Pandem Perfection: Daniel Song’s Widebody A90 Toyota Supra

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna grab another left [Music] what's up everyone larry chen here welcome to another episode of hoonigan autofocus we got two amazing supras here we got the owner daniel song of this one which is the very very modified one that one is mine this is actually the first time I've ever done a shoot when we have the legitimate stock version next to the very modified yeah you can see the before and after it legitimately is a before and after which is just so cool you can actually go from back and forth like this is different this is yeah this is talk tell us a little bit about this I actually had a chance to see this on the SEMA show floor at the Toyo tire tread pass and in my eyes it was probably one of the better built 8090 super eyes of the 20 1980 Michelle yeah I mean there was a it's obviously no big surprise supras were everywhere at last year's SEMA show I think there was like what you guys did account right like over 50 I think it was 64 so 64 supras and I want to say there was like 11 panned empress out of the 11 I think two or three of them were the version 1.5 versus this first version of the car obviously that was really not gonna be that much we could do to visually stand out from everybody else so from the beginning of the project we really focused on like the execution of the build we didn't want to fall prey into the idea of the rush SEMA build where people are using duct tape and bubble gum to hold their cars together we wanted to make sure that it was done properly especially because Stan gave me the opportunity to do it for the tread pass I mean you got some incredible builders I mean you guys covered a lot of the cars there too all right without a doubt every single year the best builds that actually speak to me and that evoke this emotion of real car culture and a lot of them are crazy and they're so imaginative but some of them are simpler builds but they're still very inspiring absolutely so I think it's not like not every car has to be overdone but it's got to have a lot of personality and uniqueness to it so again given the platform to build for Toyo tread past I just wanted to make sure we delivered something even though again I couldn't avoid that there was gonna be 65 supras 11 pandemic cars I just wanted to make sure that I put together something that was quality you know what I mean for the truck pass yeah so definitely no Bluetooth anything on this car except for the Bluetooth radio right I mean everything works yes and it looks the part it looks amazing can we kind of do a little walk-around let's go outside yeah tell me so alright the first thing that I noticed is it's missing a headlight yeah so this was something that came after SEMA so a company out of the UK called Eden Tory they do a lot of high-end intake systems for BMWs and other European applications kind of jumped into this job well it's a natural transition right I mean this is a BMW DNA car so literally for SEMA they were able to produce two prototype intakes maybe three and just a few engine covers and so they were installed the intake and the engine cover so were installed on day one of SEMA that's like how fresh in you it was the headlight duck was something that they knew that they were gonna build but it just wasn't ready for SEMA so we recently put this in Wow so this is actually functional yeah it is so basically I mean it sits in there the intake box was designed with a removable sort of port so there's the stock air air intake which feeds into the box and then there's another like cover plate that you can remove which now feeds the air directly from the headlight duct into the intake box so it's absolutely functional so that actually seems like to be a trend with this car like the Toyota engineers actually kind of mentioned that a lot of this is built so we can modify it right to some degree and even to the point where it's actually relatively simple to swap it to a manual transmission to the point where there was actually a man manual transmission car at the SEMA show yeah I mean there's a lot of little like signs when you kind of take apart the car and look into the car you can see mounting points you can see areas that were designed to receive a part but there is no part there right I mean most notably you look for example like the the strut tower brace you can see clearly where there was meant to be marquee markings for mounting points you even see like indentations in the stock intake box where bars can run across so I think Toyota engineers were like very intentional saying hey we know people are gonna tinker with this car let's embrace that I mean there are like other manufacturers that will say you touch the car you breathe on it the wrong way we're gonna void your warranty and like Toyota seemed to go like the other way around we're like yeah personalize it we'll make it like your canvas to work with let's decide maybe there's a happy tree evergreen tree he lives right there so very cool all right so let's talk about the kit yeah so like I said this is the pendant version 1.5 now everything else is going to look relatively the same as the version 1.0 the most notable thing is going to be the rear wing setup so again on the 1.0 so you get kind of that sort of sort of combat early 2000 90 styles or a combat style wing and the version 1.5 you get that sort of GT swan neck wing so the most notable feature on the 1.5 so this is actually part of the kit yeah so Wow this ducktail deck is specifically to receive the swan neck wing whereas again the combat wing this trunk deck would actually