FFXIV Lore - Myths of the Realm: Euphrosyne

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if you guys enjoy what I do be sure to hit that like button and subscribe it really helps the channel and it's free and easy to do welcome to my channel where we cover the lore of Final Fantasy 14. we cover the stories both big and small the Epic and the cute the silly and the tragic I hope you all enjoy the ride and welcome to the chronicler of Laura [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] the warrior of light heads out to check in with Derek to see just how things are coming with the investigation into the Phantom realm and it turns out that he heard from grahatia just a little while ago he and crawl finished all of their work in Charlene and they're headed over there at that very moment to run some field tests when they get there crowds her normal cheery self while graha is about to die because he's carrying what looks like an old school jukebox on his back the devices and ethereum analyzer and it lets you scan and collect data on different forms of ether it records it and stores it for later study in other words it's a very bulky scouter from Dragon Ball Z that can read power levels since the Phantom realm is hidden by Illusions studying the places hard so graha figured that using the right equipment would make things go more smoothly the equipment's hard to carry but that's probably because they forgot that Chocobo exists and so do cards and airships and all other types of more efficient ways of shuttling things around he could have just put it in a wheelbarrow and that would have made more sense than using himself as a a pack horse either way the device is not his The Forum lent it to them as well as all of the money they needed to fund their trip meaning Raja could have definitely afforded to run a wagon to carry the thing they need to return it in the same shape that they got it in especially since they don't usually lend things out the students of baldessian are highly respected as are the signs of the seven Dawn so the Forum made an exception for them crowd still wants to rebuild the students so they won't need to rely on outside help and she thinks succeeding at finding out about the Phantom realm and the 12 will get her organization the recognition that it needs to get back on track which means this task has to turn out well it's going to be hard since the 12 are confusing creatures they're supposed to be Guardian deities of aorzia but for some reason they want to fight Mortals and crawl has no idea why the only way to find out is to talk to them so you all head back to the Phantom realm where snogam's waiting for you she's happy to see you all and the etheric analyzer and she's even more excited to tell you about what she's found out about the monument in the center of the Phantom realm she's found out that she has no idea what the monument says in other words she's found out nothing according to Derek but she says that finding out what you don't know is an important part of research because once you know what you don't know you can start trying to figure it out the land which written on the monument has been seen in other places before so it can be translated but bits of information are missing so once it's complete then she can get started on finding out what it says she has a pretty simple plan for that you're all in the realm of the Gods and they seem to like to talk to Mortals so you could simply ask them of course they also want to fight so if you offer to give them what they want they'll probably give you what you want all you have to do is call them and they should show up snogam has an idea on how to do that and she leads you all to the gate of the heaven of Earth the heaven of Earth is said to be nautica's realm and there's a saying passed down in gridania that she thinks will get the goddess's attention since the city does worship her so even though it seems stupid your entire group screams out montoy and it actually works the gate opens and nafika shows up she's very well designed let's just say that and snogam goes full fangirl over her since she looks exactly like she did in all of the drawings from the Legends and the goddess did actually want to talk to you all she knows that you're trying to figure out what the monument says and if you fight her and a few more of her friends they'll give you the key to do it that sounds nice but graha remembers how uncooperative the other guys had been and he wants to know if she's being 100 honest apparently they've been watching your actions since the last little contest and they've decided that even after you figure out what the Monument's for you'll all still be willing to help them so it's not that big of a deal she'll tell you more after the fight so she leaves to get ready while you do the same at first graha had planned on going back to the heavens you had visited the last time you were there but nautica's deal makes for much better opportunities Derek's not gonna come with you this time since you kind of know what to expect and with his extreme lack of combat skills he's not gonna exactly be useful so it'll be you and graha heading in this time he won't be able to fight with you since he'll be carrying the massive device which means you'll have to figure things out yourself and since there's nothing left to do you head into the second trial of the 12 you foreseen the first person you run into is nafika and she immediately shows you that some of the most dangerous people in the world are landscapers she takes aside and proceeds to beat you to death with flowers because nature can be rough once you finally beaten her she sends you on to the next challenge which turns out to be all thick at first he was gonna fight you alone but his sister namia decides to join the party because what better way to make your life more difficult than to have you go up against two Gods at once one is controlling space and time while the other one shows you that astrologians are actually meant to be a DPS job once you've dealt with that nightmare you move on to face the most violent goddess of them all alone Fire and Ice bosses are always rough but this woman is kind of insane she's a paladin with a spear and when I say she knows how to fight if xenos wanted a challenge he should have started something with her she is the best most brutal fight I've seen in a 24-man and I loved it when she falls you move on to the final challenge menfina she tries to kill you on her own but when you prove that you won't die that easily she brings in her wolf and steps things up to a thousand and despite being strong she doesn't hold a candle to alonex with the last challenge completed the warrior of light finally heads back outside crawling the others are happy to see that you didn't die but snowgum is more excited to see what data graha collected in the device the drive holding the data is really fragile so she has to be very careful while taking it out so of course menfina appears at the perfect time to try to make her drop it and she Winks at her because