me show you how they come so they  come like this where for example this Jackie says   hi hi sorry that she won't be seeing you I know  Jackie can you believe that I cannot believe I   can't believe what's going on I'm still mind  blown in fact tonight's question is gonna   be have you been to your local Costco or Sam's  Club or big-box shops and what is their current   toilet-paper situation for TP deathmatch yeah  have you been involved you know I'm just worried   I'm genuinely curious why the GP but okay so it  comes in a package like this you can see this is   labeled and this is actually the same one that I'm  going to use tonight but it's new in the package   so this is kind of the combo and I just kind of  wanted to show you my decision-making process   when I chose the girl that I'm going to put on  here I also chose her because well I pulled my   color inspiration for her so you look at this and  they the colors I'm pulling out of her in addition   to the black that I put on my piece I'm going to  use this is Dixie Belle chocolate these are gonna   be my accent colors when I add color to these  molds here Colonel Mustard this is rustic red   which I also did where's that screwdriver right  here I did all these drawer sides in rustic right   and I'm going to five stores to find TP they close  down some one and I apologize for not catching the   name so I'm gonna apologize that the order said  that the Disneyworld Orlando is close too far from   dis and then within probably an hour of there and  they closed it thumbs down this morning Jackie was   supposed to go with me just as the vendors were  unloading to set up the big Pinterest conference   oh man now we're gonna jump in and out but as far  as colors what do you got so on the body I have   caviar midnight sky and gravel road and then I'm  showing you right now that I'm going to pull in   some I have rustic red on the drawer sides because  I really liked the red and her shirt those are the   accent colors I'm gonna pull out on the molds  on this piece I'm gonna pull out some Colonel   Mustard on the Lions here and that's also going to  tie in she's got some mustard color on her outfit   I'll put some gold on here and then I would also  go out collard greens so first things first let's   get her slapped on here so I told you I was going  to talk a little bit about working with thicker   and thinner papers I prefer thicker papers I just  think they're easier to work with st. Patrick's   Day parades in New Orleans are canceled - oh wow  the yeah that's everywhere yeah so the first thing   I'm going to do with her is I'm gonna give her a  rough cut out I'm just gonna get the girls image   out of the background so that I'm not trying to  with this fluffy sheet of paper because she's   really what I the only part that I need help with  my multi-action here you continue on your little   thing it's really heavy here so where it's from  so now I'm going to I've got all my drawers and   on this piece they're all pushed in and lined up  I'm going to roughly Center this on my molding   I'm going to use my fingers to kind of crease  my paper where my mouldings are I prefer to cut   as much of the paper as I can before I put it up  it's a little harder to cut once it's already up   because it's got an adhesive attaching it onto  your and then I can decide do I want to cut I   don't want to cut her face off here they're gonna  be in the crease of the drawer probably as much as   I can sub her facial features are on a full drawer  here I would have to agree with dixiebell with   all these closures and everybody having to stay  home it's just more time to the lives unless you   need to clear up furniture to make room for your  toilet-paperers - you know this is a great time to   clear that furniture out so order some dixiebell  paint tonight this is something you can do while   you're stuck inside your house make some extra  money since you can't go to work I should have   been making a joke out of this but it's all I can  do guys okay so I like this placement right here   her face is gonna line up and it's going to be on  the straw her hair will be in this drawer crevice   right here I'm just looking making sure no awkward  places this crevice will fall in with her neck and   then this will be about the end so I'm going to  go ahead and tape her up and we're gonna cut the   paper now so now that I've got my placement about  right I'm gonna go ahead and cut this it's a good   thing there's a video not just audio because  it sounds violent got her face stuck in this   drawer so I have an exacto knife and I'm going  to use this and I'm running it along I put this   molding on here I'm going to run it right into  this crease of the molding and that's where I'm   gonna make my comments you definitely want to  do this with a razor blade or an exacto knife   versus trying to do it with like scissors because  these are