#pantryraid Beef Stroganoff

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hello welcome back to vicky's country home and welcome to my kitchen this is going to be another video for the hashtag pantry raid collaboration that i am doing with mrs laurie from whipple royal holler mrs katie from heritage ways and mary from mary's nest and guess what a whole lot of other creators if you would like to join in this collaboration send me a message and i will help you see what you need to do we'd love to have you what this collaboration is about is using whatever you have and most of us believe we should have a well-stocked pantry convenience is one part of that but a big part of that is being prepared for whatever life brings and i'm not going to go into that because i've done it many times but i believe everyone should have a well-stocked pantry with the foods you like and will eat and what you're used to using but part of that i may i can things and i make things from scratch but so many people will say well this is great but what do i do with these ingredients and i want this collaboration to kind of help light a spark bring ideas forward that everybody can use or not it just depends on you and what your family enjoys and will eat and i think it's going to be really fun but more than that i i hope it gives everybody some inspiration on how to use the foods you have put away so since my other video for this collaboration was at my sister's house reading her pantry i thought well it's only fair that i make one here at my own house so tonight we're going to raid my pantry i have a plan that i want to use some of my hum canned meats okay so that's where i'm going to start i will go see what home canned meats i have and then we'll build a meal from that and we're going to raid the pantry so come on to my pantry okay this is my pantry and it's cold in here which is great that's perfect for a pantry you want to keep things dark and cold cool and this room does that because it stays cool and i keep the lights off and the blinds and curtains close so it stays pretty cool in here and i've done video when i was putting this together and i'm actually going to be doing another one as soon as my life settles down just a bit because i'm going to make some changes in here main one is i'm going to add shelves so i've already bought the units that i'll use the shelves from and just add it to these but my life as a bookkeeper is still pretty busy so that's on you know the back burner for now so here's my pantry and i've got all kinds of stuff in here but i want to start this with using some kind of canned meat home canned meat and i've got several kinds that is corned beef that is chuck i've got chicken i believe in here in and i think i got some somewhere else too i've got bacon i've got a number of kinds of of canned meats but the corned beef is great i love doing that as corned beef hash and it's really good but i think tonight i'm gonna get this ground this jar of chuck this is from october 19 so i need to get it used and i do leave some fat in there some people think that's terrible but i do and i've never had a problem so we're going to start out with some home canned chuck roast so i'm going to set that down now what to do with it and i've got all kinds of canned things in here but what's coming to mind and there's some of my chicken i've got so many things i need to get this better organized that's coming and this is what i think i want to do this is my mushroom onion soup and it is so good and this was from march of 2020. that was not a pleasant month or year so i think i'm gonna grab that let me see i have so we are on a keto diet so that makes things a little challenging and we cheat some but we try and stay to it but i do have these noodles and they're supposed to be low carb they're not really they may be compared to regular egg noodles but these still have um 24 grams per serving plus but seven grams of fiber so that's still quite a bit but i need to use these i bought them i haven't used them because they were higher carb than i wanted let's see i have freeze-dried foods you know what i think i'm gonna grab a bag of these as your standard freeze-dried peas not sure what i'm going to do yet but i need something green in here um well you know what i think that's where we're going to start so let's head to the kitchen and see what we can do with this what i decided on is i have my hum can chuck my hung hand mushroom onion soup and so i'm going to make a beef stroganoff so i'm going to take those two and i'm going to add some dehydrated mushrooms just to give it more mushroom a little bit of beef space just give it a little punch and then we're going to use some milk this is the really good stuff from azure standard and some sour cream powder so that's how i'm gonna make the stroganoff now i have these carbonata egg fettuccine so that's what i'm gonna use for my egg noodles again they're not perfect for keto but we're gonna do it that's they've been sitting in there for probably close to a year and we didn't use them because they're higher carbs than i thought but we're going to use them tonight so that's out of the pantry and i got these freeze-dried peas from azure standard and i decided that's going to be my side dish but i think i'm going to add some freeze-dried corn and that's from thrive life and some dehydrated carrots and that is also from thrive life now because some things take longer than others this i don't think it's going to take very long so i'm going to get my water boiling for the noodles i'm going to go ahead and get some of my carrots rehydrating because these are dehydrated and they tend to take a little bit longer these won't take any time at all so i'm going to get my water boiling for my carrots and for my carbonata egg noodles while i've got my carrots rehydrating i'm gonna go ahead and open this jar of chuck i love this thing i found it on ebay it was not inexpensive but it is the best jar opener and i wish i could give you a link but you know what they don't make these anymore so if you want one you'd have to go look for places like ebay or you know the flea markets you never know what you're gonna find so i'm gonna just put this whole thing of the chuck fat and all i know there's people that will get upset but you know what that's flavor and i think it adds to this so i don't mind canning it that way and doesn't that look beautiful that meat is just gorgeous [Music] so now i'm going to open my mushroom onion soup if i can hold it still while i do