Top 5 Decoupage tips to avoid Wrinkles w Napkins!

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[Music] [Music] good morning guys I am doing something a little different today instead of editing my video tomorrow which is my birthday and I don't want to spend four hours on the computer trying to edit the video I'm just going to do this as I go so bear with me I always hate it when I watch YouTube videos and I hear um I always think to myself edit that out so bear with me today if you hear a few things that you don't normally hear I want to get this video out to you on time for Thursday without having to work all day tomorrow so here are my top five tips for making sure you don't have any wrinkles in your decoupage or at least as few wrinkles as possible and the very first one is you want to get yourself a good napkin decoupage glue there are a couple of them out there this one happens to be my favorite now this is in German this is from a company called Viva decor I believe I got this in Joanne's and then I loved it I fell in love with this because I was using Mod Podge which was very thick and heavy and gooey and I actually had someone asked me one time after I decoupage something using Mod Podge they said oh how did you get that to stick to the plastic like that and it was a glass bottle so I'm not wild about Mod Podge but it's also so thick and creamy that when you try to work with napkins sometimes they can tear it can even cause a lot of the wrinkles so the very first thing is get a napkin decoupage glue now this is the second tip that I want to show you they can really help you with problems when you have wrinkling and this I call this the dry method I place the napkin down over a dry surface and here's where it can really help to use napkin decoupage glue when you place the napkin down and it's dry and you take some of the napkin take another thing I would have edited out you take the napkin decoupage glue and it's it is best to use one of these bristle brushes by the way I apologize if you hear dogs or cats or the doorbell or the phone or anything I'll try and turn this off and get right back to it and you want to take your napkin and start in the center with your decoupage glue and you can already see that is a nice flat surface because sometimes when you put the napkin decoupage glue down first then lay the napkin down if you don't place it down exactly in the right position you can already create or cause a wrinkle and you want to make sure you go from the center out and get these edges down and I want to quickly just cover this so that I can show you the third tip and that third tip I can see I'm overlapping here that's fine I'll file that away when I'm done the third tip is you can actually put a lot of your decoupage work in your oven so you don't want to set the oven to anything higher than 175 degrees I am here in the States I will look up what that means Celsius because when I do these videos a lot of times I get people from other countries what sorry about that's another reason why I don't like to do these things live so here's the calculate that I'm sorry here is the conversion 175 degrees Fahrenheit is what I would set my oven to Celsius that turns out to be 79 point these are fours one two three four five six seven that's what I could see and I don't know if there's more that goes off the screen on the computer or if that even matters so here's the way that I do this so that you don't break any glass or harm any of your projects I put this now it's damp right with the decoupage glue and I will take a cookie sheet and I will put parchment paper down I'll place the item I'm going to you can lay it down or stand it up I'm going to place it in the oven but the oven is cold right now which is what you want if you put this in a hot oven it could crack the glass it could actually cause you a lot of problems so you put it in a cold oven and you set the oven to 175 Fahrenheit that's here if you're in the States if you're in another country where your oven is set by the Celsius scale seventy nine point all of those fours and I put it in the oven when the oven dings to let me know it's reached my temperature I then turn the oven off and I leave this in there to cool off and I believe what happens is that decoupage glue kind of contracts it's almost like it's melting and it will pull it never tears it will just maybe microscopically stretch the napkin a little bit so that if you started with any of those wrinkles it kind of calms them down and it pulls them out and I'm going to put this one in the oven and continue on with now this is just a canvas if you're working on a box or some other normally a flat surface this is what this works best for you can do the iron-on method which is where you would cover your whole surface and always always make sure you have too much not too much take a posh glue but some people have a very light hand and they tried this method and say there were spaces where it didn't adhere properly after ironed it so in essence what I'm going to do is let this dry cover your whole surface with your decoupage glue make sure you use a lot of decoupage glue although you do also want to smooth out any lines that you might have in here and I'm going to let this dry and then I'll come back and show you the iron-on method and I probably should have started with a small canvas just to show