The Complete Story of Eden Final Fantasy XIV Lore

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final fantasy 14 is a massive game with thousands of hours of content what i'm going to do here is break down some of the major plot points for those of you who want to know more about ayorzia but may not have time to experience it all firsthand today we're tackling the first part of the eden's gate storyline from shadowbringers after beating hades and destroying the light that corrupted the first ring and thankful head into the empty the land that had been wiped out by the flood before menphilia could halt its advance with a balanced return to darkness and light rain has begun sensing a massive concentration of light not knowing what it is she comes to get you just in cases of light warden you rain thank red and yurianj hop into the sky slipper and head out into the empty to discover just what is causing it staying in the empty for too long can cause you to turn into a sin eater so the investigation will be done in parts your group rides for a long time before finally finding what rain had sensed a senator an incredibly large senator that's made entirely of light the very first senator urianje had been trying to find out where the flood had come from and he figured that it came from a single being that thing is what reign had sensed in the same monster that menphilia had fought a century ago but with the creatures still being alive it can undo all of the work that you and menphilia have done to save the first horianji however believes that it can be used to restore the first ring names it eaton and thankfur decides to set up camp so you can get ready to study the first century he heads off to scout the area and when he returns you plan your next move rain thinks that what the flood of light had done was stop the flow of ether to everything in its path but the ether wasn't destroyed only made dormant if eden was able to stop the flow then maybe it could be used to start it back up again and marine thinks that she can control it thankfully skeptical of the possibility of rain being able to control that level of power oriange however doesn't believe that it is as far fetched a plan as one might think he's come to the conclusion that menphilia stopped the flood of light's advance by putting eden to sleep instead of destroying it for just the purpose that reigns suggests but it will still be dangerous rain wants to try it anyway she's been studying eating since you arrived and it seems like the light is concentrated at its core if her guess is right then she can use his core to restore the etheric balance oriange proposes that by using ethernet shards as beacons you could trace the ether flow to eden's core and secure a means of teleportation into and out of the beast but before you can do that rin has to study the san eater's interior so you could chart a safe path once there urianje will set up a means of communication and hopefully control of the creature thankful points out that it is unlikely that eden will enjoy having you quote rummaging around in his innards and he probably should have came up with a better way to say that so he recommends that you lead the way rain doesn't want to put you in danger but with you being the only one who can safely take down light wardens there isn't much choice there is indeed a defense system in place and huge amounts of ether rushed to the core when you arrive taking on the form of a smaller version of eden after surviving some attacks that definitely should have killed you like being shot with an energy beam that literally takes you into another galaxy you bring down the guardian rain is pleased to see that you didn't absorb any light with your victory and with the path being clear you can use ethernet shards to teleport into the core true to his word urianje sets up a device so rin can communicate with eaton and she jumps right into it the senator resists but ring fights with it and gains control even though it did rise into the air and try to fly off since there's no rest for the weary not long after ring gains control a whole lot of something's invade eden frankfort and oriande head off to deal with the enemies on the inside while you head to the top to fight the big boss as usual eden can manipulate ether to make simple structures so ring uses it to make something for you to stand on during your battle unfortunately it can't make any weapons to stop you from having to fight at all but you have to use what you can get the attack is a flying beast holding a warrior in a suit of armor it's an odd fight filled with strange creatures but you win as usual bankrupt and the others meet you up top and inform you that the things that they fought were unlike anything that they'd seen on the first before they could say more the armored warrior gets up and shouts about how she won't let you do something before she clutches her head in pain and passes out rain checks to see if she's alive and discovers that she is but aether is very strange whoever she is she seemed angered by irene taking control of eden she's not a senator but she is very powerful she could be a dangerous enemy but she could also hold useful knowledge about eating bankrupt decides to continue his role as a babysitter by keeping an eye on the girl until she wakes up but he's not going to bring her to the core since he's pretty sure that was where she wanted to go in the first place instead he takes it to your camp meanwhile you rin and urianje return to eden's core where he tells you what you should already know the creatures that the girl was summoning were void