FFXIV Lore - Myths of the Realm: Aglaia

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if you guys enjoy what i do be sure to hit that like button and subscribe it really helps the channel and it's free and easy to do welcome to my channel where we cover the lore of final fantasy 14. we cover the stories both big and small the epic and the cute the silly and the tragic i hope you all enjoy the ride and welcome to the chronicler of lore [Applause] [Music] [Music] now that you've made it back from ozdahl's legacy the warrior of light heads to charlene to find out what it was that cry wanted you to do since he's made it back from your dungeon trip grahatius finished all the paperwork that he had to do so he's ready to help you with crow's mission and the cat boy is excited to do more field work with you to give you the full scope of things cross starts by refreshing your memory about who the students of baldessian are the group was founded by crowl's grandfather golov to uncover the mysteries of heidelen and study her gift they've pretty much completed that mission but there's still other work to do like coming up with ways to counter threats like the warring triad proud thinks the best way to carry out that mission is to keep exploring the unknown because of that motto a new request that she received for help caught our attention it was sent by your old friend rambros of the sons of saint koinock who you explore the crystal tower with something has happened in mordona something that is outside of his realm of expertise so he wants help from the students of baldessian crowl has to handle things in charlene so the warrior of light and graha tia head to revenant's toll after the usual greeting between friends is done rambros lets you know why he called you not too long ago an explorer came to the sons of saint koinock and said that he discovered the phantom realm since unlike your two friends you spend more time hitting people with books than actually reading them the warrior of light has no idea what the phantom realm is fortunately your smarter friends are more than willing to explain it to you legends say that all across eorzea a place exists that appears at random it can be seen from a distance but it disappears whenever you get close it's been mentioned in stories for generations but no one has ever been able to prove that it existed every time explorers decide to write it off as fake somebody else shows up claiming that they saw it which keeps the search going the fact that rambros actually called on the students of baldessian means that the search is over the place has really been found and you'll get to see it for yourself the man who founded his name derek he was supposed to come with rambros to meet you but he's not all that big of a fan of people so he preferred to stay out by silvertier lake which means you have to track him down because the warrior of light still has brain damage from all the time she's been hit in the head she finds a baby opal opal and stares at it thinking that it's derek like rambros wouldn't have told you if the person you were looking for was a big eyed baby koala bear rat granted the thing does belong to derek and it is different from normal animals so it's likely on the verge of becoming an auspice or something else derek found him on one of his journeys he was hurt and after the man fixed him up the creature started following him around because everyone knows who you are derek is happy to have the savior of the world help him but before you and graham can agree to take the job you need to know what it is and for that you need to see the phantom realm derek has no problem taking you to the place and you never would have found the entrance on your own because apparently when the place appeared it made a spot on silver tier lake that you could walk across it's a much more stable water walking spell than the one orianje made and after you walk between two giant rocks you and graha are teleported to a place that makes me think of mount olympus or asgard since he had found the place derek named it on follows and whatever people who saw it from a distance described it as it definitely is not a mirage the name means naval in an ancient language and derek called it that since the place is located in mordona which is at the center of aldenard there are no people in the area but somebody's been cutting the grass and pressure washing the buildings so somebody has been coming and going derrick wants you to find out who made the place and why graham wants to know why it decided to appear now all of a sudden did someone reveal it on purpose or did it simply show up because of the final days you can see the crystal tower in the distance meaning you are on an island very high above silverdale lake but you couldn't see the place from outside the spot you stepped through had to be some type of portal but with the battle of silver tear skies that had happened over the lake somebody should have seen the island since there was no mention of it graha believes that you may have been sent to a world that is only slightly separate from your own a place close enough to where it can be seen as an illusion but only accessible through specific locations as for the structures the designs on them are the marks of the twelve the gods of eorzea it looks like it was built for worship but graha can't think of anyone who could have built it and hit it with magic after the battle of silverto skies without someone noticing it is definitely a mystery one way too big for you and graha to solve on your own he wants to go let crowd know what you found and get the things together to pull off a full