The FIRST 1000HP 2020 Supra - Tech Explained

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Thanks the last pastor sponsoring a portion of the vi deo This is the world's first 1000 horsepower 2020 Supra and it's still using the stock engine Why is that so surprising well when this car came out people thought the engine was absolute trash So why is this one with relatively limited modifications able to make a thousand horsepower? Well, it comes down to this man Stefan Papadakis and his mad scientist level of ingenuity in today's episode We're going to go into how stefan disassembled this engine and rebuilt it from the ground up We're gonna look at how we use forged parts and why the process of forging is so important we'll see the reason why so many stock parts were actually worth keeping and how they stood up to that amount of horsepower and finally my favorite we're gonna look at how he used lasers and 3d printed metal parts to push this engine over the edge you can 3d print metal. I didn't know that and that's super cool So get ready. Oh boy. I Did why would I do that? I got a save Is that a Supra? Thanks the last pass for sponsoring this portion of the video if you're as obsessed with JDM cars as me you're probably on a million different forms and websites and all those passwords and usernames get so confusing but I Use LastPass so I can keep all of those in one place LastPass remembers and auto fills your passwords on websites and in apps on Android and iOS They make it super convenient to just Bop around and not have to worry about Oh, is this the password for it where I put a number on the end or where I put an exclamation point None of that LastPass has unlimited password storage free cross-device sync and Password sharing which comes in handy when my homeboys want to hop on the 5g trink Click the link and start using LastPass today Thanks to LastPass for sponsoring that part of But not this one. So why did Stephan Papadakis is keep the german-born engine that comes in the Supra? Well because he loves a good engineering challenge now If you don't know who Papadakis is this guy is an absolute legend in the 90s at only 21 years old He built the first tube chassis front-wheel drive drag car in the United States The dude has put a NASCAR motor in a Scion He's built some wild-ass cars with some impressive engines and now he wanted to get a thousand horsepower out of the hated stock super engine the B-58, so, where do you start? Well first you needed to know what it was really capable of so he did what any sensible Efficient race team owner slash car builder would do he took a brand new 2020 Supra with 500 miles on it and he took it apart Disassembling it down to the bare block and by taking it apart He could inspect each critical component to determine its high horsepower worthy kind of like a crime-scene investigator for engine he'd use his skills to 1 figure out how to get more horsepower out of the b-58 powerplant and two, what any of the stock components be capable of handling a thousand horsepower also as a side note He was the first person to document doing this thing I mean this engine was so new that he had to call in favors to his friends overseas to get certain tools to take it apart and not only that he didn't have some shop manual or YouTube to help him out. This was a massive challenge This dude is straight up organ trailing his way through the b-58 engine Anyways when your goal is to get a thousand horsepower, how do you get there? Alright so first let's talk about how you get more power just overall in general we could start off with our most favorite of equations the donut equation Which is more air plus more fuel equals more power and we're gonna focus on the more air Variable now the amount of air getting into your engine is the rate limiting factor in our famed donut equation You can sit there and you can argue with me And you say hey Jeremiah fuel is also a limiting factor but I tell you you're gonna run out of air before you run out of the ability to dump more fuel in there and then You're gonna lose the conversation. It'll look like a nerd so don't do it So there are a few ways we can get more air into the motor but one way is to increase the displacement Meaning we can increase the volume of our cylinder so we can do that by boring the cylinders which is making them wider like that Or we can do it by stroking the engine by changing out the crankshaft And that makes a cylinder taller like that that allows the piston to travel down the cylinder further and therefore Increasing the volume of air it pulls in a Papadakis he didn't go this route and he didn't for a few good reasons From the factory the all-aluminum d-58 cylinder walls are coated with an electric Why're spring and that process? starts out with a conductive metal wire that they then heat up until its melting point and then they take that melted wire and they spray it on the cylinder walls using high pressure and once it's sprayed on it forms a very thin layer of iron material about 0.3 millimeters thick and this layer is extremely wear resistant transfers heat really good And it reduces the amount of friction on the piston rings Now if you were to going for that cylinder, you'd essentially be removing