pretty precise cuts but I'm trying to   make here and this is a thin paper tissue paper is  thinner so when it looks a little bit here right   there with Darlie and I just don't get why the TP  why I don't either the only reason I'm paranoid   about it is just like I said I got three kids  and they just use a lot of toilet paper so I'm   scared but I do need it I won't be able to find  it that's the only reason I'm scared no I was   gonna fly today that's all I feel about it but  but I also don't have like a compromised immune   system or any you know underlying conditions  or anything so I do understand that there's a   risk all right I'm just following the curvature  of this should I need to get my piece and this   is something you want to take your time  on because if you cut your paper wrong and then I can just slowly take her  apart and I've kind of got my piece there just so it doesn't flop around it's in case   people or quarantine didn't have  to stay at their house enough TP Oh gotcha so I could actually go in shopping not  that long ago so we do have a month supply but   so what do you guys think so far do you guys  like this paper against the black and then   with the Lions I thought it was kind of a really  classic look still making sure my papers in the   right place before I cut makes me nervous Tibet  although at least have a backup sheet at this   if I mess it up right can you say that after you  finish the cut I don't want to here let me show   you guys something so coming over from the other  direction I just cut up too high a little bit so   I'm going to come at it from this direction now  and then when I actually adhere the paper it'll   you won't even notice because it's still the  same sheet of paper it's just gonna beat have   a little where I cut it right there so I'm just  going to cut her a little bit larger and then I   can fill in that spot okay so like I said I  can you guys see this where I made this cut   too short so I just and then when I actually lay  it I can just piece that back in and you won't   notice that I did that this is also going to be  aged and distressed with a little bit of waxes decorative accents so a lot of this will be  perfected as I go so I'm gently going to take   this tape off now because I'm ready to adhere her  I'm going to take this keep this up a little bit   get her out of my way and then I'm gonna tonight  I'm doing decoupage with takes about four coats so   I told you guys I like to use thicker papers a lot  thicker papers meaning I prefer wallpaper and gift   wrap and thinker papers like that over really thin  papers like paper napkins you'll see I have videos   out where I used wallpaper paste for decoupage  I love this for thicker papers because it has a   really long work time so I can place my papers a  couple times before it really starts to set up and   that's what I like about wallpaper faces it's  not for hanging wallpaper think about it it's   a thick paper if you need to move wallpaper and  put it back up again you still can that's what   this allows now the Dix about clear coats set  up a little bit quicker but with tissue papers   you cannot place them as many times as you need  because it's thinner paper if you try to pull   it back off it's going to tear the paper once it  comes in contact with that moisture you really got   to commit a little bit so that's what I'm doing  here and I'm going to use the clear coat because   I'm not going to be able to place that paper again  anyway so I use these two interchangeably you'll   see me use wallpaper paste and dixiebell clear  coat interchangeably the clear coat is going to   be my adhesive and I'm also going to use it as a  clear coat to seal the top of this once I'm fully   done with the piece so I'm using it tonight as  an adhesive but I like thicker papers for that   reason because you can place them a few different  times without them ripping or tearing they're just   easier to work with so I'm going to take some of  my big smoke clear coat this is satin clear and I   prefer this out and clear for decoupage because it  goes on with this white so I can see really easily   and it will dry clear but I can see really easily  where I put it I'm going to go ahead and put kind   of a generous coat on here this is just Rafi you  need two coats of raw paint and I'm gonna put a   fairly generous coat and I'm not going to do the  bottom yet I'm gonna start and really just focus   on one small area at a time get into some of these  crevices up here up along my mold but I like to   work with this satin clear because satin clear  has a longer open life than Gator hides Gator   kind absorbs really quickly and sets up really  quickly so it can be harder to decoupage with you   ever done that iron method yeah I don't care for  it it just seems like way too much work for me so   the iron method basically you put your adhesive  on let it dry and