be molded in with the up wing uprights so again that's where the biggest difference is between the one and the 1.50 and then you have marathon's uh same good insurance yeah so I mean he has a lot of projects that he's very involved with obviously there's US side Builders that he's worked with all the time I think this was one of the pendent builds that yet he knew how many kids were in the u.s. obviously but he wasn't really supervising this project so when he saw it at SEMA when this was unloading ironically enough his cars were also unloading and he came over and spent quite a number of hours like just really looking at the car and he was just telling us that he was really happy with the results very pleased with the quality of the build and you know I said can you please sign the car and so he went over and signed it you know I do have to say like if there's one person to make such an impact on the tuning world and mirus on like I don't know if he really grasps it I don't know if he understands it every time I see him I'm it's such a joyous moment to kind of you know share stories with them and talk to him about cars but like I don't know if he actually understands how much of an impact he's made on the industry and I think a lot of people just won't recognize that until we look back in hindsight right you know we look back like in an era where again I called the quote-unquote fast in the Furious era and now somehow we can go back and reflect on that and say like how awesome was that in its own weird way that early 2000s era of building cars was unique it was just it was defined by a look it was defined by a style and I think again whether people appreciate it or not I think ten years from now we're gonna look back and say this guy's made a huge impact on the tuning world very cool alright so while we're back here you got remarked exhaust for this yep like what people probably don't understand is how much of a rush everything was on this car I mean we're looking at it now you know way after SEMA and you've had a chance to button up a lot of things yeah and a lot of people are starting to actually get these parts on their actual cars yeah but this was probably one of the first cars to receive that exhaust yeah remark literally had the exhaust prototype and made they didn't have a car to display it on they were rushing and you know I again like I said I won't spits under the name but I had an exhaust purchase for this car and one of the remark dealers came with me and says we need a Supra can you please please run this and again I wasn't familiar with the bread I've built a great relationship now and they're just again they're amazing the quality of their product is amazing again there's just support I got a Christmas present from them too they sent a Lego those speed LEGO sets you know it's pretty cool all right so let's take a look around here I know the wheels that that was a big thing for you to to to handle I mean because pretty much nobody made an offset for this car yeah and still probably unless you go with a custom cut like three piece wheel you know from any of the bespoke sort of forged cut like wheels you're not gonna find an aggressive wheel that's gonna work for this kit one the kit is really really wide number two was again when we built this for SEMA the t37 didn't even come in super spec there was no five by one 12s all the 5 by 114 applications so I knew I had to run a custom spacer anyways so I had a shop basically machine the spacers and that also served as like PCD converters so that I was able to run the five by one 14 on the Supra and that allowed me to not have to read rill the wheels or scuff the wheels up so yeah this is essentially a one-off application this way and again it was an intentional thing like you had a lot of these wide-body cars that are running on air right so they can just drop the car on the ground it looks great this is on KW version threes VIII's but beyond just the KW so again I wanted to make sure we had sort of a Motorsports feel to the car so we ran with the 19-inch wheels not the big 20 or 21 inch wheels a lot of meat on the tires and then I didn't want that deep like three piece wheel look you know it means yeah honestly I think that's one of my favorite parts of this car the fact that there is a lot of meat on that tire I'm all about function you know and if it happens to look good than more power to you what one of the crazy parts about this kit is that it kind of extends onto the door so when you actually open the door like that's part of the kit it's just such a crazy design feature I really like that I mean again just the installation of the kit this is like different from your traditional fender flare kits where you had one fender piece that just slaps on and then the front lip and the side skirts are independent of that so if you go back to for example like the rocket bunny FRS you'll if you look at the way the fender flares work it's independent of everything else but this kit if you look at it carefully from the front lip to the bumper cap to the hood piece to the everything actually fits with each other so if you're off by like 2 or 3 millimeters on fitment in the front by the time you get to the back you're off by 6 or 8 millimeters and so everything has to be fine-tuned to work because I mean you can see these seam lines I mean there's no there's no forgiveness to it I mean so again if something is tweaked incorrectly you're gonna see that later on so it's kind of interesting because one of the unique parts of the Supra on the stock one one of the things that I notice right away is that the top of the the fender here it's like part of