that layer and that's not good So what about stroking a motor? Well when Papadakis dismantled the engine. He took a good CSI Look at the crankshaft and it was a beefy one. Not only was it beefy It was forged and I'm gonna get into forts parts and explain why that's important in a second But for now, let's just know that there wasn't a need to swap out the crank just yet So if we didn't bore it or Stroke it to get more air into the cylinders. What did he do? Well another way we can add more air is by using forced induction systems We can supercharge it or we can turbocharger hashtag blue escapes now both of these methods force more air Into the cylinders and the b-58 already comes turbocharged. So that's great But the stock turbocharger can't deliver the amount of air mass needed to make a thousand horsepower You need a bigger turbo to force more air in so Papa. Doc Asst went with the biggest turbo BorgWarner makes capable of flowing a hundred and ten pounds of air a minute When it's spinning at its max rpm of a hundred and seventeen Thousand rpm now to give you an idea of how much air that is say We had a room that's 10 foot wide by 10 foot tall by 10 foot long It could suck all thousand cubic feet out of that room in 41 seconds that's a lotta air but slapping a bigger turbo on the b-58 creates a bunch more stress on the internal components of that engine and when we say internals we're talking about Pistons rods the crank the camshafts the bearings Anything that has a force applied to it During the combustion cycle now if we add in more air and we added more fuel. We create a much bigger. Boom explosion inside the combustion chamber the cylinders right and that bigger combustion pushes the piston down with a bunch more force and if we're going from 335 horsepower which the stock engine has 2,000 horsepower almost three times as much we can assume the forces acting on those internal components It's also three times as much. So how do you make sure those internals can hold up to all that added horsepower? Well, you make them out of a stronger material and here is where we'll talk about forged internals Now there are a lot of ways you can go about making metal parts But today I'm gonna focus on casting parts and forging parts so first let's talk about the most common way of making parts and that is Casting so casting is a process in which you take a metal and then you heat it up until it turns it to liquid You then pour that liquid metal into a mold that's in the shape of your part And then let that metal cool inside the mold where it solidifies Turns from a liquid to solid and now you have your part. So there are three main ways of casting parts There's sand casting which uses a mold from sand there's investment casting which uses a plaster mold and there's die casting which uses high pressure to form your part in between Metal dies and the main principle throughout all those methods is really the same you heat up a metal You pour it in a mold and you let it cool And by the way humans have been casting parts for thousands of years one of the oldest surviving cast parts is a copula frog from 3200 BC all the way from Mesopotamia now We still cast a lot of parts today not only in the automotive world, but it things like your cooking pans We got tools actually. Let me grab a tool These are pipe wrenches that are cast and they're really cheaply made They even say china stamped on it and they're a piece of shit I've broken like five of these there is a ton of stuff made using the casting process and there's a few reasons why you can cast extremely large parts or parts with complicated shapes you use casting when you need a part made out of a specific out word you can you're molten metals and you can mix them together to achieve the Specific ratio of metal you need in your final part and when you're trying to cut down on costs once you have the mold made you can essentially duplicate your part much quicker casting is a great way to pump out a lot of Identical parts cool that's gas so what is forging well instead of heating metal until it melts like in casting you start off with a solid piece of metal and you shape it using pressure and that pressure comes from a hammer old-school style or a pneumatic power hammer or a die which we typically use Nowadays and even like casting there are a bunch of different ways You can Forge parts and the reason it's called forging is because when you heat the metal up you use a forge to do so and the most simplistic of terms a Forge is just a really really hot oven Now you might have seen on TV swords being made. They're made using the forging process the blacksmith He'll be like hammering down on the sword putting it in a forge till it gets hot pulling it back out Hammering it again and reshaping the blade blacksmith are friggin cool Man welders and blacksmiths tuff some so when gearhead say their engine has forged internals We all nod our head and were like yeah cool cool, man Yeah, that must be a good thing and it is a good thing. But why is the forging process? Better than the casting process. Well, it comes down to grain structure. We're nerding out today boys Get ready now If we were to take a piece of iron for example and put it under a high-powered microscope