then come back and you use an   iron to read it to heat activate the adhesive and  that just seems like way too much work if I just   lay the paper right in the first place I don't  need to come back and re I on it so this this   is the method I choose I don't get my hiring out  for anything I don't even earn my clothes you're   gonna say if you do it then you can just under  my clothes let alone my furniture so right now   I'm just making sure I have really good coverage  I want to make sure all the edges that's that's   where you really want to make sure that's where  lifting is most likely to happen so I'm making   sure I have really good coverage up into those  crevices all right now I'm going to take this   little piece of tape off and pull her down and  I'm gonna start attaching her this is a commitment   once you put the tissue paper into there she's  gonna start sticking paper when it gets away   it stretches too so I'm gonna do one area at a  time and this is a little large at the top but   that's okay now the other tool I like to use for  decoupage is a brayer a brayer is a rolling pin   tool and I've got several out here I've got this  one which is I got it a thrift store it's like a   kitchen tool this is a hard brayer and then I've  got a soft or silicone one for this purpose I'm   going to use the harder one here this so I use  these bolts the harder version and the softer   for different purposes but I'm glad I have them  both in my stop that so because the paper is wet   it gets really fragile you don't want to play with  this paper a lot you don't want to do things that   put friction on it because that's where you can  cause tearing so I like that the brayer I can roll   right over the surface press it into my adhesive  and it doesn't it doesn't cause any friction I'm   not pulling at the paper I'm just rolling it out  naturally and then I can just press it in but if   I rub my fingers on this even just that rubbing  is going to pull this paper and cause hearing so   this is again why I like the 18 pound paper over  the 10 pound tissue paper so that just describes   the thickness of the paper I like the thicker  ones because I can play with it a little bit   more then tissue paper is extremely fragile so I'm  even allowed to like rub my fingers over this and   she's not going to tear and then I can put the  brayer on it and work out any wrinkles and I'm   not pulling at this paper it starts stretching now  as the paper dries as that clear coat underneath   dries it's the paper is going to read shrink again  and that helps pull out any wrinkling or bubbles   too so it's not going to pull out if you give it  a really you know a really poor application with   tons of bubbles it's not going to pull them  all out but if you've got a few wrinkles in   there it's gonna pull some of those back out if  they're just small as the paper shrinks back out so I roll it both directions vertically and  horizontally just to make sure that I don't   have air bubbles underneath there and obviously  this is the main section of my print so I want   to make sure this is the best adheres part too and  I'm not trying to attach the paper all at one time   I'm just working small sections at a time like  down here I don't even have an adhesive on yet   what happen if you use the straight edge a credit  card or something you're gonna pull up the paper   anything that causes friction like that you're  just taking a risk that you can tear your paper   so you know even some things like this like this  is a gentle or silicone tool I might I could use   this to press it into the edges but I would even  if you're if you're pulling anything down the top   of your paper the risk of tearing it is it's so  great I just won't even take the chance and you   can feel it too you can feel that it's fragile  so yet most I'll use this and I'm just pushing   the paper into the edges of my molding but I  don't feel comfortable using this to actually   basically scrape to scrape the paper even wrote  even running my fingers over it I can feel that   it's just really fragile and the more that you  work it the more you're gonna end up with a   tear so you really want to work it minimally even  with this roller give it its rolling let it dry so   worst-case scenario if you end up lot with flaws I  can still come back and iron this after its dried   if I feel like I've got more flaws than I want I  can actually combine that iron method with this   and get out any flaws so you kind of can use that  as a backup method even if you're just using like   I'm just using the brayer and the clear coat  and laying my paper so where did you get this   at the design tsch be recycled comm ro y C PI C  LED let me show you can see her bring them here   her website on here yeah it's fine here sit there  for a second she's got beautiful designs and it's   only a few dollars for a sheet too so they're  reasonably