the hood exactly it's just a different design element compared to a lot of sports car that you see out there and then I thought as soon as I saw that I'm like okay I know marathons gonna make a gift for this car what is he gonna do yeah you know and then he came up with this craziness right here that it separates but it still looks good to the app and that's again it looks great the solution works and obviously every sort of wide-body application since the original pandemic it sort of treats it the same way there's a bumper cap there's a hood cap and then there's a fender cap right so it's usually a three piece front fender piece the downside though is you have that many more panels you have to align and make sure they fit to the the body of the car again when we're talking about the execution of it you'll notice that there's like zero rubber welding's on the car so we made sure that we stand it and rege last and reshaped every piece the quality of the kit is great but it's not perfect I don't think there's any brand that's gonna ever be perfect but you'll see again the fitment of the kit along the body is like paper thin flush you know what I mean oh that's a good point yeah it's one of those things that until you just pointed it out I didn't actually notice it yeah I mean if I look back on the pictures from the SEMA show I'm sure a lot of other kids had that yeah I actually had a chance to see nakai song from our de bebé he actually does it all with his finger yeah right so he tapes it off puts the hologram yeah the silicon and using your finger to kind of like draw out the lines but so tell me a little bit about the brakes the brakes are insane yeah they're the Brembo GTS kits again like I said there's I believe there's a rear application now available but again at the time Aseema the front application was the only thing available you know we had a choice between running the GT kit and then the GTS kit but you know again going with a theme of motorsports and performance and functional performance the GTS is obviously the way to go you know I mean so yeah it's a massive Road or - yeah that is massive what about the interior did you do anything to the interior oh yeah all the interiors crazy - all right oh my goodness I mean there's only so much we were able to get done before SEMA so we're running the full studio RS our roll cage as well as the rear brace and we had these seats these are Recaro pro racer seats these were only a Ricardo Japan so obviously there's there's really not many that float around in the US and one because of the cost but number two you would have to import them in luckily evasive had to Paris like on a container coming in there I think though the wait time on these seats even in the fiberglass the FRP version is almost like 12 months the carbon ones are even longer and so yeah I mean evasive luckily had two seats while I was building super I was told and I just I begged them like I need to have a pair and so luckily these work again super cabins very very small you can see how close these sort of head bolsters get yeah how is that oh my god trust me there are a lot is so close you can't even I can't even put my finger in there are a lot of people writing aftermarket seats where their seat bolster their shoulder and head bolsters are actually hitting the pillars or it's actually hitting the door cards how that I mean wow you really did you have to custom make these brackets no luckily we did it so again bread and and Recaro again it just worked again we we weren't gonna know until we got the seats in so again we were a week out from SEMA the slider rails lend it landed the seats came in and we just crossed our fingers put it in and we were expecting to modify maybe cut and reweld some of the brackets but it dropped in and again the clearance is tight but it's we get it there's no rubbing there's no any issue with with whatsoever so we lucked out for sure this is seriously I've never actually seen these seats before this is probably one of the craziest seats craziest design like what the accessible modern it's it really is modern it's actually very very good-looking I do have to say I've never seen anything like it I'm sure it it's pretty comfortable too it is I mean for as intimidating as the seats look it's actually very comfortable it's I mean it's memory foam inserts you know given that I've only driven the car I mean this coming out to this shoot was probably the longest drive I've ever taken in the Supra but again it's it's great it looks a lot more intimidating I was afraid that this was gonna be a painful seat to stay in and tell me about the cage the thing about the Supra is I even have trouble removing the lug cover yeah I have to basically you have to like turn it and then shoot it out the front yeah there's a whole puzzle like a Tetris like like process to be able to get things out of the car even even again the spare well cover and like the trunk mat to get all of that stuff out yeah it's a little bit of work it's again it's a tight tight space but again studio RS are built this cage again the tolerance the clearance is very great there's not a lot of room which obviously a good roll cage should not have a lot of room again like I said we powder-coated this to match as close to of course the turbulence gray so it's a satin version of the exterior paint versus again I just didn't want to do anything bright or like like I know a lot of people run accent colors on their cars the only accent color on this car is the teal that you'll see and that was really just for me I just I was really inspired by the Petronas f1 livery so I just figured with the silver with the