Pantry Recipes: Chickpeas | Basics with Babish

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Is this sub just babish episodes now?

Edit: NVM it’s just you. You post his videos every time they come out.

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[Music] basics with babish and my website basics with babish comm or brought to you by Squarespace head there now to check out all the recipes from the show kitchen equipment lists and more get 10% off your first Squarespace order by visiting slash babish from websites and online stores to marketing tools and analytics Squarespace is the all-in-one platform to build a beautiful online presence and run your business alright folks so today for obvious reasons we are raiding our pantries and exploring the humble canned chickpeas or garbanzo bean and exploring a number of different possibilities that lie in the weight so I'm gonna sort of go an order of most obvious to least obvious first things first most recipes call for draining and rinsing your chickpeas but hang on to this liquid it is called aqua fava which is Latin for vegan egg whites replacer more on that later because first up the most obvious use for can check these hummus a most flavorful and versatile condiment into the bowl of a food processor goes one can of dried and drained chickpeas along with half cup each water olive oil and tahini if you happen to have fresh lemons go ahead and give one and a half of those as squeeze if not use a tablespoon and a half of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar three cloves of fresh garlic or one teaspoon of dried garlic three quarters of a teaspoon of kosher salt and some pre ground cumin or if you can't find yours go ahead and grind up some cumin seeds to make ground cumin a heaping teaspoons worth press go and that's it the most simple and elegant of hummus ease process for about 30 seconds until completely smooth and right about now would be the time to add extra flavorings like roasted red peppers or olives or artichokes but however you take your hummus go ahead and spoon it into a bowl cover with plastic wrap and let it hang out in the fridge for at least an hour until completely chilled before enjoying because next up we are making a great topping for hummus some crispy roasted chickpeas the first and most important step of which is to rinse and thoroughly dry each and every chickpea this should also help rub the sort of skins off the chickpea which is going to help them get a little bit crispier but chickpea skin or note P skin it's a weird thing to say anyway we are now spreading those out onto a parchment-lined baking sheet picking off any extraneous skins if that's your bag it's twenty twenty folks no judgment and then it's time to prep these guys for the oven first up we're gonna drizzle them with about two tablespoons worth of extra-virgin olive oil sprinkle them with salt and that's it roll these boys around to coat them evenly spread them out so they're not crowding each other and into a 350 degree fahrenheit oven they go for 40 to 45 minutes until they come out looking golden brown and crispy and I don't know excited this is the point when you can season them with the seasoning of your choice I'm going with a little bit of curry powder and these guys will go on to make an excellent topping for hummus or soups or salads or maybe most importantly just as a crunchy healthy snack once they've cooled completely of course yeah that's too hot wasn't it no no I said once they've cooled completely of course ya know you've learned your lesson this time through that nope nope nope once they've cooled whatever so so far we've covered snacks and condiments but what about a proper meal made from chickpeas for that we turn to chana masala first into a wide saute pan goes about two tablespoons of olive oil heated over medium heat until shimmering adding half a small minced onion and sweating for about two minutes until translucent around the edges at which point we're gonna add two cloves of crushed garlic and then some little sprinkles of spices how about 1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger maybe 1/2 teaspoon of ground turmeric maybe a full teaspoon of ground coriander seed and a 1/2 teaspoon of ground cardamom we're also gonna add a tablespoon or two of tomato paste we're just gonna let all these flavors and spices get to know each other over medium heat for about a minute or until extraordinarily fragrant then I'm going to add about a half a can of green chilies you could also use fresh Birds Eye chilies and then about a tablespoon of garam masala yes I know I'm using pre ground garam masala if you want to know how to make it from scratch click the link in the upper right-hand corner rights now otherwise we're adding a 14 ounce can of crushed tomatoes and a can of drained garbanzo beans where they shall stew for 10 to 15 minutes or until the garbanzo beans are tender and the gravy has thickened to a stew like consistency as always we're gonna season liberally with a pinch of KS and a few twists of F GBP give it a taste for seasoning and then we're gonna serve it over a pile of something I know y'all have stockpiled long grain white and there you have it an easy fast nutritious flavorful and almost entirely shelf-stable meal I know that I used some fresh stuff like onions and garlic and cilantro so don't get yelled at beet it's what most that out for there dried counterparts in a pinch all right so we've covered a condiment snack and a meal now let's get into the weirder side of garbanzo beans with dessert we're going to start by making some meringues out of the liquid from one can of garbanzo beans aka the Aqua fava we're dumping that into the bowl of a stand mixer and using the wire whisk attachment beginning to beat it as we would egg whites on high speed after about 10 15 minutes here to see them behave exactly as egg whites would becoming fluffy and stiff peaked at this point we're gonna slowly spoon in about 2/3 of a cup of sugar letting each spoonful fully incorporate and allowing the aquafaba to become thick and glossy at this point you can pretty much treat it the way you would a real meringue you can make a