priced you can also get her stuff off   of the zazzle she has a shop on dazzle which is  custom papers so now that I feel good about where   this is got one little spot right here that I'd  like to be better but otherwise it's all nice up   into my corners the discoloration once you once  my clear coat dries under that paper that will   disappear and it won't have a consistent tolerant  I'm gonna use my other brayer for just a minute   and roll her up yeah that got one air bubble  that ice was seeing so this is another reason   why I like to have the two different Breyers  they both have different levels of contact and   the other one these are just craft store items  just a craft store brayer and I like them all   for different purposes so I feel good about this  up here I'm actually not going to cut this until   it's dry up here and the reason is because this is  an extremely detailed mold up here and I want to   cut it into all these crazy crevasses up here so  I'm gonna wait actually until that's dry and this   is attached and I will come back and do that part  so now I'm going to come down here and work this   section same thing I'm gonna put my clear coat  on and the tip to using clear coat the reason I'm   using clear coat and not like Mod Podge Mod Podge  is a water base that he said that you get at the   craft store and is because when you when you go  to put a top coat over Mod Podge it reactivates   what's underneath it and causes bubbles this clear  coat when I go to clear coat over the top of it   it's not gonna reactivate this layer underneath  so I don't have to worry about causing bubbles   after I've already laid the people so I think  you were lucky that answers my next question is   is months later could you go back and iron this  use the iron method but if you put a top coat on   it guess that defeats over the top coat because  it will get sticky but if I iron with it just   under the paper then the top coat is going to stay  just under the paper and I can still iron over the   top so as long as the paper is the top surface  you get yes exactly once I put clear coat over   this no I do not want to iron it so if you like my  cut down here at the bottom I cut it a little tiny   bit short but I have two options there I could  either piece in a small piece of my paper or I   am probably going to just paint it in because I'm  gonna paint her in anyways and the other thing I'm   going to do after this dries is I'm going to take  a razor blade and I'm going to cut in between all   these drawers so once this is dry I'll come back  and do that too because once it's dry my my clear   coat is kind of kind of hard and I can just cut  a really clean line in between my drawers have   you done this often yes we sneak peek my next  piece and I got it all done with a paper this   is a thicker paper this is actually a gift wrap  paper it's thicker so late really it lays pretty   easily it's like hanging wallpaper on a piece of  furniture that's exactly what I would compare it   to and I used the wallpaper adhesive underneath  attach my paper and I sprayed Gator hide over the   top of all of it so that paper is encapsulated in  with this piece now this it's a permanent part of   my finish it's white bullets clean the bullets  yeah so that's all done with the paper - I do   so I know there was a question earlier as far  as isn't that basically you're clear isn't   it water soluble it is funny till it dries my  country activates really quickly so this it's   gonna dry before it has time to reactivate what's  underneath does that make sense and it it doesn't   have as long of an open life as that much does so  yes it is water-based if you leave water sitting   on top of it long enough you will soften it but  it the nuclear coat you're gonna put over top   dries faster than it doesn't have time to react  it so when you go cut this are you gonna tuck   it into the drawers or is it no it'll just be a  clean razor blade edge along the drawer seams so   it's going I don't have I won't have anything  to talk it's gonna run right up to the drawer   edge here it's this is a molding it's gonna  stay in that molding here I'm pressing it into   there I'm just using the curvature of my finger  it's a fluted molding on there just kind of a I don't know a half circle I'm just using this to  get into the curves of that molding that while   that paper has a little bit of stretch to it  I'm pressing it into the corners and then when   I come back and just write communal did you just  say you sprayed gator hide I sprayed you sprayed   the Gator hide okay I mean it's it's a legitimate  question you spraying you didn't lead him rushing   I always look at you weird what are you trying to  say a little bit so I need to learn to not work   that paper right there so yes it was sprayed even  over the paper yes sprayed my Gator hide over the   paper now I have a little bit of