dark colors the monotone like that silver like or that teal accent would pop and so that's really the only color you'll find on the car can we see under the hood yeah I like how you know your way around the car hey you see that other things sitting right there so here it is so how much did you actually do to the engine so right now the event or a carbon intake box obviously all the full array of Cuzco parts the event or II engine cover down right there is the pure 700 turbo upgrade so that's the pure upgrade Oh what and then it's the turbo mates to assr performance down pipe and then of course out through the remark exhaust and we also have an SSR performance charge pipe here as well so I think aside from Fredrik Osmos brand-new formula drift car this is the only Supra that I've seen with any other things than just bolt ons yeah I mean there's a few guys writing the the pure setup and there are a lot of and again at SEMA a lot less but there are definitely enthusiasts out there that are looking for high horsepower numbers a lot of YouTube bloggers and stuff like that so this was a setup that I think a lot of people ran between the pure 700 a good performance down pipe and a good tune I mean people are putting out I mean with 93 octane or even race fuel people are doing like high six hundreds this was tuned for 91 octane just because of California we're doing upper four hundreds on this right now as it is I think it was a 493 hey man and just driving that stock one with just a little over 300 horsepower it already kind of gets me in trouble you know because it's it's a modern sports car you know and that's kind of why I love these cars so much because a lot of people like to talk badly about these cars let's be honest right but in my eyes any manufacturer that can come out with a brand-new sports car in this day and age is all right by me yeah I mean again I think a lot of people have an idea and don't get me wrong I think platforms like the Supra and the NSX the reception has always been controversial because they're such a nostalgic romantic attachment to the name and the heritage of the car so when you disrupt that people get offended real quickly and so especially the Supra especially like the NC one NSX like both cars just have an immense amount of criticism in like hatred for the car but if you judge it as its own car this is a phenomenal car just like the NC one was you know what I mean and so I think people have to understand that car dealerships or car manufacturers don't make a lot of money on sports cars they make money on crossovers and compacts and family cars so the fact that Toyota is willing to put out a super I think we should just be grateful and enjoy the car for what it is and not be overly critical that it doesn't have a six-speed or doesn't have an updated 2jz motor or whatever it is you don't I mean alright so and another thing what's funny is I realize we're like totally twinning in so many ways only their mother can tell them apart let's see we're both Asian we both have gray supras and we both have 240 Z's how crazy is that yeah I've been following your build as well again art disease been done for now about two years that I think was completed back in 2017 I think it was done debuted at JCC s and then the following year showed up at SEMA for any OHS but yeah I mean that's my pride and joy that one I think that's what we're gonna have to shoot next but for now I actually want to hear this thing because I've never actually heard it a Supra with this many modifications yeah I mean just maybe with exhaust and tuned but this thing is really really cool oh man it is so much more aggressive than stock like like 10 times more aggressive than stock and what's really cool is with the headlight duck you get to hear the intake working so much loudly I mean it's it's pretty cool I mean you get to hear the exhaust noise you could hear the intake working I mean yeah and you get to hear the turbo spooling up it just it's really cool unfortunately that gas struts are not powerful enough to hold this up with the wing but if you want to I don't know if you want to get anything oh yeah this is pretty impressive so this actually a bolts - yeah so that's it yeah to the chassis and stiffens up the rear area again getting remember we were talking about how it was difficult getting the cargo cover off imagine getting this piece in here because again the tolerance I mean if you look at where it bolts it's like literally less than a finger space between of it so it literally there's like one perfect solution to get it in and if not you're scratching your panels that is even to the point where I feel like you probably had to like remove some of this stuff you know actually it fit but there's a specific way that you have to orient and turn and twist and bring it back in it's just it's not a straightforward solution for sure Wow yeah all right but to go for a ride in this thing wow these seats are just unlike anything else you think you've seen everything you know you you think that that they've designed everything that there is to design but this it's just so crazy looking it really is Wow so it's pretty tight yeah but but because it's designed well it's still like supporting me and yeah and where I need to get where I need to have support Wow okay you're clear on this side you're clear on this side yeah well it's still quiet oh okay all right now now you can really hear it so that's the difference right right up here that's the difference right away in the stock one you can't actually hear the turbos but just a little bit right there I could hear the Turtles oh man you've probably never even really