investigation derek is all for it so you get ready to head back to charlene when two of the buildings open and four people appear with the most godlike entrance you can imagine saying that you being there is tainting their sacred realm and you will be punished for it there are four of them and the one at the front with a hammer is what it looks like when you've won the gym he does not need to lift anything anymore the dude has no more muscles to gain the fact that he's beer ago the builder makes sense because not only does he build stuff he built his body too that name and their entrance proves one thing that the 12 at least four of them are definitely real and if what bergo says is true they are not primals they are real flesh and blood gods and now that hyland's gone they are the true rulers of your world they've been watching mankind and they see you heidel's champion as a threat to them taking their place so they should eliminate you and since you're in their world they could but as gods they can't just go around smiting people well they could but where's the fun in that so instead they decide to test you you'll probably die from it but they're bored anyway clearly they haven't watched you and graha closely enough because them just showing up and threatening the two of you is a good way to get stabbed either that or they're strong enough not to care and i get the feeling it's the second one they open the path to their sanctum and they want you to show them what mankind is worth and whether or not they deserve to be the master of their own fate they want you to gather up your strongest companions and show your worth when the four gods head back into the domain to prepare for your arrival derek says that during all of his trips to the place nothing like this has ever happened before he never saw anyone let alone gods and now they plan on taking over the world the 12 have been talked about and worshiped for multiple eras but as far as graha knows they have never appeared to mortals before their random appearance and their claims all seem a little suspicious but you can't exactly ignore them and regardless of what they say they could be primals like heidel and zodiac but there's no way to be sure primal or not if they are serious about taking over the star this won't be a small problem so you'll need to deal with it meaning the students of baldessian will take the job as for the sanctums of the 12 there are different places that exist past each of the gates and derricks explored them all he claims that there are times where people can get into them and times where people can't but now the gates are open so you don't have to worry about finding a way inside he didn't see any gods while he wandered around in the place but he knows his way around i have a strong feeling that he's lying about something him and his pet monkey rat are just weird he says he's not really a fighter but if you can keep him safe he'll guide you through the sanctums even though you're strong graha thinks taking beer goes advice and bringing people with you would probably be the smartest way to go because you don't know how strong these gods are fortunately you know quite a lot of adventurers who can come and die with you this time graha won't be one of them while he's more than useful in a fight this time his brain would be more helpful he's going to go to crawl and start figuring out more about the 12. so with your strange guide in tow you head into aglaia to face off against birago roger azeema and thaw even saying that sounds like you're making a very bad life decision the first domain you enter is lightning meaning it belongs to birgo they could have been a little less on the nose with the whole god of thunder wheel than a giant hammer thing but we're clearly fighting thor also if you don't shrink the summoner pets you will have a very hard time dodging attacks the constant appearance of random primals caused so many problems in this place after you beat bob the builder you come up against your next challenge roger the destroyer he summons a minion that's strong enough to let you know what's coming then you face off against the god of destruction himself on the palm of his statue with the destroyer beaten you step into the realm of fire the realm of azima after she tests you with some of her beasts you come face to face with the flame dancer and she is definitely a force to be reckoned with between the firebird from pandemonium and azima the third fights in these n walker raids are really causing me problems after you beat the hottest member of the 12th it's time to face off against the god that's worshipped by everyone in udah not fall and i have to admit that i did not expect this fight to be so cool i really wanted to take it but apparently everybody else wanted to tank two because the tank hue was long so i had to do this fight as a red mage and let me tell you something if you don't know what you're doing which i did not because it was the first time this is a nightmare for any caster also now you know why people use the phrase stahls balls as a curse if you manage to survive nor thaw will find you worthy and fade away in defeat having beaten the four members of the twelve you come out of the sanctum just as graha and crawl show back up you let them know that you've already dealt with the twelve only for them to reappear alive and well and completely unharmed turns out they were as strong as they claimed to be luckily for you they were only pretending to be bad guys so you and the other adventurers would fight them with all you had granite azima did get a little carried away even though thaw had fun which is apparently