it and i love because it doesn't bend the lid and i'm just going to put a whole jar in there there we go that's the start now i'm not even going to rehydrate these mushrooms i may break some because a few are kind of big but mostly i'm just going to add them i want lots of mushroom flavor in this and it's already got a lot of mushrooms in that soup and i'm just going to go ahead and let that heat up on a lower temperature because we need time for these carrots and the pasta to get ready so let me start heating this and we'll come back in a few minutes my water is simmering so that's good because these noodles say they're only going to take three minutes my carrots are softened so now we're going to start getting the rest of this ready so i've got my chuck my canned chuck in here and i've got the mushroom onion soup and i'm just going to add i am not measuring this is kind of my pantry i'm not going to measure i'm just going to add some of the better than bouillon beef base and i'm going to turn that up just a bit so it comes up to a simmer and it already has a wonderful beef flavor but because i'm adding stuff to it i'm gonna bump that up because i just want it to be really good and it is and i've put just a little bit of that as your standard wonderful wonderful milk in here because i need to use it i need to finish it off and i'm going to so and this is six percent butter fat it is so yummy so maybe a quarter of a cup here and then i've got my sour cream powder this was azure standard i believe but again i store things in jars because then i can vacuum seal and it stays good longer i'm going to add that to my milk now it says to you only need water but i don't follow rules so i figured the milk is going to make it really rich so i'm going to mix that together i have my thrive life freeze-dried corn and i'm telling you i eat this stuff right out of the can it's crunchy and it's sweet and it's just good again there's no measurements i'm just going to throw some in there and then the azure standard phrase dried piece now these will go in vacuum seal jars now that it's open and i may have to add some water to that because it's gonna soak up so yeah i think i'm gonna have to add a little bit of water to that i don't want a lot but i want enough to rehydrate the corn in the freeze-dried piece the carrots have already been rehydrated because i put them in the hot water and let them simmer so that's what it looks like not a whole lot of water just some so i've got my water simmering and i'm going to because if i add this milk and sour cream powder into this it's gonna probably curdle so i'm gonna kind of temper it because i don't want it to get curdled and basically you're just introducing that gradually so so now i'm going to add that in stirring it well and i'm going to turn the temperature down because i just want that to just simmer and now i'm going to prepare stir these these look so good you would never know they had come from dehydrated and from freeze-dried you wouldn't know it okay water is simmering all right i'm only going to use about half of this package [Music] because still the carbs on that are a little high so we're only going to put about half we're going to add just a touch of pink salt to the vegetables keep stirring our stroganoff and i'm going to let this thicken just a bit my noodles are kind of al dente these are a little firm but that's okay and i think it's because of that they're not normal pasta they are the carb carbonata but there's a little bit of a bite to them my stroganoff is ready and my vegetables are ready too so let's make a plate and see how it came out all right there's my noodles i'm gonna put some butter in the vegetables because you know on keto you need that doesn't that look good there we go now brian's not in the kitchen so he can't say that he's so good he's gonna rub it in his hair so we'll just have to see all right here's my pantry supper at my house so i've got beef stroganoff completely out of the pantry and mix vegetables completely out of the pantry with a little bit of butter and let's see how it is and it's really hot the stroganoff is so good the noodles are okay i know i would prefer egg noodles but because we're trying to go keto this is what we're gonna have but they still work and they still give you that flavor the mushroom onion soup has so much seasoning that i really didn't have to add anything it's obviously got plenty of the caramelized onions it's got thyme it's got garlic it's got red wine and lots of things to flavor it so it already has most of the flavor that i want you can add more to this but i really didn't think i needed to i added some mushroom and some beef base and it just turned out wonderful so you can add it or not then we have our dehydrated and freeze-dried vegetables and i just added salt to the cooking water and some butter they taste wonderful you would never know that these came from your pantry so there you go you can make a whole meal out of your pantry you just got to get a little bit creative so if you would like to join in this collaboration send me an email to the email address below vicky's country home at gmail.com and go watch my video announcing the collaboration and i will have the link also for the playlist i believe mrs laurie and mrs katie and also mary will be uploading their videos very soon so you don't want to miss those if you decide to join this collaboration cook out of your pantry it can be your dry pantry your refrigerator or your freezer try and go in without a plan that's that is the most fun that you can have and it's also the best for teaching you how to use what you have so if you enjoyed this video and if you're enjoying this collaboration please go down and subscribe hit the notification bell to get notified of all videos and again if you want to join in just send me an email because this is an open collaboration we want to get ideas from everyone thank you for watching god bless we'll talk soon you
Channel: Vickie's Country Home
Views: 2,905
Rating: 4.9730639 out of 5
Keywords: Vickie’s Country Home, Off-grid, Homestead, Nevada Homestead, Preparedness, Desert homestead, Faith, Sustainability, #pantryraid, Collaboration, Beef Stroganoff, Home canned beef, Freeze dried vegetables, Dehydrated vegetables, Keto, Use what you have, Pantry meal, Pantry, Prepping, Whippoorwill Holler, Heritage Ways, Mary’s Nest, pantry cooking, Scratch meals, Recipe
Id: E_QsawhhEIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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