clear coat that's  here in the crevice that is looks white right now   but it will dry clear and you won't even see that  I've got extra excess clear coat and I'm going to   click with this anyway I'm done with it so I'm  just pressing that down the edges now while this   paper is wet I don't want to play with it a whole  lot if I come back when this is dry and I see oak   there's a little tiny edge right there it didn't  get enough clear coat under it I can put a little   bit of clear coat under and over the top of it and  read here so I will go through and check all this   after it's dry you just don't want to overwork  your paper while it's wet so why wouldn't you   if you started from scratch why wouldn't you put  the image on and then put your trim over the image   um you could do it that way because when I did  this I was doing a live video this has kind of   been a design as I go kind of thing where I wasn't  100% sure what I wanted to go in here it's kind of   evolved for me anyways I could have put stripes  in here I could put a floral in here I wasn't a   hundred percent sure until I started putting the  molds on it started taking on a feeling for me and   yes Denise if it's a tiny tear you can kind of fit  the paper back in there yes so that's exactly what   I'm doing right here and I'm gonna paint in the  little spot but you don't want to overwork that   paper because it tears so easily especially the  longer that it sits wet the more likely it is to   tear now to kind of put the rewind what's Gator  hidin clearcoat I don't have a container out with   me but it's an alternative to the Dixville clear  coat it's a it's their most durable clear coat   it's great for surfaces that will get heavy use so  a dining table a dresser top it's water resistant   versus the other clear coats are water repellent  so what will resist water for a longer time than   the regular clear coats will so that's what I  mean if you're doing something that's going to   be heavier use it's great for just a dresser front  I don't think it's really necessary it's kind of   overkill but it sprays beautifully it sprays  beautifully the satin clear coats a little bit   thicker it's almost like a gel which means that  brush is on really easily but it goes through a   sprayer you got to dilute it a little bit more  and stir it really well before it'll go through   a sprayer well so Gator hide just sprays really  nicely so I like her I'm gonna leave her for now   and come up here and I'm going to start working  some of these moldings adding some color in here   I can't this piece of tape off at the top now  trying not to rip my paper but if I do that's   okay because most of this is going to get cut  because it overlaps my mold up here and I just   want to ride the you know intricate curvature of  this edge when I come back to cut it so I like her   know is that would you been molding this if the  combination of wood you've been building and then   molds that I cast out of resin using silicone  molds from redesign with Prima so this is all   wood you Bend this heavy-duty curve right here  I curved a straight stretch of which again to a   complete radius these are what you Bend this is  what you Bend so it's about 50/50 mix these guys   are part of the new release from redesign with  Prima dixiebell carries these would you been   ropes you guys and if you heat them you can bend  them into any um shape you want so in this case   I got it to bend into a full radius here meaning  this circle I could have made a full circle just   out of wood you Bend so really quick just cuz  I see a bunch of questions and comments getting   thrown out when you're spraying gator hide I  don't necessarily think you need to dilute it   because it's pretty thin and it goes on pretty it  lays really well it depends on your sprayer 100%   depends on your sprayer though so for our prayer  for our sprayer it's a pneumatic sprayer I also   just got an Apollo sprayer that I'll be playing  around with and getting dilutions ratios really   nailed down because each individual product in the  line is gonna have a different dilution ratio so   some things you may need to dilute 10 percent  some things may need none for example the gloss   clear coat is very thin you may not need to dilute  the gloss clear coat the metallics are very thin   compared to the regular paint you may not need to  dilute the metallics you may need to dilute caviar   more than you dilute cotton because caviar has  more pigments in it so each product in the line   even down to the paint colors are going to have  different dilutions ratios and it really comes   with just learning your sprayer but you can see if  you shake in the container can see that the satin   clear coat shakes really thick if I go shake the  gloss clerk Oh it shakes like water it's really   thin so I think that's just a learning process for  learning what your sprayer is