We can see that it has a crystalline structure meaning those iron atoms. Have a very highly ordered Arrangement and when metals fail is when those atoms slip against each other So when you cast apart, for example The liquid metal has a grain structure that goes in all sorts of different directions and that is not good Because now you have a part with non-uniform strength properties also there's always a possibility when you cast parts that you create internal voids due to gas pockets your point liquid metal in and Air can get trapped in between the metal and then as it solidifies You now have a pocket of air in the middle of your part. That means different areas of the part We'll have different densities which is bad because now as the part cools it can warp Weakening the entire part as a whole so with forged parts, you're not heating up your metal until it liquefies Which means you're not introducing air pockets into your part the grain those metal atoms? Maintain their crystalline structure throughout the entire part its uniform and that is very very good Especially in parts that are experiencing high amounts of stress because the grain has a uniform orientation It has a higher impact strength and more resistance to fatigue. So not only our fourth part stronger It takes more time to make them the quality of the starting material is usually better and therefore It's more expensive to make them. So what does all this have to do with this Supra? Well when you're adding extra boost from the bigger turbo There's a few weak links in your engine when you apply that amount of excess force Talking about the Pistons the rods and the head gasket so if this engine is making a thousand horsepower, that means each cylinder is making about 866 horsepower that is a lot of horsepower out of one cylinder That's more horsepower than the entire engine in a 2020 Corolla. I mean what the heck that's also a lot of pressure Not only pushing down on the piston, but pushing back up on the head There's a bunch of forces trying to rip these parts apart so they need to be made out of a stronger material and that's why this 1000 horsepower Supra used forged internals Now the forged pistons were specifically Designed for this car and they have coatings on the top and on the side skirts And the top coating is put on there to help resist heat on the Dome of the piston and the coating on the skirts Help reduce the wear on the cylinder bores and the rods they were designed specifically for this motor using 43:30 pre hardened chromoly steel Forging if you're curious what that number means good because I'm gonna tell you Carbon and alloy steels use a standardized four-digit number to classify the type of steel and the first two digits tell you the main type of material so 43 tells us that it's a nickel chromium molybdenum steel and the last two digits They tell you the amount of carbon present in the steel and hundreds of a percent by weight So thirty means it's point three zero percent weight carbon and that's all very good and cool You can impress your friends with it. But if you take anything away from this is that these are extremely well-made Forged parts now to keep the head on tight Remember, we have a lot more cylinder pressure now from the added boost They needed special ARP studs which allowed the head bolts to be torqued down to? 135 Foot-pounds that means with the 12 inch ratchet like this You have to put a hundred and thirty-five pounds of pressure to torque those bolts average weight of a 12 year old probably 135 freaking pounds happy y'all watching this can't even lift 135 pounds we can I know y'all just at home watching videos do some push-ups that leads me to my next point and that is the surprising amount of stock internals used in this build I mean, it uses the stock head gasket The stock cams the stock crankshaft to stock piston rings even the stock rod in main burns the engineers over at Toyota BMW engineered the factory engine to be able to withstand a lot of horsepower New Age 2jz anybody maybe I don't know. I'm kind of saying it I'm saying it is I'm saying it's better I'm fine in the comments. Come find me at my house. Well a verbal lashing tjs to jay-z's better. No no way, bro B-58 better come convince me all dude. You're so lucky. I can't come over there and whoop beer. Oh, you're lucky I can't come over there. Whoop your I Want to talk about a few of those stock parts Specifically the head gasket the bearings and the piston rings because to be honest. I think it is quite amazing They were able to use those parts now first Let's talk about the head gasket of a head gasket Function is to create a seal in between the engine block and the cylinder head and you may have heard of people blowing head gaskets right to understand why that happens we need to talk about Compression ratios no compression ratios are actually pretty easy to understand if you have your cylinder, right? Yep, and there's a certain amount of volume in that cylinder well A compression ratio is basically the volume of that cylinder when the piston is way down here and then as the piston compresses All that volume of air there's a little gap at the top So it's the ratio of the volume when the piston is down here so when the piston