Paper Cutout Effect | Davinci Resolve 18 Tutorial

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel in this video I want to show you how you can create a paper cutout animation inside of DaVinci Resolve the inspiration of this video is coming from the Future YouTube channel they use this animation inside of their videos so we'll try and replicate this effect inside of DaVinci Resolve right so gonna kick off things by dragging in our paper texture image so you can use any image over here and I'm going to use this image over here you can see the size is quite big I want this to be in a 1080p resolution in order to quickly do that I can just simply add in a crop node to this click on ADD I view this crop one you should see something like this uh you can notice that it's 1920x1080 and all you have to do is click on this icon right next to the text that says keep centered now your texture will be in the center then what we can do is add in a transform node type in XF and let's add in the transform nodes with this and on this Transformer we can start creating our animation so make sure that you are at the very first frame is frame 0 and at the top you can see inspector over here and we have Center XY so I'm going to click on this little Diamond icon to activate keyframe there and I'm going to just change the position some of you here let's move forward 10 frames and change the position randomly somewhere here move 10 frames forward keep changing the position move 10 frames forward change the position randomly and then just let's do this one more time and just change the position somewhere here so now if you take a look at the animation we'll have something like this now what we can do is in transform one we can go to spline over here select all and click on Zoom to fit icon if you don't see all the keyframes you can click here and then I'm going to make sure that all the keyframes are selected and then select this option or click on this option that says step in so if you now play the animation you can see that now we will only have the animation wherever the keyframes are so right over here we have a keyframe that's where the paper will change if I undo this you can see now before eventually automatically created animation and playing the keyframes but when we set this to step n then wherever the keyframe is that is where the animation will take place ah cool then we will also click on this option that say set loop now if you take a look at it you'll have this animation going on continuously now we only have one issue that is we have this blank area here so we can go to transform one and the edges we can set this to mirror right so now we'll have this paper animating throughout like so then after this transfer one we can also add in a color generator click on ADD and you can just go ahead with any color I'm going to go with the blue color let's put this this is how it is going to look any settings I'm going to set the blend to around 0.7 so we can see the color and also we can see the texture behind it so if you play this you can see we still have the paper texture here great so far so good now what we can do is we can add any graphic inside so it can be anything that is related to your topic so since um it's going pretty random for me I'm just going to add in this lower plane image which is a PNG image right so this is my image over here I'm going to connect it up with this Villa generator we'll just merge one and then on this merge one I can just resize this so on the size I'm going to just scale it down like so yeah and then go ahead you can rename this if you want to I'm going to click on this node and add in a background note to this which is the very first icon over here and this result demolition to right click on it and click on Swap inputs so now the background is behind and on the background I can just go ahead and change it to any color that I want so now what you can do is we can on this background one add in a polygon mask like so and then you can just simply zoom in and Trace around your object like so and just randomly create a shape around your object right so I think that looks good you can tweak it uh tweak the polygona at any time and now we want to do is we want to animate this um this background shape so what we can do is we can after this background one add in another note called displace click on ADD and at this place node we will also need a fast rise which is this very second icon over here so just connect the fast noise to the displace over here let's actually go to fast noise and I'm going to increase the scale amount so maybe I'm going to set this to around 7 and then I can animate the C3 here so I'm going to go the way first frame again and create the same keyframes I've used it as we did with the Transformer here so create keyframe on seat move 10 frames forward change the seat value just keep on increasing it go to frame 20 increase the seat value go to frame 30 and increase it again and we'll frame 40 and I'm going to increase it one more time all right so if you take a look at the background over here I can see we have something going on over here right so now what we can do is we can select this customize with the spline over here the spline editor uncheck everything except the Seether here and then click on this Zoom to fit icon so we can see all of the keyframes now click on this icon that says select all and then click on Step n you already know what it does and then click on this icon that says set loop so now if you take a look at the animation we will have something like this now what we can do is we can have this background over here we can add in another node it's completely optional but you can add a drop shadow to it and increase the shadow string and reduce the blur amount you can see that we have another shape under this background node and looks really cool in my opinion you can go ahead and change the color if you want but I think the default color the black color looks cool and yeah that is uh that's pretty much it you can go ahead and now animate This Plane coming in from any direction that you want so let me just use the merge over here so that we can grab both the plane and the background then go to the first frame create a keyframe on Center XY go to frame 10 change the position bring it somewhere over here go to frame 20. move it forward a little bit go to frame 30 again move it forward go to frame 40 I'm going to keep it right in the center now like so and again I'm going to select this displacement over here click on Zoom to fit again select all and click on this icon that is step in and then you can also click on set loop um actually we don't need set loop on this if I set this to set loop then it's gonna keep on repeating this process like so we don't want that so I'm going to undo that part so now we have this really cool stop motion look and then we can also animate the angle over here so I'm going to right click on it and modify with your tube and go to modifiers and if I increase the strength quite a bit you can see the animation over here and see we are able to rotate this graphic over here but it's kind of smooth so I'm going to increase the speed quite a bit something like that and maybe I can increase the verbal amount a little bit so yeah you can play around with these settings um but that is pretty much it that's how you can create this effect inside of DaVinci Resolve I hope this video is helpful hope it will help you in your upcoming projects thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next one [Music] foreign
Channel: MotionEpicFX
Views: 9,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve 18 tutorial, davinci resolve 18 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve animation, davinci resolve beginner tutorial, davinci resolve editing, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve macro, davinci resolve motion graphics, davinci resolve texture, davinci resolve tutorial, paper cutout animation, paper cutout stop motion, paper cutout
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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