Ideal Fruiting and Surface Conditions

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[Music] what's up students it's pgt sensei we're back again in class today i'm going to teach you what you need to do in order to get your tub to start producing pins and mushrooms after i spawn my grain and substrate into my 12 quart tubs i shut the lid on them and they leave them alone for about 10 to 15 days on average notice about five to seven days in the my slim starts to cover the surface i let it go for about another week to let the mycelium network strengthen and consolidate before i move on to the next step so the next step is i'm going to introduce rooting conditions to my tub fruiting conditions just means you're increasing the fresh air exchange rate while also maintaining high humidity this is where missing and kind of flipping the lid thing comes into play some people like to start fruiting conditions right after spawning which i think is fine as well i just choose not to do this i keep the lid shut because i find it helps keep the humidity in there much longer now i open up my lid and i check my surface conditions if yours is anything like mines you might notice little white lint looking balls on the surface this is primordius this is a good sign this means that your tub is getting ready to pin now one of the key points for fruiting is you want to keep temperatures ideally between 70 to 80 degrees fahrenheit or 21.28 degrees celsius the lower your room temperatures are the slower things will progress in my experience i can still grow them around 65 degrees however things move a lot quicker when you're in the ideal range around 75 degrees so if you have primordials how do you get pins to happen pins form when there's a perfect microclimate condition of moisture evaporating and this is where i use the flare saw mister here to create that condition so i will mist the tub gently to try and create lots of little water bead droplets on the surface now when these water bead droplets start to slowly evaporate this is going to help induce spinning now some people ask about light light i don't find it very key depending um it's not required to grow but it helps light primary function is to kind of give direction for the fruits grow towards kind of like a plant leaning towards the sunny side of the hill i just use ambient light from my room and from a window it's plenty enough for growing a grow light is completely optional another thing about the mist thing you can use a normal mister bottle as well i just wouldn't spray it directly on there you want to point the mr bottle upwards and spray up and kind of let the mist gently fall onto the surface you want like a fine mist onto your surface and you want to make sure that the water droplets stay resting on the surface another way you can check for this if you take a tub and you shine a flashlight onto it you can see the little micro beads reflect the light and it's a lot easier to see so once you see a bunch of those beads on the surface you're pretty much set on the surface conditions now after i finish with this i'm going to flip the lid on my tub and i'm going to rest it on top with a small gap open now this small gap is going to allow a passive fresh air exchange to happen and this is generally all you need to provide them i don't really fan them at this point i just keep an eye out on the tubs if i notice things start to get dry i will miss to keep the humidity up how often you need to miss will kind of depend on your ambient room humidity if you live in a drier climate and notice your tub walls don't have condensation on them anymore that's an indication that it's time to miss the tubs in order to keep the humidity up if you're growing in the summer or something and it's very humid out you probably don't need to miss at all if things are too wet in your tub however and you notice water start to pull up in there you want to wake up that excess water with a clean paper towel water pulling on the surface is not ideal it's going to cause issues if left unattended after you notice primordial is about five to ten days afterwards the pins are going to start to form you want to avoid misting the pins directly if you can a little mist on them won't hurt but if the caps are too wet it could lead to some bacterial growth on them so i just avoid missing them directly what i do instead is i'll miss the walls of the tub and i'll miss the ceiling of the tub to have condensation on there and this is going to help keep humidity up in there here once your pins start to get a little bit bigger uh this is where i will go ahead and switch over to a dub tub i'm basically putting another tub flipped over on top of it now what this is gonna do is it'll provide room for your fruits to grow upwards too the tub is also clear so this allows light to come in from directly above them it allows them to kind of grow straight up if you keep the opaque lid on top what's going to happen is they're going to try to grow towards the side walls where light can get in from so just a little tip if you want to have your fruits growing straight up and i'll miss the top tub here just to kind of help keep up the humidity in here and i rested on top now key thing here is with the tub resting on top there's going to be a little gap here this gap here is enough to provide fresh air exchange for them now when the pins start to get mature this is when they kind of ramp up their co2 production and if left unattended too most of the time they grow just fine however you might notice they might have some fuzziness around the feet to the stem a little fuzziness is normal not to worry the only time you need to worry is that fuzziness kind of travels like way up the stem or like halfway or more that means you're not getting enough fresh air exchange after suffocating to fix this you can adjust the gap for passive fresh air exchange increase that gap or what you can do is kind of open them up just kind of fan the tub out for 10 seconds this is going to burp out the excess co2 that's sitting in there and then you put it back into fruiting conditions if you just fan too often things can dry out so missing is very important to keep humidity up in there now it's going to take some experimenting to be able to dial into perfect conditions for them a lot of this is dependent on your ambient room conditions like temperature humidity and the rate of airflow in the room so just play around just to adjust the fit accordingly to what your room conditions are like i hope this gives you a good understanding of what conditions you need to keep your mushrooms happy and healthy if you find my content useful please leave a like on the video and share it with anyone you think it might help it really helps this channel out i want to send a big thank you to my patreons for sponsoring this video if you want to support me you can use my amazon affiliate links or make purchases for my merch store or support me directly on patreon i do have exclusive content on patreon that's not available on youtube and if you're interested in learning more about mycology i urge you to come join the discord community all links will be listed in the description below with that said thank you very much for watching my video and i'll see you guys in the next class peace out
Channel: PhillyGoldenTeacher
Views: 552,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mushroom, mushrooms, how to grow mushroom, how to grow mushrooms, mycology, fruiting conditions
Id: P0JvQ7_2V4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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