pavlova or a lemon meringue pie or just pipe them out into cute little vegan meringue kisses some recipes for which specify that you bake them at 250 degrees Fahrenheit for about two hours you're gonna want to go ahead and not do this so you don't end up with these burnt little turds at first you're gonna try to convince yourself they're fine they're just like extra toasty cheez-its but then you're gonna remember that extra toasty cheez-its are gross and so are these so you're gonna try again this time baking at 200 degrees Fahrenheit about an hour and a half for slightly chewy meringues two hours for light and crispy meringues and I gotta tell you these things are pretty fascinating they taste almost exactly like real meringue they don't taste beany at all and with the help of some vanilla or mints or almond extract they can taste like whatever you want I know that this is kind of a simple recipe but it's really cool that you can make a simple sweet little snack like this with nothing more than a can of beans usse and some sugar but what if you want to make something a little more complicated like chocolate chip cookies made entirely from pantry ingredients well for that we're gonna need a quarter cup of aqua fava half a cup of white sugar and half a cup of brown sugar that we're gonna add to the Aqua fava as we beat it on high speed then we're also gonna beat in half a cup of vegetable oil maybe not on super high speed so it doesn't splash oil all over your favorite Henle and then just go ahead and beat until fully incorporated adding volume to the aquafaba like this early on is gonna help give our cookies structure I think now much like with normal chocolate chip cookies we're going to combine the dry ingredients separately that's a teaspoon of baking three quarters of a teaspoon of kosher salt added to about two cups or nine ounces of all-purpose flour tiny whisked to a state of homogeneity and added to the wet ingredients then we're just gonna paddle these until just starting to come together at which point we're gonna add our desired mix-ins chief among which is some chopped chocolate I know the snow is looking a little dry and crumbly right now but you'll see later how that affects our cookies final texture give it one last mixed to make sure that all the flour is saturated and then it's time to chop up whatever chocolate you can find in the house you could of course use chocolate chips but chopped chocolate just provides a better visual and textural variety so once we've chopped up I don't know about five ounces worth of chocolate we're gonna add that's the mix massaging in with our hands so as to ensure even dispersal now not only do you have some safe to eat cookie dough you could also theoretically ball it up and make it into cookies so onto a parchment-lined rimmed baking sheet they go I'm going for balls that are a little taller than they are wide I was anticipating these guys spreading out pretty wildly which they did not end up doing so you can opt for more traditional round balls into a preheated 350 degree fahrenheit oven they go for about 10 to 15 minutes until lightly browned and looking pretty okay but pretty vegan that being said they were not at all bad after letting them cool on a wire rack for about 10 minutes they've passed the pull-apart test with flying colors and they're plenty sweet and soft and chocolaty and cake like and know they do not taste like beans they do taste a little vegetal but only like 10 percent the other 90% pure cookie but I wanted a softer chewier cookie not one that was so cake like so I added a quarter cup each vegetable oil and aquafaba to the original cookie batter which not only darkened it it made it probably a little too oily to the point where I was gonna have to let it solidify in the fridge before forming it into cookies not gonna beat myself up about it just experimenting with bean juice during a corn scene so after a half-hour stints in the fridge the cookie dough emerges ready to be formed into balls which again I'm gonna make a little bit taller than they are wide because I've been feeling these guys are really gonna spread out same oven temp same bake time and out they emerge looking a lot more like cookies so you can see how adjusting the oil and aquafaba content can affect your final products and for me this latter version much more closely strikes the cookie chords in my heart let's see how they pass the pull-apart test I can't seem to nail a melty piece of chocolate to save my life but more the taste test they taste like a cookie and ever so slightly weird cookie but a cookie nonetheless and one made entirely with pantry ingredients I hope you guys try some of these recipes for yourselves I hope you're staying safe and healthy out there and I hope you're also lucky enough to work from home in your PJs you can expect more pantry episodes in the coming weeks and now more than ever keep cooking I will if you will this episode and many others have been sponsored by Squarespace because they've been an amazing partner in both bringing this show and my websites to life they've got a really intuitive easy-to-use platform that made it super easy for someone like me who has never done web design ever they have templates they do domains they have really good customer service it's basically a one-stop-shop for building a really slick website if you want to try it for yourself you can start your free trial today by visiting slash babish to get 10% off your first purchase [Music] you
Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 2,460,442
Rating: 4.9680462 out of 5
Keywords: basics with babish, binging with babish, cooking with babish, babbish, pear qwerty horse, shelf stable, shelf stable foods, pantry recipes, easy pantry recipes, shelf stable recipes, chickpeas, garbanzo beans, chickpea recipes, easy chickpeas recipes, hummus recipe, chana masala, chana masala curry, chana masala recipe, chickpea curry recipe, chickpea curry, aquafaba, aquafaba cookies, aquafaba meringue, aquafaba meringue recipe, aquafaba meringue cookies, roasted chickpeas
Id: LfzKfD_WuDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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