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hi friends its Lola I haven't got a tag challenge type thing like this in a while but I just saw Jesse do this video called how well do I know my books and I had to do it basically what's happening is there's a list of questions I think they're between twenty and thirty and then you go ask Twitter for coordinates and they basically pick a book on your shelves without knowing what it is and then you have to answer whichever question you're at about that book I asked you to give me two numbers the first one being from one to seven because I have seven shelves and then each hole lengthwise shelf do you just hear my knee crack there are a hundred books approximately on each respective shelf anyway we'll just jump into it you'll figure it out if my explanation was confusing the first coordinates are 7 and 77 so you oh my god my poor knees my seventh show is all the way down there so we'll count starting there until we get to 77 my 77 book it's called here we are and the first question is without looking at the description tell us what this book is about this book is easy that what it's about is it's a collection of poetry stories essays all revolving around feminism feminism for the real world is what it says yeah next is 5 and 94 you're really making me count quite high fifth shelf this one that book is right here the wife between us and the question is without looking it up what's the genre of this book this is a domestic thriller ok the next question is without looking at the book tell us what's on the cover my coordinates for this one 1 and 25 so that's up here before Angus I'm super fertile snogging I've seen this cover a million times and I think well all the covers have Georgia the main character this one probably I think also having her cat but what is she doing on the cover I can't think of what she's doing on the cover of this book I know it doesn't show her face is she lying on a bed I can't think of anything else it's a brunette girl with no face and a cat oh she's sitting on a couch ok there's her cat I was close not bad ok next question I'm gonna read the question before the coordinates just cuz I think that's my interesting in my head next is without looking it up what is the main character's name my coordinates for these are 5 and 18 okay missus easy because her name is on it's called finding Yvonne so her name is Yvonne if her name wasn't on here I probably wouldn't remember she does have two love interest in this book could I try to remember their names you know the one who started with Addie Warren well there's a dentist in here maybe that's what I was thinking of next without looking named a side character oh I shouldn't have jumped the gun on that let's do six and sixty-six Oh No okay so it's a book that I love but oh no I'm really showing my ass now because I couldn't name any characters in the Night Circus I really did like this book but I couldn't even name the main characters it's a girl there's a boy they each have like a person Celeste Celia and Marco but those are the main characters could not name a side character that's so embarrassing Chandresh Tara Lanie Bailey widget I vaguely remember these people next is guess how many pages the book has without looking if you guess 25 if you if I guess within 25 essentially I win let's do 2 and 14 oh no you guys this book is thick there's no way I'm gonna get this um I want to say it's but I kind of want to go lower 650 there's 214 wait oh no there it's not numbered like that it's numbered per story okay so I'm gonna have to count off so the last story is 214 that's weird this was coordinates 2 14 + 2 46 + 300 + 2 7 62 I do not win if someone keeping score of how many questions I have one next is without looking at up what rating did you give this book this one should be easy we're gonna do shelf 7 and book a hundred you think like just pick the book at the very end but no minute we have to be exact it's actually a hundred and five books on my shelf the book is meet-cute and it's especially easy because my entire anthology shelf is mostly three stars across the board anthologies very rarely get like two stars because there's gonna be some story that I've liked in it and rarely get five stars because unless I've loved every story like I can't give it a five star so I think I give it a three but it could be a four what straight Goodreads Oh [ __ ] I gave it a four well it says four but it might have been a 3.5 I never specified the reading in their review but I guess I'm wrong I hate this video next without looking where does this book take place that is the one thing that I probably don't know about any books on my shelf I have a pretty good memory like just in general but something that I can never remember is where a book takes a book shelf 3 and number 13 I was right I have no idea where this is that contemporary is so hard to remember well I mean I'm right if I just say United States but I feel like I feel more specific I don't want to see the West Coast I don't want to say in this house I don't think it could be like Midwest or East Coast I'm gonna go with em hmm part of me feels like saying Ohio but how do we know you're not gonna say in the synopsis cuz like why would it Oh Colorado Springs as if it told me on the very first page I love you membrane it's about twinkle a junior at Pikes Peak charter in Colorado Springs where's Colorado is that considered the Midwest it was I kind of right can I get a half point without