FIRST LOOK At The All-New 800hp 2024 Shelby Super Snake!

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let's talk about the new s650 Shelby Super Snake wow [Music] we spent all day with it yesterday all around Las Vegas area I am blown away I don't really know where to start what's the main difference from a regular s650 like in terms of visual okay so visually the only thing that's the same is this this this and the front of the deid everything else we changed so what we wanted to do is we wanted to go Ultra performance you know what's exciting is is being able to do cars like this and be able to give them function and be able to give them Beauty that's what's important you know you know you see carbon fiber bits on the car carbon fiber uh Scoops here we're bringing air out we're bringing air out we're cooling all the stuff we can in the front of it before we you know before we get into all the heat we've evacuated everything we went with a really nice little application under the headlight we wanted to thin all this stuff up a little bit CU we wanted to get some Cooling in here this here now we've moved the PCM back we've got open uh open air we've got new inner Fender wells in the car that have vents in them so we can actually get some air through this side of the car we're really really dramatically changing the front of the car to where we can actually make it you know what I mean to where it's it's it's functional this is such a cool design element right here so you like this so what we did on this is we've always had a fender vent on the side on the showby we wanted to go a little bit farther we wanted to pull a little bit more vented all the way down to here you know and then a little bit down here so from here down we just brought the design all the way down because it it you know we didn't want to end it right here we've done that for a few years we wanted something different so you know what let's bring it all the way down let's tie it into the rocker it actually sets into the rocker and then bolts in afterwards really exciting so what we're trying to do is we're evacuating as much heat out of this engine compartment as possible not only that we're bringing air in here we're bringing it in and we're evacuating it out these are function those functional vents in the front end yeah there's that's insane it's just so three functional vents brings air into the engine into the engine compartment and then we evacuate it out this starts a little suction right here not only that we got the air coming in the front everything's going to come out we've got a blocked off back here we actually take and block it off use the factory block pads in the center right here so we're bringing the air has to go in and go around so it has to suck that air out of there bring as much cool air as we can so from my understanding the super snake is not just about power it's a balance it has a lot of power but you have to bring the handling stopping pretty much everything it's the whole package it's everything that you guys have learned over the years just put into one single car engineered function functionality is what it is so we want to we we look at the cars and we bring them on the track we do a lot of testing we say man you know if we just had a little bit more here if we could just cool this off a little bit more here or just bring a little bit more areir in I wish they had a little bigger opening so you know we have more room we can run a bigger cooler and stuff you know what so we just said you know what let's take everything from here forward and throw it away and start over again what really blew me away right away when I saw this car for the first time was the 305 squared Michelin Pilot Sports setup a square setup on a Mustang yeah and huge also 20in forg magnesium Wheels yes so lighter weight y better for performance breaking stopping all that so much better it's amazing how much it changed the car and then also no rubbing yeah no rubbing even though it is basically one and a half finger one finger Gap yep because you guys redesigned the wheel wells it it's so you can go full lock to lock without touching anything full lock to lock plenty of room we gave ourselves you can see how it Dives in fast in the back right here Dives in gave ourselves another inch in the back same thing in the front we made it to where we got plenty of room in the front brought this line a little farther forward give us a little more room so this one's the first one ever first one ever this is it this is number one so prototype yeah full-on prototype but working prototype working prototype so this is this is a real Grill this is the real Grill this is a real Grill this is all 3D printed 3D printed 3D printed 3D printed all this stuff is 3D printed right now so the reason we do that we do it for a couple different reasons one we want to test function and performance two we want to make sure that all our CAD is correct so when we build the parts we build the molds once it's so insane to me how much more intake area there is on this versus the stock s650 bumper but but also what blows me away is this is insane like for a car that you could buy from the dealership yeah with on them yeah for it to have uh a functional splitter yeah uhhuh that is that is something else and then you have an adjustable Wing yeah fully adjustable Wing so it's got two settings right now we're on the low setting right now you go ahead and pull the bolt out has it adjustable go ahead and bring it up so it depends off in your short track long track whatever you want to do and what's really cool is we've changed the back of the car so much we actually gave it a European look in the back I've saved this I wanted to do this on the uh uh on the 23s 22 but I saw the new car and I went you know what I'm going to save that it's interesting because it's almost like you continue the tail light design mhm so we did so the bottom