you this and always make sure you get these ends so I'm going to put this outside to dry it is going to hit 90 something degrees out there today look I don't get along too well with summer these days so I will put this outside let it dry and I'll show you another tip while this is drying to show you how when you're working on rounded surface you can avoid wrinkles and because I spray-painted this you'd say it's a terra cotta pot i spray-painted the inside with something that is going to protect this planter so that when you water it the water doesn't go through and affect your paint and your work and then i spray-painted the outside and i don't want to put this in the oven because there's chemicals on it i'm not going to like the way that smells but because this is a rounded surface we can't do the iron-on method that easily and in these little areas it would be very hard to iron so and i'll get right back to that as soon as that's dry what i like to do is take the napkin and i don't want to try to fit this whole thing on the surface at once because that will definitely cause wrinkles also so what i want to do is tear out smaller pieces of the napkin and line them up next to each other i don't like the hard edges here so and there's the oven let me turn that off that can cool down in there while i'm working on this this is how i do a lot of my projects file by the way well one thing is drying or in the oven the other one is getting prepped one things getting painted cleaning the house doing laundry i'm sure you all know exactly what i'm talking about so let's separate this napkin so that you just have the top ply it's funny because I want to dampen my fingertips a little bit you could dip them in water and then dry them off a little because you don't want to saturate the napkin but you do want to pinch it in these corners where it's reinforced like this and that makes your fingers a little bit tacky and it pulls everything away so I'm not worried about this edge here because that's going to be filed off anyway now what I'll do here for this particular planter just to show you how you can also avoid wrinkles on a curved surface what you want to do is place your napkin decoupage glue down just over the area where you're going to place the napkin make it a little more big blue this feels like it wants to roll so I'm going to put a couple of things next to it to secure it now I'm going to carefully place the napkin over where I just put the decoupage glue now I've seen some people pull on these and I've seen I even saw a video where a girl pulled on it and tore it and she said oh that's okay okay I don't want to tear it so what I want to do is secure this without messing up my work so I am taking a piece of saran wrap plastic wrap you can even use plastic sandwich bags if you want trash bags if you have them on hand it really does help if it's clear though so you can see what you're doing anyway you want to place it down over and especially on a curved surface if you grab these ends pull tightly and press down and then take your fingers and go in and remove to see if I can close up on this so you could see this you see there are some wrinkles in there because the napkin decoupage glue is already on and we have the saran wrap you can gently rub those out with your fingers pull the plastic away and then you've got this really nice decoupage area where you can still bunch up the NAP get the napkin the plastic wrap and go over it and now I'm going to put this aside to dry I don't think my project in the oven has dried yet or cooled down obviously you want it to cool down so I'm just going to come back in a little while and everything is dry I'll finish this pot and I will show you how to do that last method which is using the iron so we took this piece of canvas out of the oven I put it in there which some of you probably would say don't do that this is why because it works it and it melts it it's still okay for the purpose that I'm going to show you this is back to the iron-on method you have to make sure you have parchment paper that's the only paper that will not burn and you can also use your regular iron I hesitate to tell you what temperature to put your iron on because everybody's irons go to different temperatures but I will say this can take a whole lot of heat as long as you have the parchment paper so we place the napkin over the area where you whoops have dried decoupage glue preferably the napkin then you want to put your parchment paper over that and then you can take your regular iron or a I earn and I've had this on for a little while it's on high and you actually iron the napkin right on to the surface I really should be using the household iron for this because with this tiny thing is going to take me all day but I'll put a link down below this actually does come in very handy when you're working on smaller pieces like if you're working on a box usually works best on a flat surface and it's also great if you have to get into a corner or a crevice it's great to get in there you could see that tip and we'll touch it because it's very hot in any case you can see that that ironed that down and I don't see a wrinkle in sight I'm going to work on the rest of this and then I'll show you what happens when we put a another coat of decoupage glue over the surface something else I wanted to mention another problem could be