sent ring couldn't sense any light from her and she reminds her of emmett selk although she's not an ashen in any case there's not much more they can figure out about the girl until she wakes so rain returns her attention to improving her control of eden before the next surprise shows up with a new knowledge she now understands what the flood of light was it unbalanced the ether of the land making it lean heavily toward the umbral element and stopped it from flowing at all but since the stagnant ether wasn't destroyed then it can be made to flow again eden has the power to control the balance of ether over a large area forcing it from one state to another ring thinks that she can use it to fix what was done but she doesn't know where to start urianji has a plan but he'd rather not say it without thankful present so you all head back to camp to meet up with him the empty is a vast place so if you only change a single area at a time it will take forever to restore orianje proposes restoring each element in order to enact a widespread change rain is unclear whether or not eden can draw out elements one at a time so orianje thinks that you should all go to locations that strongly represent the element that you want to restore to help focus eden's power all you need to do is draw out the ether rebalance it and return it to the land however it is possible for the ether to spread out of control causing a flood of a different type say a flood of fire or water as opposed to light which would be just as devastating to the land as what you're already trying to fix to prevent this the element must be focused into something a physical manifestation of each element so to speak sound familiar if it doesn't then you probably haven't gotten too far in the game because you spent almost the entirety of a realm reborn fighting just that primals urianje intends to use your memories combined with eden's power to summon primals that you can defeat dispersing their ether back to the land should be easy since they pretty much will be repeats of fights you've already done to start things off urianje thinks you should do water the source of life the world's deepest ocean once existed west of norron but the flood evaporated it seems like the best place to try and summon a water god bankrupt stays behind to watch over the unconscious girl while you head off it works using your memories rheem summons leviathan pretty sure you notice that he looks a little bit different than he used to but different or not you take him down just like before ringing having never seen a primer before is a maze but she's confused when you tell her that it wasn't the same as the original oriande thinks that since leviathan of the source was believed to be a god by the sahagan who summoned it he looked different when he was summoned by you i think the warrior light has been in so many fights that he's gotten a bit of brain damage but that's only a guess and could explain why it doesn't talk all that much in any case you all step outside to see if your plan worked beating the vibe and caused the lake to appear now that they know that the plane is a good one the next element that should be restored is earth so plants will be able to grow rain is eager to keep moving but she's curious about the unconscious girl thankfully removed her helmet and was surprised to see that the girl was nothing like a normal void scent she looks to be a normal girl no older than rain since she's still asleep banquet ops to stay with her so he can question her when she wakes up while you get back to what you're doing the time has come for the return of one of your worst nightmares from days gone now i can forgive the violence changing appearance you fought the head and the tail at the same time before so thinking that it had two heads is plausible but in what world did titan go from looking like a goron from zelda to a bodybuilding transformer that tries to run you over with a four wheeler the warrior light has definitely got brain damage in any case you take down the new and improved titan and when you step outside the entire landscape has changed the lands further out from where you are still seem unchanged but oriande believes that the reason has something to do with an intersection of ethereal currents in the area which means that other areas linked to the one you're in should experience a change eventually rain's excitement is short-lived though when she collapses in exhaustion she tries to shrug it off as nothing but thank her thinks she needs to rest oriande agrees but rain still argues until he reminds her that staying in the empty is still dangerous she admits that she does feel weird and she decides to leave the empty for a bit rianji plans to stay for a while studying what you've done before she leaves he urges her not to discuss what she's done in the empty with anyone not yet marine doesn't want to make a habit of keeping secrets from her friends i'm happy that urianje needs to break i think but she'll do as he asks thank her thinks the unconscious girl will do well somewhere else as well and want you to talk to your allies in mort suits so they can find a place for her he tells you to get some rest as well so you head off with rain something she's thankful for when she remembers just how long the ride across the empty had been she wants you to meet her contact from the crystarium but first she wants to talk to you about something in a bit of a safer place she's worried about the girl that had attacked you she wants to talk to her but she hasn't forgotten how she tried to kill you if she's wrong and leaving the girl alive ruins