part of the deck lid this is all you know this is all Factory but we took this line and accentuate this line here bring it up and give it a wing so on our GT style cars they're going to have a built-in Wing you know what I mean when you look at the side it lines up with the line and the car right here it just lines up beautiful from the side just gives a nice look to it when you look at it from the back it's an aggressive aggressive look that you have back here but the wing isn't that aggressive you know what I mean it just has a nice style to it I just love that I I love the duct tail look but I also love the fact that it almost looks like a double decker or it's um complement this functional Wing that you guys designed so I designed it to where you know I wanted to have the I wanted to have the design of the car basically the way the wind comes over the car so we redesign the whole thing nice lips on the side right here a nice little winglet that runs here with the wide body this thing will really come together you know what I mean then then it'll really tie in how much wider is the rear versus St this rear is stock right now oh this is stock stock the front the front is wider the front is wider yeah we're about a we're about an inch wider in the front on each side and that that allows you to run this we setup yeah so what we want to do is we didn't want to have the problem where you run a 305 in the front and everything is kind of sticking out it's not exactly right you know what I mean some of the factory cars when they run the 305s on the factory fenders they're having a little lip on here and stuff like that we didn't want to have that problem so we decided just to go ahead and redesign the front end and then that way it allowed us to change a few things instead of having a brake line down here we moved it up a little bit higher be able to lighten the fenders up a little bit bring things back a little bit more so we added our made our own line basically this is carbon fiber carbon fiber this is aluminum aluminum yeah this is going to be an OE style Plastics all this stuff here light weight try to make everything as light as possible so when we're adding a supercharger on the car we realize how much weight we're adding to the car we got to take weight off so if we can take and and change these components to eliminate some weight we're trying to get back to where the factory weight is you know what I mean with the supercharger we can never get there you know because it's it's a lot of weight we're adding on but if we can make it better you know what I mean it just helps so much so then let's talk about the base car what is the base car that you start from Ford is it a running functional car yes so we have a we have a special code that we give to Ford and they go ahead and build a base model car for us that comes offline so when that car comes here we take everything off full suspension off brakes off exhaust systems gone rear diffuser back of the deck lid Hood all the engine components top end engine components are gone full interior swap on the side all the grills everything like that so everybody goes what do you do just throw that stuff away what we try to do is we we try to sell that stuff you know we have companies that buy that stuff from us to kind of offset the price we know that you know some of these cars get kind of expensive they're not expensive because we want to make a lot of money it's because we want to give you the components to make a really cool car so it costs a little more to build but yet you're getting the quality there's kind of a balance there so the parts that we take off the car we use that to kind of help offset us you know what I mean as far as cost it's so interesting to me that you guys start with a running driving car versus like a complete body on white cuz then that wouldn't that would be something completely different that would be something completely different right versus this is still in essence a Mustang exactly compliance basically so we can comply with everything you know we have to have it we have to have this is a this is an everyday daily driver this car here you start it up you let it idle in the driveway all day long it doesn't matter you know what I mean you take it you take it and drive it you know performance- Wise it doesn't matter it likes it so it's it's just finding a good balance so the only way we can do that is to start with a factory so you wear a lot of hats here at Shel and you've been here for how many years 22 years so then what what are some of the things that you do here it's like it's almost like you go to every single one of these stations and you have some input somehow yes so you're designing yeah senior designer head of R&D Chief test driver and then I'm also the vice president of the company of course you are so and you know what it's it's kind of cool because you're able to you're able to start at the beginning and work your way all the way through so when we sell a product we know what it is Gary Patterson our president he's with me all the time all the way through all this we know what we're selling we're passionate about what we sell because we drive it we test it you know what I mean we we know what we got so it's it's it's funny you know when there's a tour going through I'll be out here in the afternoon is where I'm working on cars in the morning I'm up in the front there'll be a tour and I'll stop by and say hi to everybody and they're going like oh who's this guy a mechanic or something and then they let them know who I am you know and it's just like the vice president that just came and say hi with us and they're going like thank you so much for coming and talking to us but you know what that's that's how Shelby is we're a family and and I want to be able to have anybody come up and approach me and talk to me like we're talking you know what I mean that's important to us what is what's