Lemon Pie Cobbler

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hello everyone welcome back i've got a lot going on today so i got things all over the place but tomorrow we're having a potluck at our church and i am making desserts i'm gonna make one of my black currant pies and i've got a video up there and that thing is just amazing if you can get hold of some black currants these were grown by a friend and i now have some other plants so hopefully i'm gonna have some this year too but they are so tasty they're kind of tart and you sweeten them up and make pie they were they're wonderful so i'm taking one of those pies with me the other thing i'm gonna do is a lemon pie cobbler and i'm really excited about this one i am making my own lemon pie filling and so we're going to get started on that first i am going to make a double batch because i'm making a large one for this potluck but i'm going to give you the amounts for a single batch so hopefully you don't get confused started out for a single batch you're going to use two cups of sugar we're going to use a teaspoon of salt and i've got pink salt here and we're going to use six tablespoons of cornstarch this is organic non-gmo because i don't really care for that stuff that's in the others i'm just gonna whisk that together a little bit to combine now you add two cups of water the juice of two lemons give that a stir and kind of get that getting it combined and all over me too this is real life though i'm a messy cook so we're going to get this combined and we're gonna take the rind from one lemon again you're gonna see larger amounts but that's because i'm making a double batch for one pie or one cobbler normal size you would use the amounts i'm giving you now i have four eggs beaten and we're going to add that in there [Music] so now you would put this over medium high heat and we're gonna heat this to a boil stirring often and then we're gonna continue to boil it for one minute stirring it constantly so i'm not going to make you sit here and watch all that so i'll bring you back when this is about to boil it's been about 15 minutes and i will tell you that at this point i'm going to stir more often and if you're only making a single batch it probably would be even a shorter time but i know at this point it's trying to stick on the bottom a little bit so i'm stirring pretty much constantly it's not quite to a boil yet but it has this beautiful yellow color partly from the lemon but a lot of it's from those beautiful egg yolks it came from my chickens just yesterday not quite to a boil but you can see it is getting thicker okay we're at a boil so now i'm gonna time it for one minute that lemony smell i love pretty much everything lemon i love this part sweet so so and it's been one minute i'm going to turn the heat off remove it from the heat now i'm going to pour this in a bowl cover it with plastic wrap and let it come to room temperature one step i forgot to show you stir in one tablespoon of butter and just let that get melted and butter you know that always makes it better so now i'm going to cover this with plastic wrap let it sit and come to room temperature my lemon pie filling has cooled off now i'm going to mix up the cobbler now again i'm making a double batch so i'm doing it in this if you're not doing it do it in an 8x8 baking pan but because i'm doing double i'm doing it in this aluminum pan that i can leave for the potluck i would probably put one stick of butter in an eight by eight pan again i'm doing double so i'm [Music] doing a close to that close to double that and i'm going to put this in a 350 degree oven and i'm going to let it melt so it's going in while i'm waiting for that to melt i'm going to put for a single recipe would be one cup of flour one and a half teaspoons of baking powder and a quarter teaspoon of salt again i'm doubling it so that all goes in the bowl and i'm going to mix those together then i'm going to add for again a single recipe would be one cup of sugar and of course doubling it mix them well and now i have two cups of buttermilk now this isn't something i keep on hand because again living off bread it's not something i do and the only fresh milk i have on hand is my anderson valley farms which i get from azure standard and it is so good i'm not going to use that for picking so this is buttermilk powder that i've reconstituted and let sit so i'm going to add that and stir that in and these are the times when having these things in your pantry is so nice because i'm not going to drive a 60 mile round trip to get buttermilk just not going to do it so i have my buttermilk powder or if i had regular milk i would add lemon juice or vinegar to it to make an equivalent but having the buttermilk powder i love having that on hand so i've added that in and now i'm going to add for a single recipe would be one teaspoon of vanilla and one teaspoon of lemon extract i'm going to add a little extra because i like lemon now i do something very similar to this or a peach cobbler but i'm really excited about doing this for a lemon pie cobbler i've melted the butter and it's just in the bottom of this aluminum pan again if you're making a single recipe do this in an 8x8 and i'm just gonna pour this batter right on top of that butter sorry you can't see it all but it's just hard to do that for the camera now i have this beautiful lemon pie foam stir it up just a bit because it's been coming to room temperature for a while and we're just going to start putting spoonfuls now if you have canned lemon pie filling you can use that instead but you know what i just didn't want to use canned filling for this so i've got my lemon pie filling in there i've got my cobbler filling i'm going to put this in a 350 degree oven and if you're making a single recipe it says 45 to 55 minutes it may take longer because i'm making a larger amount so we'll see what happens so this took a while much longer than the 45 minutes that it calls for only because i doubled the recipe but it came out beautiful and all of the lemon pie filling sinks to the bottom and the batter forms kind of a crust on top so i'm really looking forward to trying this i'm not going to share it with you tonight and do a taste only because this again is gonna be for a church potluck but i've made very similar ones before and they just come out so wonderful so easy and i hope you give it a try thank you for watching i hope you subscribe to this channel and hit that notification bell thank you for watching god bless and we'll talk soon all right so we didn't get to share with you how a taste test of this because we took this to church but i had leftover lemon filling and today is our anniversary so i made one for us and we're cheating on our diet absolutely we have enjoyed that greatly so we're gonna do a taste test of this tonight so brian see what you think this is so good i could rub it in my hair okay well there you go now it's really really good it's really good it is but that's my sweetheart really is good [Laughter] thanks for watching it is good love you love you too you
Channel: Vickie's Country Home
Views: 136,590
Rating: 4.9211469 out of 5
Keywords: Vickie’s Country Home, Off-grid, Homestead, Nevada Homestead, Lemon pie cobbler, Lemon pie filling, Recipe, Dessert, Cobbler, Lemon, Deser homestead
Id: SSslnAYlllc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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