what you're working for then it will be her fault for not acting you calm her down telling her that everyone deserves a chance and if things go wrong you'll deal with them but you can't panic before there's actually a reason to with her fears dealt with she takes you to meet with lurie who's been helping with the expedition she sends you off to rest after the meeting while she gives a report of what's happened so far in the empty meanwhile oriande has a theory that he's discussing with bankrupt one that he wants to keep secret from you and rain until he knows more he believes that while reign is the oracle of light the girl that attacked you is her opposite the oracle of darkness yawford one of the members of ring's team on the eden project has been looking for you because the girl you brought back from the empty finally woke up rain and oriande show up already haven't heard the news from thankful and both are eager to find out more about the mysterious girl who tried to kill you her name's gaia and she claimed to be from umar but that's all she seems to remember so thankful took her home to see if anyone there recognizes her they should have been back already though so something must have happened or something did but it wasn't what you think bankrupt wasn't delayed by a sin either attack or anything else that makes sense nope he's just been struggling to carry all of gaia's luggage from home her neighbors barely knew her and other than seeing her house they didn't learn anything on the trip she didn't even remember much about her own life in the city however she thinks she'll get a memory back if she hangs around you guys so she invited herself along and may thank her carry all of her stuff i personally would have tossed her luggage into the land of the pixies because of how rude the girl is and let her spend the next decade trapped in one of their games but bankrupt's a bit nicer than i am since the conversation is dragging on you all find a spot to sit down at gaia's rude request and rain starts questioning her about her amnesia the fact that her memory loss is so random makes it seem suspicious but thankful trusts her for some reason since he wants her to trust you all as well he let her know about what you were doing in the empty with eden however he still wants you to be on guard just in case you need to introduce her to your weapons gaia doesn't remember the fight but she does recognize your face still she feels like all of this was destined to happen based off of what the voice inside of her head something she calls the fairy told her that's not crazy at all nope it's perfectly normal to name your imaginary friends she says it even lets her use his powers and that's where her magic comes from considering how this power let her summon void scent from the 13th shard i'm getting serious arya vibes from the red mage story but on a far grander scale i say that because summoning voicing on the source the main world where you come from is difficult it is far more difficult to do it on the first orianje tries to explain this to guy in his usual way and she has no idea what his unique speech patterns means and trying to figure them out has given her a headache rin understands the whole having a voice inside of her head since she lived with menphilia in her mind for most of her life she thinks gaia may be dealing with something similar and oriande agrees telling her his theory about gaia being the oracle of darkness thank her thinks she shows some symptoms of asean possession something he has personal experience with but the difference between what thankful experience and what guy is going through is the fact that she never lost control of her body and she still has some memories even after hearing the voices so it has to be something else because if an asian had taken her body she would have no control at all so it was probably something closer to the way that reign was partially possessed by menphilia ryan even thinks that gaia's goth appearance may come from the possession the same way ring used to look more like menphilia shatters that theory because not only was she born with her dark hair her parents both had the same or she thinks but she hasn't seen them in a long time they had been taken for ascension by valthuri which means they were turned into senators changing the subject she wants to know how ring ended up going from being locked up in euromore to hanging out with the warrior of darkness it is a story that rin is very eager to tell bits of it gaia remembers because she was in yule more when valtryek made the people attack you although she was unaffected by his control something thankful attributes to the fairy that gaia spoke of the creature may be the reason why gaia appeared and attacked you when eating lifted off since she doubts she'll learn more from talking to you gaia hops up and decides to head back to eating since the fairy wanted it and going there may let her learn what's been living in her head for all of those years so she leaves forcing you to track her down it's not hard to follow the footprints of someone wearing heels through the desert and you spot her getting attacked by a monster she casts a wicked looking spell at it and makes it blow up from the inside ever since she was little the fairy had whispered to her telling her what to do and letting her use its powers but even now she still doesn't understand it and sometimes things happen without her doing it like weird armor and weapons appearing or portals opening to let monsters out the power feels more like someone is channeling it through her and not being used by her at all but