I'm taking an artist   brush and I'm dipping into my um this is Colonel  Mustard and I just want to add some color I feel   like she's staring at me yeah she's gonna go in  our room she'll be watching you all the time as   you change yeah and she have that kind of glare  honor like you like I know what you're doing what   are you trying to say she knows so when I paint in  little details like this I do just take an artist   brush I'm just kind of kind of dry brush over the  top and the reason I painted him and attached him   already is because I like that it looks like  it's a seamless piece with my furniture and now   this color that I'm just putting over top I'm just  gonna kind of you know I'm gonna kind of highlight   some of the high points on him I don't think  he needs full color oh yeah she's very judging   she's a judge yeah so I want to actually get in  closer on your Lions because it just shows the   detail yeah so I think when you when you put  molds on like this guy up here you don't even   see the detail until you start adding look at that  shield that's like I'm gonna show you for example   because I know I want to put some gold on here  if I just put gold on this crown all of a sudden   you can see just using my finger just getting his  crown a little bit but all of a sudden you can see   all the details that are in these molds that you  couldn't see before that's just crazy so I think   I want to do I'm probably gonna use a combination  on this guy well heck no Gary Gary says you just   winked at me I guess I can put gilding wax on and  then even if I decide to paint it I can because I   think I want to use some red on him which I could  use Anastasia gilding wax I'm just using my finger   and I'm just hitting the high point see all this  detail on the shield that's crazy you don't see   all that until you start putting the gilding waxes  on and i have a very light coat just on my finger   here but i think i want to use a combination of  paint and gilding wax to make the molds come alive   that's what I'm thinking so right now I'm just  painting around this lion's mane I wish there was   a faster way to tell you guys that I get some of  these detail books but sometimes I just sit here   with an artist brush and get stared at yeah but  honestly I think this is this is relaxing for me   I'm gonna do his face and I want his Mane to be  a little bit darker and then I'll add some like   black you know in his eyes and stuff so about  detail Oh plops got your hands in the way sorry   gosh so I'm probably gonna need a second coat of  that yellow on there and I'll do his mane and some   chocolate I'm gonna add some color on this molding  so I'm gonna get an even smaller artist brush so what does gilding wax do telling wax is just a  metallic wax you know you know it is an oil-based   wax that dixiebell waxes or Gillan works with our  oil base and it just is a metallic wax that you   can put on to bring out details you can use it  over the paint it doesn't need to be sealed so   I'm just painting his Mane with a little bit of  chocolate and what are the colors on the piece   on the piece so far I have the dark block colors  are caviar midnight sky and gravel road and I use   the gravel road just to create kind of a lighter  frame around here so I can use dark boxes to shade   it and really make have to mention that was kind  of my goal is I wanted it to look like a frame so   I don't want you guys to think when I pulled this  piece out I knew exactly what I was doing I didn't   it's totally evolved it will continue to evolve as  I look at where I am and think okay what does it   need next what's still missing on this piece and  I'll just answer questions as I go but I don't   think we usually start out knowing exactly what  it's going to look like when we're done so that's   a rough you know rough outline I think I'll do is  claws in the darker color because I'm going to put   waxes and stuff on this too but this all this  detail will help tie in with some of the colors   that's on my main image that I used I'd agree with  LaDonna that I like the multi colors versus just   the singular at the black of caviar with Sophia oh  yeah I love caviar on its own but if you add just   so you know a little bit of the other color so  what I'm doing right here is I toward this paper   a little bit and exactly the colors on this spot  are the chocolate and the Colonel Mustard that   I'm using so I'm just gonna feather this spot in  so that you don't notice that I had a little tear   right there so I'll let that dry and I can see how  it looks probably a little more Colonel Mustard I'm just feathering it in with my finger a little  bit I'm gonna soften it I think it looks good so   yeah I think how I'm gonna need two coats and I  want to add a little bit of I think I'm thinking   collard greens along here to kind of frame her out  and then the legs on this piece