going on here this is all different yeah so this is all new one of the problems that we saw is we weren't getting enough air through the uh the diff cooler in the back so we redesigned it to where all the diff cooler air comes through and we vented everything everything nice we're bringing air out underneath the back of the car now we're changing everything to where we're we're pulling as much as we can through here so the factory belly pan actually brings more air out helps with stabilization and we're also getting better Cooling in the back then we got these huge Bor exhaust system that comes out which actually sounds pretty nice I'm sure you heard that yeah so then the exhaust is uh uh is variable or it has different mod so when you floor it that's when it opens up actually well we we yeah you can set it that way or you can you can just leave it open so the ne thing about uh the reason we go with Bor and some of the neat things about it is back in 2010 we wanted to have a certain tone and a certain sound so we sent in some of the early tapes of the early 350s racing on the track and we asked Bor is there any way you could get as close to this as possible cuz we want that sound so when you hear a Shelby and you hear hear a standard Mustang it's two different notes so you can always hear that Shelby startup because we have a little different note than everybody else and bord always builds our cars and our trucks to that sound so like there there's one right now let's take a look under the hood yeah so this is really neat very very race car like and I love that this is from a stock vehicle yes so we we wanted to put those in because just just as a safety aspect and it's a nice it's a nice visual cue we do them a little bit different you know they look a little more mechanical than you know than the factory ones but we tried to use Factory spacing and those kind of things so when we're when we're setting up the car we're looking at it we figure out where we want to attach them and then after we figure out where we want to attach them then we figure out where we're going to put them in the hood this is so neat so full Shelby Hood you can't get this anywhere else you can't just buy this for your s650 you have to get get a super snake to get this Hood yeah so you know what that and that's an important thing that really cool thing you said right there when people buy a Shelby Super Snake you can't just go somebody else can't just come in and buy parts and build themselves a super snake we want you when you get your car to know that you know nobody else can buy your parts you can't build a clone Carol used to do that a long time ago he used to sell every single part you could build whatever car a lot of people go why don't you do do that well because this person here spent you know a very good amount of money to buy this car why would I allow somebody else to build a car that look exactly the same you know what I mean for less money it's just not fair to this we want we want the value of these cars to hold so when you embargo Parts you know there's a couple parts you can get but when you embargo parts then you know the value stays there is there a lot of other companies that going to knock this hood off oh yeah they're probably already starting to work on it you know but you know what it won't be like our Hood it's our own design everything's patented that we build we have right now I think we got like 30 patents on Parts you know that we have out there just just for this car or all for all the super snakes all the way through wide bodies everything like that we patent all that stuff so then what is different from the stock vehicle that comes to from Ford Whipple supercharger we do a new intake system we go ahead we do new injectors we do a new tune we do Caster camber plates so we set up everything inside here we do a larger radiator we have the intercooler we have a different heat exchanger that you can put in them a lot of performance stuff that goes into this so right now this car here we're still finalizing just a couple things well you know when we get the tune exactly where we want it you know it's always when you first bring the first car out you get it you're happy with it and then you want more and that was Carol sing so then you personally being the test driver you must have I don't know how many development hours behind driving this on the roads in Las Vegas in the cold and also in the scorching Las Vegas heat making sure that this doesn't overheat even though you're making way more than stock horsepower exactly so then how much more power to the wheels you think well right now right now we're close uh we're we're 800 we're close to 800 horsepower that's all I'm going to say right now okay but it's 800 plus yeah yeah 800 plus so till we get everything and and you know that that's one thing we try to keep we try to keep our numbers underneath what we make okay because if I tell you it makes 800 horsepower and you take it to a dyo shop he's going to hold back about 30 horsepower anyway you know what I mean so when he holds back that 30 and you still run 800 and he's like a dang I can't s you anything but when you when you run it at at you know uh at at right at 800 we'll say and you claim 800 you know it could be a it could be a Wednesday car is what we call them you know what I mean it might only have 780 or 790 or something now you're going to come back to me and you go I only got 790 told me it's going to be 800 every car's like that you know there's not uh there's not a magic number that every single car runs exactly the same they're all different and people have to realize that but the the cool thing to me is is that this is uh built in Las Vegas developed in Las Vegas I mean you guys have your own Dyno here you do everything designed all of it here uh at Shelby American in Las Vegas and it's 50 state legal that is perfect for C us Californians yeah that is