she's never really tried to control it either since she doesn't make a habit of fighting monsters but she better get used to it if she plans on traveling with you all to eating although thankful doesn't think it's a good idea especially if it makes her lose control and decide to attack you oriante agrees with them that they should keep gaia isolated and under guard while you continue your work it's not like your mission to use eden to restore the first is easy anyway and adding another potential problem to the equation isn't all that smart ring counters claiming that it wasn't that long ago that she was isolated and held against her will for what people claimed was the greater good and if that's what thankful thinks they should do then he's no better than val3 that is an insult on so many levels for those of you who haven't seen the former leader of you or more in the main story just trust me when i tell you that there's no worse insult than comparing someone to that guy gaia needs help and ring wants to help her just like you all did for her even if it does put the mission at risk knowing that she feels so strongly about this both bankrupt and oriande agree to taking gaia to eaton and helping deal with any trouble reigns decision causes later gaia somehow thinking she's in charge tells you to hurry up with the emotional stuff and get a move on or she'll leave you behind even though she needs your vehicle to get there back at eden gaia doesn't attack you so that's a good sign at least but it could be because she's so lost in thought rain tries to talk to her but her positive attitude doesn't do anything but make gaia angry every second that passes makes her feel like the voice in her head is taking over and she doesn't even know if gaia is her real name when bankrupt had asked her she couldn't remember but the fairy told her that it was gaia she couldn't ask anyone in you more because everyone who knew her was either turned into a senior or disappeared rin tries to relate since she never knew her own real name either she was either called the oracle of light or menphilia until thankful named hareem but gaia changes the subject the fairy hasn't reacted to her being near eaten so maybe it would do something if you fly the thing around a bit you still got elements to reawaken so you all make your way back into the giant center even though you have made some changes to the elements with the seniors power the changes haven't spread activating the right third element might be able to jump start the others lightning is that element which means you're going to go up against ramu ring is excited to see him and his legendary beard since bankers told all about it now if you remember how this works you have to fly to an area right with the element that you want to awaken urianje suggests the gandalf thunder planes since before the flood they had been covered in a never-ending lightning storm and the lightning ether is still very strong there now i'm sure you remember that your memories were used to mold the ether into a primer and just like before you royally mess up summoning ramu giving him a nice shave and a ripped half ixion body so basically he looks absolutely nothing like you remember solidifying my claims that the warrior of light has brain damage from all the times it's been knocked around after overcoming the lord of lightning you all head back to your camp although there are no visible changes to the area thankra can feel changes in the air it feels like a storm is on the horizon gaia is not impressed by eden's abilities and apparently neither is her fairy because it still hasn't showed up making the air human isn't really a big step toward restoring the world to how it was before the flood and oriande believes that a more active element is needed to jump-start the process of making it rain there is a problem however you need wind ether to form the clouds and fire either to evaporate the water individually neither will be much use but being balanced alongside the elements you've already restored should cause it to rain so god proposes that you draw both elements together now i want you to let that sink in for a moment drawing out an element summons a primal and the only way to restore the ether to the land is to defeat the primal doing this will cause you to have to fight two promos at once and not just any two the gods of fire and wind your friends who you've gone out of your way to save countless times who you've laughed and cried with eaten dinner with and never done anything but help them wants you to fight both garuda and ifrit at the same time rain does seem a bit preoccupied though and piling and eating while she's worrying about other things won't make what you're trying to do any easier knowing this the girl finally tells you what's on her mind gaia is one of the only people her own age that she knows and she wants to be a friend but the girl is not the most friendly of people she doesn't really know how to even go about making friends and with everything going on it's probably the dumbest thing for her to be thinking about but it's still bothering her honestly despite all of the battles that she's fought beside you in it's important to remember that rain is still only 16 and not even a normal 16 year old she's been kept secluded from the rest of the world until only recently and while alize and alfino are only a little older than her the trials that they've been through don't make them count as normal teens either seeing ring trying to have a normal conversation about shopping and such is kind of refreshing although seeing her look on her face when gail tells