Minecraft But It’s Only 1 PLANTS vs ZOMBIES Block

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Minecraft but we're trapped on one Plants vs Zombies block if we break the block it drops rare plants and upgrades that we can use to defend our block against the zombie horde will we be able to plant our way to Victory and beat the zombie apocalypse let's see what we get wait guys check this out we got something called Crazy Dave what happens if I place this down what's going on Howdy Noob we're under attack we must defend This Island from the zombies however this island is a bit ugly Let Me redeculate Wait hey hey what is he doing he just farted on me whoa dude check this out no way I wish Bessie was here to see this digging the one block will help you find some wonderful things let's test that out wait a second we got sunflower seed packets can I plant this I actually can we got plants I'm gonna name you petunia if this is anything like the Plants vs Zombies games then petunia should drop some stuff we got a gold nugget sunflowers dropped gold nuggets but you can use my crafting table to turn them into gold ingots for upgrades hold on wait a second I kind of forgot you need lots of gold nuggets keep working petunia petunia pooped out another gold nugget we got you a sister let's see if we can get more petunias little did I know that while I was breaking the block I was slowly triggering a zombie apocalypse my brain's too tiny so I was just focused on getting petunias the more petunias we have the more golden nuggets they'll poop out just keep digging just keep digging don't stop digging I have an entire Army of Petunias and now that we have nine gold nuggets I should be able to take them back over here put them in our crafting bench and now we have our first goldengitch can I use this to upgrade petunia maybe it only works on other plants whoa where's Crazy Dave going crazy day oh my gosh what is he doing uh oh the zombies are planning their attack mind the one block and get us some defenses keep working petunias we gotta go whoa check it out guys we got pea shooters oh I also got a sword I don't see any zombies well what is that oh wait is that a graveyard oh my gosh they're already coming okay let's place down a a pea shooter right here peace shooter right here and we also have a chomper okay okay oh crap dude I think I'm gonna have to help with wave number one oh my gosh they damaged me they're eating my plants petunia sacrifice your body we're gonna need more plants let's put down our coconut Cannon whoa that thing is huge okay we'll also put down our Choppers here and we should put them right by this just in case they can act as bodyguards and check it out right above their heads it says how many gold we need to upgrade them let's add a couple more pea shooters right here oh I think it's working yes dude let's go we did the first wave we need to upgrade our defenses also while we're up here we need to expand our petunia Army good job petunias we have 36 gold ingots okay let's test out an upgrade let's go upgrade you and check it out it got a little bit bigger okay we'll upgrade you as well whatever you guys do if you see a zombie do not let it pass okay I'm right at the top we can place three peashooters we need four gold to upgrade them all right we'll upgrade you upgrade you and we'll upgrade you and you in the center a double upgrade all right and on the left and right sides we'll Place coconut cannons We'll add our Chompers there and right there at a whole wall of seeds nobody will pass my seed nut Army that sounds like the next wave is coming yeah they're spawning in okay good the peashooters are shooting the nuts are are they're doing nut things the Choppers are getting ready wait a second we can upgrade our nuts too right yeah they turn into tall nuts okay wait oh no no no no they got there way faster I thought they would oh no no no no upgrade to tall nuts I think it's working so far so good on the top of the screen you guys can see how far into the zombie horde we are okay we're over halfway through it's working yes keep shooting your peas EP zombies yes it's working can I do damage I barely do any damage Crazy Dave just said nice that's all you gotta say Crazy Dave is literally just like my last Brain Cell petunias don't worry we're gonna protect you wow dude we got so many things we could use them for more upgrades if my calculations are correct we only have about 30 seconds in between the waves just keep breaking just keep breaking all we gotta do is break little did I know that this first island was not going to be my last okay I think the next wave is starting soon okay we need to add in a wall of chompers we'll put our peas right behind and we should probably add in more nuts more nuts the better I'm not entirely sure if the coconut Cannon did anything but I'm just gonna plop it down there and we do have enough for some upgrades we're making some wild nuts upgraded coconut Cannon I don't know if I can upgrade anybody else oh crap dude the next wave is coming attack my plant Army the Beck Pro plants will destroy wait a second the zombies got upgrades too there's scuba zombies this isn't good this is really a bad also why are the zombies not burning a day like they're immune okay good the Choppers are eating the walnuts are wall nutting the pea shooters are pea shooting and the coconut Cannon is uh oh oh whoa wait I have to fire it oh that