Paper Mario The Origami King in a nutshell

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👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/goomba456 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Laughed through and through. Especially loved 1:34-1:44.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/aspiringaesthete 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

I have key

You don't have key

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Porky4Smash 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oh wow

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Mr_Mega1423 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oh wow

I kill you

Oh no

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Deraj_Nagar 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello i am pp mario and i murder people with a hammer let's go to the origami festival okay vroom vroom there is no one here oh wow what did the letter say again let's see here oh wow let's go to peach's castle as it's definitely not a trap footstep footstep footstep footstep oh no we are locked in i'm going to go look for the keys to peach's castle as a way to dismiss myself from the plot hello i joined a cult again oh wow will you kill yourself for me no will you fold the kingdom into glory no would you like all toads to be silenced forever yes hahaha your choices don't matter die okay please save me why should i because you saved all those chess demons before makes perfect sense the satanic spells wtf you are now an arms character use motion controls to move the arms turns off motion controls i hate you what's inside that room the satanic spells i am evil now let's go inside that completely safe room hello i am wet floor sign let's get out of here hello i am generic shy guy oh wow just kidding i am actually an original character i kill you oh no spin to win i now take castle oh no falling noises let's go destroy the twitch streamers paper mario is ruined it's not ttyd sticker star is terrible colors splash more like color trash those dang white outlines cards suck okay whoever is saying that can you stop hello i am tree oh wow give me seat okay let's sing a song nintendo will copy strike hello i am a toad i am also a toad i'm a toad too i'm a toad as well oh look something that isn't a toad i am also a toad i hate you hello i am a robot i think oh wow i kill you oh no spin to win you can't do that oh right hello we worship our turtle lord and savior oh wow find the infinity stones to open door okay hello i am turtle god oh wow i kill you oh no spin to win i can now transform into a god let me use my new powers to become a cheerleader hello i am 12 colored pencils what sorry there's really not much i can say about this die oh no spin to win hello i am generic bob bomb with a very slight alteration in my design that will be important for later oh wow i also have amnesia oh wow let me come with you okay oh look the water vellum temple we need two people to open door bobby wait where is he hi mayo i am with sombrero guy oh my gosh he's seducing bobby let's go to the temple now oh man hello i am dragon that will make that water guy on me a verse lose it mia vs dead oh right seven tenths too much water welcome to chinatown but japan we need ghee i have the key you don't have ghee watch this show against your will okay hello i am birdo and i am being a ho oh wow beat these koopas up for me cause i am really into that okay hello i am rubber band watch me [Music] sing [Music] oh my gosh i just realized you're female on your hips your point there's going to be much more rule 34 of you now i am dead hello i am back die okay ouchy ouch i'm gonna kill myself what did you say i said i'm gonna go save olivia let's go on a cruise while olivia is dying hello i am goop poop oh wow i kill you oh no what's inside this box will help save olivia it is another box oh wow this fuse is from my dead best friend that's actually quite depressing i now commit sudoku wait wah where is bobby he committed suicide i am now depressed use the masks to make her laugh [Music] mario you are a terrible therapist i am no longer depressed here's a car d i hate you hello i am smart todd oh wow ancient ones ancient ones ancient ones okay i have he you don't have he let's sing a satanic ritual [Music] nice [Music] every day [Applause] oh wow that actually worked hello i am discount shiny moltres oh wow i kill you oh no spin to win find 40 toads i hate you hello i am hole punch you mean hole puncher no hole punch hole puncher hole punch hole puncher hole punch spin to win hello i am captain t dotto not to be confused with captain toad oh wow i also stole wendy's battle theme for myself oh wow steal a submarine from the museum okay oh look it's discount fortune island hello i am cara bear oh wow i kill you oh no spin to win oh look a toad house let's break in i have he you don't have he this place is actually where i was born not surprised please save me why should i cuz i'm an important character to the plot okay i am actually a toad i hate you or velamental shrines we climb hello i am tape he's just standing there menacingly die spin to win let's go to heaven hello we are dead toads oh wow welcome to heaven but we monetize the heck out of it so it's youtube yes hello i am comic you are a great groundskeeper i don't know whether to be complimented or insulted hello i am bowser jr i am dead let's go to all the springs welcome to game show oh wow win game show or die okay oh wow you won the game show time for the sudden death round [Music] please listen to this song and fill in the missing word okay olivia pick the right answer or else mayo will die and it will be all your fault okay a darkness b darkness c darkness d darkness wait this is a game show but all the answers are the same do not worry there are no wrong answers [Music] okay i guess i choose d darkness good job you idiot poop face the answer was b darkness [Music] yay we used all the springs let's go to bowser's castle i have he you don't have he hello i am original enemy been to win hello i make original enemies oh wow fight your dead friends okay i now kill you oh no spin to win let's raid peach's castle hello i want all toads to die but why because my creator drew on me but why all the toads they are all the same and generic if one toad is bad then they are all bad that's kinda racist i kill you spin to win i am now a sumo wrestler oh wow let me turn you into a sumo wrestler [Music] i am now the very thing you swore to destroy don't care ouchy ouch yay we did it i am now an arms character i kill you oh no let's use this magic circle the origami toad gave me off screen wow that's pretty convenient the satanic spells i am now hammer die oh no what does the scribble say you idiot poop face if you just read it none of this would have ever happened i am an idiot poop face i am dead i am depressed again make a wish i wish all origami by my brother die don't you want to alter the wish to save yourself no because i want you to think i am brave and heroic for sacrificing myself makes perfect sense everything is back to normal let's pull it tangled
Channel: Sethica
Views: 324,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paper Mario origami king final boss, Paper Mario leak, YTP, YouTube poop, ytp, Paper Mario ytp
Id: TfkoE-ysLfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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