driven this on your own not like this Wow okay it feels really good I mean the kW is are amazing the exhaust sounds really really good especially when you let off this is the these are the roads that you built this for you seriously like this is very very cool [Music] you can definitely hear all of the turbos everything so what did you dyno this set to the wheels did you have a chance to lay off with a new tune again this was done with a conservative 91 octane tune just because I didn't want to go through the hassle like sourcing race fuel every time I needed to get out so again on a 91 octane tune this is doing 493 I forget the torque rating on this car but I did that it's very close wow there's so that's that's probably close to 550 or so at the crank yeah and again there are people that are with again 93 with ethanol method race fuel people are getting high six hundreds out of this same setup so it's not a theory people have done it with this exact same setup getting high six hundred it's just again for all the effort that went into fitting this kit and even the paint like I repainted the car so I had the kit painted and it was like the paint match was off enough that it bothered me now again most people wouldn't understand even came over is like I don't notice it but like to me like it was bothering me that the paint was just off just a little bit and so literally I think four days before see my week sanded and prepped and resprayed the whole all the body kit again and it's like so complicated because wow yeah it was that last minute yeah four days before ya go guy at least don't again the biggest thing that we stressed on was the execution of the car and I felt like paint and bodywork was part of execution it wasn't just a Bolton item so again getting the paint matched to be absolutely dialed in was imperative to me especially because the lighting condition in the tread pass is very like dynamic you like during the daytime you have the natural sunlight coming through and that influences the paint one way and then in the evening hours they have that like sort of like fluorescent indoor lighting and that will influence the paint in another way so like there was no one way to like say oh well this light is a little bit more forgiving but this light will totally exploit the paint issues we don't I mean and here's the thing about the tread bus it's actually the brightest area in all sima that's indoor still because it's lit like a gallery piece you don't I mean every car I mean they have a lighting tech come in and once the cars are sticks like sort of set up a lighting engineer comes in and just make sure the lights are hitting the car in a way that's like an art piece you know I mean so there's really I mean there's not a youth there's a lot of again I just just wanted to make sure it was perfect and so I was learning from the painter a lot of unique things like for example certain metallics because of the way the metallics spray out from the gun because there's an actual structure to the metallics it's not like a circular sort of structure so when you see a metallic in one direction it looks one color but when it flops on the other side it can look like another color so in order to match it not only do you have to get the paint code correct but you almost have to orient almost have to orient the piece the way it would go on the car and spray it in a uniform direction I see she didn't just wear the pieces all flat we had to actually set up like jigs and like like almost set up the fenders up right like the way it would be like that all the pieces in the orientation it was supposed to be so that when they sprayed it it would be uniform so the way the color would shift because turbulence gray has like got this warm grey to cool grey shift if you ever notice right and in order to get that correct you have to get the direction of the metallics to sit a certain way okay you guys on the paint side really took it to a different level that I never expected from a SEMA build that's pretty cool and again like I get it I get the functional value of final wraps and I again look I final wrap some of my other cars but you know when you see builders that are saying hey I could wide-body a car and wrap it in three days and have it at SEMA there's a reason why they do that because there's no prep work to the kit needed you just dry fit the kit you send it to your vinyl guy and he's done 24 hours later and it hides especially if you're running a lot of the satin vinyls it will hide a lot of the flaws and the imperfection so again there's a reason why some of those pandemic cars showed up just vinyl round you know what I mean well thank you so much for bringing out your car for us to shoot absolutely this thing is really well executed I love the story behind it I love the heart and soul that you put behind it and you're a real car guy you know we're gonna have a chance to shoot some of your other cars which I'm really excited about but it's it's just kind of cool to see this story you know as these cars get older and they get more affordable yeah there's gonna be some crazy builds but to be the first is something else yeah definitely is [Music] [Music]
Channel: Larry Chen
Views: 840,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supra, A90 Supra, Toyota Supra, Pandem Supra, Toyo Tires, Toyo Treadpass, SEMA, SEMA 2019, B58, B58 Supra, widebody Supra, overfender supra, rocket bunny Supra, Larry Chen, Larry Chen Autofocus, Kei Miura, rocketbunny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 33sec (1893 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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