makes way more sense shoot I guess you don't have to Crazy Dave said No More Zombies did we do it Crazy Dave well that wasn't so bad now I guess we can head back to our one block and if I bring it a couple more times a Crazy Dave should send me back home to Bessie I can't wait to go back home I have all these cool new plants that I can plant at my house Dave wait Crazy Dave oh I think he's gonna send me back home wait what no Crazy Dave said the zombies are coming from the jungle mind the one block to find some extra help thanks a lot Crazy Dave at least he gave us a couple upgrades and we now have a stone sword and a bow petunias we're gonna need all the gold nuggets you've been pooping yep that'll do the trick let's check out what sort of upgrades we're gonna get whoa we got pea pod seed packets and also another sunflower seed packet wait what what is that thing I don't know but I'm definitely sure that that is not a sunflower we need more of those and we're gonna have to bring it over yes dude we got a cherry bomb I can't wait to test that out on the zombies I do feel kind of bad since I'm half zombie that I'm kind of betraying my own kind but if it's the plants or the zombies I have to stick with my plants opportunities are too cute to portray that's gonna have to be enough because I think the zombies are about to come oh gosh dude I don't have any plants down okay looks like they're gonna probably come from the jungle and first up newspaper zombies which are normally super fast okay we're gonna place our pea shooters right up front we're not messing around this time let's try our Peapod packets whoa dude it's got three heads it's working I guess we could try to plant this thing I it kind of looks like one of the plant mines so maybe it'll explode the zombies if they get super close and I have to test out the Cherry Bomb [Music] Cherry Bomb boo baby you want some cherry bomb here you go oh look at this poor guy he left his pants at home Loki I'm not gonna lie I kinda am jealous of his pair of underwear I gotta get me one of those yes dude the plants beat them what is this let's place it down whoa dude it kind of looks like it might shoot out ice let's place a couple down in the back all right I should have whoa wait a second the next wave already started on the Jungle Island they're coming a lot faster than they did on the rooftop and they got more upgrades we have conehead zombies and also Buckethead zombies which are probably some of the strongest zombies that we're gonna see today yeah you know how I said that the Buckethead zombies were gonna be the hardest that wasn't even close the zombies at the end of today's video what made the [ __ ] head zombies look like babies they're eating the pea shooters okay wait I I have enough for upgrades why am I not using upgrades hold them off for just a second boys okay we gotta get some upgrades wait what's happening I think it's these guys they're freezing them okay let's get some upgrades here yes let's go they did it dude these things are actually really good okay we know that the next wave is going to come super fast so I gotta make sure to plant everything that I can plant we'll plant some nuts there there there there there there there there okay I'm out as our last line of defense we're gonna add in three coconut cannons and the pro Strat is usually to put the Chompers behind the nuts so we'll see if that tactic works the third wave is already coming but I need to get some upgrades I need at least one tall Walnut that thing looks so cool okay let's see which one of these did I upgrade already none of them okay we need to definitely upgrade one of these let's get into level three and then we can upgrade one of our cannons to level two are you sleeping this is the worst time to be sleeping okay wait shoot shoot yes dude check it out let's go that is a whole lot of zombie and they're eating my nuts no dude no wait they're coming I gotta shoot back we got this boys we can do this oh gosh dude it's Grandpa Grandpa come on man you don't have to to do with this yo dude it's actually working they're getting Frozen or drowned I'm not really sure whatever it is it's working but not well enough shoot everybody shoot your cannons go go oh crap dude I might have to sacrifice some petunias there we go petunia there I'm so sorry we can't let the zombies get to my house if that happens I don't know if I'm ever gonna be able to go back home okay petunias it's gonna be okay you guys are doing great you're great distractions fire the Cannons yes dudes let's go it's working I think I might be able to take out the last couple zombies I mean that guy was missing an arm so that was not a fair fight yes it's just the bucket-headed dude oh he no longer has a bucket now I got him right where on my my swords time to use the cannon when in doubt explosion out works like a charm every time no more zombies I think that means that we passed all of the Waves okay surely now I'm able to go home right Crazy Dave right Crazy Dave you're gonna send me home okay I'm gonna break the one block just a couple more times but not before collecting all of the gold poop nuggets I do have a few more petunias that I can plant okay Crazy Dave I'm gonna break this a couple more times and then you're gonna teleport me home no no So Crazy Dave what are you doing oh flip dude the zombies are emerging from the caves mine for more resources wait a second hold on and