awesome you take it to you take it to California you can go ahead and you can smog this baby that is so cool you know I mean it's it's funny it's funny because we talk to you know like I say we go to the wall and we talk to people if anybody hasn't been here before we have a tour that goes through the main shop and you can stand at the wall and look in the main Shop people say like oh you know a buddy of mine he makes 900 horse with that yeah that's easy we can make well we make 13,400 horsepower it doesn't matter make it legal that's what matters you know what I mean make a car that you can buy 50 States you know you could you can smug it everything like that and it's got the 800 horsepower mhm so that's our CSM number every single car comes with the CSM number so this one here is a prototype car so what what we'll do on these so you see the uh you see the P at the end mhm so what we'll do on these is we'll go ahead and uh uh register these so every one of these cars goes into the registry and that's what really gives a Shelby is value basically so it's in a registry so they know you can go into the registry and you can see who owned the car what maintenance was done on the car if the car had ever been an accident how many owners were on the car you know what I mean and you can see the price of what the car sold for so you can kind of gauge yourself you know what I mean is this a car that I really want you know not only that when when it has the when it has a CSM number you can take a regular Mustang you spend $60,000 with say you drive it off the lot it's a $40,000 car you drive a Shelby with a CSM number we'll say $100,000 car when you drive it out the lot it's still $100,000 car you know and then maybe more later on maybe more later on exactly so there's always a value in there so that's why and and that's why when we build these cars we want to engineer as much as possible in the car because I want you to be able to give this to your kids I want your grandkids to have this car that's what's that's what's important to us and that's the way Carol kind of taught us you know years ago and that uh brings me uh to a question what was it like working with Carol so I was lucky to be around uh to photograph him a couple times but I never had a chance to work with him oneon-one and you were here probably for about 10 years with him yeah uh so what was it like working with him he was awesome he was he was a cool guy so Carol was the kind of guy that would give you tests basically you know what I mean to see how see what you knew and stuff he knew a lot he he would he was wild he could meet some bu and and 5 years later meet the guy and say hey Bob how you been you know and I'm just going like you know I meet somebody I forget their name in 2 minutes you know I'm that I'm that guy I'll admit that Carol wasn't that guy and he would take his time and talk to you you know what I mean he would come in every morning to the design studio we would sit down we talk about where we're going to go with the car what his vision was what we were going to do you know what I mean and that was just so much so much fun so cool he'd call me every morning you know hey Vince how we doing today you know ah you know we going to go to the track I'm going yeah I'm going to go to the track about 10: okay don't go without me you know he's that guy you wanted to go to the track and and and and see what the kind of see what kind of performance was on the cars and then you know what he'd call me every night and say Vince I just want to say thank you for what you do and I love you and I'll see you tomorrow and when when you got somebody like that that has that much gratitude and you there's no way you're not going to give a 100 110% of passion back to the company you know and he was he was just a neat guy he he'd you know he'd call with all kinds of things you know he loved talking about cars he loved talking about the next car he loved talking about new things he he got to a point where you know the cobras and stuff like that that was old news he was you know he's I'm I'm past that guys let's let's go to something new some of the guys that talked to him about cobras and you kind of back off a little bit you talk to him about the new cars and he's all over you yeah I mean he I'm sure he would be super proud to see something like this oh he would be you know it it's it's neat when you see him with some of the new stuff that we did when he was alive and how proud he was the the way he stood you know what I mean with that that Big Texas grin you know and he was just he was excited he was you know truly excited you know building new cars and that we could come up with something that people would enjoy that that was the main thing all right Vince let's talk about the interior there's just so much to talk about um one question is can I take this plastic off yeah yeah you can pull it off to look at it yeah all right look this is like an ASMR part so then this is one of the things that you guys change yeah so what we did we changed we changed the font so for this year we went with a different snake different font we went a little more aggressive so when you uh when you open the door oh it also has a um yeah you can also when you open the door you'll see the you see the snake on the side right there right very inessive we we wanted we wanted this year just to be a little more a little more aggressive uh a little different font you know what I mean these are new style cars so let's go ahead and change this up you know every few years we want to change it up so this is I think this is a nice way to go you'll see the seats we use a uh uh we use a really a really nice leather they're all leather interior uh front seat back seat match we do a uh you see the nice line that we bring down inside here and then the center kind of mocks like a snake skin in the center right here and we use the uh the alcatara on the inside and