3D Printing Fabric is easier than you think! (Grasshopper Tutorial)

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] in this grasshopper tutorial we wanted to model a parametric 3d printing fabric like this and we're going to model each part in grasshopper and connect them together to make the final fabric like this so what you're going to learn in this grasshopper tutorial is how to make these two parts and then you can rotate them put them on each other and finally by making an array of these parts you can make the final fabric in a grasshopper and finally you can 3d print it or make the final results so be sure to watch the video till the end because we want to make these parts in grasshopper and let's get started okay first of all in the grasshopper tutorial we're going to model an eye form shape like this and then rotate it and put it on the ground so we have these two parts and you can see that by changing the offset we can make different forms of this chainmail and also we can define the rectangle so you can see that i can change the size here and by simple array we can make the final results to get started from scratch what we want to do is to make the eye form in grasshopper let's get started okay let's take a look at how we can make this in rhino and then take these steps in grasshoppers so for example i'm going to make a square here uh explode these uh the edges simply going to do that in grasshopper then i'm going to make an offset for example we can make that offset like 20 here and this one also 20 and connect a line from the mid of this edge to this one now we're going to convert these into a pipe because i want to make this a complete square i have to make a pipe completely bring it to this edge okay so the radius is going to be the same as the offset so let's just make select these with a shift key and say pipe and the radius should be 20 i guess and you can see it's completely sitting on the edge of the square then we can just select these three solids make a union and now we have to make an intersection with a plane so i'm just going to make a rectangular plane and find the intersection between these two and we will have the final results which is going to be something like that we can make a solid from within rhino and go to the extrusion and extrude closed planar curve and give it a little bit of a height all right maybe 20 and then ctrl c ctrl v to make a copy and we have to rotate it 90 degrees 90 degrees and now i have to move it up same as the thickness and we will have this chainmail it's a little bit the offset is too much so we're going to control that in grasshopper so we have a complete correct model of the 3d model of the chainmail okay that is why we're going to reuse grasshopper because we have the control for the offset uh what we have to do is to go here and make a rectangle so i'm going to go to the curve menu and select the primitive and go here for the rectangle okay let's go and select the rectangle put the bifocals plug-in so you can see what i'm doing and now what you can see here is that it's an x size and a white size the size and the y size is a domain input as you can see here let me just zoom in uh here we have the domain to make this a complete uh square we have to say for example minus 10 to 10 which is going to make it a length of 20 for example so i'm going to go to the math and select this construct domain okay and give it to the x size for the start and the end i'm going to make a right click expression and minus x divided by 2 right and then for the end it's going to be x divided by 2. now we can give it a number for example the number i'm going to give it to the inputs and the output here is going to deter to make the edges exactly as we want okay uh to make it a square simply we have to give this also to the y and that is going to make us a simple square in grasshopper let's just put that as an l and we are good to go and go to the next step so the next step is to explode this square into the edges and we can find this from the curve here and go to the utility and in the utility you can find this explode so let's just make this explode and explode the rectangle into a series of segments we have four segments we want to pick this one and this one to make the offset uh we can do that by going to the sets and using the list item tool which is going to select the item we want for example if this is 0 this is 1 this is 2 and this is 3 we have to pick up one and three right so i'm going to use the list item and select the segment i want for example this is zero that's fine then it's going to be one and two so i'm going to just double click two forward slashes and type like a number double click this it's a zero and two and remember that if you're using a panel you have to right click and select the multiline data because it's going to convert that into a series of inputs and that is going to select this edge and the upper edge now that we have the final results we have to offset that you can find offset from curve and here in the utility you have the offset it's really easy we just have to offset this and because it's going outwards i'm going to go to the distance expression and make this minus x so that's going to be minus x and now we can control it for example from zero point one two three point the two zeros this is the exact offset i'm going to give that to the distance and now we can control the complete offset okay now what we have to do is to connect the mid edge of these two curves lines together so i'm going to go to the curve and uh you can find it here and another analyzes the curve middle get the point in the middle of a curve it's really easy just going to select this okay a problem here we have uh when you simply grasshopper when you use the offset tools even if the input is not in groups it's going to convert that into a series of groups okay and if you don't know about flatten or graph take a look at this video up here i'm going to explain a little bit about these tools but for example here i have to flatten this so all of those two curves are in one