odd for him because he's usually uptight being a god of balance and all that the warrior of light and graha get ready to fight them but roger tells you to relax they aren't promised and they don't drain the land's ether or control people's minds the verses of them that luis suarez had summoned during the fight with muhammad wasn't actually them but a primal made from the hopes and prayers of all the people of eorzea if they aren't primals the question is what are they but it would make things far too simple if they tell you so they won't they do have goals of their own which is why they pushed you into a fight with them and they apologize for it but it was necessary they won't tell you what their goal is either part of it is making you find out what it is on your own if you keep searching then not only will you find out what they plan on doing but who they are and where they came from after you do some research they promise to meet you again until then i'm pretty sure birago is on his way back to the gym crawl wants you to tell her everything once she introduces herself to your client him and his nameless opal opal once you tell her and graha about your battles with the gods fights that during which the warrior of light says she couldn't sense any murderous intent coming from any of them my repair bill says otherwise but we'll just go with it livingway had told you all that the method of summoning that the aseans taught leaves the primals with a strong desire to convert people to their side which is why the primals temper their worshippers the 12 don't seem to want that at all so if they are promised they're very unique emmit selk had mentioned the fact that you don't even know who the 12 are meaning he knew and wanted you to figure it out which alongside the students of baldessian you will which makes derek happy since it means you'll be taking his job crawl decides to stick around the 12 sanctum to see what she can learn while you graha and derek head back to aorzia to see what you can learn about the 12. for some reason derek tells the very aware opal opal to stay with crowd because he doesn't think it's right to leave her there alone there's definitely more to the thing than what we know but for now there are far more important things to worry about the 12 were already being worshiped way back during the third astral era when the elegant empire was at its peak by the fifth astral era the nations that fought in the war of the magi each had one of the twelve as their guardian deity the way their worship changes over time but they all worshiped from ishgard to charlie raha thinks that visiting different places in eorzea and learning how the twelve are worshiped he can figure out the differences between the gods of legend and the people that you met it's a good plan and the first stop is raga's reach where they worship you guessed it roger you've been to the reach countless times but it's the first time graham's been there with you and he's obviously excited about it derek finds the fact that graha likes traveling with people to be odd since he prefers to travel alone he's been to the reach before when he was hunting for the phantom round and he realized that most of the appearances of the realm happened in places where the worship of the 12 was at his highest which means you're on the right track rogers reaches the home of the temple of the fist which was the headquarters for the fist of rauger it was burned down by the mad king bale doric so most of the books that were stored there were lost but the people who still live in the area should know something about the local religious practice so the three of you split up to check around the warrior light runs in the marjory the woman who you guided through the temple of the fist she's still obsessed with all things monk and when you tell her that you're looking for information on rauger she gives you a book called destructivity and it has a lot of information on raw or worship it's one of the few books that actually survived the destruction of the temple saved by the monk weeder guilt marjorie hopes the book helps but she has her own stuff to do so she rushes off to likely get herself and her bodyguard killed while you go to meet up with graha and derek you give graha the book and he skims through it coming across some pages talking about the creation of that giant roger statue when the floods of the sixth humble calamity were drowning the people of aorzia the ancient people of alamigo were guided to safety by a comet they believed roger had sent the comet which made them have even more faith in it some of the people claimed they actually saw the god and the stories would pass down to people who eventually built a statue that looked like the being the people claimed they saw and the statue does look like the roger you fought if you were a primal that would make sense since the beings that are summoned have an appearance made from what the summoners believe the primal looks like but since people saw roger first then made the statue there was no way they could have all had the image in their minds to use to summon the god see this is the problem with starting with what you believe is an answer to a question and then searching for evidence to prove your answer because graham doesn't know what else the 12 could actually be he's still assuming that they're primals and he's trying to work backwards from there meaning he'll never figure out what they really are apparently roger's gotten sick of you saying the same thing over and over after he's already told you that they aren't primals because he and beergo appear to the three of you in the form of a bird