her that she's only sticking around to see what happens with eden not because they're friends it's a little heartbreaking at least rain tried so now it's time for you to do the almost impossible orianje guides you to a place called the ash fall where the weather was once scorching hot during the day and extremely windy at night the perfect place for you to do battle with two promos facing them both is definitely a unique challenge especially when they perform a dragon ball z style fusion complete with a new name that i'm not even going to try to pronounce despite the fact that you shouldn't have been able to you do bring down the pair and when you step outside it's actually raining there's only one last element left ice despite seeing physical changes this time gaia seems even more depressed despite her being near eden nothing's changed for her she still has no memories and once this little distraction is over she'll still have nothing she shouts at eden to give her back her memories causing the voice inside of her to finally speak it tells her to extinguish the light and awaken her true power because it's time for her to reclaim her memories and fulfill her destiny the voice fades without giving her any real answers and since there's nothing you can really do about it for now you all head back into eden's core to plan your next move because while bringing the rain back was great standing in it not so much with ice being the final element the plan for summoning it has to be made but first gaia wants to know if fixing this final element would change the world back to how it was before the flood it will in a few decades can't fix all of the damage that was done overnight the empty has been well empty for a hundred years so it may take that long to return it to what it was guy is shocked that you're working so hard to fix a world that you may not even live long enough to see while all she's been worrying about is herself she's always listened to the voice in her head scared of what would happen if she disobeyed it but she doesn't want to do that anymore because if reigns destined to fix the world and god is supposed to be her opposite then that means she's there to destroy it she starts to think that was the reason that everyone abandoned her and the reason why eventually all of you will too it's why she's been keeping you all at arm's length evading marine's attempts at friendship because in the end she knows she's a monster meant to bring misery and death to everyone an intense pain overcomes her for a moment and she steps outside for some air she says she's fine but rain's worried bankrupt sends you to check on her just in case there's a repeat of what happened before and she accidentally summons a horde of void scent outside the darkness that filled gaia bursts out of her forming a strange crystal and a swarm of cindy disappear drawn by the power of the creature that gaia had called her fairy it attacks her as you arrive but she fends it off and you bring her back inside as the fairy sends it cindy to horde at you oriandre goes to tend the now unconscious gaia while you do what you do best and face off against the fairy and its sin eaters you best the creature but gaia still doesn't wake up her mind floats alone in a dark void without even the voice of the fairy to keep her company she shouts but no one seems to be able to hear her even worse her memories still haven't come back reluctantly she accepts her fate hoping that death will at least give her peace but rin's voice cuts through the darkness and wakes her up although she won't admit it she was surprisingly happy to hear the girl she does apologize for interrupting what you were doing with her little issue and while she's feeling better something about the incident is bothering her that was the first time the fairy's words had put memories into her mind memories of stuff that she doesn't understand memories of things that someone else saw oriande believes that since you brought back darkness to the first that may have woken up a bit of zodiac's power on this shard like menphilia could hear the voice of heideln because of her status as the oracle of light gaia may be hearing the voice of a bit of zodiac that still exists here but being touched by his power doesn't mean gaia has to obey it so irene's not worried there will be plenty of time to ponder her situation after the final element is restored the time has come to deal with shiva shiva wasn't summoned the same as the other promise iselle a woman who fought both against and alongside you used the echo to transform herself into shiva the fact that she could control it herself intrigues rain as you all head to the great glacier in the northernmost part of the empty when you arrive ring decides that she wants to be the vessel for shiva since ice is the element most aligned with light using her abilities combined with edens should let her do it while oriande doesn't agree with the idea it definitely has its benefits iselle was a powerful ally who could become a primal at will rheem learning to do it would be very useful except for a very important fact that bankrupt seems to be the only one to remember when promos gets summoned you stick pointy things in them and thankful has no intention of watching you and rheem try to kill each other not to mention the ether only returns to the land when the promo you know dies so if reign becomes a primal you would have to kill her to restore the ether to the first of course there may be other ways but to thank her they don't seem worth the risk green believes she can control it and disperse the ethos safely but if it