2023 Toyota GR Supra

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hi guys welcome to the six months review of this uh Toyota Supra 2023 uh this has been a personal car uh but nevertheless we're going to talk about a little bit the overall uh how it performs how it drives and how the experience of ownership has been so far so uh let's jump right into it [Music] uh so 2023 model has a couple of external uh takeaways and external uh features um one of which is the color matte Avalanche white which is new for this year uh it's kind of a pearly obviously matte uh looks really good with direct sunlight I think you can get that through the camera so it has this hints of highlight and Shadow super cool uh so definitely one of the the main things for this year um second one is 19in Wheels which has a very different design finally so ever since the mo the the car came out we've been seeing the same sort of design so this year finally they upgrade the design uh these are also lightweight which is cool so not only they look nice are also um saving some weight so I think it's in the region of 1.5 kilos per corner so the overall is actually quite interesting so six kils total um so that's the external in terms of engine uh in this market we don't have the 2 lit so therefore this one is a 3 lit single turbo b58 BMW we all know that by now so this has a very healthy 382 claimed horsepower uh um I think from all the testings that we've been seeing online Etc obviously we all know that this is 382 conservative uh there's a little bit more to it so very healthy engine we're going to have a look uh just to all right so very beautiful engine bay here um although it's is Toyota this is just a plastic cover you don't have to dig around very much to see some BMW badges but again it's it's not necessarily a bad thing so BMW as as we all understand you know does very good engines and very very healthy power outputs uh this one again six cylinder in line single turbo um super nice has an amazing sound as well especially in sports although a little bit artificial uh from the cabin but it has a an amazing performance the the gearbox uh 8-speed automatic ZF uh this is not the manual um so again this is a daily driver right so I don't think you should go for a manual when you're daily driving especially in a big city if you have traffic if you're you know commuting if you're you know stuck in traffic very frequently I think the manual is definitely a fantastic option when you have a weekend uh you take the car out and you just enjoy it in those times on a day today honestly speaking this has been a fantastic choice uh super smooth very very comfortable and then obviously when you need it to go kicks down like crazy so it has an amazing amazing uh Power output together with that uh gearbox okay guys so let's talk a little bit external design uh there's actually obviously a huge Heritage from the markv into this one Mark 5 so all the supers have been quite iconic especially the last one this one here obviously has a completely different different design language uh but it does take from the past on Toyota especially the 2000 GT from the 60s and 70s amazing car I kind of see a lot of it here um so starting with the front very very long Hood obviously typical with inline six you have the engine kind of sitting right where it should be right here in the axle in the front axle uh but you do have this very beautiful soping line making sure that the hood finishes with this sort of nose a little bit F1 inspired I want to say uh not necessarily that Toyota is doing that but it looks amazing headlights fantastic super clear at night uh you know have all sorts of gimmicks very cool running Daylights as well um some of these vents are obviously fake which is slightly annoying to say the least it does add to the drama into into the whole racing theme uh but you know we could have made them like real for sakes like seriously nevertheless very cool design in the front really like it it's probably my favorite angle this 3/4 front where you see the the hood and the the low roof line as well uh coming to the middle we have some very cool lines here like just to accentuate the hood another fake vent on both sides a little bit annoying some people say you can remove them and you can install third party ones uh I think you actually need to chop the hood for that you don't have a actual aperture so not sure about it I haven't seen anyone doing that recently but you can apparently so coming to the roof here in the middle uh you have the double bubble design so this allows obviously a lot more space in the inside you actually have a very decent space um I'm 181 uh so I'm very comfortable I think if you're up to 190 you can be very comfortable here uh you have a lot of head room and this design actually helps that so we have like this little hump on both passenger and driver so it just allows you to gain a few extra centimeters uh together with that it has a different or another purpose which is this little crease here helps Channel The Air from the front up to the back therefore when you come to the back this ductail spoiler here is actually is actually functional talking about the back um probably not my favorite part of the car it's not ugly but it's a little bit busy there's a little bit of things happening here that I'm not right really sure um the tail lights are very cool I like them very much we have again a couple of fake vents here again I don't understand why uh double exhaust very cool uh can get loud uh especially if you're pushing the car so that's cool otherwise it's actually very quiet uh it's you can live with this on an everyday basis um in the center this is a cool feature although a little bit tuner to my taste but this is the fog light and the reverse light so it alternates between both uh it's a cool idea just to clean up the whole thing talking about the logo it's uh actually quite cool so uh this is a throwback from the past right so this is exactly the same font and the same logo that we had in the markv Supra in the '90s uh we were I guess we all played PlayStation in other games like Gran Turismo and stuff so we saw this logo quite a lot in our uh school days so it's super super nice to come here walk to the car see this logo and just you know you realize that you actually are driving not that car but kind of The Reincarnation of that car so it's it's a very cool I I do love that um the black