is at the very top typically it's in the range of 7 to 1 8 to 1 and high horsepower and race motors that are running off race fuel It's in the 10 and a half to 11 to 1 ratio But at the end of the day all that you need to know. Is that that number? Determines what kind and what type of head gasket you can use so we use this fancy fun equation We find out our final compression ratio It's 39 to 1 and remember that's not only the pressure pushing down on the piston But pushing up on the cylinder head So you need a head gasket that can keep the seal between the head and the block when that pressure Is that hot and in the case of this 2020 Supra they can use the stock head gasket Which is pretty crazy giving that this engine is putting out 40 pounds of boost to make that thousand horsepower There are a bunch of factors going to blowing a head gasket a bad tune ending Your air fuel mixture is off too much heat pre-ignition, etc, etc So a high compression ratio isn't the only driving factor, but regardless you need a high-quality head gasket in the stock one is that The next stock internal on the list are the rod and the main bearings and an internal combustion engine the connecting rods They're attached at one end to the piston on the other end. They're attached to the crankshaft And then your crankshaft itself is attached to the block So the rod bearings those are the bearings placed in between the rod and the crankshaft and the main bearings Those are placed in between the crankshaft and the block and in the case of this 2020 Supra those bearings have a special coating and the reason they have a special coating is because of the start/stop function That comes standard when you buy a Supra now a lot of cars nowadays have this start/stop function Pull up to a red light and your car shuts off Well when this happens, there's no oil being pumped to coat those bearings Now this phenomena happens all the time in cars without this stop start function But it's not as big of a deal over the life of the engine because you're not turning it on and off Multiple times during your commute to work for example But in cars with this feature it obviously happens a lot more and those bearings are now Experiencing more friction and more wear because they're lacking that oil so to combat this these bearings are coded in the 2020s supra uses a polymer coated bearing that not only improves the wear resistant It increases the fatigue strength Compared to non coated bearings and that is great when you're building a high horsepower motor like the one in this car Now the last stock component I want to talk about are the rings and if you look at a piston There are grooves that the Rings are retaining and it's the rings that are actually in Contact with the cylinder wall on a four-stroke engine. There are three types of rings you have your compression ring You have your wiper ring and you have an oil ring and each of those rings serves a specific Function if we start at the bottom of our piston closest to the skirt, that is the oil ring The oil ring is used to remove excess oil from the cylinder wall Let's get all the oil gets splashed up from underneath the crank returning that oil using return holes that are in the bottom groove of the Piston now above that of oil ring is the wiper ring and its main function is also to remove some excess oil from the cylinder There like squeeze use finally on top of that is the compression ring and that keeps the pressure Confined in the cylinder and also it's the job of all three rings to transfer heat from the piston To the cylinder walls and when you make more horsepower You're creating more heat and the ability of these rings to withstand that heat and added compression is Really important to keeping a healthy engine now This has been just a very long-winded way of saying the internals on the Supra are Really really good Not too many engines out there can use the stock crank cans head gasket piston rings rod and main bearings in their search for a thousand horsepower But there's one thing in particular that Papadakis needed to bypass that was stock and that is the direct Injection system. So in our doughnut equation, we've already talked about air now. We're going to talk about fuel Now in a more conventional Fuel injection system that fuel sprayed into the intake port or the manifold and then that fuel is then pulled into the combustion chamber Along with the air passing by the intake valve on its way to the combustion chamber now with direct injection The fuel doesn't go by the intake valves, it goes straight into the cylinder. And the reason we have direct injection is pretty cool Really, it improves combustion efficiency It increases fuel economy and it lowers the amount of emissions your car make so direct injection is actually really cool But unfortunately for Papadakis the aftermarket support for the 2020 supra direct injectors is not there right now He needs to be able to dump a bunch more fuel through them and be able to control them and no one makes a system That can do that. So he had to go with a more traditional setup using fuel injectors placed in the intake manifold six 2000 CC fuel injectors to be exact and because the super uses direct injection the factory intake