I'm gonna leave in   wood and I was totally sorry sidetrack you is this  how you did the surprise piece for Susan yes I sat   here with artist brunches I talked up a whole  bunch of my artists brushes and I stopped there   and painted in all the details and and that was  and then I put gilding waxes on it and that was   a lot of custom colors too because I didn't have  the entire line available like I do at my house so   I mixed and cheated and I painted that in a hotel  room it actually ended up not in my hotel room it   ended up in Chris Donna's hotel room and she gave  me your key and I let myself come and go till 5:00   a.m. that was the really detailed piece I did  with the pheasant on it a little bit she's still   staring at me you know it would only bother you if  you had a guilty conscience I do think she's gonna   punch me I also had a poster I thought about  putting on here a poster of the girl with the   Pearl Earring which is an image that I love that  would have worked to the image was a little bit   larger though so one more time three colors in the  back caviar caviar midnight sky and gravel road   the three darkest colors in the line all together  you wouldn't think of shading with those three   but they actually work really well together they  look pretty shady yeah like her she knows oh yeah   she'll appreciating at this whole deals kind of  shady it's about to get violent so when I stained   the legs I'm gonna stain them in a lighter color  and that's because I want the contrast I even got   paint on them and that's okay because I need to  sand them down anyways but I want the contrast   of the lighter legs with the darker body and all  the details is where my color is gonna come from   on this piece so it doesn't look like a whole lot  yet but they always get there right and even if   they don't you just end up redoing them that's  that piece behind me with the decoupage on it   I redid that one I just wasn't happy with it so  you know what start from scratch go back to it   with fresh eyes and I redid it so this piece will  evolve with me and so far you know everything just   has kind of come together out of the molding but  not not it a little bit and now I add the image   and that adds something and it starts taking  on personality as I said she's dead so I'm   Becky laughing she stares like the pictures during  the scooby-doo show you know cleaning man as you   walk by in the hallway yeah they probably stare  you down yeah mm-hmm it's always the old man so   this is a really set of subtle color but I think  it'll be cool and then when I had some gilding   waxes and stuff on top of here so could you as  a poster oh yeah absolutely you can use posters   absolutely posters are great and I like posters  again because they usually have thicker paper so   I'm gonna come over here and do this other land  just kind of painting in between his mane if   this yellow is gonna need two coats it's not dark  enough I don't want to see the black underneath same as that piece I did with Suzanne some of  the colors I need I had to do two coats on you   just let him dry it doesn't take long for him to  dry so if I was sitting here doing this for an   hour I could come back and you know 30 minutes  or so in this thin coat would probably be dry   enough that I could put something else over top  I can't talk when I'm to like usually I can talk   on pain you can talk what I'm doing this the  Colonel Mustard might even look kind of cute   around if I kind of dry brush I'm just gonna  test it because I haven't painted this part so   the legs were actually part of the piece right  yes the legs are original to the piece I did not   have those I'm just testing out because I kind  of paint that I don't think I like that it's a   little too crazy for me I don't want it to be  crazy I don't want it to be very old you know   classic regal that's why I wanted a very classic  image on the front versus something more modern   or then what did I get oh the face so that's kind  of where I am on this piece guys I'm gonna keep   going on here but we attach this image with  the clear coat using decoupage artist brush   to bring out some of the details in my molds I  showed you guys early on then I have some red   on the drawer sites too so once I'm done with  this I think it's all gonna tie together I'll   put some gold on my Lions some gold on this piece  here you can see if I hold on before you do the   other side of it let me zoom in so you get to  see the kind of the before and after yeah you   really I mean you all this detail gets lost and  I just take my finger and ride the high points these are fake keyholes but I'm actually going  to use them to back my hardware so I drilled   out the keyhole so that it goes through two  for my screw to fit in and that one they'll   be hardware box instead of kegels I do the same  thing on this side the black is really pretty   