badge means it's automatic The Red Badge would mean that it's a manual so you can differentiate both externally by that and that's the only way you can differentiate both manual and automatic models um and that's it from actually design okay so this is the key uh which is obviously a BMW key as as probably you guys can see uh it's very light uh you cannot put this on a key ring chain because this is too thin like there's couple of things on this design that I really don't like uh but you know has a little red stripe and whatever so okay I guess okay and the key why is it important especially if you're coming from the outside is the only way to open the trunk so there's no physical latch or button to open the latch here so none of this obviously opens your trunk even if the car is unlocked so you always need to use the key which you know to be honest probably one of the the things that I really don't like about the car but in any ways you have a button you press you hold open the trunk and off we go now in terms of space um it's actually quite generous uh obviously it's not a SUV it's not something that you can carry like a lot of things uh you obviously can fit a very large suitcase and maybe a couple of other little things like it's not very big it does fit um a golf uh set um barely uh but it does kind of do the job for everyday uh job um this car particularly has has the optional uh sound system which means we have uh a sound box right there in between the trunk and the front seats which does take a little bit of space unfortunately the sound is okay is it worth yeah I think so but you know it does take away a little bit from Storage nevertheless um easy access is a little bit narrow as you can see but once you're get your stuff in here it's actually quite wide it comes all the way to the sides uh has double lamp so we have quite a nice uh illumination at night uh this whole thing comes out you can actually pull it out and or just fold it whatever it's very practical couple of things that I really like is the two little hooks here on the side uh you can actually put you know your little shopping bags if you have something that you don't want to go around it you can actually uh put them there which is nice um and overall that's your trunk okay guys so now coming to the interior um the first thing you'll notice is that uh the access and you know the overall uh window situation and visibility situation is not World Class by any measure uh so this is in the region of your average Camaro of your average you know low roof line Sports guy I think a Camaro would be probably a very good uh comparison so uh the roof line although it has a lot of Headroom which is great but then the design cue is such that this area here comes down a little bit and just makes the window kind of narrow now it looks cool uh when you're driving and once you get used to it it took me like about a month to get used to it uh it's actually fine uh it's not that you're not able to see you know traffic or whatever is going on but you do miss a little bit of this 5 cm here so and obviously when you're pulling out and kind of walking out of the car your head tends to you know maybe Bang there a little bit uh you do get used to it so you just bend a little bit uh but that's on the window situation front visibility is really good again a very low roof line therefore the windshield is quite narrow and not very tall um but you have very good visibility the center area this area here between the screen and the rear VI mirror you literally have a very very thin strip of visibility and it kind of Falls in your right corner uh so in your right corner wheel um not ideal uh either of these could be smaller kind of differently positioned so perhaps um that's something to look at in the future but it's believable with so coming to the rest of the interior uh the other thing that differentiates a 2023 model from 22 or 21 are the same design but different material so whilst before you have the full seat in red now you have the center and uh obviously the seat itself in Alcantara uh which is a very nice touch I I was not very fond of the full red interior with the full red seats this kind of uh does it for me which you have black with some red um accents really cool I really like it it's one of my favorite things in the interior so well done Toyota for that it's it's actually quite quite nice couple of details although this seems like you know a racing seat where you can actually put like a a a fourpoint or a fivepoint seat it is not this is not open unfortunately so you know missed opportunity there it's race inspired but it's not necessarily racing ready so moving from the seats to the center console uh red leather cool I like it um two cup holders here very decent size I actually use it to put the phone or whatever um unlike what a lot of people say online you you you do not put your elbow in it unless you you literally want to so you know let's stop with that you have a lot more space for the driver than the passenger so for the driver is very easy to just lay the the the elbow in this area here so it's very comfortable for the passenger probably it's a different story but you know it is what it is I guess um moving to the center so here is where you have your main cluster of uh buttons uh carbon fiber finish which is cool I wish it was used across uh more parts of the car but anyways it's here in the center really like this design here just give it a little bit more of a cockpit feel super cool uh here you have your infotainment uh controls obviously keep in mind this is a BMW based car essentially so therefore if you're used to that you're going to feel right at home with all of these controls and swivel wheel um this is the last gen uh IID Drive uh infotainment so smaller display uh but it it has everything that you need a wireless Apple carplay which is something you you know you're starting to see to become less and less common so that's nice um gear lever selector um poor material uh it's not very nice to be honest could be a little nicer uh the design is okay it's functional it's not the best feel if I'm honest so you know it's it's a missed opportunity uh tray to charge your phone you don't really use it it overheats the phones like in every other car so it's just like for storage AC controls uh physical buttons than C so you don't have to Fumble around with your infotainment to change the temperature is super easy