takes control of her then you won't be able to hold back in the battle that'll follow or she'll kill you still she wants to try because eden seems to have infinite power and while it's listening to her for now what happens when it stops it can undo everything that you've done but if she can't train it to absorb and disperse ether safely then she can let it restore the rest of the empty on its own without having to worry about it starting to feed on the ether like other senegalese and end up destroying the world reluctantly bankrupt agrees and ring transforms into i shiva upon the power of shiva [Music] [Music] hey [Music] no she's lost control you've got to stop her the ether immediately overwhelms her and who really didn't see that coming and one of the most epic battles ever begins as you fight light ether explodes out of rain freezing you solid luckily gaia jumps in and summons mjolnir to break you free of the ice prison and she uses her power to contain the flood of ice that started to burst out of rain while you knocked the girl out on a side note this was one of my favorite parts of this story because of one thing you lost the warrior of light was done in by ice empress ring and the only reason you survived is because somebody else jumped into the fight to help you that's probably the only reason that i like the character of xenos he's a stereotypical villain where he's just bad because but in a fight he's somebody who can overpower the warrior of life and after all of the things that you've been seen doing up through storm blood it's refreshing to see you finally fight somebody who you can't just dominate in any case once reign wakes up the power of shiva has left her all aside from a small piece of ice that god thinks will make a nice necklace banquet looks on as the two girls finally laugh and talk as friends together you all step outside to see what your efforts have accomplished only to see that grass has begun to grow all around your camp with your task done for now and a new friend made you all leave the empty for a much needed rest and to tell the rest of your team what you've accomplished so far now that the scions are back on the source you take a trip to the first to check on marine gaia and the empty ironically enough you arrive right when yalford and the others are planning another trip into the empty but before you set off he lets gaia know that they've been making progress with finding out about her past but she's not as happy about it as you might think she's actually enjoying hanging out with rain and learning about her past may ruin that plus she's more interested in learning about her odd powers and the weird voice in her head than whatever she used to be in euromore so the three of you head off to the empty where gaia surprises you all by revealing that she's learned to drive the sky slipper so she can show for you two around on the ride rheem catches you up on what they've been doing while you're away they finally got their coffee biscuits which are delicious and they made a necklace out of the piece of ice that came from the time marine turned into shiva and tried to kill you and there's even a festival that the kids at the crystarium are setting up to help the adults take their minds off the stress of readjusting to the new changes you brought to the first by restoring darkness it's very reminiscent of the garden festival that sophie put on final fantasy 8. the ride is pleasant but once you arrive in the empty rain is horrified to see that the plants that were growing in the area when you left have started to die the strange crystal that none of you actually know what it does aside from changing color every time you restore an element seems to be taken over by light ether gaia thinks that when ring had lost control of the ether during her attempt to control sheba's powers she had unbalanced the elements despite gaia holding back the darkness the voice of the fairy returns to gaia suddenly screaming at her to restore the darkness before it's too late the words give her an idea with the light ether overflowing channeling dark ether should be able to balance it of course that means you'll have to pummel the primal that gets summoned again there's just one small problem there are no dark primals rain thinks about the asean's god zodiac but it'll be better to summon something that you know wouldn't one shot you and nothing said that what you summon has to be a primal it just has to be filled with dark ether kind of like a void scent and you fought a few of those that fit the criteria but none would be better than the cloud of darkness by combining the powers of the oracle of light and darkness the pair should be able to summon the cloud of darkness without you having to fly eating anywhere although gaia is pretty sure something's going to go wrong however rain tries to cheer up by talking about all the snacks that they'll have at the festival the festival that for some reason gaia has no idea about despite the fact that you all talked about it on the way there and chalking it up to the fact that she was trying not to crash you into anything on the ride over there the two kids get to work on summoning the cloud of darkness once again you focus your thoughts and use your memories to summon the cloud and she looks even less like the original than your other attempts kinda want to know what goes through the warrior of light's mind when people tell him to you know think this version is a thousand times more brutal than the one you fought at the crystal tower but after being blown up dropped off a cliff and battered in unbelievable ways you bring