group so i can connect them together so that is the point if i don't flatten this and go for example select polyline from spline it's not going to connect them together why because grasshopper makes the commands in each group once for example when i'm saying let me just explain this a little bit when i'm saying to make a polyline from this input first it's going to go to the first group and says okay i want to make a polyline from this one index object so it's going to give you nothing then it's going to go to the next group and make and polyline from that and give you the output so that is not what we want we have to flatten this so we don't have groups and what's going to happen is that the two points is going to be converted into a polyline that's what we want and that's the way you have to use this flattened you can flatten it here you can flatten it here it doesn't matter you have to get the output into uh flatten the groups so you have them in one data groups okay now we have the midline it's time to make the pipe you can go to the surface and use this pipe tool here let's just give this a pipe remember you can always always flatten the input so you are sure that all of them are going to be converted into one pipe i'm going to use these two offset curves and remember to use the shift key i'm holding down the shift key and connecting this to here if you don't do that it's going to jump and take this as the input so remember that you have to uh use the shift key to connect it here okay let's go and turn on the display and use the caps as flat now as i explained in the rhino interface we have to give this the same radius as the offset so i'm going to give this to the radius that's it and now we have those three pipes now that we have those pipes we have to convert them into a solid why not go to the intersector menu and select the solid union because we want to unite them together that's the way we can give it one solid okay again as you can see here what's going to happen is that it's going to go to the first group it says okay i want to unite this input which is only one pipe again you can see that's not going to give us the results so we have to flatten this down so the output is going to be three closed b reps and then it's going to unite them together so that's why we have to flatten we can also take that off and say we have to flatten the output here it's just a matter of time that you understand when to flatten and when to graft the inputs and the outputs okay now that we have the final results you can check it out here also that you have one closed b rep if you don't flatten this you can see that you have three different results so that is really important and you have to make that as the final results okay that now that we have this we just have to intersect that with a plane so i'm going to go to the intersection again and use this mathematical b rep plane we want to intersect that with a x y plane it's really easy we just give this and the default i guess it's an xy plane so we are good to go and now if i just turn everything off you can see that we have the final results uh we can simply just go to the palms menu and connect a surface to that to make it into a surface and you can see how easy it is to make the size of the square and the offset okay that's how we can do that and now we have to extrude it so i'm going to just make this an extrusion i'll bring that up in the z direction uh maybe the thickness is like 0.123 again and we can name that to thickness okay thickness and this one is the offset and this is the length it's really simple just three different inputs and we're good to go now we have to move this up you can go to transform let's make that easy including and move so i'm going to move that up exactly the same amount of the extrusion so it's going to sit on the top of this i formed shape and now just rotate it so i'm just going to say transform again rotate 3d i want to rotate that the center of rotation is 0 0 0 which is fine exactly what we want the axis by default is 0 0 1 which is the z that's also k now and the angle by default is also pi divided by 2 which is 90 degrees we just have to turn that off and we are good to go and you can see that we have these two parts let's just put them in one b wrap and remember use the shift key and you can bake that to make the final results that's how you can make the uh final pattern if you want to make an array you can simply use a rectangular array i'm going to save that in the example file you can download this from our website so just check out the description and click on the link and get download of the example file uh if you go to our website we have also an extra step which we have made let me just turn this off we have made these parts in uh make some lego like connection so you can see that we have these two parts so in this example file you can have these two parts which is like the lego connection it's something like this and you have the solid difference for the second part and you can see in the video how we have connected these two parts to make bigger parts in 3d printing and make it a a bigger 3d printing fabric model in real life okay i hope that this tutorial is useful also if you want to download more advanced example files you can enroll in our course the link is in the description and you can have extra example files we have made for this chain mail lesson thanks for watching i hope to see you next time be sure to subscribe to this channel because we have weekly examples and tutorials in grasshopper which you can learn how to use it for parametric design and be sure to like this video and share with your friends thanks for watching see you next time [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Rhino Grasshopper
Views: 242,212
Rating: 4.8555799 out of 5
Keywords: grasshopper tutorial, Parametric design, Architecture, tutorial, 3d modeling, parametric architecture, parametric modeling, design, art, parametric
Id: C5FT0sN0sHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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