turn night time it kind of just got real spooky out here it seems like our army of Petunias don't really care they're still pooping out gold nuggets faster than ever we did get some upgrades though which is good we got ourselves an iron sword and an extra power to Bow let's see what upgraded plants we're gonna get whoa what is this ice room we also got a bell flower wait a second if I remember from the games correctly at night only the mushroom plants work what is this guy Gloom shroom fires heavy fumes in an area around them we also got a snow pea shoots frozen peas at the zombies that's just what I need I'm not really sure if the normal plants are gonna work since it's nighttime so let's stick with the mushrooms for now we can put our fume shroom right at the front you have a bigger forehead than me and then around it we can put the Gloom shrooms these things cost five gold to upgrade that means they have to be good right and then we can put the ice rooms right in the back that way will be slowed down and I guess we might as well try to plant this one up front I think it's a mine but I'm still not entirely sure yet the zombies are coming oh my God dude wait they got more upgrades there's football zombies and what is that like beekeeper zombies never mind no they just have riot shield doors okay just in case things go really bad we're gonna have Chompers in the back Triple Three Peters no I can't play it there Triple Three Peters right there something called a bell flower which I don't know if we've tested out yet and just snow pea way in the back okay it looks like the normal peas work during the day where'd the mind go oh my gosh the mine already exploded whoa that's so cool these guys Shoot Out music that explodes amazing we'll put the ice flower right there that thing might be our best flower and we also forgot to make upgrades we forgot to make upgrades oh come on dude if my calculations are right we should be able to get like all 64 of these yes dude oh my gosh somehow we survived nice work team huge shout out to the shrooms that sacrifice their bodies because I'm pretty sure they're all dead let's head back to the one block to try to get some more before the next wave starts come on give me something good okay we got another one of these bell flowers some more petunias some extra Chompers we're running out of time oh come on come on give me something good cherry bombs okay that should do the trick the wave is starting oh no I'm not ready I'm definitely not ready oh brother okay okay triple guy there do I have any shrooms yes okay I have a couple shrooms let's do a few shrooms right at the front room and then the Gloom shroom right there we'll put a cannon over to the side and I think I should be able to upgrade these guys yes Max upgrade Max upgrade and Max upgrade there's no way they're getting through my mushrooms are these guys carrying sharks oh no those are definitely Dolphins okay so far so good yes dudes it's working the Gloom shroom is I think poisoning them and then the fumes rooms are destroying I mean there also are a couple guys in the back helping out it's working you want what are these guys what the dude there were guys coming in and dancing this is incredible there's a Michael Jackson zombie that was moonwalking his way to death okay let's head back and see if we can get some more upgrades never mind we're turning back around the next wave is all already coming these zombies are Relentless fire the Cannons go do they hit you missed how did you miss let's see what happens if we upgrade this guy the three Peter got huge okay that one has to be one of our better plants ladies and gentlemen that is a whole lot of zombies can I maybe distract them with my body I mean I know I'm half zombie but I'm also half human right you guys seriously don't you don't care about me like at all you know your eyes are going wrong ways right they don't care they literally don't care this is really bad they're starting to get close our mushrooms are actually doing great their tanking hits left and right we didn't even need any walnuts that guy right here that's right whoa whoa wait a second I didn't realize by dancing he's able to spawn in more zombies that's kind of overpowered Crazy Dave said good work that Crazy Dave I wonder if that's all of the zombies no it's not I smoke way too soon Crazy Dave went to the zombies stop okay that is a lot more zombies than last time on the other Islands there were only three waves but on this one I'm pretty sure this is the fourth one okay you guys are doing it you guys are doing it I'm just gonna stand back here and watch the magic happen destroy them my plants so far so good it looks like we're about halfway through the zombie horde over halfway it's working yes dude dude this is amazing and I also didn't even use my cherry bombs okay I'll be using the Cherry Bomb I gotta do it let's go I would turn around now and dig yourself back into your grave this is not gonna go well for you guys I mean you do have some pretty sweet moves however yeah you're gonna die can zombies even die technically because they're they're never actually alive okay that has to be the final wave does Crazy Dave ever stop dancing our petunia Army has been hard at work while I've been over there dancing with zombies my entire inventory is basically filled up with their gold nuggets okay let's go back to mining the one block let's get as many plants as