it down and you all head outside to see if your hard work paid off the plants are still dead but the weird crystal finally seems stable but guy feels like something's wrong very very wrong the voice of the fairy returns claiming that it's been waiting a hundred years for this moment prompting gaia to realize that it's been hiding inside of eden all of this time the sky ripples and you finally see what or who has been talking to gaia her entire life an asean named mitron your actions have freed him from his prison of light and with a shocking bit of deductive reasoning that would have made urianje proud reign figures out that matron wasn't hiding inside of eden but he is eaten eden is an asian that was transformed into a senator guy is a little bit upset to learn that restoring the darkness was matron's idea and not hers but he hadn't forced her to do anything he'd only suggested it and she'd gone through with it on her own giving him the ability to leave the body he'd been trapped in for a century and he's thankful to gaia for her help although he knew she'd come for him he knows her very well and once he restores her memories she'll know him too when the 13th shard was flooded with darkness the first being the world most connected to it felt the effects the most it was unbalanced in a way that made it easily overcome by light ether if that happened it would become as useless to the aseans as the 13th so they put extra effort into keeping the world from being flooded with light emit selk came up with a plan to jump start the rejoining of all the shards with the source by using the light that the aseans had worked to keep back and he had given the job to matron and his allies but they were beaten by arbit and his friends death isn't permanent for assians in most cases their souls just go back into the rift until they find a new body but before matron soul could leave arbor stabbed it with a sword made of pure light and it mutated him in the eden the pain was unbearable and then he couldn't even think anymore his instincts took over and they latched on to arbor's desire to banish darkness causing him to unleash the full force of the light built up inside of him it would have consumed the entire world had menphilia not stopped the flood her actions gave matran a bit of his consciousness back but he couldn't move he could only whisper and hope someone could hear him himself could have saved him but he wouldn't risk disturbing the balance of ether so matron called out to the only person who he knew would help him gaia the voice she had been hearing her entire life had been pleading for help but since she had forgotten him and everything about who she was she didn't know and without that knowledge she could only use a fraction of her power when you restored darkness to the world it made matron stronger and let him take more direct control of gaia which is what had brought her to eaton he had brought her there to free him but you stopped it when you've had father but your attempts to fix the empty by having eden absorb ether slowly helped him break free and now he's able to project his mind outside of eating although he's still trapped inside the story is interesting but gaia still doesn't understand what it means about her matron decides to show her once she goes back to eden's core rain's reluctant to do anything that the fairy told gaia and now knowing that it's an asian she's even less likely to trust it on top of that she no longer has control of eating so going into the core could be terrible but she doesn't know what to do as long as matron is absorbing all the ether you gathered the empty will never be restored she wishes thankful and oriande were there but in a shocking turn of events god no longer has any idea who they are it seems that matron is stealing her memories meaning that if you want to help gaia you'll have to deal with him so you head to the core where he decides to use eden to recreate the events of a hundred years ago to show you what happened when arbor and the others faced off against the shadow keeper kind of similar to the way m itself recreated amurod all of this is so he can show gaia who she really is but ring warns her not to trust anything he says when gaia decides to listen to you instead of him he snaps yelling at rain for corrupting his friend before he decides to teleport gaia away to start restoring her to her true self and he's going to make you help by forcing you to face off against the shadow keeper the beast that arboret and his warriors of darkness fought 100 years ago like they did before you bring down the monster and after the fight matron gives guy a back but something's wrong with her the memories of her past start coming back and she remembers seeing the warriors of light and the shadow keeper but it's all still fuzzy matron reappears to fill in the blanks for the reason she remembered the battle was because 100 years ago she and matron had combined their powers to create the beast the reason reign had thought gaia felt like emmett's self when they had first met was because the woman was an asian reborn she and matron had merged bodies and souls to fight the warriors of light but when arvid had struck them down gaia had died allowing her to be reborn while matron had been turned into eaton she got to live on without him but now that they're back together he won't let her be taken away from him again rain tries to empathize with him having been held against her will herself she can understand how trapped and helpless he must feel but that doesn't give him the right to steal gaia's memories but having known true happiness