looking what are the parents names come on a lot of people are saying shout 3 so we're still on shelf 3 we're gonna do 3 and 22 22 there's no chance in hell that I'm gonna get this how to love Vicki kitchen no I don't think I even remember the main character's name [ __ ] you just said you had a good memory Reena that's her name Sawyer and the thing is it's probably not even gonna stay the parents names they're just gonna say my mom and dad well that's another one wrong without looking at the hardback what color is the book under the dust jacket okay only like half my books have dust jacket hopefully we end up on one this person said six and forty seven six and when I spoil myself this is dreamology by Lucy Keating um I'm pretty sure it's white and pink but the heart underneath is actually white and blue Oh white and purple it's like a you call that a bluish purple oh this is so pretty next is without looking is there thing on the hardback like an imprint or an image of some sort again let's hope we get a hardcover with our number if not we'll just try another one I guess 5 and 55 I like these ones that go together this is one of my favorites of all time we are the ants by Sean you in Hutchinson I think the hard cover under here is gray or is it teal I think there's like silver writing I don't think there's anything oh no wait it has this it has these triangles on the front right make me question my entire existence oh it has it on here I knew it had that but I thought it was here maybe I still get a point right right okay feeling good I'm feeling encouraged without looking to the chapters have titles or are they just numbered I don't think many of the books I read have chapter titles we're gonna do one and 44 this is such a good one to get because it's like well some of the only books on this entire shelf I haven't read because they belong to my husband how well do I know Cassandra Clare does she write chapter titles I'm gonna say no I feel like she probably has so many chapters they're like coming up with a title for every one of them would just be arduous okay here we go oh my god there's titles the Angels not half so happy the sounding sea tomb by the sounding sea alright I'm sorry Wow are you Shadowhunter fans like yelling at me right now okay let's get the next one right without looking at the book cover does it have an award I don't think I read that many books that have won you know literary awards so this should be easy look at me pumping myself up and then I'm gonna say three and twenty three are my coordinates this is a pretty early edition of sign reversal Homo sapiens agenda' so even if like it would have Awards this wouldn't have awards but this could have very well one of words I don't pay attention to literary prizes so there's nothing on it I don't even know if why a usually wins awards that would go on covers like I know nothing next is without looking to this book have an author blurb on the front cover I think most books do so I'm already gonna say yeah we're doing five and twenty nine it's an arc I don't think most arcs how works do they existential crisis I feel like this has a blurb on the cover it's our own private universe why would you say an arc has a blurb are you okay that was the dumbest question I got wrong I can edit it out and pick another book so I don't look so stupid some arcs do have blurbs okay it's not that while okay idea watch me pick an arc that still doesn't have a blur [ __ ] no I know that like arcs gets sent to authors and then they are the ones who make the blurbs but there are like early copies and then there are the copies I get oh my god there's no one there's no work if you dump on the internet the dumbest [ __ ] why would an arc have a blurb there's no need for an arc to have a blurb the arc isn't trying to get you to buy a book you can't buy an arc this has never been a blurb on arc in my defense I don't read author blurbs so I never accursed me and when I think of the cover book I'm thinking like oh yeah there's a tagline there's a blurb there's something up there on an arc they're gonna revoke my book reviewer status because of this I just want to pop in and say that I'm filming my wrap-up a couple hours later I'm filming that video and I found an arc with a blurb on it and I just had to mention it because I'm right without looking does this book have a description on the back I don't look at books no no no they answer it 6 and 16 Oh it's bear town now without opening this book and cheating I do believe it has a flap so the description is probably there and the back could very well just be blurbs right all blurbs inside flippy thing description that's from your Backman Jenny Isles picture Frederic Backman is like a really old guy this actually brings me into the next question which without looking does this book have an author photo this one would actually be a good one to get an arc for because arcs are a total mixed bag if they have an author photo or not so we're going with four and six that's like the smallest number I've gotten thank you do classics have author [ __ ] that's a dumb question there is not a photograph of Jane Austen in the back of this book No he knows this an author photo myself because Jane Austen or is this a character from the book I'm as you look at the whole collection now this one will answer our question if I flip this open is there a photo of herman melville holy [ __ ] alright just showing my ass again that I haven't read any of those editions on my shelf without