then smooth leather on the outside the neat part about it is it holds you so well these seats hold really well yeah cuz this adds a lot of grip a lot of grip to um you know when you're back but so then is this a stock seat that you guys take apart to modify yes so every one of our cars we take the we take the stock seat covers off and then we just redo them with the new Shelby covers so that and then uh I have them in the back but I have diff I have the the what would be the Shelby floor mats that go in there things like you know we needed a a place to put the CSM badge so we make a holder that starts all the way over here and goes all the way over you know the right color everything like that that kind of ties in with the dash gives a nice little look to the dash just little accents to kind of help it out we know with the uh with the CSM number right there on it for everybody to see we use the Shelby shift ball on it so you know not a lot of not a lot of stuff on the interior but the stuff that needed to be done just to kind of you know step it up a little bit make it a little cleaner give you that nice you know more of a performance feel in the seat and then tie it in with the showby name and then since we're down here anyways we're going we could talk about this little design element that you incorporated into the rocker that um so bringing this bringing this hard line down nice and hard like that you'll see you know your your your your guys will see when when you see some of the far pictures of it how it really accentuates the bottom of the car and really changes the design of this quarter panel you know really really kind of sharpens it out a little bit takes it away from kind of a dull dull transition what what's cool to me is something like this it really does look OEM mhm I mean it looks like something out of the Ford factory but you designed it here in Las Vegas so was this all designed in CAD or or 3D or like how did you design this or did you do some of it by hand what was the so okay so this car here a lot of this car here is render so uh I have a great render guy so we'll sit down down and I'll say we want to do this I want to do this I want to move this and we just start rendering the car and we come up with the design through the years when uh when we're doing the cars I kind of hold elements you know what I mean in my mind that I want to use and it's just like it's like collecting a bunch of parts and then building the car at the end and that's kind of what I do I I I visualize things really easy so I'll kind of visualize where want to go and then we'll get it we'll get it close now I got a cad uh bunch of CAD guys that I work with that'll help us out you know what I mean hey if we sharpen this up here do you want to do this would you like to sharpen that so concept yes full car it's a group so then do you still do stuff by hand by oh yes uh-huh yeah so right now in the studio right now we have a uh number one which is one of our first cars I have it all tore down getting ready to start foaming that one up so we'll go ahead and we'll foam it up and I'll carve it out and then uh do the body work on it and I'll build that one uh by hand because like I say I want to make sure that all the lines are correct and everything the only way to really do that is in studio so I still like I still like doing a lot of the old school stuff you know it depends on what part we're building uh hoods stuff like that I like to do them I like to do them old school I I like the I like to use my hands I like to make sure that the Shadows are correct I want it to look like a ooe part so it just uh like I say you know we I might make the design I might do everything like that but it takes a team to put it all together and that's what this place is all about this comes in manual and automatic transmission yes it does uh-huh does the transmission get modified in any way at all no we don't modify the Transmissions most of our cars will go ahead and use what's you know what comes Factory will uh will change your shifters you know what I mean in the manual transmission change the ball those kind of things and then in the automatics we don't we don't really do anything on the automatic the only thing we'll do with the automatic if if you want a little more performance we'll actually put a transmission cooler or something like that in there for you well let's check out your studio right now yeah let's go check it out what are these two cars doing here so these cars here these are the these are going to be the other two prototypes basically that's going to be my track car up there the white one so that'll be the one where um now that we've already developed uh basically what we're going to use as far as Factory parts now we go over and above Factory parts now we're going to do things to where you know we run you know bigger fans bigger uh uh heat exchangers um those kind of things we'll run uh we'll run bigger tanks different suspensions eventually I'll probably change this over to a coilover car you know things like that so for the guy that wants just a little bit more we'll go ahead and do do that when you say track car you mean beyond what the super snake is yes yeah Super Snake plus God you know what I mean so every year we come up with with more uh you know more options more things you can add on the car you know a lot of guys want a little bit more they want better cooling they want better suspension those kind of things so that's what we're doing we're trying to add that if you look at the the stock car so we've already got the supercharger on this car here it's already started we've already got the suspension on this car here uh we've already the larger brakes one thing that uh that that Ford did that we're going to we're going to change is I wanted to be able to balance out the front end on the car I wanted to be able to have a cooler on that side and a cooler on this side