if you finish ironing and then you go to put a coat of napkin decoupage glue over this if you missed a spot with your ironing that could actually tear your napkin when you go to put the next coat of decoupage glue on so you just want to make sure you're very thorough in covering all of these spots you can see I'm doing this in real time here so I'm not speeding up the camera or slowing it down this is just about all that you need all the speed that you need and always always make sure you get those edges now when you think you're all done you want to make sure that you hold this in a very bright light and check to see you can feel it but you can also see it it looks like right here yeah I could see it the napkin isn't sticking down so I went over that area too lightly and I'm just going to go over it with the iron again and if you don't use this parchment paper you will run the risk of burning your napkins because I have done that before and now I'm going to add that coat of decoupage glue over the surface and just like if you were doing the dry technique because in essence this is dry although it has adhered to the surface now you still want to start in the center work your way out do smaller strokes and just expand your area a little bit more you again you want to work with a lotta decoupage glue and as long as you're gentle with this and you don't try to do too big of a space at once even if you did miss an area underneath with whether it's not enough decoupage glue or you missed it with the iron you can still get this to adhere to the surface beneath without wrinkling and without tearing I have that some people write to me and say wrinkles came up when I did this and right now it looks to be a little bit wrinkled that that doesn't stay that way once it's dry they do come out once this dries so I'll put this outside to dry it's going to dry quickly today and I will go back to another piece so once this is all ready to be top coded by the way you can see I used a different napkin in here I want to top coat this now but I wanted you to see how using that saran wrap on a curved surface like this can make a very big difference and here's something else you may not know whenever you use a very high gloss actually any gloss over a surface it highlights imperfections if you see a wrinkle really standing out after you've put the high gloss on it's because the gloss will magnify any imperfections it actually magnifies everything so you can do a couple of things you can either add a little glitter there Twyla twice tie a little twine around here if you'd like or you can just leave it be so I'll be back later with this piece to show you how it turned out and here I am back with the bottle and this is dry I again will work from the center out gently pushing that decoupage glue out to the edges I will dry this and add a topcoat over it so I will put that aside to dry again okay so I'm outside and I am bringing this outside to show you in the harshest strongest light possible how these came out using the methods that I mentioned you can see I put glitter on here and high gloss the grass looks like it's painted on there maybe a wrinkle or two in here but it is very very hard to see so that's how the planter looks and this is where we use the saran wrap here's the canvas and you can see that the canvas I put a high gloss on also to highlight any imperfections really hard to see wrinkles I think there's a few like over here somewhere but that iron-on method is also a great method to avoid wrinkles and here's my crabby bottle that's also on a green glass background so something else I wanted to mention when I talk about this vive de coeur decoupage glue I am NOT getting paid to say that it genuinely is to me the best decoupage glue for napkins out on the market so I use it whenever possible I do sell it through my links which go through Amazon but when you shop through my channel it really allows me to keep making the videos I get a very small percentage but it's just a big help to those of us who work over here at YouTube and I try to go through other youtubers links to get things that I need on Amazon because I watch their videos I know how much work they put in so I like to support them too so I try to put links down below the videos and on my Facebook page for you guys to go over and purchase what you need but aside from that these are my top 5 tips for how to avoid wrinkles with napkins when you are working with napkins and I get a lot of those questions and sometimes guys these processes they take a little bit of time you might find that you're better at one than the other or you prefer one over another so just try and see which one works best for you and in the meantime thank you so much my friends I look forward to making another video for you guys and thank you once again for subscribing those subscriptions are everything to us over here at YouTube and I will see you guys next week with another video bye bye my friends
Channel: patioelf
Views: 746,116
Rating: 4.8628612 out of 5
Keywords: decoupage wrinkles, how to, DIY, napkin decoupage glue, serviette decoupage, floral, planter design, decoupage on glass, decoupage on canvas, patioelf, upcycle with decoupage, 5 tips decoupage, avoid wrinkles, napkin wrinkles
Id: E6vQBZeZEqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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