looking it up is this author using a pen name oh I love that one we're gonna do three and sixty-eight I wouldn't think that Mary cou pica is a pen name just because it's a pretty unique name does she have a wikipedia how would we know for sure according to her website her name is Mary ku pika according to mystery writers org her name is Mary could be good next without looking what POV is this book written in first third what if it's written in second and we are doing four and twenty this is far from you tree my Robin Benway I believe this is written from three different perspectives am i right oh and I think they're all first-person but they could all be third-person well I don't know I'm saying they're all no yeah I'm taking her home first person oh my god they're in third person grace hadn't really thought too much about homecoming joaquin always liked early mornings best it wasn't that my i meant to break up with alright you know what though that makes a lot of sense because usually when there is multiple POVs i will often write a book lower if their first person because like a lot of the voices blend together to me i shouldn't know it's a five star there's no way without looking are there any pictures or graphics in this book we're doing seven and twenty eight that's down we've got a list of cages by Robin Roe and I don't believe there are any images in here besides the chapter pages of course I knew that oh no it's just the beginning no no pictures without looking does this have an epilogue oh that's an interesting one let's do two and forty three no I don't think New Moon would have an epilogue because it's a series not be weird my answer is No oh my [ __ ] god there's an epilogue what is wrong with me do I even know anything about books slowly losing the will to go on without looking to this book have a prologue we're doing six and ninety one hmm it's never missing never found and I'm gonna say yes if you like a lot of why a mystery does have like this ominous prologue please prologue didn't choose to join the illustrious society of missing girls I didn't grab an application dot my eyes with hearts and sign my name a flourish in my newly acquired cursive I think I needed that book I would say most books I read have prologues they think but what do I know without looking is this book signed this one if I got wrong I should just like quit reading I think there's like five books on this entire shelf that are signed so we're gonna do four and 37 this is boy meets boy by David Levithan David Levithan definitely did not touch this book no signature sorry oh my god next we've got without looking to the page numbers have a design up up or below them or none at all we are doing five and eighty-seven mm-hmm this is a hard one it's in her skin I'm gonna say no I think it's just you know times new roman' solid numbers top right corner does this book even have chapters this book doesn't have chapters it does have parts that part 1 part 2 part 3 and there are no images so I win next let's do without looking are there acknowledgments in the front or the back of the book I never read acknowledgments and we're gonna go with my birthday 3:29 hmm I feel like a lot of debut novels start out with acknowledgments because you know this is the first thing was actually being published and the person just wants to like put it out there like thank you so much I'm so proud and happy and you're great and thank you but I think the majority of acknowledgments are in the back right so just mathematically I want to say the back I'm saying the back officially praise title title for grandma part one here in the back we have three four five lovely pages of acknowledgments without looking what year was this book published I should be able to get this one six and twelve oh shoot I was just gonna say if it's a really small number though I would hit the classics and that would be difficult for me so let's see six and twelve there's all historical fiction honestly most of this shelf would be so easy most of its just gonna be like 2016 to do that was a nineteen but of course I grabbed one that I really don't know the Time Traveler's Wife let me think it became a movie when I was a teenager maybe in like the year 2010 so if they picked up the rights pretty soon after let's say was published in like 2005 and it took them a couple years to like cast Emma befell me we put it out two thousand five two thousand 300 this is the last one without looking what year did you read this book in here we have three and thirty nine this is easy I read it the year it came out which wasn't last year but the year before so do you know the 17 I'm pretty sure actually read this the month it came out too let's make sure 2017 Ibiza boy American Street whoa you know at least we ended on a positive note if anybody kept track of my score you can let me know how good I did cuz I don't want to add it up cuz it'll just make me sad I think I'm gonna take absolutely everybody do this tag these no matter how many books you have as long as you have like 20 or so you can do this tag and just ask people for numbers I will see you guys later thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up and subscribe cuz I haven't told you to do that in a while bye
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 52,954
Rating: 4.9747748 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala
Id: t22SV_ryHUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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