with the uh with the new double snout front end uh where the PCM used to sit was right inside here now we don't have that option anymore so we went ahead and put the PCM down here now the way they got the PCM right here mounted there's no way for me to run any coolers or anything because the frontend you know everything is the front end is right here so we decided to go ahead and take the PCM relocate the PCM do a different style uh windshield washer bottle and everything and I can show you on this car over here yeah so where does the windshield wiper bottle go now so now the bottle goes behind it so we got it behind it we got a smaller bottle behind here I don't have the lid on it right now it's just set in there right now but this is this is where the bottle you do get a smaller bottle but what you get out of it is a lot more performance so you got to fill your bottle up a little bit more but you got a lot more performance um these are just some wires we're finished in the wiring so we took the PCM that used to mount right here that used to block everything off swung it around stuck it in here got it in here nice and tight uh we have a cover that goes over it and then covers over the back of it for water management we opened up the inner Fender Wells the new inner Fender Wells we made and then we vented the inner fenderwells so now we can either put a smaller trans cooler in here or we can put a larger cooler right inside here and we still got a lot of air running through there so now we've balanced out the front end to where we can actually have cooling on both sides I noticed this one is a convertible so there's going to be a super snake convertible Super Snake convertible yeah so when we redesign the deck lid you can see how the factory deck Lids are this is is the piece that we changed right here so the factory deck liet is you know level can't really do anything with it they do have wings that they put on them I didn't want to do that I didn't want to go into the plastic so that's why I redesigned we redesigned it so even for the convertible we had to redesign it and it was funny because uh we had to run a third brake light and I didn't want to not use a rear brake light so what I do is I take this third brake light and actually turn it upside down and run it in upside down and then that gives it the perfect Arc and everything to run across the back of the car the only thing is is when people look at it they're going to see that the letters are upside down but we wouldn't want it to get that close yeah but anyway so that way we can still use all the OE parts and everything and uh reconstruct it to where it has the it has the Euro wing on the back right here so it's kind of fun you know things like that so that's you the cad guys that I use are very good at that and we'll work through things all the way through you know what I mean they'll have they'll have little things you know I'm they get mad at me because I'm going like I need to move that down like an eighth of an inch and I need to twist that a little tiny bit right there and they're going like well we just finished all this other stuff it's just like just do it that way so anyway we do it and we come up with something really cool you know but like like I say it takes takes everybody to come up with these things so this is a magnesium Rim I I want you just to grab that with one hand and tell me what you think oh my God this is a 20 that's a 20 and 20 by uh 20 by 11 that's huge so then the 30 305s Michelin 305s we got these babies all the way around on it I mean that just it's it's it's absolutely nothing are you going to sell these separately uh no uh-uh exclusive to the superus the Super Snake yes so maybe maybe in a year maybe 2 years we might open it up you know so where we are right now this is the this is kind of the design studio heart so you can see you know all my prototype stuff so when I get hoods right now I'm figuring out exactly to make sure that we got the lips correctly you know what I mean so these are kind uh some of the things the first hoods will go ahead and we're doing incremental on here so I know how much higher or lower I have to go with it so I get it to fit perfect so then I'll send all this back to the factory free that way we can get a fit exactly the way we want it but this is a fully one piece stamped aluminum yeah all aluminum uhhuh super lightweight Hood so we try we're trying to take as much weight off of these cars as possible so this is uh this this car here so you can see this is a 3D printed front fascia oh so this is the early front fascia that we're doing right now so what we do is we 3D print them and then we can go ahead and we can see exactly how it's going to work you know you can see how much how much different the front end is than uh uh than the factory front end see how much different I mean it's totally it's totally changed completely so it's not even it picks up a lot higher it's a lot wider how much wider is it so we're about an inch and a half wider is where we are you know it depends on where exactly we are on the inner on the fender itself but we made it proportional to where it comes out you know what I mean gives it to where we could put our 305s inside there we wanted to have enough room we wanted to have enough Tire coverage on the inside when we go out to the car it's kind of neat to see them this way cuz when you go out to the car You' be able to see exactly the reasoning and everything that went behind the way we do it I absolutely love the fact that Shelby while it's uh such a big name synonymous for performance it still has that old hot rod shop feel exactly like you guys are still doing little things like little hot rod little aftermarket performance things but you have the OEM backing OEM quality and feel but you're still hot rodding yeah in its Essence yeah it is and and that and that's what's fun you know that's it's it's so cool to work for