she clearly did it on purpose fortunately snowgum didn't ruin the data when she jumped and of course menfina didn't appear alone nafika and the others are there too they all want to talk to your group because they seem to really like Mortals probably because they don't hang around them enough to know that they suck and they're true to their word they agree to give you what you need to read the monument but to do that they need you to picture in your mind something that's used to hold knowledge and they'll manifest it for you that sounds exactly like what Eminem told you to do when he used creation magic for you is that a hint of the fact that square Innings lied and the 12 are the Ancients who work with vanata summon heidelin or is it something else everyone thinks of what they believe holds knowledge and is expected for graha snowgum and crowd they manifest books Derek gets an old treasure map and the warrior of light gets a tombstone all of the items will work the same and what the group will have to do is take them to special stones that are scattered around aorzia they contain the information needed to finish the writing on the monument and all any of you have to do is hold the objects the gods gave you up to the stones and they'll download the info the 12 scattered the stones across the world so Mortals wouldn't find out the secrets but people found the stones and started using them as objects of worship called the marks of The Twelve that makes them easy to find since everyone there knows what they are they're located in the three major city-states Curtis and mordona so it'll be faster if you all split up and go to different areas and oddly enough some of the Gods to tag along with you nafika doesn't want to bother any of you like that but menfina and halone do obviously all of The Mortals want them to come along so that settles things except for one new development azima beergo rager and narthal show up in their animal forms wanting to tag along too since three Gods will stay in the realm things will be fine so everyone groups up and heads off leaving Derek the warrior of light palone has a little ice wolf and menfina in rabbit form to head to kurthus and mordona Derek is kind of confused by why the guys decided to set the two of you off traveling together but manfina says it's simply because the two of you make the most interesting group one is a hero who's killed gods and another is an Explorer who's seen more of the world than most which does make them into an interesting set of traveling companions between Curtis and mordona you should find the marks of menfina daliak and halona so along with Derek's little pet who after the two gods's interaction with is either just a regular creature or a god who's really good at hiding himself you all had to mordona to draw the info and thaliax mark the warrior of light handles the simple task while menfina gives you a little bit of info about the stones themselves they're indestructible and just like the monument in their realm they've been there forever the 12 made them because of the love that people felt for them as well as how the 12 felt about the star itself the fact that people pray to them as an outward expression of the bond that mortal shared with the twelve and by extension the star itself since you're all on a timetable you make your way to Curtis where you find hollowney's Mark Derek draws out this one which gives the warrior of light time to chat with the gods and this time halone has a question for her since menfina claims her appearance has gotten more imposing over the last thousand years and some strange statues have appeared in her domain that weren't there before which makes sense when you think about how helona is prayed to when people want to get strong enough to protect what they want heloney does like the fact that people seek her out for strength but she hated watching them use her name while fighting the dragons she's not judging them because she doesn't think that's the 12th job but she just didn't like it she doesn't seem to get there for you not to like something you've already judged it as bad whether you're right or not whether you like it or not everyone judges everyone and if it's not a day at his job to do that then I don't really know who's supposed to do it even when their names are invoked and they give their help it's only at the request of Mortals not to influence them to do things and each time The Mortals pray that dictates the form that the 12 take before they can get around the same more Derek finishes getting the info from heloney's Mark and manfino rushes off to see her own Mark by the steel vigil turns out someone's there praying to manfina at that very moment when he's done he sees the warrior of light and recognizes her as the person who had hunted down the members of The Cult the Lambs of dollar mood the group had abducted people and committed all types of crimes but this man swears that he hadn't that wasn't even why he had joined them in the first place at first they had just prayed that dollar mood would take their souls to Paradise which was still a little crazy but everything changed when the moon had turned red people in the group started to believe that dollar mood was their Savior and they needed to prove their loyalty to him or they'd suffer they were being tempered by Bahamut but none of them actually knew that and they ended up becoming a dangerous cult this particular man had been a merchant in udah but he wasn't Savage enough to make it in that climate that's why he had started praying to menfina hoping that he could be blessed with courage from her wolf that was the only thing that made him be able to live with how much of a failure he was but he lost that when he got labeled as crazy just because the Lambs of dollar mood had started doing bad stuff and he was Guilty By Association the man is so desperate for someone better than he is to guide him that he Stoops to begging the warrior of light to point him in the right direction since no God will even answer his prayers as a surprise to everyone it's Derek who hits the man with some words of wisdom telling him not to give Mortals the same standing in his life that he gives to the gods people like the warrior flight may be strong but they're still Mortals they make mistakes get scared and they fail just like everyone else that strength doesn't make them any better than any other person either and for the former lamb of dollar mood Derek thinks he needs to take time travel around while keeping the faith in Memphis and he'll figure out his place in all of this the words help the man and he gets the feeling that menfina had guided you all there in his hour of need to get him straight which she literally did and he heads off to seek out his own path as he leaves menfino Whispers a blessing to him that will undoubtedly help him on his journey Derek doesn't feel bad about offering the man unsolicited advice and now that he's gone the warrior of light draws the information out of manfina's Mark after seeing how the man had acted manfina lets you