so perfect on that um some shortcuts to control certain functions you can uh assign certain functions on these controls so these are very useful so very cool on that uh and then obviously the display where obviously all your infant happens uh the design is very clean very minimalistic not very dramatic in fact is in my opinion very conservative uh comparing to the exterior here is very modern and very lowkey so I think it will age well as well um the steering wheel uh the only complaint is too thin I don't like that it should have been a little bit thicker so they actually feel a little bit more grip uh it's full leather there's no Alcantara here again a missed opportunity controls are fine uh the paddles are fine too there's a nice feel although plastic um and the dashboard uh display is really cool uh it's not adjustable but you know it it serves the purpose uh and you know it it just it looks good it's really sharp it's really nice um and overall that's your interior okay so coming to the driving so right now we're in normal mode it's very smooth very actually very quiet uh we're liking a little bit of a rough patch of Road here some some Stone Road it's okay it's composed still on the harsh side so it's not like the it's not a Mercedes for sure um but it's okay it's comfortable you have decent space you can actually controls are easy this is all very quiet and liveable with now but that's that's not the purpose of this car right um the purpose is to go a little faster and have things happening a little bit more interestingly so there's a gigantic sport but there's here for a reason you press that and the whole thing just becomes different the steering obviously gets a lot heavier sharpens the throttle the noise increases uh significantly to the point that when you're you know cruising at highway speeds there's a particular speed that actually becomes really annoying which is a shame uh it just comes through the cabin and it just makes the whole experience of driving it at highway speeds a a little bit difficult um but you you just adjust your speed and you're fine other than that what happens is obviously the suspension also gets a lot more heavy and a lot more uh ready for some high speeds uh but yeah it it does it functions very well it's very smooth R all of this is BMW so it's quite a lot of good things in here years of engine earing uh and we have to appreciate that you can really tell how the handling is the one thing they focused on now pulling power down is a little bit of a hit or miss uh if the tires are cold such as just now it doesn't really grip that much you need to warm your tires up a little bit and just you know wait for them to come through otherwise you might feel uh the car sleeping a little bit but in terms of picking up speed it does pick up quite well uh it's it's a true Joy just to merge on the highway and just be sure that you can merge with confidence there's a little bit of lag uh when the power comes in like not a lot but you feel it and sometimes you you wish it wasn't there so it could you know give you the power immediately um it's obviously a down a downside for the turbo engines uh but still you can definitely rely on the power to arrive whenever you need it the brakes amazing really good I haven't experienced any fading or any any issue with them um what else can I say um I took it to the mountains like a a very nice Mountain Road some time ago and it becomes a totally different car so this 23 model comes with a feature embedded it's not something you can turn on and off something called hairpin plus um then you know you can research you can look into the menus it's not there it's just works with a car and when obviously you take certain speeds in certain types of Corners the whole thing just tightens up and obviously the differential the brakes everything works together and just gives you extra turning power and extra turning capacity and the car just becomes really something else it's it's a totally different beast and this car was built for that this is not a GT car this is not a Sprint car this is not a track V car necessarily although you can but it's not something that you want to do this is something to take to a Canyon Road a Mountain Road roads and really enjoy those those sorts of routs unfortunately where we are it's not very easy they exist but you know they're they're not a lot so you need to consider that if you want something to just cruise this is not a car for you if you want something for Comfort definitely not a car for you as well if you want a balance between all of those things and having the option to go to a smaller Road a Mountain Road and you know have a lot of fun then yes definitely something for you to to use this car for okay guys so this was a quick review uh six months ownership um so what are my thoughts should you get one should you not get one was it good is it not good for the overall yes it is very good it's very fast um it's an amazing everyday car actually has enough storage it's very comfortable quick uh changing lanes whatever so it's very easy to park as well it's not massive car it's actually very very liable surprisingly so um should you consider one should you get one should you buy one yes if you are okay with two seats only if you are okay with making some concessions right this is obviously not a four seater sometimes I feel you know the the need to have a couple of extra seats even if they were smaller um so that would be a very nice option so if you are okay with that then everything else will be just fine and in this price range uh I think this is the best option obviously we have the Nissan the new Z obviously it's it's a direct competitor with this car I haven't driven it it looks amazing although the tech is older uh so it's a new skin in an older Tech and this one is all new tech it's BMW Tech and you know personally I I do like that very much very very reliable so far no issues couple of things here and there the parking sensors sometimes go off so you know minor minor things for the most of it has been a very very smooth ownership and yeah I do recommend it very much go ahead you know book a test drive it go drive it uh borrow it from someone and uh go have [Music] fun [Music] ah
Channel: The Munich Car Guy
Views: 11,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EuKQuL9S8pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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