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dude are you okay [Applause] so here's the idea we take paper mario thousand-year door's active memory and toss into a blender every single number that we can find the game engine uses from physics to graphics will be breaking wide open by changing set value the results you'll see for yourself and what around here is that ninety percent of y'all watching ain't even subscribed what are y'all doing you're not subscribed with that bell wrong mario can't rotate there's a high likelihood that this game very possibly almost maybe might crash so let's see how far we can get into this game so we start our journey in rogue board and i gotta say hats off to nintendo for this one yeah so we've got the ability to control each of the pieces and any of the character models head shoulders knees or toes don't tell hook tell about that last one you name the part we can move it stretch it turn it finally a way to make goombella stop talking it's not just individual pieces we can resize though we can even rescale the whole partner i knew people thought partners in this game were a big deal but this is kind of ridiculous guys after making our way through pedal meadows and heading through the castle we reach looktail buddy you are not looking okay but you're so small yeah no kidding mario what is going on here well the answer is that we can actually change the way textures are handled too normally a game uses four points or so to determine how to show an image basically we screwed that up and hook tails pay the price sorry big h not just her either though i think i see what's going on here mario looks like a goomba but with hands we can also do this mario please stand up straight this is serious [Music] there's paper and then there's origami this is neither just ugly i mean this practically looks like an alien and we haven't even reached the moon yet with this change active battles are just barely understandable so i suppose i could apologize while you smell the bottoms of my feet you and what feet exactly okay maybe it's too quick oh that's just not right yeah you said it koops well after being the creases of this pop-up dragon the foot kink she immediately has a seizure and dies we save the day these guys seem pretty excited for some reason setting a value to 4 makes this happen why 4 no idea another number that we can mess with actually changes the field of view which in simple terms is kind of like a zoom in or out if we set it to less than one it basically just zooms in can't really go out of bounds or anything with this but if we do take that value from before and oh we are just out of this round at this point other numbers we can change oh god pete what do they do to you always cool now okay spoke too soon let's see what bowser is up to blood pressure you should be worried about the floor-sized holes opening up in the skull let's just continue on with the game small after beating the living daylights out of gus our next destination is boggly woods there's trees here whatever's going on here and a dancing product plant who just vibing honestly now that we're in boggly woods we've got new opportunities to break things and with flurry on our side things will get weird wig off pearl's gone that's right it's a genie time nature is returning to its beauty we are truly the virus okay magnus bond crumble dime this thing isn't armed with tissues but from what i can see i'm not sure if this thing is armed at all oh no he's asserting his dominance nevermind it's kind of easy all right there mario all right yeah totally what pog jam face [Music] yeah this is my life now where did you work out the library yeah glitz spit doesn't really have anything else interesting here so let's go to twilight town this pig spinning cool wow these pigs really don't look like pigs twilight town is relatively immune to our tricks but who needs story progression when you can just jump over it oh i think i might have soft locked myself into this town because of that uh pirates grotto cortez buddy yard not looking so hot wow this is a new form foster check after realigning the chakras so to speak the ghost pirate skeleton man we now find ourselves on the xs express [Music] you've got yet another number to change which basically just multiplies the speed you go as fast as you want so fast that the camera cannot even keep up or even so fast that you immediately follow bounce or go extremely slow because i hate fun i am afraid men men might have also made to the smash but this is my favorite arms character well we beat it with the power of hitting it with our trimmer over and over again and cheats the business people i'm waiting for haven't arrived yet so i'm sightseeing i'm slight seeing your neck moving 360 degrees in half a second chief you probably need to see a doctor well we got into the museum dodged some ghosts and grabbed the next crystal star to the moon actually wait how do we get to the moon [Music] oh he's not coming back is he well that was easy wait we're scoops the moon makes mario really slow and jump high but once again we can change those values so that moving around on the moon isn't so slow that it requires me to have to schedule it on my calendar and with that speed we break through that knot fortress so fast that we erased time and left past it and now it's time to fight our good friend magnus von grapple but now he's 2.0 last version was buggy yeah you got that right but hey second verse same as the first so let's head into the next area we've got some bosses in the palace of shadow like gloomtail hooktail's brother guess it just runs in the family yeah surprised that after meeting mario there aren't any more skeletons in the family well maybe if we make it after game time to phase off with grotus look well yeah girls you aren't looking too well yourself i can see that truly evil looking characters out here right now however shall we beat this boss oh man the true form this calls for a super corruption time a little tradition i like to have is to enable each and every change that we made all at once and once we do activate it yikes is chaos god tier destruction using the seven chaos emeralds mario transforms into the ultimate life form oh yeah coops i don't know what he's up to i'm sure we'll find him sometime not a single paper life form is spared everything is been torn tossed and just honestly broken the games managed to handle all these corruptions we throw out surprisingly well all we have to do is be the final boss and well the game crashed well rip [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: Aurum
Views: 108,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aurum, gameplay, hacking, corruptions, glitches, paper mario ttyd, paper mario the thousand year door, paper mario thousand year door, paper mario, paper mario corruptions, paper mario hacks, nintendo, nintendo switch, nintendo games, paper mario the origami king, paper mario origami king, origami king, origami king ost, gamecube, virtual console, failboat, super mario, super mario 3d world, super mario 3d world glitches, mario 3d world, glitch, mario, 3d world
Id: Q9QS9uY9TV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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