manifold doesn't have any ports for those injectors to go in so a completely new intake manifold needed Redesigned and built and this was maybe the scariest part of the entire build to get a thousand horsepower They needed this manifold to work if they couldn't get it, right. They weren't going to hit their mark of making a thousand horsepower So what they did is they laser scanned the original intake manifold They then took that Scan and they put it into CAD software and they designed it wrong it in 3d printed that CAD model to test fit it on the actual engine and then they finally 3d printed the intake manifold using Aluminum, that's right. You get 3d print metal people. We're living in the freakin future. This is so cool So, how do you print metal? Well, you use lasers, it's always lasers guys lasers fix everything It's a process called selective laser melting and it's really cool and fundamentally It's pretty easy to understand now first. You start off with a 3d model, right? And then you take that 3d part and you section it into thousands of shooty layers thousands of cross-sections And this is an additive process So it's going to build that part one cross section one layer at a time Now inside an SL n machine you have a chamber that's filled with metal powder And that metal powder is spread across a base plate in a very thin layer about two one Thousands of an inch thick of metal powder. That's about half the size of a human hair. Just think about dust you Just dusting putting just on top of a metal plate, right, but it's metal dust Okay a laser inside the machine then fuses that thin layer of metal powder Sitting on the base plate in the shape of your first two dimensional layer Now the bill plate drops down and a layer of metal powder is then evenly laid across the top of the first layer the laser then comes by and it fuses the second layer powder on top of the first and a process repeats itself until you have all of Those 2d layers all of those 2d Cross-sections built up to make a 3d part now just the plenum for the intake was made out of six Thousand nine hundred and ninety-one layers that took over 51 hours to make and because the intake was so large and had to be broken up into multiple pieces Where it was then welded together to form a single piece. This is by far the coolest Part on this car and what's even cooler is that it worked? I mean it was a huge engineering challenge and they were able to successfully make it That's the best part whenever you're engineer or something and it works out great No, and that speaks to who Papadakis is and why he did this build in the first place hear it from the man himself So for me, I I love motorsports But it's not always about the driver and the championship and the car is going around the track and seeing who's winning I really love to see the vehicles themselves and how they're built and wish the teams on the highest level that Formula One and NASCAR and such would share more of how the cars are engineered and built to really See a lot of that You know ingenuity that goes into those and then potentially even take some of what we can learn from Them sharing on their race cars and apply to the cars that we built We want to thank Stephan Papadakis for giving us a bunch of his time to talk about the Supra as well as @jonsibal Who designed the body kit on the Supra and the render reused throughout the video? Thank you. Thank you so much It's really great stuff and we only dove into a fraction of this build If you haven't already go to his YouTube page where he goes in-depth I'm not just the engine but the roll cage the suspension setup anything and everything you could imagine He has some seriously great content on there all of us that don't have watched his videos They are really really great go support him too. And then dude. We got donut every day of the week now James has got a new show. It's called the d-list. Check it out that's on Fridays Click like subscribe and we here at bumper-to-bumper We actually need your help If you want your car's footage to be featured on this show Follow us on all our social media accounts will be putting messages out there letting you know Which cars we'll be featuring on the show in future episodes And then you could possibly see your car on an episode of bumper to bumper. So follow us Send me a message If you got a car that you want to see on the show that's got a cool engineering aspect to it. Bye for now Oh boy, I Didn't why would I do that? I gotta say is that as Supra and then do the thing, right? What in?
Channel: Donut Media
Views: 1,871,679
Rating: 4.8987193 out of 5
Keywords: supra, 2020 supra, toyota supra, 1000hp supra, papadakis, papadakis supra, mkv supra, mk5 supra, mk4 supra, turbo supra, bmw b58, b58, 2jz, 2jz engine, stephan papadakis, lastpass, lastpass login, password, password generator, lastpass chrome, lastpass download, lastpass premium, random password generator, generate password, password manager, recover, lastpas, laspass, lastpass premium features, delete account mobogram,, how secure is my password, forged vs cast wheels
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Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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