know that none of the 12 want their existence to cause problems for Mortals but with them being the way they are because of mortal's beliefs sometimes that's unavoidable one man's blessing could be another man's curse her Wolf's very existence came from Mortal worship but none of the twelve are all powerful they can't Grant every wish but they do always hear their prayers and they do care with that said you've all completed your part which means you can head back to the Phantom realm but Derek is kind of worried about cryo graha had seen worried about her too because something was clearly bothering the woman Derek wants to go check on her so the four of you head to gradania since that's where she went with birigo and nafika when you get to gardenia men Finnick in Cincinnati and birigo but for some reason they've all split up since nafika is closer you all track her down first apparently she got separated from the others when she stopped to listen to the Elementals since she's the patron of the land they were pretty eager to tell her about current events but while that's the reason why she ended up separated from the group it shouldn't have stopped her from sensing Virgo and tracking him down she didn't because cry wanted to deal with the marks without beer go and Africa looking over her shoulder so they gave her her space but beer go followed her just in case something went wrong he's out in the area called the South shroud so you all head off to find him he's not hard to track down even in his friggin form but he is surprised to see you all there Carl has already drawn out the information from beer goes Stone and now she's headed for altics Virgo had been following her but he lost sight of her when you all showed up you know where she's going so to make your journey there easier beer goes summon some Eagles for you and Derek to ride prowl is already at the stone when you all get there and she's happy to see that it's you especially since she had been worried about Odin popping up some people have forgotten that Odin still prowls around the area murdering people Derek wants to know why she sent the gods away but it's mainly because she wanted to figure things out on her own which is technically what the 12 told you all to do despite telling you to do it yourself they told you all where to go and even came with you which is not really what she or the students of valdesians stand for they don't want help finding the answers they want to figure it all out and she kind of wants to experience a bit of what you do as an adventurer braving danger alone and proving yourself now that Derek understands he's not a word anymore so you all head back to Quarry milled or wait for crowd to finish what she's doing while you're waiting Derek wonders why he suddenly started to take an interest in other people's problems when crowd makes it back you all head back to the Phantom realm to meet up with the others after telling Raja and snowgum about your little trip the 12 returned to their sanctums and you all put the knowledge you've gathered into the monument which lets Krall finally be able to read it the first thing it says is that since the 12 exists as the will of the star they can be influenced by hopes and prayers so they marked out their Duty on the monument so they would never stray from their purpose beerigo will reign over construction and encourage people to build things rager will be the God of destruction and strengthen the star's heart and guide Mankind's regeneration azima will be the goddess of the sun maintain its light and reveal the truth to everyone will rule over the underground and reveal the treasures in the world and what's inside of people nafika is the goddess of fertility and will fill the land with life all think will govern space and time and keep the star progressing forward alone they will rule ice and Tranquility manfina will rule the moon controlling the change from night to day as well as be the goddess of love aliak will control the rivers and fill people's minds with wisdom namia will rule the stars and control the seasons and fate the Milan will rule the season tithes and push people to explore the world Ashan will rule the mountains and travel alone to understand the Solitude of The Mortals and the last one who's not named will be charged with watching and standing guard over his prisoner forever that means the 12 aren't 12 at all they're actually 13. the monument brings about more questions than answers like what do the 12 mean by the fact that they could lose sight of their duties is it possible that what Mortals want could change them enough that the 12 Forget Their real purpose the fact that they can be changed and have been changed makes that very very likely and after dealing with dynamos the warrior of light has seen on multiple occasions how someone's will can be made manifest the events with the Omicron Beast tribe showed that so are the 12 creatures made entirely of dynamas and if they are that likely means they are not the Ancients the 12 can't predict how people will change them but the monument will always be there to remind them of who they're supposed to be they also said they Endure by the will of the star and that of course meant heidelin but heidelin's dead so are the twelve fading away or was heidelin's prayer that the twelve fulfilled their Duty and without her they are being swayed at a greater rate by the will of The Mortals Crow thinks that when Heidel and sundered the world she ordered the people who worked with her to do what they could to maintain the civility of the world if that's the case it means that the 13th member of The Twelve is actually the Watcher on the moon the best way to find out is to ask him and since there are three Gods left in the Phantom realm that you haven't dealt with at all it may be best to get all the information you can before you face them since you don't know what will happen once you do so before you all run off to chat with the Watcher crawling Raja will head back to Charlie and the study the data that you gather while the warrior of light gets some rest because she'll definitely have more difficult fights ahead Derek despite being a loner seems to be sad that your adventure together will likely be over soon since he realized that he actually enjoys your company but he promises that he'll stay to see things through to the end but all things come to an end and knowing that makes them all the more enjoyable while they're happening we've reached the end of the story of myths of the realm you foreseen if you enjoyed this video hit the like button subscribe ding that notification Bell and if you really want to show your support you can donate to the channel through the link in the description until next time guys later
Channel: Chronicler of Lore
Views: 2,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FFXIV, Lore, The Story of, Chronicler of Lore, Final Fantasy XIV, Endwalker, Euphrosyne, Myths of the Realm
Id: Ufn1KMMR7Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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