and a spriggan to once again tell you that they're not summoned beings their domains are scattered all over aortia and one of them isn't far from where you currently are so it's not unusual for people to catch sights of them sometimes they have laws that keep them from stepping into your world in their true forms so they turn into regular creatures when they want to watch you they should make it to where when you're fighting regular creatures one could actually be a god that when you hit it it does something bad to you like turns you into a lalafell for a day or something the gods keep their sanctums hidden too but when the ether of the land becomes unstable sometimes they can be seen by mortals with special abilities like the echo calamities are times where the ether of the entire world is disrupted so there have been multiple times where people would have caught glimpses into the sanctums of the gods the two gods have said all they can without giving away too much so once again they leave you but at least now you can be absolutely sure that they are not primals one thing raja did learn from his studies is that raga and ramu are similar which means the silts probably use the actual roger's appearance as a template to summon their primal and if that's how faith in ramu came about it's possible that all the different religions of the world came from people seeing the 12 at one point or another that still doesn't tell when the 12 were first seen or where they came from raha gets a call from cross saying that she's recruited someone to help with the investigation this woman is an expert on mythology and graha has to get her from the sunken temple of khan after he makes a pit stop somewhere so he sends you and derek to ulda since thanolan is full of north ball worship instead of traveling together the two of you head there separately because derek really isn't a fan of people the two of you meet up at the arsenal ossuary which is a temple devoted to the worship of fall who was thought to be the twin brother of gnaw and the keeper of the realm of the dead and the one who measures the worth of people's souls gnawed watches over the living and their economic success which is why he's heavily worshipped in udah since they love money and he's the god of money at one point in time not thaw was thought of as one god but he eventually got labeled as two but what you saw was one person with two different personalities derek is really bad with people because in a temple set to worship a god he says out loud that you saw that god naturally that draws people's attention so the two of you leave before people start to ask questions or try to stone you for blasphemy but you saw what you needed to while the north all that the people worship seemed slightly different from the one you met the similarities are enough to say that someone probably saw the god just like roger derek isn't all that fond of just hanging out with you so he figures you can head to the sunken temple of khan and find grah hatia and his new companion you and derek beat graha there by a few minutes and find a scholar laying out on the ground asking for food graha shows up and gives the woman who he calls snoogam some arkhan loaf and coffee and she pops to her feet as good as new she's surprised to see graha because she had never told him that she was going to be out by the sunken temple researching the worship of azima she had already forgotten that the students of badassian wanted her to help with the study of the 12 since she's an expert in mythology who has worked with the students before granted sometimes she forgets to eat while she works which is why you found her laying on the ground when you tell her about the phantom realm and the domains of the 12 she says they are the heavens of lightning and fire from the legends along with believing in the twelve ancient people believed in seven heavens and seven hells it's been proven that when people die they go to the ethereal sea not the heavens or hells but based off of what you saw there's more to those domains too and snoogum can't wait to see it all so you all head to unfollows when you arrive snoogim sees that on follows matches the seventh heaven from the stories you clue the woman in and let crowl know what happened in roga's reach before cry finally tells you what she's learned the gateway at the center of the place is strange the other six gates lead to each of the six heavens and you're already in the seventh heaven so where does the other gate go my guess is the seventh hell which would be a place opposite to the seven heaven with gates that lead to each of the other hells the second weird thing is the monument at the center it has magic that crawl has never seen but she thinks that she can figure it out with time all in all there are a lot of questions that need to be answered and they won't get answered in a day so you all leave the phantom realm to go and get something to eat and plan for what is bound to be a massive journey and maybe along the way you can teach derrick some people skills this concludes the story of mists of the realm aglaia if you enjoyed this video hit the like button subscribe ding that notification bell join the discord and if you really want to show your support you can buy me a coffee through the link in the description until next time guys later
Channel: Chronicler of Lore
Views: 6,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FFXIV, Lore, The Story of, Chronicler of Lore, Final Fantasy XIV, Endwalker, Myths of the Realm, The Twelve
Id: mjqjrpF7cuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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