a place like Shelby because we're able to we're able to do things that the other big OE manufacturers can't do you know what I mean we have an idea heck two weeks later we got it out on the track we're testing it here prototyping yeah we're prototyping did you actually have this fit on the car while you guys are prototyping this actually the car that you're going to see outside has this front end on it has a a 3D printed for an end onit because that's what we use you know what I mean for prototyping we want to make sure everything works you know be and it's so much smarter to make this first make sure everything works you know what I mean and then go into production so just a lot of a lot of neat things you can see where we bring massive air through everywhere so it's just we we try to do we try to do over and above now this car here so where this next life will be it started out as our track vehicle so this is the car that we used for all of our Baseline uh see how the brakes work see how the suspension works we get all our data set off on this one here now whatever we do to the new car we can take and lay that data over the top we can see if we're going better we're going worse is it running cooler do we ruin the brakes do we make the brakes better you know how's the suspension so it gives us something to compare off of right because you always want to have a b Baseline while this was a great performance car to begin with yes you just want to make it that much better exactly that much better we have to know what points where where where are we starting this is what we're starting with this is where we want to go let's work together and try to figure out where we want to be we get together with a lot of smart people you know I always tell everybody says I don't know everything and I don't profess to know everything but you know what I can find that guy that knows that and that's the guy that I like to work with so then how early are you able to get these chassis even if it's like a prototype from Ford to start your development for the vehicles that you guys doing dep most of the time the year before you know what I mean we've had this one here for well over a year so we've had it for a while and then the uh the next thing is going to be is now we go now we go to development of the uh of the new widebody car so this will be the development car for the widebody car the reason I do them in the studio here is if you can see these lights they move back and forth in these channels right here I like to build off a shadow so when I do when I do a a a new design on a quarter panel this is what I want to see I want to see this Shadow right here I want to see the shadow that's underneath so I'll turn the lights off on this side leave the lights on on that side and I'll work off the shadow line that way I can get everything exactly to where it looks like an OE car when you bring a car outside there's one point of light basically the Sun so we want to be able to replicate that by having lights on both sides that doesn't help me by having lights on one side of the studio the other side of the studio we're able to work off that bottom line and the bottom line is what makes the car look so good so it's just it's it it's one of those things I I like building by hand things like the wide bodies and stuff just so our goal is if you look at one of the Shelby wide bodies and you look at a standard uh one of the standard cars you set them back to back and look at the side of them they both look exactly the same it isn't iny face it's more of a factory look is what we're trying to go for and when you walk around the back then you see the difference the reason we started doing that we started doing cars you know that are over 1,000 horsepower you know we have to get that power to the ground so instead of you know using different compound tires all that kind of stuff you know jacking it up and I don't like a I don't like a added on flare or anything like that we want to look Factory we put the new quarter panel on then we can go ahead and we can run you know a 13-in wide tire on there and and get the power to the ground so these These are the kind of things that we look at Shel is a custom shop but we want to look like an OE shop you know so that's what that's that's exciting it's exciting for us to do that kind of stuff well thank you so much for showing me the brand new 2024 Shelby Super Snake I can't wait to drive this I've had a chance to drive the couple previous generation super snakes and I actually had a chance to drive the terralingua 2o which honestly scared me so much because I've never driven a car where I'm in fourth gear on the 15 freeway last you know down Las Vegas strip area if you Florida in fourth gear that thing will spin I mean that thing will just go all the way to Red Line oh yeah because it has that much power down low it's insane I can't wait to get you in this car yeah this is going we got a we got a we have a couple of them that we're building right now they're going to be press cars and uh you're more than welcome I want you to come back I want to see your reaction I want to put you in the car let you go run some Canyons let you go drive it up and down the highway come back and let us know how you feel oh that say less yes that is the that is such a fun time I'm sure that's going to be amazing next time we're in Vegas I'm going to take you up on that offer you got it yeah thank you all right man great seeing you cool perfect [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Larry Chen
Views: 406,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Larry Chen, photography, hoonigan, hoonigen, autofocus, exif, pennzoil, ford, mustang, shelby, super snake, gt350, gt500, las vegas
Id: _baYqcOvz10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 49sec (2569 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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