against the gold it stands out really well I'm  gonna grab my Anastasia gilding works cuz that   monkey needs some red on him right he should  have like another thing I wanted to bring up   is when black is when you are working with  black let's say I'm getting fingerprints and   stuff all over it it picks up all the oils and  several easily even if I come and I stand slack because I always see em before I put a clear coat  on it's gonna create this white haze right here   I will clean the sanding desktop just with a tack  cloth and then that white haze disappears with the   clear coat so when you do this or you even go to  move your piece and get a little white fingerprint   on there or smudge marks or whatever I'm creating  them now you know put some dust on my finger and   create it it's okay because once this gets clear  coated all that those marks are gonna go away so   even when I'm working with black I don't skip  this step and your key holes were molds correct   silicone mold and resin and we did that we did  some of those not these exact one so we have some   molds on my life last last week yes we cast molds  on my whitewash week so if you go look for that   yes spots Thursday on the next occasion we cast  molds with resin it's exactly the process I use   for those so what do you guys think are you with  me on my vision here am I crazy you get it Brandi   you're not getting enough sleep what's how are  we feeling there's always one oh wow there's no   broke squirrels no broke or broke no there's no  Brooks world what people went nuts for them okay   good good gig mic drop walk away oh so this is  dry enough that I'm able to come back and just   put a second coat of this yellow on my lion body  now he looks really bright but I wouldn't put some   dark wax on him some brown and some black wax and  it's gonna tone this yellow way down so they're   not gonna be so bright and new and shiny when I'm  done okay last thing I told you I wanted to put   some Anastasia gilding wax line look at the color  of the Anastasia I've got some blue human isn't   that pretty it's this ruby red color so one thing  I should tell you guys is on the dixiebell website   there are a lot of the gilding waxes are still  on there some are not and that's because they're   currently being reformulated which is gonna be  awesome that's a really pretty color against   the black okay so he's definitely gonna have some  red on him I'll have to decide where exactly I'll   surprise you guys when you see the final version  and I'm probably gonna add a little bit of paint   to it too but anyway you can see how the gilding  waxes really brings out the detail in the moles   that are lost when it's just one solid color are  you guys I'm going to get off tonight thank you   again for waiting for me if you guys have it  already Kristina and I started a podcast this   week and our first episode is of one YouTube and  Spotify it will be on other podcast locations too   eventually we're getting there it's going to be on  iTunes Google podcasts all of those but it's just   our first episode that came out we're gonna come  out with one every week so I hope you guys will   subscribe and follow there but that'll be if I'm  thing to listen to just as you're driving in the   car and we'll talk about all things painting the  business side painting tips talking about brands   we'll have guests all kinds of stuff and her and  I have great chemistry so we get along really well   it's been fun to do so go find us at the paint  cast podcast on YouTube Facebook and Instagram   and go check out that episode let us know what you  think my name is brandy I'm with brushed by brandy   you can follow me on Facebook Pinterest Instagram  and YouTube and as always I put a link above   in the post you can use that to find your local  retailer if you want to order any of the supplies   that we use tonight from dixiebell I also get  a percentage of sales made through that link so   I always appreciate when you guys buy from there  too but I'll let you guys go have a great weekend   stay home stay safe guard your toilet paper with  your life it's been fun I'll see you next week
Channel: Brushed by Brandy
Views: 51,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dixie belle, chalk paint, diy, tutorial, chalk mineral paint, redesign with prima, painted, painted furniture, blending, blended, paint, home decor, farmhouse, furniture, brushed by brandy, dixie belle paint, decoupage, clear coat, roycycled, decoupage paper, applying paper to furniture, image transfer, wood u bend, mouldings, furniture makeover, how to chalk paint, chalk paint tutorial, dixie belle chalk mineral paint, how to paint furniture, furniture flip, painting furniture
Id: -PeRk_hSOBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 46sec (3106 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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