with gaia matron can't handle the fact that fate tore them apart he decides that he will merge with her again restoring her memories all at once he begins the process and gaias gaia's askian mask appears revealing that he has been telling the truth the entire time as her other memories start to return faster she looks at rain and has no idea who the girl is with her mind cleared of all the distracting memories of her human side matron finally rejoins with her the sight of their merged form activates the echo and you're taken to an image of matron and guyer in her true form as logarith her memory was distorted even then because after revert it takes time and a little coaxing for aseans to remember who they were matron tells her that they were members of the convocation of 14 who worked alongside him itself la jabrea and the other top aseans to summon zodiac originally gaia was supposed to act as zodiac's heart but the job eventually went to elitabus and despite everything that happened and all of the trials that they had faced matrana had stayed by guy's side trying to protect her but he couldn't stop heidelen from shattering the world or gaia emin selk had restored her memories so she could help them restore the world to what it had been before heidlin dropkick zodiac and shattered everything but she and matron only had the true power to help when they joined together and god was okay with that because she cared for matron as much as he cared for her she makes him promise that they'll never be separated again and he vows that even if fate tears them apart he will find her and when he calls out to her she swears that she'll always come running when the vision ends matron reveals that he and gaia were always destined to be together but he didn't have the power to restore sundered souls to their rightful place like emmett celt could without merging with them with the process complete gaia restored to her place as lagra with that done they can move forward with restoring the world to what it had once been and carving out their own utopia where they could spend eternity together rain doesn't care about anything he said she just wants a friend back which seems a bit selfish yes she and gaia became best friends but ignoring the fact that gaia and matron have generations of history together because you want somebody to hang out with is kind of childish especially after the echo revealed that matron has been telling the truth she goes so far as to call his plan to get gaia back a wicked scheme as if the two of them hadn't promised to fight for each other centuries before so matron refusing to allow servants of heidelin to tear him and gaia apart again draws rings greatest fears out and makes them manifest forcing you to fight what has to be the coolest looking version of banquet ever the fate breaker when you overcome the monstrosity matron can't believe that you a fragmented soul was able to overcome the manifestation of your fears when they the unsung adassians couldn't clearly he doesn't know what you are but he has been out of the loop for a while so it's understandable while he's distracted by his thoughts the moral side of gaia begins to rebel against her assy in half so matron begins purging the memories brought on by her time with the servants of light then to make sure you cause no further problems he decides to kill you so he can get back to his important work matron begins to absorb large amounts of ether so much so that if you don't stop him the entirety of the first will be destroyed and then the battle begins you face off against the combined form of matron and gaia just like arbor had done in the past but this time when you win both of their souls are sent into the rift in the void the pair talked but where gaia had died the last time this time matron dies and is free to be reborn something that gaia believes he should be happy with since it means fake can bring them together again in another life but it may be her that finds him the next time it sounds good but he doesn't even think she'll remember him for long however she's decided to keep a diary so that even if her memories fade her words won't and she'll make sure that generations to come know the tale of the girl bound by duty and her loyal protector who fought by her side through it all a story that is nearly identical to the story of thankford and philia although gaia has a bit more to offer than telling you to return to the waking sands with a smile on his face matron fades off to be reborn some other time leaving gaia alone in the void until rin reaches out through the necklace they made and pulls her back to the first when her soul returns to her body the ether that had been stored and eaten bursts out restoring the empty to a place better described as a utopia ring wishes the others could see what they've done and since guys in asian she may be able to learn to travel to other worlds so she could tell bankrupt them to others all about it but until then the kids have other things to do like preparing for their festival this concludes the story of eden if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up and make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out on the next video you
Channel: Chronicler of Lore
Views: 25,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FFXIV, Final Fantasy XIV, Lore, The Story of, The Complete Story, Eden, Eden's Gate, Eden's Verse, Eden's Promise, Ryne, Gaia, Ascians
Id: sSRDZ8uK-5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 44sec (2564 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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