possible just in case anything else goes wrong oh no word Crazy Dave what are you up to this time the zombies are attacking in the nether find some new plants to help are you joking I can't believe Crazy Dave we already have a lot of plants but let's see if we can get some upgraded ones what is that we got a shamrock I don't think I've ever used a shamrock before it looks like we're also starting to get some nether blocks I wonder if there's a fire peashooter oh wait a second we got the jalapeno I think that sets an entire area on fire we also got the Cabbage pearls cabbages at zombies that sounds pretty effective the repeater seed fires two peas at a time oh nice what's this guy okay another cabbage and we did get a fire pea shooter okay let's go head over to the nether Island so it looks like the zombies are going to come from here and what is that it looks like a giant Throne that only makes me slightly uncomfortable I wonder what's gonna come out of that we can't worry about that now we have to place down Shamrock there you go Shamrocks I have no idea what you do but you better do it well we'll save our jalapeno put that next door cherry bombs cabbage pulse can go way in the back our repeater dudes can go right there our fire guy should be dead in the center I want to get him to Max upgrade and then on the sides we could put our snow pea shooters let's also make sure that they're upgraded oh they're already filming okay okay okay nobody panic nobody panic it's gonna be fine prepare your defenses boys whoa whoa that doesn't look good what is coming after us right now we have Gladiator zombies they have full things of armor and wait do these guys explode I don't like the looks of this I really don't like the looks of this Shamrocks probably need some upgrades okay boys okay it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine you guys get all all the upgrades never mind you get one upgrade because that's all I flipping had the Shamrocks are shooting out actual rainbows I feel like they're kind of just shooting out Lucky Charms okay that's right wait for them to come in is that an Egyptian zombie okay all right all right we have our work cut out for us boys the fire P shooter is doing amazing all right good good our snow pea shooters are doing everything as intended they're slowing them down good we're about like halfway through the horde just keep shooting boys shoot your pee pee Savages unload your cabbages oh no dude they're getting some of our plans we gotta put down our walls why do I have no nuts who took all of my nuts okay that's fine we might be able to still get through this oh I forgot I forgot I have cherry bombs yes dude okay don't panic Don't Panic we also have our jalapeno that we can test out what does that do whoa yes it does set them all on fire I'm not entirely sure what this guy is doing to that wall but I feel like I shouldn't be watching don't worry guys I got this oh never mind cabbage man has it he's getting blocked all right cabbages unload oh never mind I guess the ice people can do it we need to build back our defenses before the final wave starts we'll put some navy beans up front We'll add some extra fire guys some more snow dudes on the sides and lots more cabbages you can never have enough cabbages we also picked up something called a doom shroom which destroys everything in an area if I have to we're gonna use it they're coming okay looks like we only have to worry about the medieval guys dudes carrying fireworks or maybe Flags these guys which explode and I think that's it okay we got this boys let's get some upgrades in hey what's that sound what does that sound whoa dude no way there's three bosses coming okay okay more navy beans more navy beans upgrade the navy beans Sergeant Bean oh no no no no no okay okay Navy beads Navy beads yes yes the navy beans are fighting back this is good let's use a cherry bomb yeah let's go dude well no no no the Shamrocks are down oh my goodness jalapenos go go go spice them up boys yo check out the zombie ORD it just got decimated the jalapenos are too strong no no no no okay Doom shroom let's see if that does anything oh that deleted them but we still have the three bosses okay we might need a couple Choppers here maybe an ice room just to slow the big guy down yes let's go dude they all got frozen what else do I have we have three Peters and Peapod packets Peapod Peapod Peapod three Peters in the back okay we should be able to upgrade them a little bit as well Max upgrade I'm getting a little bit nervous because there are three giant dudes holding tuning Forks that are smashing my plants they're the last of the guys though I think we defeated the gargantuan and it's literally just two of these guys oh wait never mind I think that might be just like inside of one another yes they are yes they are yes they are oh we took down one let's try out a jalapeno come on uh I don't think that did anything no let's go dude we did it So Crazy Dave what do I do now
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 953,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, plants vs zombies, minecraft one block, minecraft plants vs zombies, plants vs zombies game, plants vs zombie mod, minecraft but its one block, minecraft but its 1 block, beckbrojack, zombies, zombies apocalypse
Id: PcBYT3kKXsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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